Add conformance tests for NSEC3

This commit is contained in:
Christian Poveda 2024-06-13 10:44:50 -05:00 committed by Benjamin Fry
parent 198128ca48
commit da5423cb06
5 changed files with 401 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
mod rfc4035;
mod rfc5155;
mod scenarios;

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@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::net::Ipv4Addr;
use dns_test::client::{Client, DigSettings, DigStatus};
use dns_test::name_server::NameServer;
use dns_test::record::{Record, RecordType, NSEC3};
use dns_test::{Network, Result, FQDN};
/// An NSEC3 RR is said to "match" a name if the owner name of the NSEC3 RR is the same as the
/// hashed owner name of that name.
fn find_match<'a>(name_hash: &str, records: &'a BTreeMap<String, NSEC3>) -> Option<&'a NSEC3> {
/// An NSEC3 RR is said to cover a name if the hash of the name or "next closer" name falls between
/// the owner name and the next hashed owner name of the NSEC3. In other words, if it proves the
/// nonexistence of the name, either directly or by proving the nonexistence of an ancestor of the
/// name.
fn find_cover<'a>(name_hash: &str, records: &'a BTreeMap<String, NSEC3>) -> Option<&'a NSEC3> {
let (hash, candidate) = records
// Find the greater hash that is less or equal than the name's hash.
// If no value is less or equal than the name's hash, it means that the name's hash is out
// of range and the last record covers it.
.or_else(|| records.last_key_value())?;
// If the found hash is exactly the name's hash, return None as it wouldn't be proving its
// nonexistence. Otherwise return the RR with that hash.
(hash != name_hash).then_some(candidate)
/// This proof consists of (up to) two different NSEC3 RRs:
/// - An NSEC3 RR that matches the closest (provable) encloser.
/// - An NSEC3 RR that covers the "next closer" name to the closest encloser.
fn closest_encloser_proof<'a>(
closest_encloser_hash: &str,
next_closer_name_hash: &str,
records: &'a BTreeMap<String, NSEC3>,
) -> Option<(&'a NSEC3, &'a NSEC3)> {
find_match(closest_encloser_hash, records)?,
find_cover(next_closer_name_hash, records)?,
fn query_nameserver(
records: impl IntoIterator<Item = Record>,
qname: &FQDN,
qtype: RecordType,
) -> Result<(BTreeMap<String, NSEC3>, DigStatus, Vec<NSEC3>)> {
let network = Network::new()?;
let mut ns = NameServer::new(&dns_test::SUBJECT, FQDN::ROOT, &network)?;
for record in records {
let ns = ns.sign()?;
// Extract the NSEC3 RRs from the signed zonefile and sort them by the hash embedded in the
// last label of each record's owner.
let nsec3_rrs = ns
.filter_map(|rr| {
let mut nsec3_rr = rr.try_into_nsec3().ok()?;
nsec3_rr.next_hashed_owner_name = nsec3_rr.next_hashed_owner_name.to_uppercase();
Some((nsec3_rr.fqdn.last_label().to_uppercase(), nsec3_rr))
.collect::<BTreeMap<_, _>>();
let ns = ns.start()?;
let client = Client::new(&network)?;
let output = client.dig(
let nsec3_rrs_response = output
.filter_map(|rr| rr.try_into_nsec3().ok())
Ok((nsec3_rrs, output.status, nsec3_rrs_response))
fn find_records<'a>(
records: &[NSEC3],
records_and_err_msgs: impl IntoIterator<Item = (&'a NSEC3, &'a str)>,
) {
for (record, err_msg) in records_and_err_msgs {
records.iter().find(|&rr| rr == record).expect(err_msg);
const ALICE_FQDN: &str = "";
const BOB_FQDN: &str = "";
const CHARLIE_FQDN: &str = "";
const WILDCARD_FQDN: &str = "*";
// These hashes are computed with 1 iteration of SHA-1 without salt and must be recomputed if
// those parameters were to change.
const ALICE_HASH: &str = "LLKH4L6I60VHAPP6VRM3DFR9RI8AK9I0"; /* h( */
const CHARLIE_HASH: &str = "99P1CCPQ2N64LIRMT2838O4HK0QFA51B"; /* h( */
const WILDCARD_HASH: &str = "19GBV5V1BO0P51H34JQDH1C8CIAA5RAQ"; /* h(* */
// This test checks that name servers produce a name error response compliant with section 7.2.2.
// of RFC5155.
fn name_error_response() -> Result<()> {
let alice_fqdn = FQDN(ALICE_FQDN)?;
let bob_fqdn = FQDN(BOB_FQDN)?;
// The queried name
let qname = FQDN(CHARLIE_FQDN)?;
let (nsec3_rrs, status, nsec3_rrs_response) = query_nameserver(
Record::a(alice_fqdn, Ipv4Addr::new(1, 2, 3, 4)),
Record::a(bob_fqdn, Ipv4Addr::new(1, 2, 3, 5)),
// Closest Encloser Proof
// The closest encloser of a name is its longest existing ancestor. In this scenario, the
// closest encloser of `` is `` as this is the longest ancestor with an
// existing RR.
// The next closer name of a name is the name one label longer than its closest encloser. In
// this scenario, the closest encloser is `` which means that the next closer name is ``
// If this panics, it probably means that the precomputed hashes must be recomputed.
let (closest_encloser_rr, next_closer_name_rr) =
closest_encloser_proof(ALICE_HASH, CHARLIE_HASH, &nsec3_rrs)
.expect("Cannot find a closest encloser proof in the zonefile");
// Wildcard at the closet encloser RR: Must cover the wildcard at the closest encloser of
// In this scenario, the closest encloser is ``, so the wildcard at the closer
// encloser is `*`.
// This NSEC3 RR must cover the hash of the wildcard at the closests encloser.
// if this panics, it probably means that the precomputed hashes must be recomputed.
let wildcard_rr =
find_cover(WILDCARD_HASH, &nsec3_rrs).expect("No RR in the zonefile covers the wildcard");
// Now we check that the response has the three NSEC3 RRs.
"No RR in the response matches the closest encloser",
"No RR in the response covers the next closer name",
(wildcard_rr, "No RR in the response covers the wildcard"),
// This test checks that name servers produce a no data response compliant with section 7.2.3.
// of RFC5155 when the query type is not DS.
fn no_data_response_not_ds() -> Result<()> {
let alice_fqdn = FQDN(ALICE_FQDN)?;
// The queried name
let qname = alice_fqdn.clone();
let (nsec3_rrs, _status, nsec3_rrs_response) = query_nameserver(
[Record::a(alice_fqdn, Ipv4Addr::new(1, 2, 3, 4))],
// The server MUST include the NSEC3 RR that matches QNAME.
// if this panics, it probably means that the precomputed hashes must be recomputed.
let qname_rr = find_match(ALICE_HASH, &nsec3_rrs).expect("No RR in the zonefile matches QNAME");
[(qname_rr, "No RR in the response matches QNAME")],
// This test checks that name servers produce a no data response compliant with section 7.2.4.
// of RFC5155 when the query type is DS and there is an NSEC3 RR that matches the queried name.
fn no_data_response_ds_match() -> Result<()> {
let alice_fqdn = FQDN(ALICE_FQDN)?;
// The queried name
let qname = alice_fqdn.clone();
let (nsec3_rrs, _status, nsec3_rrs_response) = query_nameserver(
[Record::a(alice_fqdn, Ipv4Addr::new(1, 2, 3, 4))],
// If there is an NSEC3 RR that matches QNAME, the server MUST return it in the response.
// if this panics, it probably means that the precomputed hashes must be recomputed.
let qname_rr = find_match(ALICE_HASH, &nsec3_rrs).expect("No RR in the zonefile matches QNAME");
[(qname_rr, "No RR in the response matches QNAME")],
// This test checks that name servers produce a no data response compliant with section 7.2.4.
// of RFC5155 when the query type is DS and no NSEC3 RR matches the queried name.
fn no_data_response_ds_no_match() -> Result<()> {
let alice_fqdn = FQDN(ALICE_FQDN)?;
// The queried name
let qname = FQDN(CHARLIE_FQDN)?;
let (nsec3_rrs, _status, nsec3_rrs_response) = query_nameserver(
[Record::a(alice_fqdn, Ipv4Addr::new(1, 2, 3, 4))],
// If no NSEC3 RR matches QNAME, the server MUST return a closest provable encloser proof for
// Closest Encloser Proof
// The closest encloser of a name is its longest existing ancestor. In this scenario, the
// closest encloser of `` is `` as this is the longest ancestor with an
// existing RR.
// The next closer name of a name is the name one label longer than its closest encloser. In
// this scenario, the closest encloser is `` which means that the next closer name is ``
// If this panics, it probably means that the precomputed hashes must be recomputed.
let (closest_encloser_rr, next_closer_name_rr) =
closest_encloser_proof(ALICE_HASH, CHARLIE_HASH, &nsec3_rrs)
.expect("Cannot find a closest encloser proof in the zonefile");
"No RR in the response matches the closest encloser",
"No RR in the response covers the next closer name",
// This test checks that name servers produce a wildcard no data response compliant with section 7.2.5.
fn wildcard_no_data_response() -> Result<()> {
let wildcard_fqdn = FQDN(WILDCARD_FQDN)?;
// The queried name
let qname = FQDN(CHARLIE_FQDN)?;
let (nsec3_rrs, _status, nsec3_rrs_response) = query_nameserver(
[Record::a(wildcard_fqdn, Ipv4Addr::new(1, 2, 3, 4))],
// If there is a wildcard match for QNAME, but QTYPE is not present at that name, the response MUST
// include a closest encloser proof for QNAME and MUST include the NSEC3 RR that matches the
// wildcard.
// Closest Encloser Proof
// The closest encloser of a name is its longest existing ancestor. In this scenario, the
// closest encloser of `` is `` as this is the longest ancestor with an
// existing RR.
// The next closer name of a name is the name one label longer than its closest encloser. In
// this scenario, the closest encloser is `` which means that the next closer name is ``
// If this panics, it probably means that the precomputed hashes must be recomputed.
let (closest_encloser_rr, next_closer_name_rr) =
closest_encloser_proof(ALICE_HASH, CHARLIE_HASH, &nsec3_rrs)
.expect("Cannot find a closest encloser proof in the zonefile");
// Wildcard RR: This NSEC3 RR must match `*`.
// If this panics, it probably means that the precomputed hashes must be recomputed.
let wildcard_rr =
find_match(WILDCARD_HASH, &nsec3_rrs).expect("No RR in the zonefile matches the wildcard");
"No RR in the response matches the closest encloser",
"No RR in the response covers the next closer name",
(wildcard_rr, "No RR in the response covers the wildcard"),
// This test checks that name servers produce a wildcard answer response compliant with section 7.2.6.
fn wildcard_answer_response() -> Result<()> {
let wildcard_fqdn = FQDN(WILDCARD_FQDN)?;
// The queried name
let qname = FQDN(CHARLIE_FQDN)?;
let (nsec3_rrs, _status, nsec3_rrs_response) = query_nameserver(
[Record::a(wildcard_fqdn, Ipv4Addr::new(1, 2, 3, 4))],
// If there is a wildcard match for QNAME and QTYPE, then, in addition to the expanded wildcard
// RRSet returned in the answer section of the response, proof that the wildcard match was
// valid must be returned. ... To this end, the NSEC3 RR that covers the "next closer" name of the
// immediate ancestor of the wildcard MUST be returned.
// The next closer name of a name is the name one label longer than its closest encloser. In
// this scenario, the closest encloser is `` which means that the next closer name is ``
// If this panics, it probably means that the precomputed hashes must be recomputed.
let next_closer_name_rr = find_cover(CHARLIE_HASH, &nsec3_rrs)
.expect("No RR in the zonefile covers the next closer name");
"No RR in the response covers the next closer name",

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use std::borrow::Cow;
use crate::{Error, Result};
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
pub struct FQDN {
inner: Cow<'static, str>,
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ pub struct FQDN {
pub fn FQDN(input: impl Into<Cow<'static, str>>) -> Result<FQDN> {
let input = input.into();
if !input.ends_with('.') {
return Err("FQDN must end with a `.`".into());
@ -77,6 +78,10 @@ impl FQDN {
.filter(|label| !label.is_empty())
pub fn last_label(&self) -> &str {
self.inner.split_once('.').map(|(label, _)| label).unwrap()
impl FromStr for FQDN {

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ const CLASS: &str = "IN"; // "internet"
macro_rules! record_types {
($($variant:ident),*) => {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub enum RecordType {
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ macro_rules! record_types {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Record {
@ -150,6 +150,14 @@ impl Record {
pub fn try_into_nsec3(self) -> CoreResult<NSEC3, Self> {
if let Self::NSEC3(v) = self {
} else {
impl FromStr for Record {
@ -192,7 +200,7 @@ impl fmt::Display for Record {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct A {
pub fqdn: FQDN,
pub ttl: u32,
@ -395,7 +403,7 @@ impl fmt::Display for DS {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct NS {
pub zone: FQDN,
pub ttl: u32,
@ -439,7 +447,7 @@ impl FromStr for NS {
// integer types chosen based on bit sizes in section 3.2 of RFC5155
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct NSEC3 {
pub fqdn: FQDN,
pub ttl: u32,
@ -509,7 +517,7 @@ impl fmt::Display for NSEC3 {
// integer types chosen based on bit sizes in section 4.2 of RFC5155
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct NSEC3PARAM {
pub zone: FQDN,
pub ttl: u32,
@ -567,7 +575,7 @@ impl fmt::Display for NSEC3PARAM {
// integer types chosen based on bit sizes in section 3.1 of RFC4034
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct RRSIG {
pub fqdn: FQDN,
pub ttl: u32,
@ -646,7 +654,7 @@ impl fmt::Display for RRSIG {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct SOA {
pub zone: FQDN,
pub ttl: u32,
@ -704,7 +712,7 @@ impl fmt::Display for SOA {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct SoaSettings {
pub serial: u32,
pub refresh: u32,

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@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ use std::str::FromStr;
use crate::record::{self, Record, SOA};
use crate::{Error, Result, DEFAULT_TTL, FQDN};
pub struct ZoneFile {
origin: FQDN,
pub soa: SOA,