add binary parsers for TLSA

This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Fry 2017-11-10 13:37:14 -08:00
parent e979027178
commit 7fdb8a3f17
7 changed files with 400 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ Zones will be automatically resigned on any record updates via dynamic DNS.
- [RFC 4035]( Protocol Modifications for DNSSEC
- [RFC 4509]( SHA-256 in DNSSEC Delegation Signer
- [RFC 5702]( SHA-2 Algorithms with RSA in DNSKEY and RRSIG for DNSSEC
- [RFC 6698]( The DNS-Based Authentication of Named Entities (DANE) Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol: TLSA
- [RFC 6840]( Clarifications and Implementation Notes for DNSSEC
- [RFC 6944]( DNSKEY Algorithm Implementation Status
- [RFC 6975]( Signaling Cryptographic Algorithm Understanding

View File

@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ impl RDataParser for RData {
RecordType::PTR => RData::PTR(name::parse(tokens, origin)?),
RecordType::SOA => RData::SOA(soa::parse(tokens, origin)?),
RecordType::SRV => RData::SRV(srv::parse(tokens, origin)?),
RecordType::TLSA => unimplemented!(),//RData::TLSA(tlsa::parse(tokens, origin)?),
RecordType::TXT => RData::TXT(txt::parse(tokens)?),
RecordType::DNSSEC(DNSSECRecordType::SIG) => panic!("parsing SIG doesn't make sense"), // valid panic, never should happen
RecordType::DNSSEC(DNSSECRecordType::DNSKEY) => panic!("DNSKEY should be dynamically generated"), // valid panic, never should happen

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ pub mod null;
pub mod opt;
pub mod soa;
pub mod srv;
pub mod tlsa;
pub mod txt;
pub use self::caa::CAA;
@ -36,4 +37,5 @@ pub use self::null::NULL;
pub use self::opt::OPT;
pub use self::srv::SRV;
pub use self::soa::SOA;
pub use self::tlsa::TLSA;
pub use self::txt::TXT;

proto/src/rr/rdata/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
// Copyright 2015-2017 Benjamin Fry <>
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or
//>, at your option. This file may not be
// copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
//! text records for storing arbitrary data
use serialize::binary::*;
use error::*;
/// [RFC 6698, DNS-Based Authentication for TLS](
/// ```text
/// 2.1. TLSA RDATA Wire Format
/// The RDATA for a TLSA RR consists of a one-octet certificate usage
/// field, a one-octet selector field, a one-octet matching type field,
/// and the certificate association data field.
/// 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
/// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
/// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
/// | Cert. Usage | Selector | Matching Type | /
/// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ /
/// / /
/// / Certificate Association Data /
/// / /
/// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone)]
pub struct TLSA {
cert_usage: CertUsage,
selector: Selector,
matching: Matching,
cert_data: Vec<u8>,
/// [RFC 6698, DNS-Based Authentication for TLS](
/// ```text
/// 2.1.1. The Certificate Usage Field
/// A one-octet value, called "certificate usage", specifies the provided
/// association that will be used to match the certificate presented in
/// the TLS handshake. This value is defined in a new IANA registry (see
/// Section 7.2) in order to make it easier to add additional certificate
/// usages in the future. The certificate usages defined in this
/// document are:
/// 0 -- CA
/// 1 -- Service
/// 2 -- TrustAnchor
/// 3 -- DomainIssued
/// The certificate usages defined in this document explicitly only apply
/// to PKIX-formatted certificates in DER encoding [X.690]. If TLS
/// allows other formats later, or if extensions to this RRtype are made
/// that accept other formats for certificates, those certificates will
/// need their own certificate usage values.
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum CertUsage {
/// ```text
/// 0 -- Certificate usage 0 is used to specify a CA certificate, or
/// the public key of such a certificate, that MUST be found in any of
/// the PKIX certification paths for the end entity certificate given
/// by the server in TLS. This certificate usage is sometimes
/// referred to as "CA constraint" because it limits which CA can be
/// used to issue certificates for a given service on a host. The
/// presented certificate MUST pass PKIX certification path
/// validation, and a CA certificate that matches the TLSA record MUST
/// be included as part of a valid certification path. Because this
/// certificate usage allows both trust anchors and CA certificates,
/// the certificate might or might not have the basicConstraints
/// extension present.
/// ```
/// ```text
/// 1 -- Certificate usage 1 is used to specify an end entity
/// certificate, or the public key of such a certificate, that MUST be
/// matched with the end entity certificate given by the server in
/// TLS. This certificate usage is sometimes referred to as "service
/// certificate constraint" because it limits which end entity
/// certificate can be used by a given service on a host. The target
/// certificate MUST pass PKIX certification path validation and MUST
/// match the TLSA record.
/// ```
/// ```text
/// 2 -- Certificate usage 2 is used to specify a certificate, or the
/// public key of such a certificate, that MUST be used as the trust
/// anchor when validating the end entity certificate given by the
/// server in TLS. This certificate usage is sometimes referred to as
/// "trust anchor assertion" and allows a domain name administrator to
/// specify a new trust anchor -- for example, if the domain issues
/// its own certificates under its own CA that is not expected to be
/// in the end users' collection of trust anchors. The target
/// certificate MUST pass PKIX certification path validation, with any
/// certificate matching the TLSA record considered to be a trust
/// anchor for this certification path validation.
/// ```
/// ```text
/// 3 -- Certificate usage 3 is used to specify a certificate, or the
/// public key of such a certificate, that MUST match the end entity
/// certificate given by the server in TLS. This certificate usage is
/// sometimes referred to as "domain-issued certificate" because it
/// allows for a domain name administrator to issue certificates for a
/// domain without involving a third-party CA. The target certificate
/// MUST match the TLSA record. The difference between certificate
/// usage 1 and certificate usage 3 is that certificate usage 1
/// requires that the certificate pass PKIX validation, but PKIX
/// validation is not tested for certificate usage 3.
/// ```
/// Unassined at the time of this implementation
/// Private usage
impl From<u8> for CertUsage {
fn from(usage: u8) -> Self {
match usage {
0 => CertUsage::CA,
1 => CertUsage::Service,
2 => CertUsage::TrustAnchor,
3 => CertUsage::DomainIssued,
4...254 => CertUsage::Unassigned(usage),
255 => CertUsage::Private,
_ => panic!("programmer error, all CertUsage variants should be covered above"),
impl From<CertUsage> for u8 {
fn from(usage: CertUsage) -> u8 {
match usage {
CertUsage::CA => 0,
CertUsage::Service => 1,
CertUsage::TrustAnchor => 2,
CertUsage::DomainIssued => 3,
CertUsage::Unassigned(usage) => usage,
CertUsage::Private => 255,
/// [RFC 6698, DNS-Based Authentication for TLS](
/// ```text
/// 2.1.2. The Selector Field
/// A one-octet value, called "selector", specifies which part of the TLS
/// certificate presented by the server will be matched against the
/// association data. This value is defined in a new IANA registry (see
/// Section 7.3). The selectors defined in this document are:
/// 0 -- Full
/// 1 -- Spki
/// (Note that the use of "selector" in this document is completely
/// unrelated to the use of "selector" in DomainKeys Identified Mail
/// (DKIM) [RFC6376].)
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum Selector {
/// ```
/// 0 -- Full certificate: the Certificate binary structure as defined
/// in [RFC5280]
/// ```
/// ```
/// 1 -- SubjectPublicKeyInfo: DER-encoded binary structure as defined
/// in [RFC5280]
/// ```
/// Unassigned at the time of this writing
/// Private usage
impl From<u8> for Selector {
fn from(selector: u8) -> Self {
match selector {
0 => Selector::Full,
1 => Selector::Spki,
2...254 => Selector::Unassigned(selector),
255 => Selector::Private,
_ => panic!("programmer error, all Selector variants should be covered above"),
impl From<Selector> for u8 {
fn from(selector: Selector) -> u8 {
match selector {
Selector::Full => 0,
Selector::Spki => 1,
Selector::Unassigned(selector) => selector,
Selector::Private => 255,
/// [RFC 6698, DNS-Based Authentication for TLS](
/// ```text
/// 2.1.3. The Matching Type Field
/// A one-octet value, called "matching type", specifies how the
/// certificate association is presented. This value is defined in a new
/// IANA registry (see Section 7.4). The types defined in this document
/// are:
/// 0 -- Raw
/// 1 -- Sha256
/// 2 -- Sha512
/// If the TLSA record's matching type is a hash, having the record use
/// the same hash algorithm that was used in the signature in the
/// certificate (if possible) will assist clients that support a small
/// number of hash algorithms.
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum Matching {
/// ``` text
/// 0 -- Exact match on selected content
/// ```
/// ``` text
/// 1 -- SHA-256 hash of selected content [RFC6234]
/// ```
/// ``` text
/// 2 -- SHA-512 hash of selected content [RFC6234]
/// ```
/// Unassigned at the time of this writing
/// Private usage
impl From<u8> for Matching {
fn from(matching: u8) -> Self {
match matching {
0 => Matching::Raw,
1 => Matching::Sha256,
2 => Matching::Sha512,
3...254 => Matching::Unassigned(matching),
255 => Matching::Private,
_ => panic!("programmer error, all Matching variants should be covered above"),
impl From<Matching> for u8 {
fn from(matching: Matching) -> u8 {
match matching {
Matching::Raw => 0,
Matching::Sha256 => 1,
Matching::Sha512 => 2,
Matching::Unassigned(matching) => matching,
Matching::Private => 255,
impl TLSA {
/// Constructs a new TLSA
/// [RFC 6698, DNS-Based Authentication for TLS](
/// ```text
/// 2. The TLSA Resource Record
/// The TLSA DNS resource record (RR) is used to associate a TLS server
/// certificate or public key with the domain name where the record is
/// found, thus forming a "TLSA certificate association". The semantics
/// of how the TLSA RR is interpreted are given later in this document.
/// The type value for the TLSA RR type is defined in Section 7.1.
/// The TLSA RR is class independent.
/// The TLSA RR has no special Time to Live (TTL) requirements.
/// ```
pub fn new(cert_usage: CertUsage,
selector: Selector,
matching: Matching,
cert_data: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
/// Read the RData from the given Decoder
/// ```text
/// 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
/// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
/// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
/// | Cert. Usage | Selector | Matching Type | /
/// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ /
/// / /
/// / Certificate Association Data /
/// / /
/// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
/// ```
pub fn read(decoder: &mut BinDecoder, rdata_length: u16) -> ProtoResult<TLSA> {
let cert_usage = decoder.read_u8()?.into();
let selector = decoder.read_u8()?.into();
let matching = decoder.read_u8()?.into();
// the remaining data is for the cert
let cert_data = decoder.read_vec((rdata_length - 3) as usize)?;
Ok(TLSA{ cert_usage, selector, matching, cert_data})
/// Write the RData from the given Decoder
pub fn emit(encoder: &mut BinEncoder, tlsa: &TLSA) -> ProtoResult<()> {
fn test() {

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ use serialize::binary::*;
use super::domain::Name;
use super::record_type::RecordType;
use super::rdata;
use super::rdata::{CAA, MX, NULL, OPT, SOA, SRV, TXT};
use super::rdata::{CAA, MX, NULL, OPT, SOA, SRV, TLSA, TXT};
#[cfg(feature = "dnssec")]
use super::dnssec::rdata::DNSSECRData;
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ pub enum RData {
/// length of the RDATA section.
/// ```
/// ```text
/// 3.3. Standard RRs
@ -347,6 +347,21 @@ pub enum RData {
/// ```
/// [RFC 6698, DNS-Based Authentication for TLS](
/// ```text
/// 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
/// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
/// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
/// | Cert. Usage | Selector | Matching Type | /
/// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ /
/// / /
/// / Certificate Association Data /
/// / /
/// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
/// ```
/// ```text
/// 3.3.14. TXT RDATA format
@ -446,6 +461,10 @@ impl RData {
debug!("reading SRV");
RecordType::TLSA => {
debug!("reading TLSA");
RData::TLSA(try!(rdata::tlsa::read(decoder, rdata_length)))
RecordType::TXT => {
debug!("reading TXT");
RData::TXT(try!(rdata::txt::read(decoder, rdata_length)))
@ -501,6 +520,7 @@ impl RData {
RData::SOA(ref soa) => rdata::soa::emit(encoder, soa),
// to_lowercase for rfc4034 and rfc6840
RData::SRV(ref srv) => rdata::srv::emit(encoder, srv),
RData::TLSA(ref tlsa) => rdata::tlsa::emit(encoder, tlsa),
RData::TXT(ref txt) => rdata::txt::emit(encoder, txt),
#[cfg(feature = "dnssec")]
RData::DNSSEC(ref rdata) => rdata.emit(encoder),
@ -521,10 +541,10 @@ impl RData {
RData::PTR(..) => RecordType::PTR,
RData::SOA(..) => RecordType::SOA,
RData::SRV(..) => RecordType::SRV,
RData::TLSA(..) => RecordType::TLSA,
RData::TXT(..) => RecordType::TXT,
#[cfg(feature = "dnssec")]
RData::DNSSEC(ref rdata) =>
RData::DNSSEC(ref rdata) => RecordType::DNSSEC(DNSSECRData::to_record_type(rdata)),
@ -856,11 +876,7 @@ mod tests {
let mut decoder = BinDecoder::new(&binary);
&mut decoder,
RData::read(&mut decoder, record_type_from_rdata(&expect), length).unwrap(),
@ -880,6 +896,7 @@ mod tests {
RData::PTR(..) => RecordType::PTR,
RData::SOA(..) => RecordType::SOA,
RData::SRV(..) => RecordType::SRV,
RData::TLSA(..) => RecordType::TLSA,
RData::TXT(..) => RecordType::TXT,
#[cfg(feature = "dnssec")]
RData::DNSSEC(ref rdata) => {

View File

@ -75,7 +75,8 @@ pub enum RecordType {
// SSHFP, // 44 RFC 4255 SSH Public Key Fingerprint
// TA, // 32768 N/A DNSSEC Trust Authorities
// TKEY, // 249 RFC 2930 Secret key record
// TLSA, // 52 RFC 6698 TLSA certificate association
/// RFC 6698 TLSA certificate association
// TSIG, // 250 RFC 2845 Transaction Signature
/// RFC 1035[1] Text record
@ -109,6 +110,7 @@ impl RecordType {
"PTR" => Ok(RecordType::PTR),
"SOA" => Ok(RecordType::SOA),
"SRV" => Ok(RecordType::SRV),
"TLSA" => Ok(RecordType::TLSA),
"TXT" => Ok(RecordType::TXT),
"ANY" | "*" => Ok(RecordType::ANY),
"AXFR" => Ok(RecordType::AXFR),
@ -139,6 +141,7 @@ impl RecordType {
12 => Ok(RecordType::PTR),
6 => Ok(RecordType::SOA),
33 => Ok(RecordType::SRV),
52 => Ok(RecordType::TLSA),
16 => Ok(RecordType::TXT),
#[cfg(feature = "dnssec")]
value => Ok(RecordType::DNSSEC(DNSSECRecordType::from_u16(value)?)),
@ -192,6 +195,7 @@ impl From<RecordType> for &'static str {
RecordType::PTR => "PTR",
RecordType::SOA => "SOA",
RecordType::SRV => "SRV",
RecordType::TLSA => "TLSA",
RecordType::TXT => "TXT",
#[cfg(feature = "dnssec")]
RecordType::DNSSEC(rt) => rt.into(),
@ -225,6 +229,7 @@ impl From<RecordType> for u16 {
RecordType::PTR => 12,
RecordType::SOA => 6,
RecordType::SRV => 33,
RecordType::TLSA => 52,
RecordType::TXT => 16,
#[cfg(feature = "dnssec")]
RecordType::DNSSEC(rt) => rt.into(),

View File

@ -153,6 +153,11 @@ impl<'a> BinEncoder<'a> {
/// Emit one byte into the buffer
pub fn emit_u8(&mut self, data: u8) -> ProtoResult<()> {
/// Writes a u16 in network byte order to the buffer
pub fn emit_u16(&mut self, data: u16) -> ProtoResult<()> {
self.buffer.reserve(2); // two bytes coming