no more references to Signer/MessageSigner in proto

This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Fry 2017-10-09 15:42:10 -07:00
parent 33ab18a8a2
commit e8257f7ebd
14 changed files with 620 additions and 595 deletions

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
- Large refactoring of internal APIs to more cleanly support \*ring\* and OpenSSL features (@briansmith)
- `ClientHandle::send` moved to `trust_dns_proto::DnsHandle::send` (internal API)
- Many interfaces moved from `ClientStreamHandle` to `trust_dns_proto::DnsStreamHandle`
- `Message::sign` has been renamed and change to the more general method `Message::finalize`
### Fixed

View File

@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ test_script:
- cargo test --manifest-path client/Cargo.toml --all-features
- cargo test --manifest-path client/Cargo.toml --no-default-features
- cargo test --manifest-path client/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path client/Cargo.toml --no-default-features --features=openssl
- cargo test --manifest-path client/Cargo.toml --no-default-features --features=dnssec-openssl
- cargo test --manifest-path client/Cargo.toml --no-default-features
- cargo test --manifest-path client/Cargo.toml --no-default-features --features=ring
- cargo test --manifest-path client/Cargo.toml --no-default-features --features=dnssec-ring
- cargo test --manifest-path rustls/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path openssl/Cargo.toml

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
// copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::io;
use std::time::Duration;
@ -52,16 +53,17 @@ impl ClientStreamHandle for StreamHandle {
/// implementations.
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless polled"]
pub struct ClientFuture<S: Stream<Item = Vec<u8>, Error = io::Error>> {
stream: S,
reactor_handle: Handle,
timeout_duration: Duration,
// TODO genericize and remove this Box
stream_handle: Box<ClientStreamHandle>,
Peekable<StreamFuse<UnboundedReceiver<(Message, Complete<ClientResult<Message>>)>>>,
active_requests: HashMap<u16, (Complete<ClientResult<Message>>, Timeout)>,
// TODO: Maybe make a typed version of ClientFuture for Updates?
signer: Option<Signer>,
phantom: PhantomData<S>,
// stream: S,
// reactor_handle: Handle,
// timeout_duration: Duration,
// // TODO genericize and remove this Box
// stream_handle: Box<ClientStreamHandle>,
// new_receiver:
// Peekable<StreamFuse<UnboundedReceiver<(Message, Complete<ClientResult<Message>>)>>>,
// active_requests: HashMap<u16, (Complete<ClientResult<Message>>, Timeout)>,
// // TODO: Maybe make a typed version of ClientFuture for Updates?
// signer: Option<Signer>,
impl<S: Stream<Item = Vec<u8>, Error = io::Error> + 'static> ClientFuture<S> {
@ -103,16 +105,21 @@ impl<S: Stream<Item = Vec<u8>, Error = io::Error> + 'static> ClientFuture<S> {
/// * `timeout_duration` - All requests may fail due to lack of response, this is the time to
/// wait for a response before canceling the request.
/// * `stream_handle` - The handle for the `stream` on which bytes can be sent/received.
/// * `signer` - An optional signer for requests, needed for Updates with Sig0, otherwise not needed
/// * `finalizer` - An optional signer for requests, needed for Updates with Sig0, otherwise not needed
pub fn with_timeout(
stream: Box<Future<Item = S, Error = io::Error>>,
stream_handle: Box<DnsStreamHandle>,
loop_handle: &Handle,
timeout_duration: Duration,
signer: Option<Signer>,
finalizer: Option<Signer>,
) -> BasicClientHandle {
let dns_future =
DnsFuture::with_timeout(stream, stream_handle, loop_handle, timeout_duration, signer);
let dns_future_handle = DnsFuture::with_timeout(
// let (sender, rx) = unbounded();
@ -143,256 +150,256 @@ impl<S: Stream<Item = Vec<u8>, Error = io::Error> + 'static> ClientFuture<S> {
// }),
// );
BasicClientHandle { message_sender: dns_future }
BasicClientHandle { message_sender: dns_future_handle }
/// loop over active_requests and remove cancelled requests
/// this should free up space if we already had 4096 active requests
fn drop_cancelled(&mut self) {
// TODO: should we have a timeout here? or always expect the caller to do this?
let mut canceled = HashSet::new();
for (&id, &mut (ref mut req, ref mut timeout)) in self.active_requests.iter_mut() {
if let Ok(Async::Ready(())) = req.poll_cancel() {
// /// loop over active_requests and remove cancelled requests
// /// this should free up space if we already had 4096 active requests
// fn drop_cancelled(&mut self) {
// // TODO: should we have a timeout here? or always expect the caller to do this?
// let mut canceled = HashSet::new();
// for (&id, &mut (ref mut req, ref mut timeout)) in self.active_requests.iter_mut() {
// if let Ok(Async::Ready(())) = req.poll_cancel() {
// canceled.insert(id);
// }
// check for timeouts...
match timeout.poll() {
Ok(Async::Ready(_)) => {
warn!("request timeout: {}", id);
Ok(Async::NotReady) => (),
Err(e) => {
error!("unexpected error from timeout: {}", e);
// // check for timeouts...
// match timeout.poll() {
// Ok(Async::Ready(_)) => {
// warn!("request timeout: {}", id);
// canceled.insert(id);
// }
// Ok(Async::NotReady) => (),
// Err(e) => {
// error!("unexpected error from timeout: {}", e);
// canceled.insert(id);
// }
// }
// }
// drop all the canceled requests
for id in canceled {
if let Some((req, _)) = self.active_requests.remove(&id) {
// TODO, perhaps there is a different reason timeout? but there shouldn't be...
// being lazy and always returning timeout in this case (if it was canceled then the
// then the otherside isn't really paying attention anyway)
// // drop all the canceled requests
// for id in canceled {
// if let Some((req, _)) = self.active_requests.remove(&id) {
// // TODO, perhaps there is a different reason timeout? but there shouldn't be...
// // being lazy and always returning timeout in this case (if it was canceled then the
// // then the otherside isn't really paying attention anyway)
// complete the request, it's failed...
"error notifying wait, possible future leak",
// // complete the request, it's failed...
// req.send(Err(ClientErrorKind::Timeout.into())).expect(
// "error notifying wait, possible future leak",
// );
// }
// }
// }
/// creates random query_id, validates against all active queries
fn next_random_query_id(&self) -> Async<u16> {
let mut rand = rand::thread_rng();
// /// creates random query_id, validates against all active queries
// fn next_random_query_id(&self) -> Async<u16> {
// let mut rand = rand::thread_rng();
for _ in 0..100 {
let id = rand.gen_range(0_u16, u16::max_value());
// for _ in 0..100 {
// let id = rand.gen_range(0_u16, u16::max_value());
if !self.active_requests.contains_key(&id) {
return Async::Ready(id);
// if !self.active_requests.contains_key(&id) {
// return Async::Ready(id);
// }
// }
warn!("could not get next random query id, delaying");
// warn!("could not get next random query id, delaying");
// task::current().notify();
// Async::NotReady
// }
impl<S: Stream<Item = Vec<u8>, Error = io::Error> + 'static> Future for ClientFuture<S> {
type Item = ();
type Error = ClientError;
// impl<S: Stream<Item = Vec<u8>, Error = io::Error> + 'static> Future for ClientFuture<S> {
// type Item = ();
// type Error = ClientError;
fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<(), Self::Error> {
// fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<(), Self::Error> {
// self.drop_cancelled();
// loop over new_receiver for all outbound requests
loop {
// get next query_id
let query_id: Option<u16> = match self.new_receiver.peek() {
Ok(Async::Ready(Some(_))) => {
debug!("got message from receiver");
// // loop over new_receiver for all outbound requests
// loop {
// // get next query_id
// let query_id: Option<u16> = match self.new_receiver.peek() {
// Ok(Async::Ready(Some(_))) => {
// debug!("got message from receiver");
// we have a new message to send
match self.next_random_query_id() {
Async::Ready(id) => Some(id),
Async::NotReady => break,
Ok(_) => None,
Err(()) => {
warn!("receiver was shutdown?");
// // we have a new message to send
// match self.next_random_query_id() {
// Async::Ready(id) => Some(id),
// Async::NotReady => break,
// }
// }
// Ok(_) => None,
// Err(()) => {
// warn!("receiver was shutdown?");
// break
// }
// };
// finally pop the reciever
match self.new_receiver.poll() {
Ok(Async::Ready(Some((mut message, complete)))) => {
// if there was a message, and the above succesion was succesful,
// register the new message, if not do not register, and set the complete to error.
// getting a random query id, this mitigates potential cache poisoning.
// TODO: for SIG0 we can't change the message id after signing.
let query_id = query_id.expect("query_id should have been set above");
// // finally pop the reciever
// match self.new_receiver.poll() {
// Ok(Async::Ready(Some((mut message, complete)))) => {
// // if there was a message, and the above succesion was succesful,
// // register the new message, if not do not register, and set the complete to error.
// // getting a random query id, this mitigates potential cache poisoning.
// // TODO: for SIG0 we can't change the message id after signing.
// let query_id = query_id.expect("query_id should have been set above");
// message.set_id(query_id);
// update messages need to be signed.
if let OpCode::Update = message.op_code() {
if let Some(ref signer) = self.signer {
// TODO: it's too bad this happens here...
if let Err(e) = message.sign(signer, Utc::now().timestamp() as u32) {
warn!("could not sign message: {}", e);
"error notifying wait, possible future leak",
continue; // to the next message...
// // update messages need to be signed.
// if let OpCode::Update = message.op_code() {
// if let Some(ref signer) = self.signer {
// // TODO: it's too bad this happens here...
// if let Err(e) = message.sign(signer, Utc::now().timestamp() as u32) {
// warn!("could not sign message: {}", e);
// complete.send(Err(e.into())).expect(
// "error notifying wait, possible future leak",
// );
// continue; // to the next message...
// }
// }
// }
// store a Timeout for this message before sending
let timeout = match Timeout::new(self.timeout_duration, &self.reactor_handle) {
Ok(timeout) => timeout,
Err(e) => {
warn!("could not create timer: {}", e);
"error notifying wait, possible future leak",
continue; // to the next message...
// // store a Timeout for this message before sending
// let timeout = match Timeout::new(self.timeout_duration, &self.reactor_handle) {
// Ok(timeout) => timeout,
// Err(e) => {
// warn!("could not create timer: {}", e);
// complete.send(Err(e.into())).expect(
// "error notifying wait, possible future leak",
// );
// continue; // to the next message...
// }
// };
// send the message
match message.to_vec() {
Ok(buffer) => {
debug!("sending message id: {}", query_id);
// add to the map -after- the client send b/c we don't want to put it in the map if
// we ended up returning from the send.
(complete, timeout),
Err(e) => {
debug!("error message id: {} error: {}", query_id, e);
// complete with the error, don't add to the map of active requests
"error notifying wait, possible future leak",
Ok(_) => break,
Err(()) => {
warn!("receiver was shutdown?");
// // send the message
// match message.to_vec() {
// Ok(buffer) => {
// debug!("sending message id: {}", query_id);
// try!(self.stream_handle.send(buffer));
// // add to the map -after- the client send b/c we don't want to put it in the map if
// // we ended up returning from the send.
// self.active_requests.insert(
// (complete, timeout),
// );
// }
// Err(e) => {
// debug!("error message id: {} error: {}", query_id, e);
// // complete with the error, don't add to the map of active requests
// complete.send(Err(e.into())).expect(
// "error notifying wait, possible future leak",
// );
// }
// }
// }
// Ok(_) => break,
// Err(()) => {
// warn!("receiver was shutdown?");
// break
// }
// }
// }
// Collect all inbound requests, max 100 at a time for QoS
// by having a max we will guarantee that the client can't be DOSed in this loop
// TODO: make the QoS configurable
let mut messages_received = 0;
for i in 0..QOS_MAX_RECEIVE_MSGS {
match try!( {
Async::Ready(Some(buffer)) => {
messages_received = i;
// // Collect all inbound requests, max 100 at a time for QoS
// // by having a max we will guarantee that the client can't be DOSed in this loop
// // TODO: make the QoS configurable
// let mut messages_received = 0;
// for i in 0..QOS_MAX_RECEIVE_MSGS {
// match try!( {
// Async::Ready(Some(buffer)) => {
// messages_received = i;
// deserialize or log decode_error
match Message::from_vec(&buffer) {
Ok(message) => {
match self.active_requests.remove(& {
Some((complete, _)) => {
"error notifying wait, possible future leak",
None => debug!("unexpected request_id: {}",,
// TODO: return src address for diagnostics
Err(e) => debug!("error decoding message: {}", e),
// // deserialize or log decode_error
// match Message::from_vec(&buffer) {
// Ok(message) => {
// match self.active_requests.remove(& {
// Some((complete, _)) => {
// complete.send(Ok(message)).expect(
// "error notifying wait, possible future leak",
// )
// }
// None => debug!("unexpected request_id: {}",,
// }
// }
// // TODO: return src address for diagnostics
// Err(e) => debug!("error decoding message: {}", e),
// }
Async::Ready(None) |
Async::NotReady => break,
// }
// Async::Ready(None) |
// Async::NotReady => break,
// }
// }
// Clean shutdown happens when all pending requests are done and the
// incoming channel has been closed (e.g. you'll never receive another
// request). try! will early return the error...
let done = if let Async::Ready(None) = try!(self.new_receiver.peek()) {
} else {
if self.active_requests.is_empty() && done {
return Ok(().into()); // we are done
// // Clean shutdown happens when all pending requests are done and the
// // incoming channel has been closed (e.g. you'll never receive another
// // request). try! will early return the error...
// let done = if let Async::Ready(None) = try!(self.new_receiver.peek()) {
// true
// } else {
// false
// };
// if self.active_requests.is_empty() && done {
// return Ok(().into()); // we are done
// }
// If still active, then if the qos (for _ in 0..100 loop) limit
// was hit then "yield". This'll make sure that the future is
// woken up immediately on the next turn of the event loop.
if messages_received == QOS_MAX_RECEIVE_MSGS {
// // If still active, then if the qos (for _ in 0..100 loop) limit
// // was hit then "yield". This'll make sure that the future is
// // woken up immediately on the next turn of the event loop.
// if messages_received == QOS_MAX_RECEIVE_MSGS {
// task::current().notify();
// }
// Finally, return not ready to keep the 'driver task' alive.
return Ok(Async::NotReady);
// // Finally, return not ready to keep the 'driver task' alive.
// return Ok(Async::NotReady);
// }
// }
/// Always returns the specified io::Error to the remote Sender
struct ClientStreamErrored {
error: io::Error,
Peekable<StreamFuse<UnboundedReceiver<(Message, Complete<ClientResult<Message>>)>>>,
// /// Always returns the specified io::Error to the remote Sender
// struct ClientStreamErrored {
// error: io::Error,
// new_receiver:
// Peekable<StreamFuse<UnboundedReceiver<(Message, Complete<ClientResult<Message>>)>>>,
// }
impl Future for ClientStreamErrored {
type Item = ();
type Error = ClientError;
// impl Future for ClientStreamErrored {
// type Item = ();
// type Error = ClientError;
fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<(), Self::Error> {
match self.new_receiver.poll() {
Ok(Async::Ready(Some((_, complete)))) => {
.expect("error notifying wait, possible future leak");
// fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<(), Self::Error> {
// match self.new_receiver.poll() {
// Ok(Async::Ready(Some((_, complete)))) => {
// complete
// .send(Err(ClientError::from(&self.error).clone()))
// .expect("error notifying wait, possible future leak");
return Ok(Async::NotReady);
Ok(Async::Ready(None)) => return Ok(Async::Ready(())),
_ => return Err(ClientErrorKind::NoError.into()),
// task::current().notify();
// return Ok(Async::NotReady);
// }
// Ok(Async::Ready(None)) => return Ok(Async::Ready(())),
// _ => return Err(ClientErrorKind::NoError.into()),
// }
// }
// }
enum ClientStreamOrError<S: Stream<Item = Vec<u8>, Error = io::Error> + 'static> {
// enum ClientStreamOrError<S: Stream<Item = Vec<u8>, Error = io::Error> + 'static> {
// Future(ClientFuture<S>),
// Errored(ClientStreamErrored),
// }
impl<S: Stream<Item = Vec<u8>, Error = io::Error> + 'static> Future for ClientStreamOrError<S> {
type Item = ();
type Error = ClientError;
// impl<S: Stream<Item = Vec<u8>, Error = io::Error> + 'static> Future for ClientStreamOrError<S> {
// type Item = ();
// type Error = ClientError;
fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<(), Self::Error> {
match *self {
ClientStreamOrError::Future(ref mut f) => f.poll(),
ClientStreamOrError::Errored(ref mut e) => e.poll(),
// fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<(), Self::Error> {
// match *self {
// ClientStreamOrError::Future(ref mut f) => f.poll(),
// ClientStreamOrError::Errored(ref mut e) => e.poll(),
// }
// }
// }
/// Root ClientHandle implementaton returned by ClientFuture
@ -400,6 +407,7 @@ impl<S: Stream<Item = Vec<u8>, Error = io::Error> + 'static> Future for ClientSt
/// This can be used directly to perform queries. See `trust_dns::client::SecureClientHandle` for
/// a DNSSEc chain validator.
#[deprecated(note = "See [`BasicDnsHandle`]")]
pub struct BasicClientHandle {
message_sender: BasicDnsHandle,

View File

@ -1,21 +1,15 @@
* Copyright (C) 2015 Benjamin Fry <>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Copyright 2015-2017 Benjamin Fry <>
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or
//>, at your option. This file may not be
// copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
//! Operations to send with a `Client` or server, e.g. `Query`, `Message`, or `UpdateMessage` can
//! be used to gether to either query or update resource records sets.
pub use trust_dns_proto::op::{Edns, Header, Message, MessageType, UpdateMessage, OpCode, Query,
mod update_message;
pub use self::update_message::UpdateMessage;
pub use trust_dns_proto::op::{Edns, Header, Message, MessageFinalizer, MessageType, OpCode, Query,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
// Copyright 2015-2017 Benjamin Fry <>
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or
//>, at your option. This file may not be
// copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::mem;
use trust_dns_proto::error::ProtoResult;
use error::*;
use rr::{Record, RecordType};
#[cfg(feature = "openssl")]
use rr::{DNSClass, Name, RData};
#[cfg(feature = "openssl")]
use rr::rdata::SIG;
use serialize::binary::{BinEncoder, BinDecoder, BinSerializable, EncodeMode};
use super::{Message, MessageFinalizer, MessageType, Header, Query, Edns, OpCode, ResponseCode};
/// To reduce errors in using the Message struct as an Update, this will do the call throughs
/// to properly do that.
/// Generally rather than constructin this by hand, see the update methods on `Client`
pub trait UpdateMessage: Debug {
/// see `Header::id`
fn id(&self) -> u16;
/// Adds the zone section, i.e. would be
fn add_zone(&mut self, query: Query);
/// Add the pre-requisite records
/// These must exist, or not, for the Update request to go through.
fn add_pre_requisite(&mut self, record: Record);
/// Add all pre-requisites to the UpdateMessage
#[deprecated = "will be removed post 0.9.x"]
fn add_all_pre_requisites(&mut self, vector: &[&Record]);
/// Add all the Records from the Iterator to the pre-reqisites section
fn add_pre_requisites<R, I>(&mut self, records: R)
R: IntoIterator<Item = Record, IntoIter = I>,
I: Iterator<Item = Record>;
/// Add the Record to be updated
fn add_update(&mut self, record: Record);
/// Add the set of Records to be updated
#[deprecated = "will be removed post 0.9.x"]
fn add_all_updates(&mut self, vector: &[&Record]);
/// Add the Records from the Iterator to the updates section
fn add_updates<R, I>(&mut self, records: R)
R: IntoIterator<Item = Record, IntoIter = I>,
I: Iterator<Item = Record>;
/// Add Records to the additional Section of hte UpdateMessage
fn add_additional(&mut self, record: Record);
/// Returns the Zones to be updated, generally should only be one.
fn zones(&self) -> &[Query];
/// Returns the pre-requisites
fn prerequisites(&self) -> &[Record];
/// Returns the records to be updated
fn updates(&self) -> &[Record];
/// Returns the additonal records
fn additionals(&self) -> &[Record];
/// This is used to authenticate update messages.
/// see `Message::sig0()` for more information.
fn sig0(&self) -> &[Record];
/// Finalize the message prior to sending.
/// Subsequent to calling this, the Message should not change.
fn finalize<MF: MessageFinalizer>(
&mut self,
finalizer: &MF,
inception_time: u32,
) -> ProtoResult<()>;
/// to reduce errors in using the Message struct as an Update, this will do the call throughs
/// to properly do that.
impl UpdateMessage for Message {
fn id(&self) -> u16 {
fn add_zone(&mut self, query: Query) {
fn add_pre_requisite(&mut self, record: Record) {
fn add_all_pre_requisites(&mut self, vector: &[&Record]) {
self.add_answers(vector.into_iter().map(|r| (*r).clone()));
fn add_pre_requisites<R, I>(&mut self, records: R)
R: IntoIterator<Item = Record, IntoIter = I>,
I: Iterator<Item = Record>,
fn add_update(&mut self, record: Record) {
fn add_all_updates(&mut self, vector: &[&Record]) {
self.add_name_servers(vector.into_iter().map(|r| (*r).clone()));
fn add_updates<R, I>(&mut self, records: R)
R: IntoIterator<Item = Record, IntoIter = I>,
I: Iterator<Item = Record>,
fn add_additional(&mut self, record: Record) {
fn zones(&self) -> &[Query] {
fn prerequisites(&self) -> &[Record] {
fn updates(&self) -> &[Record] {
fn additionals(&self) -> &[Record] {
fn sig0(&self) -> &[Record] {
// TODO: where's the 'right' spot for this function
fn finalize<MF: MessageFinalizer>(
&mut self,
finalizer: &MF,
inception_time: u32,
) -> ProtoResult<()> {
self.finalize(finalizer, inception_time)

View File

@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ pub use self::dnssec::DigestType;
#[cfg(any(feature = "openssl", feature = "ring"))]
pub use self::key_format::KeyFormat;
pub use self::keypair::KeyPair;
pub use self::dnssec::MessageSigner;
pub use self::dnssec::Nsec3HashAlgorithm;
pub use self::dnssec::PublicKey;
pub use self::dnssec::PublicKeyBuf;

View File

@ -18,10 +18,10 @@
#[cfg(any(feature = "openssl", feature = "ring"))]
use chrono::Duration;
use trust_dns_proto::error::{ProtoResult, ProtoErrorKind};
use trust_dns_proto::rr::dnssec::{tbs, TBS, MessageSigner};
use trust_dns_proto::rr::dnssec::{tbs, TBS};
use op::Message;
use rr::Name;
use op::{Message, MessageFinalizer};
use rr::{DNSClass, Name, Record, RecordType};
#[cfg(any(feature = "openssl", feature = "ring"))]
use rr::RData;
#[cfg(any(feature = "openssl", feature = "ring"))]
@ -33,17 +33,6 @@ use rr::rdata::{DNSKEY, KEY};
#[cfg(any(feature = "openssl", feature = "ring"))]
use serialize::binary::BinEncoder;
/// FIXME: get docs from Signer in Client
// pub trait MessageSigner {
// /// FIXME: get docs from Signer in Client
// fn algorithm(&self) -> Algorithm;
// /// FIXME: get docs from Signer in Client
// fn calculate_key_tag(&self) -> ProtoResult<u16>;
// /// FIXME: get docs from Signer in Client
// fn signer_name(&self) -> &Name;
// /// FIXME: get docs from Signer in Client
// fn sign_message(&self, message: &Message, pre_sig0: &SIG) -> ProtoResult<Vec<u8>>;
// }
/// Use for performing signing and validation of DNSSec based components.
/// TODO: warning this struct and it's impl are under high volatility, expect breaking changes
@ -383,10 +372,7 @@ impl Signer {
ProtoErrorKind::Msg(format!("signing error: {}", e)).into()
#[cfg(any(feature = "openssl", feature = "ring"))]
impl MessageSigner for Signer {
/// Returns the algorithm this Signer will use to either sign or validate a signature
fn algorithm(&self) -> Algorithm {
@ -522,6 +508,54 @@ impl MessageSigner for Signer {
impl MessageFinalizer for Signer {
fn finalize_message(&self, message: &Message, current_time: u32) -> ProtoResult<Vec<Record>> {
debug!("signing message: {:?}", message);
let key_tag: u16 = try!(self.calculate_key_tag());
// this is based on RFCs 2535, 2931 and 3007
// 'For all SIG(0) RRs, the owner name, class, TTL, and original TTL, are
// meaningless.' - 2931
let mut sig0 = Record::new();
// The TTL fields SHOULD be zero
// The CLASS field SHOULD be ANY
// The owner name SHOULD be root (a single zero octet).
let num_labels =;
let expiration_time: u32 = current_time + (5 * 60); // +5 minutes in seconds
let pre_sig0 = SIG::new(
// type covered in SIG(0) is 0 which is what makes this SIG0 vs a standard SIG
// see above, original_ttl is meaningless, The TTL fields SHOULD be zero
// recommended time is +5 minutes from now, to prevent timing attacks, 2 is probably good
// current time, this should be UTC
// unsigned numbers of seconds since the start of 1 January 1970, GMT
// can probably get rid of this clone if the owndership is correct
let signature: Vec<u8> = try!(self.sign_message(message, &pre_sig0));
#[cfg(not(any(feature = "openssl", feature = "ring")))]
impl MessageSigner for Signer {
/// Always panics!
@ -552,7 +586,7 @@ mod tests {
use rr::{DNSClass, Name, Record, RecordType};
use rr::rdata::SIG;
use rr::rdata::key::KeyUsage;
use rr::dnssec::{PublicKey, PublicKeyEnum, Verifier};
use rr::dnssec::*;
use op::{Message, Query, UpdateMessage};
pub use super::*;
@ -600,7 +634,7 @@ mod tests {
// now test that the sig0 record works correctly.
question.sign(&signer, 0).expect("should have signed");
question.finalize(&signer, 0).expect("should have signed");
let sig = signer.sign_message(&question, &pre_sig0);
assert_eq!(key_tag, 28551);
// TODO: these tests technically came from TBS in trust_dns_proto
#[cfg(feature = "openssl")]
mod tests {
extern crate openssl;
use self::openssl::rsa::Rsa;
use rr::*;
use rr::rdata::SIG;
use rr::dnssec::*;
use rr::dnssec::tbs::*;
fn test_rrset_tbs() {
let rsa = Rsa::generate(2048).unwrap();
let key = KeyPair::from_rsa(rsa).unwrap();
let sig0key = key.to_sig0key(Algorithm::RSASHA256).unwrap();
let signer = Signer::sig0(sig0key, key, Name::root());
let origin: Name = Name::parse("", None).unwrap();
let rrsig = Record::new()
let rrset = vec![
.set_rdata(RData::NS(Name::parse("", None).unwrap()))
.set_rdata(RData::NS(Name::parse("", None).unwrap()))
let tbs = rrset_tbs_with_rrsig(&rrsig, &rrset).unwrap();
let rrset = vec![
Name::parse("", None).unwrap(),
.clone(), // different type
.set_name(Name::parse("", None).unwrap())
.set_rdata(RData::NS(Name::parse("", None).unwrap()))
.clone(), // different name
.set_rdata(RData::NS(Name::parse("", None).unwrap()))
.clone(), // different class
.set_rdata(RData::NS(Name::parse("", None).unwrap()))
.set_rdata(RData::NS(Name::parse("", None).unwrap()))
let filtered_tbs = rrset_tbs_with_rrsig(&rrsig, &rrset).unwrap();
assert_eq!(tbs.as_ref(), filtered_tbs.as_ref());

View File

@ -20,8 +20,7 @@ use rand;
use tokio_core::reactor::{Handle, Timeout};
use error::*;
use op::{Message, MessageType, OpCode, Query, UpdateMessage};
use rr::dnssec::MessageSigner;
use op::{Message, MessageType, MessageFinalizer, OpCode, Query};
use rr::{domain, DNSClass, IntoRecordSet, RData, Record, RecordType};
use rr::rdata::NULL;
@ -49,7 +48,7 @@ impl DnsStreamHandle for StreamHandle {
/// This Client is generic and capable of wrapping UDP, TCP, and other underlying DNS protocol
/// implementations.
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless polled"]
pub struct DnsFuture<S: Stream<Item = Vec<u8>, Error = io::Error>, MS: MessageSigner> {
pub struct DnsFuture<S: Stream<Item = Vec<u8>, Error = io::Error>, MF: MessageFinalizer> {
stream: S,
reactor_handle: Handle,
timeout_duration: Duration,
@ -58,13 +57,13 @@ pub struct DnsFuture<S: Stream<Item = Vec<u8>, Error = io::Error>, MS: MessageSi
Peekable<StreamFuse<UnboundedReceiver<(Message, Complete<ProtoResult<Message>>)>>>,
active_requests: HashMap<u16, (Complete<ProtoResult<Message>>, Timeout)>,
signer: Option<MS>,
signer: Option<MF>,
impl<S, MS> DnsFuture<S, MS>
impl<S, MF> DnsFuture<S, MF>
S: Stream<Item = Vec<u8>, Error = io::Error> + 'static,
MS: MessageSigner + 'static,
MF: MessageFinalizer + 'static,
/// Spawns a new DnsFuture Stream. This uses a default timeout of 5 seconds for all requests.
@ -80,7 +79,7 @@ where
stream: Box<Future<Item = S, Error = io::Error>>,
stream_handle: Box<DnsStreamHandle>,
loop_handle: &Handle,
signer: Option<MS>,
signer: Option<MF>,
) -> BasicDnsHandle {
@ -108,7 +107,7 @@ where
stream_handle: Box<DnsStreamHandle>,
loop_handle: &Handle,
timeout_duration: Duration,
signer: Option<MS>,
signer: Option<MF>,
) -> BasicDnsHandle {
let (sender, rx) = unbounded();
@ -204,10 +203,10 @@ where
impl<S, MS> Future for DnsFuture<S, MS>
impl<S, MF> Future for DnsFuture<S, MF>
S: Stream<Item = Vec<u8>, Error = io::Error> + 'static,
MS: MessageSigner + 'static,
MF: MessageFinalizer + 'static,
type Item = ();
type Error = ProtoError;
@ -241,15 +240,17 @@ where
// if there was a message, and the above succesion was succesful,
// register the new message, if not do not register, and set the complete to error.
// getting a random query id, this mitigates potential cache poisoning.
// TODO: for SIG0 we can't change the message id after signing.
let query_id = query_id.expect("query_id should have been set above");
// update messages need to be signed.
if let OpCode::Update = message.op_code() {
if let Some(ref signer) = self.signer {
// TODO: it's too bad this happens here...
if let Err(e) = message.sign(signer, Utc::now().timestamp() as u32) {
if let Err(e) = message.finalize(
Utc::now().timestamp() as u32,
warn!("could not sign message: {}", e);
"error notifying wait, possible future leak",
@ -384,15 +385,19 @@ impl Future for ClientStreamErrored {
enum ClientStreamOrError<S: Stream<Item = Vec<u8>, Error = io::Error> + 'static, MS: MessageSigner + 'static> {
Future(DnsFuture<S, MS>),
enum ClientStreamOrError<S, MF>
S: Stream<Item = Vec<u8>, Error = io::Error> + 'static,
MF: MessageFinalizer + 'static,
Future(DnsFuture<S, MF>),
impl<S, MS> Future for ClientStreamOrError<S, MS>
impl<S, MF> Future for ClientStreamOrError<S, MF>
S: Stream<Item = Vec<u8>, Error = io::Error> + 'static,
MS: MessageSigner + 'static,
MF: MessageFinalizer + 'static,
type Item = ();
type Error = ProtoError;

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
//! TRust-DNS Protocol library
extern crate chrono;
extern crate data_encoding;
extern crate error_chain;

View File

@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ use std::mem;
use error::*;
use rr::{Record, RecordType};
use rr::dnssec::MessageSigner;
#[cfg(feature = "openssl")]
use rr::{DNSClass, Name, RData};
#[cfg(feature = "openssl")]
@ -505,7 +504,7 @@ impl Message {
/// # Return value
/// The sig0, i.e. signed record, for verifying the sending and package integrity
fn sig0(&self) -> &[Record] {
pub fn sig0(&self) -> &[Record] {
@ -629,192 +628,47 @@ impl Message {
/// Sign the message, i.e. add a SIG0 record to this Message.
/// Finalize the message prior to sending.
/// Subsequent to calling this, the Message should not change.
#[cfg(feature = "openssl")]
pub fn sign<S: MessageSigner>(&mut self, signer: &S, inception_time: u32) -> ProtoResult<()> {
debug!("signing message: {:?}", self);
let key_tag: u16 = try!(signer.calculate_key_tag());
pub fn finalize<MF: MessageFinalizer>(
&mut self,
finalizer: &MF,
inception_time: u32,
) -> ProtoResult<()> {
debug!("finalizing message: {:?}", self);
let finals: Vec<Record> = finalizer.finalize_message(self, inception_time)?;
// this is based on RFCs 2535, 2931 and 3007
// append all records to message
for fin in finals {
match fin.rr_type() {
// SIG0's are special, and come at the very end of the message
RecordType::SIG => self.add_sig0(fin),
_ => self.add_additional(fin),
// 'For all SIG(0) RRs, the owner name, class, TTL, and original TTL, are
// meaningless.' - 2931
let mut sig0 = Record::new();
// The TTL fields SHOULD be zero
// The CLASS field SHOULD be ANY
// The owner name SHOULD be root (a single zero octet).
let num_labels =;
let expiration_time: u32 = inception_time + (5 * 60); // +5 minutes in seconds
let pre_sig0 = SIG::new(
// type covered in SIG(0) is 0 which is what makes this SIG0 vs a standard SIG
// see above, original_ttl is meaningless, The TTL fields SHOULD be zero
// recommended time is +5 minutes from now, to prevent timing attacks, 2 is probably good
// current time, this should be UTC
// unsigned numbers of seconds since the start of 1 January 1970, GMT
// can probably get rid of this clone if the owndership is correct
let signature: Vec<u8> = try!(signer.sign_message(self, &pre_sig0));
debug!("sig0: {:?}", sig0);
/// Always returns an error; enable OpenSSL for signing support
#[cfg(not(feature = "openssl"))]
pub fn sign<S: MessageSigner>(&mut self, _: &S, _: u32) -> ProtoResult<()> {
ProtoErrorKind::Message("openssl feature not enabled").into(),
/// To reduce errors in using the Message struct as an Update, this will do the call throughs
/// to properly do that.
/// A trait for performing final ammendments to a Message before it is sent.
/// Generally rather than constructin this by hand, see the update methods on `Client`
pub trait UpdateMessage: Debug {
/// see `Header::id`
fn id(&self) -> u16;
/// Adds the zone section, i.e. would be
fn add_zone(&mut self, query: Query);
/// Add the pre-requisite records
/// An example of this is a SIG0 signer, which needs the final form of the message,
/// but then needs to attach additional data to the body of the message.
pub trait MessageFinalizer {
/// The message taken in should be processed and then return [`Record`]s which should be
/// appended to the additional section of the message.
/// These must exist, or not, for the Update request to go through.
fn add_pre_requisite(&mut self, record: Record);
/// Add all pre-requisites to the UpdateMessage
#[deprecated = "will be removed post 0.9.x"]
fn add_all_pre_requisites(&mut self, vector: &[&Record]);
/// Add all the Records from the Iterator to the pre-reqisites section
fn add_pre_requisites<R, I>(&mut self, records: R)
R: IntoIterator<Item = Record, IntoIter = I>,
I: Iterator<Item = Record>;
/// Add the Record to be updated
fn add_update(&mut self, record: Record);
/// Add the set of Records to be updated
#[deprecated = "will be removed post 0.9.x"]
fn add_all_updates(&mut self, vector: &[&Record]);
/// Add the Records from the Iterator to the updates section
fn add_updates<R, I>(&mut self, records: R)
R: IntoIterator<Item = Record, IntoIter = I>,
I: Iterator<Item = Record>;
/// Add Records to the additional Section of hte UpdateMessage
fn add_additional(&mut self, record: Record);
/// Returns the Zones to be updated, generally should only be one.
fn zones(&self) -> &[Query];
/// Returns the pre-requisites
fn prerequisites(&self) -> &[Record];
/// Returns the records to be updated
fn updates(&self) -> &[Record];
/// Returns the additonal records
fn additionals(&self) -> &[Record];
/// This is used to authenticate update messages.
/// # Arguments
/// see `Message::sig0()` for more information.
fn sig0(&self) -> &[Record];
/// Signs the UpdateMessage, used to validate the authenticity and authorization of UpdateMessage
fn sign<S: MessageSigner>(&mut self, signer: &S, inception_time: u32) -> ProtoResult<()>;
/// to reduce errors in using the Message struct as an Update, this will do the call throughs
/// to properly do that.
impl UpdateMessage for Message {
fn id(&self) -> u16 {
fn add_zone(&mut self, query: Query) {
fn add_pre_requisite(&mut self, record: Record) {
fn add_all_pre_requisites(&mut self, vector: &[&Record]) {
self.add_answers(vector.into_iter().map(|r| (*r).clone()));
fn add_pre_requisites<R, I>(&mut self, records: R)
R: IntoIterator<Item = Record, IntoIter = I>,
I: Iterator<Item = Record>,
fn add_update(&mut self, record: Record) {
fn add_all_updates(&mut self, vector: &[&Record]) {
self.add_name_servers(vector.into_iter().map(|r| (*r).clone()));
fn add_updates<R, I>(&mut self, records: R)
R: IntoIterator<Item = Record, IntoIter = I>,
I: Iterator<Item = Record>,
fn add_additional(&mut self, record: Record) {
fn zones(&self) -> &[Query] {
fn prerequisites(&self) -> &[Record] {
fn updates(&self) -> &[Record] {
fn additionals(&self) -> &[Record] {
fn sig0(&self) -> &[Record] {
// TODO: where's the 'right' spot for this function
fn sign<S: MessageSigner>(&mut self, signer: &S, inception_time: u32) -> ProtoResult<()> {
Message::sign(self, signer, inception_time)
/// * `message` - messge to process
/// * `current_time` - the current time as specified by the system, it's not recommended to read the current time as that makes testing complicated.
/// # Return
/// A vector to append to the additionals section of the message, sorted in the order as they should appear in the message.
fn finalize_message(&self, message: &Message, current_time: u32) -> ProtoResult<Vec<Record>>;
impl BinSerializable<Message> for Message {

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ pub mod response_code;
pub use self::edns::Edns;
pub use self::header::Header;
pub use self::header::MessageType;
pub use self::message::{Message, UpdateMessage};
pub use self::message::{Message, MessageFinalizer};
pub use self::op_code::OpCode;
pub use self::query::Query;
pub use self::response_code::ResponseCode;

View File

@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ mod nsec3;
pub mod public_key;
#[cfg(any(feature = "openssl", feature = "ring"))]
mod rsa_public_key;
mod signer;
mod supported_algorithm;
mod trust_anchor;
pub mod tbs;
@ -37,7 +36,6 @@ pub use self::public_key::PublicKey;
pub use self::public_key::PublicKeyBuf;
pub use self::public_key::PublicKeyEnum;
pub use self::supported_algorithm::SupportedAlgorithms;
pub use self::signer::MessageSigner;
pub use self::tbs::TBS;
pub use self::trust_anchor::TrustAnchor;
pub use self::verifier::Verifier;

View File

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2015-2017 Benjamin Fry <>
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or
//>, at your option. This file may not be
// copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
use error::*;
use op::Message;
use rr::Name;
use rr::dnssec::Algorithm;
use rr::rdata::SIG;
/// FIXME: get docs from Signer in Client
pub trait MessageSigner {
/// FIXME: get docs from Signer in Client
fn algorithm(&self) -> Algorithm;
/// FIXME: get docs from Signer in Client
fn calculate_key_tag(&self) -> ProtoResult<u16>;
/// FIXME: get docs from Signer in Client
fn signer_name(&self) -> &Name;
/// FIXME: get docs from Signer in Client
fn sign_message(&self, message: &Message, pre_sig0: &SIG) -> ProtoResult<Vec<u8>>;

View File

@ -297,106 +297,3 @@ pub fn determine_name(name: &Name, num_labels: u8) -> Option<Name> {
// TODO: this should be an error
#[cfg(feature = "openssl")]
mod tests {
extern crate openssl;
use self::openssl::rsa::Rsa;
use rr::{Name, RecordType};
use rr::rdata::SIG;
use rr::dnssec::{KeyPair, Signer};
pub use super::*;
fn test_rrset_tbs() {
let rsa = Rsa::generate(2048).unwrap();
let key = KeyPair::from_rsa(rsa).unwrap();
let sig0key = key.to_sig0key(Algorithm::RSASHA256).unwrap();
let signer = Signer::sig0(sig0key, key, Name::root());
let origin: Name = Name::parse("", None).unwrap();
let rrsig = Record::new()
let rrset = vec![
.set_rdata(RData::NS(Name::parse("", None).unwrap()))
.set_rdata(RData::NS(Name::parse("", None).unwrap()))
let tbs = rrset_tbs_with_rrsig(&rrsig, &rrset).unwrap();
let rrset = vec![
Name::parse("", None).unwrap(),
.clone(), // different type
.set_name(Name::parse("", None).unwrap())
.set_rdata(RData::NS(Name::parse("", None).unwrap()))
.clone(), // different name
.set_rdata(RData::NS(Name::parse("", None).unwrap()))
.clone(), // different class
.set_rdata(RData::NS(Name::parse("", None).unwrap()))
.set_rdata(RData::NS(Name::parse("", None).unwrap()))
let filtered_tbs = rrset_tbs_with_rrsig(&rrsig, &rrset).unwrap();
assert_eq!(tbs.as_ref(), filtered_tbs.as_ref());