add more documentation to client modules

This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Fry 2016-11-02 23:49:53 -07:00
parent 21e629ca1b
commit a4bd5bb93f
6 changed files with 31 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
### Fixed
- Randomized ports for client connections and message ids, #23
- OpCode::From for u8 removed, added OpCode::from_u8(), #36
- Fix for named startup related to ipv6, #56
### Changed
- Upgraded OpenSSL to 0.8.* #50

View File

@ -31,11 +31,13 @@ use ::serialize::binary::*;
use ::client::ClientConnection;
/// The Client is abstracted over either trust_dns::tcp::TcpClientConnection or
/// trust_dns::udp::UdpClientConnection, usage of TCP or UDP is up to the user. Some DNS servers
/// trust_dns::udp::UdpClientConnection
/// Usage of TCP or UDP is up to the user. Some DNS servers
/// disallow TCP in some cases, so if TCP double check if UDP works.
/// *note* As of 0.8.0, Client as been deprecated in favor of ClientFuture
/// *note* As of 0.8.0, Client as been deprecated in favor of `trust_dns::client::ClientFuture`
#[deprecated = "see trust_dns::client::ClientFuture"]
pub struct Client<C: ClientConnection> {
client_connection: RefCell<C>,
trust_anchor: TrustAnchor,

View File

@ -30,6 +30,10 @@ const QOS_MAX_RECEIVE_MSGS: usize = 100; // max number of messages to receive fr
type StreamHandle = Sender<Vec<u8>>;
/// A DNS Client implemented over futures-rs.
/// This Client is generic and capable of wrapping UDP, TCP, and other underlying DNS protocol
/// implementations.
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless polled"]
pub struct ClientFuture<S: Stream<Item=Vec<u8>, Error=io::Error>> {
stream: S,
@ -284,8 +288,12 @@ impl<S: Stream<Item=Vec<u8>, Error=io::Error> + 'static> Future for ClientFuture
/// Root ClientHandle implementaton returned by ClientFuture
/// This can be used directly to perform queries. See `trust_dns::client::SecureClientHandle` for
/// a DNSSEc chain validator.
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless polled"]
#[must_use = "queries can only be sent through a ClientHandle"]
pub struct BasicClientHandle {
message_sender: Sender<(Message, Complete<ClientResult<Message>>)>,
@ -309,6 +317,8 @@ impl ClientHandle for BasicClientHandle {
/// A trait for implementing high level functions of DNS.
#[must_use = "queries can only be sent through a ClientHandle"]
pub trait ClientHandle: Clone {
/// Send a message via the channel in the client
@ -319,7 +329,7 @@ pub trait ClientHandle: Clone {
/// being stable.
fn send(&self, message: Message) -> Box<Future<Item=Message, Error=ClientError>>;
/// A *classic* DNS query, i.e. does not perform and DNSSec operations
/// A *classic* DNS query
/// *Note* As of now, this will not recurse on PTR or CNAME record responses, that is up to
/// the caller.
@ -329,9 +339,6 @@ pub trait ClientHandle: Clone {
/// * `name` - the label to lookup
/// * `query_class` - most likely this should always be DNSClass::IN
/// * `query_type` - record type to lookup
/// TODO: The result of this should be generified to allow for Caches and SecureBasicClientHandle
/// to all share a trait
fn query(&self, name: domain::Name, query_class: DNSClass, query_type: RecordType)
-> Box<Future<Item=Message, Error=ClientError>> {
debug!("querying: {} {:?}", name, query_type);

View File

@ -15,13 +15,20 @@ use ::client::rc_future::{rc_future, RcFuture};
use ::error::*;
use ::op::{Message, Query};
/// Will return memoized (cached) responses to queries
/// This wraps a ClientHandle, changing the implementation `send()` to store the response against
/// the Message.Query that was sent. This should reduce network traffic especially during things
/// like DNSSec validation. *Warning* this will currently cache for the life of the Client.
#[must_use = "queries can only be sent through a ClientHandle"]
pub struct MemoizeClientHandle<H: ClientHandle> {
client: H,
active_queries: Rc<RefCell<HashMap<Query, RcFuture<Box<Future<Item=Message, Error=ClientError>>>>>>,
impl<H> MemoizeClientHandle<H> where H: ClientHandle {
/// Returns a new handle wrapping the specified client
pub fn new(client: H) -> MemoizeClientHandle<H> {
MemoizeClientHandle { client: client, active_queries: Rc::new(RefCell::new(HashMap::new())) }

View File

@ -11,7 +11,11 @@ use ::client::ClientHandle;
use ::error::*;
use ::op::Message;
/// Can be used to reattempt a queries if they fail
/// *note* Current value of this is not clear, it may be removed
#[must_use = "queries can only be sent through a ClientHandle"]
pub struct RetryClientHandle<H: ClientHandle> {
client: H,
attempts: usize,

View File

@ -28,12 +28,13 @@ struct Rrset {
pub records: Vec<Record>,
/// A ClientHandle which will return DNSSec validating futures.
/// Performs DNSSec validation of all DNS responses from the wrapped ClientHandle
/// This wraps a ClientHandle, changing the implementation `send()` to validate all
/// message responses for Query operations. Update operation responses are not validated by
/// this process.
#[must_use = "queries can only be sent through a ClientHandle"]
pub struct SecureClientHandle<H: ClientHandle + 'static> {
client: H,
trust_anchor: Rc<TrustAnchor>,