Benjamin Fry 408d0baca0
Prepare 0.24 release with branding change to Hickory DNS (#2054)
* update all READMEs with notices about the name change

* update changelog for 0.24

* bump crate versions to 0.24

* update version notice information

* update readmes to back reference trust-dns

* rename all crates to hickory counterparts

* replace all Trust-DNS references in code and comments with Hickory DNS

* rename all Trust-DNS references to Hickory DNS in non-code

* rename all trust-dns-resolver references to hickory-resolver

* rename all trust-dns-client references to hickory-client

* rename all trust-dns-proto references to hickory-proto

* rename all trust-dns-server references to hickory-server

* rename all trust-dns-compatibility references to hickory-compatability

* rename all trust-dns-integration references to hickory-integration

* rename all trust-dns-util references to hickory-util

* Update MIT licenses to reference Hickory DNS

* update all trust-dns references to hickory-dns

* update all bluejekyll github references to hickorydns org

* Update name in Changelog

* make sure hickory-dns logs during tests

* add changelogs for recent main additions

* fix references to trust-dns and hickory in architecture

* update a few trust-dns references in READMEs

* fixup some dangling trust_dns references

* replace fka with formerly in change log

* replace all hickoydns org references to hickory-dns

* replace all http links with https

* update logos

* update hickorydns to hickory-dns for all other org references

* fix Notices of Trust-DNS to Hickory in each Readme
2023-10-13 18:39:28 -07:00

96 lines
3.2 KiB

// Copyright 2015-2017 Benjamin Fry <benjaminfry@me.com>
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, <LICENSE-APACHE or
// https://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or
// https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your option. This file may not be
// copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
#![cfg(feature = "dns-over-openssl")]
#![cfg(not(feature = "dns-over-rustls"))]
// TODO: enable this test for rustls as well using below config
// #![cfg(feature = "dns-over-tls")]
mod server_harness;
use std::env;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::*;
use std::net::*;
use native_tls::Certificate;
use tokio::net::TcpStream as TokioTcpStream;
use tokio::runtime::Runtime;
use hickory_client::client::*;
use hickory_proto::native_tls::TlsClientStreamBuilder;
use hickory_proto::iocompat::AsyncIoTokioAsStd;
use server_harness::{named_test_harness, query_a};
fn test_example_tls_toml_startup() {
fn test_example_tls_rustls_and_openssl_toml_startup() {
fn test_startup(toml: &'static str) {
named_test_harness(toml, move |_, _, tls_port, _, _| {
let mut cert_der = vec![];
let server_path = env::var("TDNS_WORKSPACE_ROOT").unwrap_or_else(|_| "..".to_owned());
println!("using server src path: {}", server_path);
.expect("failed to open cert")
.read_to_end(&mut cert_der)
.expect("failed to read cert");
let mut io_loop = Runtime::new().unwrap();
let addr: SocketAddr = ("", tls_port.expect("no tls_port"))
let mut tls_conn_builder =
let cert = to_trust_anchor(&cert_der);
let (stream, sender) = tls_conn_builder.build(addr, "ns.example.com".to_string());
let client = AsyncClient::new(stream, sender, None);
let (mut client, bg) = io_loop.block_on(client).expect("client failed to connect");
hickory_proto::spawn_bg(&io_loop, bg);
query_a(&mut io_loop, &mut client);
let addr: SocketAddr = ("", tls_port.expect("no tls_port"))
let mut tls_conn_builder =
let cert = to_trust_anchor(&cert_der);
let (stream, sender) = tls_conn_builder.build(addr, "ns.example.com".to_string());
let client = AsyncClient::new(stream, sender, None);
let (mut client, bg) = io_loop.block_on(client).expect("client failed to connect");
hickory_proto::spawn_bg(&io_loop, bg);
// ipv6 should succeed
query_a(&mut io_loop, &mut client);
fn to_trust_anchor(cert_der: &[u8]) -> Certificate {