Add a resolver example using multithreaded tokio.

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Justin Latimer 2018-05-20 21:49:02 +00:00 committed by Benjamin Fry
parent a9bbb75270
commit fb56517caa
3 changed files with 73 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
//! This example shows how to create a resolver that uses the tokio multithreaded runtime. This is how
//! you might integrate the resolver into a more complex application.
extern crate futures;
extern crate tokio;
extern crate trust_dns_resolver;
use futures::Future;
use futures::sync::oneshot::channel;
use tokio::runtime::Runtime;
use trust_dns_resolver::ResolverFuture;
use trust_dns_resolver::error::ResolveError;
fn main() {
// Set up the standard tokio runtime (multithreaded by default).
let mut runtime = Runtime::new().expect("Failed to create runtime");
let future;
// To make this independent, if targeting macOS, BSD, Linux, or Windows, we can use the system's configuration:
#[cfg(any(unix, windows))]
future = ResolverFuture::from_system_conf().expect("Failed to create ResolverFuture");
// For other operating systems, we can use one of the preconfigured definitions
#[cfg(not(any(unix, windows)))]
use trust_dns_resolver::config::{ResolverConfig, ResolverOpts};
future = ResolverFuture::new(ResolverConfig::google(), ResolverOpts::default());
// The resolver needs to be created in the runtime so it can connect to the reactor. The tokio multithreaded
// runtime doesn't provide a mechanism to return the result of future out of the reactor. Create a oneshot
// channel that can be used to send the created resolver out.
let (sender, receiver) = channel::<Result<ResolverFuture, ResolveError>>();
runtime.spawn(future.then(|result| {
.map_err(|_| println!("Failed to send resolver"))
// Once the resolver is created, we can ask the runtime to shut down when it's done.
let shutdown = runtime.shutdown_on_idle();
// Wait unti the resolver has been created and fetch it from the oneshot channel.
let resolver = receiver
.expect("Failed to retrieve resolver")
.expect("Failed to create resolver");
// Create some futures representing name lookups.
let names = &["", "", ""];
let mut futures = names
.map(|name| (name, resolver.lookup_ip(*name)))
// Go through the list of resolution operations and wait for them to complete.
for (name, lookup) in futures.drain(..) {
let ips = lookup
.expect("Failed completing lookup future")
println!("{} resolved to {:?}", name, ips);
// Drop the resolver, which means that the runtime will become idle.
// Wait for the runtime to complete shutting down.
shutdown.wait().expect("Failed when shutting down runtime");

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@ -18,3 +18,4 @@ cargo test --manifest-path integration-tests/Cargo.toml
# All examples should go here
cargo run --manifest-path resolver/Cargo.toml --example global_resolver
cargo run --manifest-path resolver/Cargo.toml --example multithreaded_runtime

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ if [%DEFAULT_SUITE%] EQU [1] (
cargo test --manifest-path server\Cargo.toml
cargo test --manifest-path integration-tests\Cargo.toml
cargo run --manifest-path resolver\Cargo.toml --example global_resolver
cargo run --manifest-path resolver\Cargo.toml --example multithreaded_runtime
@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ if [%DNSSEC_OPENSSL_SUITE%] EQU [1] (
cargo test --manifest-path proto\Cargo.toml --no-default-features --features=dnssec-ring
cargo test --manifest-path proto\Cargo.toml --no-default-features --features=dnssec-ring
cargo test --manifest-path client\Cargo.toml --no-default-features --features=dnssec-ring
cargo test --manifest-path resolver\Cargo.toml --no-default-features --features=dnssec-ring
cargo test --manifest-path server\Cargo.toml --no-default-features --features=dnssec-ring