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# debugging:
# - `journalctl -u systemd-networkd`
# docs:
# - wireguard (nixos): <>
# - wireguard (arch): <>
{ config, lib, pkgs, sane-lib, ... }:
cfg = config.sane.vpn;
vpnOpts = with lib; types.submodule ({ name, config, ... }: {
options = {
name = mkOption {
type = types.str;
description = ''
read-only value: must match the attrName of this vpn.
id = mkOption {
2024-01-21 00:57:46 +00:00
type = types.ints.between 1 99;
description = ''
unique integer identifier for this VPN.
lower number = higher priority, in many senses.
lowest number = default VPN to use when no other is specified, or when multiple are enabled in the same circumstance.
2024-01-21 00:57:46 +00:00
default = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
description = ''
read-only value: set based on whichever VPN has the lowest id.
endpoint = mkOption {
type = types.str;
description = ''
host:port which hosts the other end of the VPN.
e.g. ""
publicKey = mkOption {
type = types.str;
description = ''
pubkey of the remote peer.
addrV4 = mkOption {
type = types.str;
description = ''
IP address of my end of the VPN.
e.g. ""
dns = mkOption {
type = types.listOf types.str;
default = [
description = ''
dns servers to use for traffic associated with this VPN.
bridgeDevice = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "br-${name}";
description = ''
name of the bridge net device which will be created and configured so as to route all its outbound traffic over the VPN.
privateKeyFile = mkOption {
type = types.either types.str types.path;
description = ''
path to the private key for my end of the VPN.
e.g. "/run/secrets/wg-home.priv"
2024-01-21 00:57:46 +00:00
config = {
inherit name;
2024-01-21 00:57:46 +00:00
default = builtins.all (other: <= (builtins.attrValues cfg);
mkVpnConfig = name: { id, dns, endpoint, publicKey, addrV4, privateKeyFile, bridgeDevice, ... }: let
fwmark = id + 10000;
bridgeAddrV4 = "10.20.${builtins.toString id}.1/24";
in {
2024-01-21 00:57:46 +00:00
assertions = [
assertion = (lib.count (c: == id) (builtins.attrValues cfg)) == 1;
message = "multiple VPNs share id ${id}";
];"98-${name}" = {
# see: `man 5 systemd.netdev`
netdevConfig = {
Kind = "wireguard";
Name = name;
wireguardConfig = {
PrivateKeyFile = privateKeyFile;
FirewallMark = id;
wireguardPeers = [{
wireguardPeerConfig = {
AllowedIPs = [
Endpoint = endpoint;
PublicKey = publicKey;
};"50-${name}" = {
# see: `man 5`
matchConfig.Name = name;
networkConfig.Address = [ addrV4 ];
networkConfig.DNS = dns;
# TODO: `sane-vpn up <vpn>` should configure DNS to be sent over the VPN
# DNSDefaultRoute: system DNS queries are sent to this link's DNS server
# networkConfig.DNSDefaultRoute = true;
# Domains = ~.: system DNS queries are sent to this link's DNS server
# networkConfig.Domains = "~.";
routingPolicyRules = [
routingPolicyRuleConfig = {
# send traffic from the the container bridge out over the VPN.
# the bridge itself does source nat (SNAT) to rewrite the packet source address to that of the VPNs
# -- but that happens in POSTROUTING: *after* the kernel decides which interface to give the packet to next.
# therefore, we have to route here based on the packet's address as it is in PREROUTING, i.e. the bridge address. weird!
Priority = id;
From = bridgeAddrV4;
Table = id;
routes = [{
routeConfig.Table = id;
routeConfig.Scope = "link";
routeConfig.Destination = "";
routeConfig.Source = addrV4;
# RequiredForOnline => should `systemd-networkd-wait-online` fail if this network can't come up?
linkConfig.RequiredForOnline = false;
};"99-${bridgeDevice}" = {
netdevConfig.Kind = "bridge";
netdevConfig.Name = bridgeDevice;
};"51-${bridgeDevice}" = {
matchConfig.Name = bridgeDevice;
networkConfig.Description = "NATs inbound traffic to ${name}, intended for container isolation";
networkConfig.Address = [ bridgeAddrV4 ];
networkConfig.DNS = dns;
# ConfigureWithoutCarrier: a bridge with no attached interface has no carrier (this is to be expected).
# systemd ordinarily waits for a carrier to be present before "configuring" the bridge.
# i tell it to not do that, so that i can assign an IP address to the bridge before i connect it to anything.
# alternative may be to issue the bridge a static MACAddress?
# see: <>
networkConfig.ConfigureWithoutCarrier = true;
# networkConfig.DHCPServer = true;
linkConfig.RequiredForOnline = false;
networking.localCommands = with pkgs; ''
# view rules with:
# - `sudo iptables -t nat --list-rules -v`
# rewrite the source address of every packet leaving the container so that it's routable by the wg tunnel.
# note that this alone doesn't get it routed *to* the wg device. we can't, since SNAT is POSTROUTING (not PREROUTING).
# that part's done by an `ip rule` entry.
${iptables}/bin/iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -s ${bridgeAddrV4} -j SNAT --to-source ${addrV4}
# linux will drop inbound packets if it thinks a reply to that packet wouldn't exit via the same interface (rpfilter).
# wg-quick has a solution via `iptables -j CONNMARK`, and that does work for system-wide VPNs,
# but i couldn't get that to work for firejail/netns with SNAT, so set rpfilter to "loose".
networking.firewall.checkReversePath = "loose";
# networking.firewall.extraCommands = with pkgs; ''
# # wireguard packet marking. without this, rpfilter drops responses from a wireguard VPN
# # because the "reverse path check" fails (i.e. it thinks a response to the packet would go out via a different interface than what the wireguard packet arrived at).
# # debug with e.g. `iptables --list -v -n -t mangle`
# # - and `networking.firewall.logReversePathDrops = true;`, `networking.firewall.logRefusedPackets = true;`
# # - and `journalctl -k` to see dropped packets
# #
# # note that wg-quick also adds a rule to reject non-local traffic from all interfaces EXCEPT the tunnel.
# # that may protect against actors trying to probe us: actors we connect to via wireguard who send their response packets (speculatively) to our plaintext IP to see if we accept them.
# # but that's fairly low concern, and firewalling by the gateway/NAT helps protect against that already.
# ${iptables}/bin/iptables -t mangle -I PREROUTING 1 -i ${name} -m mark --mark 0 -j CONNMARK --restore-mark
# ${iptables}/bin/iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o ${name} -m mark --mark ${builtins.toString id} -j CONNMARK --save-mark
# '';"vpn-${name}" = {
path = with pkgs; [ iproute2 ];
serviceConfig = let
prioMain = id - 200;
prioFwMark = id - 100;
mkScript = verb: pkgs.writeShellScript "vpn-${name}-${verb}" ''
# first, allow all non-default routes (prefix-length != 0) a chance to route the packet.
# - this allows the wireguard tunnel itself to pass traffic via our LAN gateway.
# - incidentally, it allows traffic to LAN devices and other machine-local or virtual networks.
ip rule ${verb} from all lookup main suppress_prefixlength 0 priority ${builtins.toString prioMain}
# if packet hasn't gone through the wg device yet (fwmark), then move it to the table which will cause it to.
ip rule ${verb} not from all fwmark ${builtins.toString id} lookup ${builtins.toString id} priority ${builtins.toString prioFwMark}
in {
ExecStart = ''${mkScript "add"}'';
ExecStop = ''${mkScript "del"}'';
Type = "oneshot";
RemainAfterExit = true;
Restart = "on-failure";
# it'd be nice if this could depend on the network device we just declared, but there seems no way to do that except via 3rd-party tooling.
options = with lib; {
sane.vpn = mkOption {
type = types.attrsOf vpnOpts;
default = {};
config = let
configs = lib.mapAttrsToList mkVpnConfig cfg;
take = f: {
2024-01-21 00:57:46 +00:00
assertions = f.assertions;
networking.firewall.checkReversePath = f.networking.firewall.checkReversePath;
networking.localCommands = f.networking.localCommands; =; =;
in take (sane-lib.mkTypedMerge take configs);