
141 lines
4.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* to show active config: `rofi -dump-config`
* to show keybindings: `rofi -show keys`
* to show theme config: `rofi -dump-theme`
* - for live theme switching: `rofi-theme-selector`
* to see <span ...> markup: <>
configuration {
modes: "combi";
font: "sans 19";
show-icons: true;
kb-accept-entry: "Return,KP_Enter,XF86PowerOff";
kb-row-up: "Up,XF86AudioRaiseVolume";
kb-row-down: "Down,XF86AudioLowerVolume";
cache-dir: "~/.cache/rofi";
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/* to position rofi to the top of the screen: */
/* location: 2; */
combi {
/* this is rendered in the filter box, here we disable it */
display-name: "";
/* combi-display-format: "{mode} {text}"; */
/* combi-display-format: "{text}"; */
/* HACK: combi-display-format: "{mode}...</span>" expects `{mode}` to include <span>, allowing each mode to use custom styling */
combi-display-format: "{mode}{text}</span>";
combi-modes: "filebrowser,drun";
drun {
display-name: "<span>";
/* icons in /run/current-system/sw/share/icons/Adwaita/16x16/mimetypes */
fallback-icon: "application-x-executable";
drun-use-desktop-cache: true;
filebrowser {
/* directory: filebrowser starting directory. leave unset to start at the last directory. */
/* directory: "/home"; */
/* display-name: text to prepend in combi mode */
display-name: "<span stretch='semicondensed' size='90%'>";
/* `command` is the prefix to prepend (along with a space) *before* passing it off to `run-command` */
command: "xdg-open";
directories-first: true;
/* sorting-method: name/atime/ctime/mtime */
sorting-method: "name";
show-hidden: false;
fallback-icon: "application-x-generic";
run {
display-name: "run ";
fallback-icon: "application-x-executable";
/* launch applications via my own launcher, which directs them through to xdg-desktop-portal */
run-command: "rofi-run-command '{app_id}.desktop' {cmd}";
/* theme */
* {
/* my own variables */
bg: #1d1721; /* slight purple */
fg0: #d8d8d8; /* inactive text (light grey) */
fg1: #ffffff; /* active text (white) */
accent0: #1f5e54; /* darker but saturated teal */
accent1: #418379; /* teal (matches nixos-bg) */
accent2: #5b938a; /* brighter but muted teal */
/* map my variables to variables rofi uses internally */
background-color: var(accent0);
background: var(accent0);
/* foreground: non-alternating text, scrollbar, borders, separators */
foreground: var(fg0);
/* override derived styles */
alternate-active-background: var(accent0);
alternate-normal-background: var(accent0);
alternate-active-foreground: var(fg0);
alternate-normal-foreground: var(fg0);
border-color: var(accent0);
text-color: var(fg0);
selected-active-background: var(accent1);
selected-normal-background: var(accent1);
selected-active-foreground: var(fg1);
selected-normal-foreground: var(fg1);
separatorcolor: var(accent1);
entry {
placeholder: "";
text-color: var(fg1);
num-rows, num-filtered-rows {
text-color: var(fg0);
prompt, textbox-prompt-colon {
/* hide */
text-color: var(accent0);
scrollbar {
handle-color: var(accent2);
2024-03-01 17:10:45 +00:00
window {
/* rofi supports very complex calculations here */
/* one may even read environment variables (useful for knowing if screen is rotated?) */
/* `calc(... min 100%)` ensures it never overflows */
/* rofi is aware of the top bar (waybar) and any virtual keyboards,
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* so e.g. height: 100% will occupy 100% of the height *not* allocated to bars/kbds.
* however with y-offset, it becomes possible to overflow */
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width: calc(960 min 100%);
/* 520px @ font size 20 gives 13 rows + filter */
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/* 482px @ font size 20 gives 12 rows + filter */
/* 446px @ font size 20 gives 11 rows + filter */
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/* 90.5% @ font size 20, sway scale 2.0, moby in landscape mode: gives 7 rows + filter */
/* 94% @ font size 19, sway scale 2.0, moby in landscape mode: gives 7 rows + filter */
/* 465 @ font size 19, sway scale 2.0 gives 11 rows + filter */
/* 427 @ font size 19, sway scale 2.0 gives 10 rows + filter */
height: calc(429 min 94.0%);
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/* anchor the *north* edge of the window at the *north* location of the screen */
anchor: north;
location: north;
/* 8.2% lines up nicely with Firefox */
y-offset: 8.2%;
/* padding: top right bottom left */
padding: 4px 0px 1px 0px;
element {
border: 0;
margin: 0.5px;
/* padding: top right bottom left */
padding: 0 0 0 4px;
spacing: 6px; /* spacing between icon and text */
element-icon {
size: 0.8em;
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