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# <>
# sway notification daemon
# alternative to mako, dunst, etc
# debugging:
# - `journalctl --user -u swaync`
# - `G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all swaync`
# - reveal notification center: `swaync-client -t -sw`
# configuration:
# - defaults: /run/current-system/etc/profiles/per-user/colin/etc/xdg/swaync/
# - `man 5 swaync`
# - view document tree: `GTK_DEBUG=interactive swaync` (`systemctl stop --user swaync` first)
# - examples:
# - thread: <>
# - buttons-grid and menubar: <>
2023-09-11 23:03:57 +00:00
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
cfg = config.sane.programs.swaynotificationcenter;
fbcli-wrapper = pkgs.writeShellApplication {
name = "swaync-fbcli";
runtimeInputs = [
pkgs.procps # for pkill
text = ''
# if in Do Not Disturb, don't do any feedback
# TODO: better solution is to actually make use of feedbackd profiles.
# i.e. set profile to `quiet` when in DnD mode
if [ "$SWAYNC_URGENCY" != "Critical" ] && [ "$(swaync-client --get-dnd)" = "true" ]; then
# kill children if killed, to allow that killing this parent process will end the real fbcli call
cleanup() {
echo "aborting fbcli notification (PID $child)"
pkill -P "$child"
exit 0 # exit cleanly to avoid swaync alerting a script failure
# feedbackd stops playback when the caller exits
# and fbcli will exit immediately if it has no stdin.
# so spoof a stdin:
/bin/sh -c "true | fbcli $*" &
fbcli = "${fbcli-wrapper}/bin/swaync-fbcli";
# we do this because swaync's exec naively splits the command on space to produce its argv, rather than parsing the shell.
# [ "pkill" "-f" "fbcli" "--event" ... ] -> breaks pkill
# [ "pkill" "-f" "fbcli --event ..." ] -> is what we want
fbcli-stop-wrapper = pkgs.writeShellApplication {
name = "fbcli-stop";
runtimeInputs = [
pkgs.procps # for pkill
text = ''
pkill -e -f "${fbcli} $*"
fbcli-stop = "${fbcli-stop-wrapper}/bin/fbcli-stop";
systemctl-toggle = pkgs.writeShellApplication {
name = "systemctl-toggle";
runtimeInputs = [
text = ''
if systemctl is-active "$@"; then
systemctl stop "$@"
systemctl start "$@"
sane.programs.swaynotificationcenter = {
configOption = with lib; mkOption {
type = types.submodule {
options = {
backlight = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "intel_backlight";
description = ''
name of entry in /sys/class/backlight which indicates the primary backlight.
default = {};
2023-09-11 23:03:57 +00:00
# prevent dbus from automatically activating swaync so i can manage it as a systemd service instead
package = pkgs.rmDbusServices (pkgs.swaynotificationcenter.overrideAttrs (upstream: {
# allow toggle buttons:
patches = (upstream.patches or []) ++ [
(pkgs.fetchpatch {
url = "";
name = "Add toggle button";
hash = "sha256-bove2EXc5FZ5nN1X1FYOn3czCgHG03ibIAupJNoctiM=";
(pkgs.fetchpatch {
url = "";
name = "toggleButton: change active field to be a command";
hash = "sha256-Y8fiZbAP9yGOVU3rOkZKO8TnPPlrGpINWYGaqeeNzF0=";
suggestedPrograms = [ "feedbackd" ];
2023-09-07 07:33:15 +00:00
fs.".config/swaync/style.css".symlink.text = ''
/* avoid black-on-black text that the default style ships */
window {
color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
button {
color: rgb(128, 128, 128);
} {
color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
background-color: rgb(0, 110, 190);
2023-09-07 07:33:15 +00:00
fs.".config/swaync/config.json".symlink.text = builtins.toJSON {
"$schema" = "/etc/xdg/swaync/configSchema.json";
positionX = "right";
positionY = "top";
layer = "overlay";
control-center-layer = "top";
layer-shell = true;
cssPriority = "user"; # "application"|"user". "user" in order to override the system gtk theme.
control-center-margin-top = 0;
control-center-margin-bottom = 0;
control-center-margin-right = 0;
control-center-margin-left = 0;
notification-2fa-action = true;
notification-inline-replies = false;
notification-icon-size = 64;
notification-body-image-height = 100;
notification-body-image-width = 200;
2023-09-06 09:20:00 +00:00
timeout = 30;
timeout-low = 5;
timeout-critical = 0;
fit-to-screen = true; #< have notification center take full vertical screen space
control-center-width = 400;
control-center-height = 600;
2023-09-06 09:20:00 +00:00
notification-window-width = 400;
keyboard-shortcuts = true;
image-visibility = "when-available";
2023-09-06 09:20:00 +00:00
transition-time = 100;
hide-on-clear = true; #< hide control center when clicking "clear all"
hide-on-action = true;
script-fail-notify = true;
scripts = {
2023-09-16 02:55:36 +00:00
# a script can match regex on these fields. only fired if all listed fields match:
# - app-name
# - desktop-entry
# - summary
# - body
# - urgency (Low/Normal/Critical)
# - category
# additionally, the script can be run either on receipt or action:
# - run-on = "receive" or "action"
# when script is run, these env vars are available:
sound-im = {
# trigger notification sound on behalf of these IM clients.
exec = "${fbcli} --event proxied-message-new-instant";
app-name = "(Chats|Dino|discord|Element)";
body = "^(?!Incoming call).*$"; #< don't match Dino Incoming calls
sound-call = {
exec = "${fbcli} --event phone-incoming-call -t 20";
app-name = "Dino";
body = "^Incoming call$";
sound-call-end = {
# pkill will kill all processes matching -- not just the first
exec = "${fbcli-stop} --event phone-incoming-call -t 20";
app-name = "Dino";
body = "^Incoming call$";
run-on = "action";
notification-visibility = {
# match incoming notifications and decide if they should be visible.
# map of rule-name => { criteria and effect };
# keys:
# - `state`: "ignored"|"muted"|"transient"|"enabled"
# => which visibility to apply to matched notifications
# => "ignored" behaves as if the notification was never sent.
# => "muted" adds it to the sidebar & sets the notif indicator but doesn't display it on main display
# - `override-urgency`: "unset"|"low"|"normal"|"critical"
# => which urgency to apply to matched notifs
# critera: each key is optional, value is regex; rule applies if *all* specified are matched
# - `app-name`: string
# - `desktop-entry`: string
# - `summary`: string
# - `body`: string
# - `urgency`: "Low"|"Normal"|"Critical"
# - `category`: string
# test rules by using `notify-send` (libnotify)
sxmo-extraneous = {
state = "ignored";
summary = "(sxmo_hook_lisgd|Autorotate) (Stopped|Started)";
widgets = [
# what to show in the notification center (and in which order).
# these are configurable further via `widget-config`.
# besides these listed, there are general-purpose UI tools:
# - label (show some text)
# - buttons-grid (labels which trigger actions when clicked)
# - menubar (tree of labels/actions)
widget-config = {
backlight = {
label = "󰃝 ";
device = cfg.config.backlight;
buttons-grid = {
actions = [
# {
# type = "toggle";
# label = "feedbackd";
# command = "${systemctl-toggle}/bin/systemctl-toggle --user feedbackd";
# active = "${pkgs.systemd}/bin/systemctl is-active --user feedbackd.service";
# }
type = "toggle";
label = "gps";
command = "/run/wrappers/bin/sudo ${systemctl-toggle}/bin/systemctl-toggle eg25-control-gps";
active = "${pkgs.systemd}/bin/systemctl is-active eg25-control-gps.service";
2023-09-19 16:25:17 +00:00
type = "toggle";
label = "vpn:servo";
command = "/run/wrappers/bin/sudo ${systemctl-toggle}/bin/systemctl-toggle wg-quick-vpn-servo";
active = "${pkgs.systemd}/bin/systemctl is-active wg-quick-vpn-servo.service";
dnd = {
text = "Do Not Disturb";
inhibitors = {
text = "Inhibitors";
button-text = "Clear All";
clear-all-button = true;
mpris = {
image-size = 64;
image-radius = 8;
title = {
text = "Notifications";
clear-all-button = true;
button-text = "Clear All";
volume = {
label = " ";
services.swaync = {
# swaync ships its own service, but i want to add `environment` variables and flags for easier debugging.
# seems that's not possible without defining an entire nix-native service (i.e. this).
description = "Swaync desktop notification daemon";
wantedBy = [ "" ];
serviceConfig.ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/swaync";
serviceConfig.Type = "simple";
# serviceConfig.BusName = "org.freedesktop.Notifications";
serviceConfig.Restart = "on-failure";
serviceConfig.RestartSec = "10s";
environment.G_MESSAGES_DEBUG = "all";
2023-09-07 07:34:22 +00:00
sane.programs.feedbackd.config = lib.mkIf cfg.enabled {
# claim control over feedbackd: we'll proxy the sounds we want on behalf of notifying programs
proxied = true;