mpv: remove legacy vo=wlshim hack

This commit is contained in:
Colin 2024-03-02 23:45:51 +00:00
parent 3ac6b92c18
commit 0aaa3eaaeb
2 changed files with 31 additions and 47 deletions

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@ -52,7 +52,6 @@
# sane.programs.signal-desktop.config.autostart = true; # TODO: enable once electron stops derping.
# sane.programs."gnome.geary".config.autostart = true;
# sane.programs.calls.config.autostart = true;
sane.programs.mpv.config.vo = "wlshm"; #< see hosts/common/programs/mpv.nix for details
sane.programs.firefox.mime.priority = 300; # prefer other browsers when possible
# HACK/TODO: make `programs.P.env.VAR` behave according to `mime.priority`

View File

@ -10,57 +10,42 @@ let
sane.programs.mpv = {
configOption = with lib; mkOption {
default = {};
type = types.submodule {
options.vo = mkOption {
type = types.nullOr types.str;
default = null;
description = "--vo=FOO flag to pass to mpv";
packageUnwrapped = (pkgs.wrapMpv pkgs.mpv-unwrapped {
packageUnwrapped = pkgs.wrapMpv pkgs.mpv-unwrapped {
scripts = with pkgs.mpvScripts; [
# pkgs.mpv-uosc-latest
extraMakeWrapperArgs = lib.optionals (cfg.config.vo != null) [
# 2023/08/29: fixes an error where mpv on moby launches with the message
# "DRM_IOCTL_MODE_CREATE_DUMB failed: Cannot allocate memory"
# audio still works, and controls, screenshotting, etc -- just not the actual rendering
# this is likely a regression for mpv 0.36.0.
# the actual error message *appears* to come from the mesa library, but it's tough to trace.
# TODO(2023/12/03): remove once mesa 23.3.1 lands: <>
# backend compatibility (2023/10/22):
# run with `--vo=help` to see a list of all output options.
# non-exhaustive (W=works, F=fails, A=audio-only, U=audio+ui only (no video))
# ? null Null video output
# A (default)
# A dmabuf-wayland Wayland dmabuf video output
# A libmpv render API for libmpv (mpv plays the audio, but doesn't even render a window)
# A vdpau VDPAU with X11
# F drm Direct Rendering Manager (software scaling)
# F gpu-next Video output based on libplacebo
# F vaapi VA API with X11
# F x11 X11 (software scaling)
# F xv X11/Xv
# U gpu Shader-based GPU Renderer
# W caca libcaca (terminal rendering)
# W sdl SDL 2.0 Renderer
# W wlshm Wayland SHM video output (software scaling)
"--add-flags" "--vo=${cfg.config.vo}"
}).overrideAttrs (base: {
buildCommand = base.buildCommand + ''
# runHook postFixup to allow sandbox wrappers to wrap the binaries
runHook postFixup
# extraMakeWrapperArgs = lib.optionals (cfg.config.vo != null) [
# # 2023/08/29: fixes an error where mpv on moby launches with the message
# # "DRM_IOCTL_MODE_CREATE_DUMB failed: Cannot allocate memory"
# # audio still works, and controls, screenshotting, etc -- just not the actual rendering
# #
# # this is likely a regression for mpv 0.36.0.
# # the actual error message *appears* to come from the mesa library, but it's tough to trace.
# #
# # 2024/03/02: no longer necessary, with mesa 23.3.1: <>
# #
# # backend compatibility (2023/10/22):
# # run with `--vo=help` to see a list of all output options.
# # non-exhaustive (W=works, F=fails, A=audio-only, U=audio+ui only (no video))
# # ? null Null video output
# # A (default)
# # A dmabuf-wayland Wayland dmabuf video output
# # A libmpv render API for libmpv (mpv plays the audio, but doesn't even render a window)
# # A vdpau VDPAU with X11
# # F drm Direct Rendering Manager (software scaling)
# # F gpu-next Video output based on libplacebo
# # F vaapi VA API with X11
# # F x11 X11 (software scaling)
# # F xv X11/Xv
# # U gpu Shader-based GPU Renderer
# # W caca libcaca (terminal rendering)
# # W sdl SDL 2.0 Renderer
# # W wlshm Wayland SHM video output (software scaling)
# "--add-flags" "--vo=${cfg.config.vo}"
# ];
sandbox.method = "bwrap";
sandbox.autodetectCliPaths = true;