go2tv: configure firewall as needed

This commit is contained in:
Colin 2023-12-15 00:50:58 +00:00
parent d18e94ea87
commit 311412c5ee
2 changed files with 40 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
./gnome-feeds.nix ./gnome-feeds.nix
./gnome-keyring.nix ./gnome-keyring.nix
./gnome-weather.nix ./gnome-weather.nix
./gpodder.nix ./gpodder.nix
./gthumb.nix ./gthumb.nix
./gtkcord4.nix ./gtkcord4.nix

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# - turn the tv off and on again (no, really...)
# - `go2tv -u 'https://uninsane.org/share/AmenBreak.mp4'`
# - LGTV: works
# - `go2tv -tc -v /mnt/servo-media/Videos/Shows/bebop/session1.mkv`
# - LGTV: works
# - `go2tv -u 'https://youtu.be/p3G5IXn0K7A'`
# - LGTV: FAILS ("this file cannot be recognized")
# - no fix via transcoding, altering the URI, etc.
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
cfg = config.sane.programs.go2tv;
sane.programs.go2tv = {
package = pkgs.go2tv.overrideAttrs (orig: {
# SSDP doesn't do well with default firewall rules.
# - go2tv sends a UDP M-Search from localhost port P to the broadcast address.
# - UPNP sinks respond to localhost port P.
# - firewall can't track that "connection", because the address which contacts us isn't the same as the address we queried.
# to workaround this, force go2tv to query from a fixed *source* port.
# then the responses will likewise be to a fixed *dest* port, and we can open that port
postPatch = (orig.postPatch or "") + ''
substituteInPlace devices/devices.go \
--replace 'ssdp.Search(ssdp.All, delay, "")' 'ssdp.Search(ssdp.All, delay, "")'
# necessary to discover local UPNP endpoints
networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = lib.mkIf cfg.enabled [ 1901 ];
# for serving local files
# see: go2tv/soapcalls/utils/iptools.go
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = lib.mkIf cfg.enabled [ 3500 ];