# `dnssec-tests` Test infrastructure for DNSSEC conformance tests. ## Design goals - Test MUST not depend on external services like `` or `` - rationale: it must be possible to run tests locally, without internet access - All nodes in the network must not be the subject under test. - rationale: test inter-operability with other software like `unbound` and `nsd` - All test input must be local files or constants - rationale: tests are self-contained - ## Minimally working DNSSEC-enabled network - `.` domain - name server: `nsd` (`my.root-server.com`) - TLD domain (`com.`) - name server: `nsd` (`ns.com`) - target domain (`example.com.`) - name server: `nsd` (`ns.example.com`) - recursive resolver: `unbound` - configured to use `my.root-server.com` as root server - configured with a trust anchor: the public key of `my.root-server.com` each name server has - a zone signing key pair - a key signing key pair - signed zone files ### exploration Notes: - run all containers with ` --cap-add=NET_RAW --cap-add=NET_ADMIN` - use `docker exec` to run `tshark` on network nodes ( containers ) of interest #### `nsd` for root name server run: `nsd -d` - `/etc/nsd/nsd.conf` ``` text remote-control: control-enable: no zone: name: . zonefile: /etc/nsd/zones/main.zone ``` - `/etc/nsd/zones/main.zone` ``` text $ORIGIN . $TTL 1800 @ IN SOA primary.root-server.com. admin.root-server.com. ( 2014080301 3600 900 1209600 1800 ) @ IN NS primary.root-server.com. ; referral com. IN NS primary.tld-server.com. primary.tld-server.com. IN A 172.17.0.$TLD_NS_IP_ADDRESS ``` #### `nsd` for the TLD name server run: `nsd -d` - `/etc/nsd/nsd.conf` ``` text remote-control: control-enable: no zone: name: main zonefile: /etc/nsd/zones/main.zone ``` - `/etc/nsd/zones/main.zone` ``` text $ORIGIN com. $TTL 1800 @ IN SOA primary.tld-server.com. admin.tld-server.com. ( 2014010100 ; Serial 10800 ; Refresh (3 hours) 900 ; Retry (15 minutes) 604800 ; Expire (1 week) 86400 ; Minimum (1 day) ) @ IN NS primary.tld-server.com. ``` #### `unbound` run `unbound -d` - `/etc/unbound/unbound.conf` ideally instead of ``, it should only cover the `docker0` network interface. or disable docker containers' access to the internet ``` text server: verbosity: 4 use-syslog: no interface: access-control: allow root-hints: /etc/unbound/root.hints remote-control: control-enable: no ``` - `/etc/unbound/root.hints`. NOTE IP address of docker container ``` text . 3600000 NS primary.root-server.com. primary.root-server.com. 3600000 A 172.17.0.$ROOT_NS_IP_ADDRESS ``` #### `client` Container is `docker/client.Dockerfile`, build with: `docker build -t dnssec-tests-client -f docker/client.Dockerfile docker`, with `tshark`. Run the client container with extra capabilities ```shell docker run --rm -it --cap-add=NET_RAW --cap-add=NET_ADMIN dnssec-tests-client /bin/bash ``` Then run `tshark` inside the container: ```shell tshark -f 'host' -O dns ``` to filter DNS messages for host `` (`unbound`).