# Contribution Guidelines - If you think you've found a security vulnerability, please email delfin@avery.cafe ## Bug Reports and Feature Requests You can report bugs or file feature requests on the [issue tracker](https://codeberg.org/avery42/delfin). - Before creating an issue, do a quick search to check if the issue has already been reported. - When creating an issue, please choose the appropriate template, and follow it to the best of your ability. - Following the templates helps to ensure that you include the relevant information in your issue, and reduces back and forth. ## Development See [Development Setup](https://codeberg.org/avery42/delfin#development-setup). Before working on a change or new feature, please open an issue for discussion. At this stage, Delfin aims to provide a cohesive UI for the most important features. Before implementation, there should be a discussion about how a new feature will fit into the app, along with whether the feature even belongs in the first place. ## Translations Contributions to translations are welcome on [Weblate](https://translate.codeberg.org/projects/delfin/). Delfin's translations are using the [Fluent localization system](https://projectfluent.org/). A syntax guide is availble [here](https://projectfluent.org/fluent/guide/). Translation status
Translation status