Benjamin Fry 408d0baca0
Prepare 0.24 release with branding change to Hickory DNS (#2054)
* update all READMEs with notices about the name change

* update changelog for 0.24

* bump crate versions to 0.24

* update version notice information

* update readmes to back reference trust-dns

* rename all crates to hickory counterparts

* replace all Trust-DNS references in code and comments with Hickory DNS

* rename all Trust-DNS references to Hickory DNS in non-code

* rename all trust-dns-resolver references to hickory-resolver

* rename all trust-dns-client references to hickory-client

* rename all trust-dns-proto references to hickory-proto

* rename all trust-dns-server references to hickory-server

* rename all trust-dns-compatibility references to hickory-compatability

* rename all trust-dns-integration references to hickory-integration

* rename all trust-dns-util references to hickory-util

* Update MIT licenses to reference Hickory DNS

* update all trust-dns references to hickory-dns

* update all bluejekyll github references to hickorydns org

* Update name in Changelog

* make sure hickory-dns logs during tests

* add changelogs for recent main additions

* fix references to trust-dns and hickory in architecture

* update a few trust-dns references in READMEs

* fixup some dangling trust_dns references

* replace fka with formerly in change log

* replace all hickoydns org references to hickory-dns

* replace all http links with https

* update logos

* update hickorydns to hickory-dns for all other org references

* fix Notices of Trust-DNS to Hickory in each Readme
2023-10-13 18:39:28 -07:00

112 lines
2.7 KiB

resolver = "2"
members = [
exclude = ["fuzz"]
version = "0.24.0"
authors = ["The contributors to Hickory DNS"]
edition = "2021"
rust-version = "1.67.0"
homepage = "https://hickory-dns.org/"
repository = "https://github.com/hickory-dns/hickory-dns"
keywords = ["DNS", "BIND", "dig", "named", "dnssec"]
categories = ["network-programming"]
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
# hickory
hickory-client = { version = "0.24.0", path = "crates/client", default-features = false }
hickory-recursor = { version = "0.24.0", path = "crates/recursor", default-features = false }
hickory-resolver = { version = "0.24.0", path = "crates/resolver", default-features = false }
hickory-server = { version = "0.24.0", path = "crates/server", default-features = false }
hickory-proto = { version = "0.24.0", path = "crates/proto", default-features = false }
# logging
tracing = "0.1.30"
tracing-subscriber = "0.3"
thiserror = "1.0.20"
# async/await
async-recursion = "1.0.0"
async-trait = "0.1.43"
futures = { version = "0.3.5", default-features = false }
futures-channel = { version = "0.3.5", default-features = false }
futures-executor = { version = "0.3.5", default-features = false }
futures-io = { version = "0.3.5", default-features = false }
futures-util = { version = "0.3.5", default-features = false }
async-std = "1.6"
tokio = "1.21"
tokio-native-tls = "0.3.0"
tokio-openssl = "0.6.0"
tokio-rustls = "0.24.0"
tokio-util = "0.7.9"
parking_lot = "0.12"
# ssl
native-tls = "0.2"
openssl = "0.10.55"
rustls = "0.21.6"
rustls-native-certs = "0.6.3"
rustls-pemfile = "1.0.0"
webpki-roots = "0.25.0"
ring = "0.16"
# net proto
quinn = { version = "0.10", default-features = false }
h2 = "0.3.0"
h3 = "0.0.2"
h3-quinn = "0.0.3"
http = "0.2"
# others
backtrace = "0.3.50"
basic-toml = "0.1"
bytes = "1"
cfg-if = "1"
clap = { version = "4.0", default-features = false }
console = "0.15.0"
data-encoding = "2.2.0"
enum-as-inner = "0.6"
idna = "0.4.0"
ipconfig = "0.3.0"
ipnet = "2.3.0"
js-sys = "0.3.44"
once_cell = "1.18.0"
lru-cache = "0.1.2"
pin-utils = "0.1.0"
radix_trie = "0.2.0"
rand = "0.8"
regex = "1.3.4"
resolv-conf = "0.7.0"
rusqlite = "0.29.0"
serde = "1.0"
smallvec = "1.6"
socket2 = "0.5"
time = "0.3"
tinyvec = "1.1.1"
url = "2.4.0"
wasm-bindgen-crate = { version = "0.2.58", package = "wasm-bindgen" }
# tokio = { path = "../tokio/tokio" }
# mio = { git = "https://github.com/tokio-rs/mio.git" }
# h2 = { git = "https://github.com/hyperium/h2.git" }