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{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
# installer docs:
# Users are exactly these specified here;
# old ones will be deleted (from /etc/passwd, etc) upon upgrade.
users.mutableUsers = false;
# docs:
users.users.colin = {
# sets group to "users" (?)
isNormalUser = true;
home = "/home/colin";
uid = 1000;
# XXX colin: this is what the installer has, but is it necessary?
# group = "users";
extraGroups = [ "wheel" "nixbuild" "networkmanager" ];
2022-05-23 10:06:29 +00:00
initialPassword = lib.mkDefault "";
# shell = pkgs.bashInteractive;
# XXX colin: create ssh key for THIS user by logging in and running:
# ssh-keygen -t ed25519
openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [
"ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGSDe/y0e9PSeUwYlMPjzhW0UhNsGAGsW3lCG3apxrD5 colin@colin.desktop"
2022-05-22 09:06:33 +00:00
"ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIG+MZ/l5d8g5hbxMB9ed1uyvhV85jwNrSVNVxb5ujQjw colin@lappy"
"ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIPU5GlsSfbaarMvDA20bxpSZGWviEzXGD8gtrIowc1pX colin@desko"
security.sudo = {
enable = true;
wheelNeedsPassword = false;
services.openssh = {
enable = true;
permitRootLogin = "no";
passwordAuthentication = false;
# TODO colin: move this somewhere else!
programs.vim.defaultEditor = true;