flake: add check.hostConfigsNext

This commit is contained in:
Colin 2023-12-11 22:23:14 +00:00
parent e7826e0648
commit 49235a4d83
1 changed files with 36 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -275,6 +275,40 @@
program = ''${deployScript host addr action}'';
checkHostConfigsApp = variant: {
type = "app";
program = let
checkHost = host: let
shellHost = pkgs.lib.replaceStrings [ "-" ] [ "_" ] host;
in ''
nix build -v '.#nixosConfigurations.${host}.config.system.build.toplevel' --out-link ./result-${host} -j2 $@
in builtins.toString (pkgs.writeShellScript
# build minimally-usable hosts first, then their full image.
# this gives me a minimal image i can deploy or copy over, early.
${checkHost "desko-light${variant}"}
${checkHost "moby-light${variant}"}
${checkHost "lappy-light${variant}"}
${checkHost "desko${variant}"}
${checkHost "lappy${variant}"}
${checkHost "servo${variant}"}
${checkHost "moby${variant}"}
${checkHost "rescue${variant}"}
echo "desko: $RC_desko"
echo "lappy: $RC_lappy"
echo "servo: $RC_servo"
echo "moby: $RC_moby"
echo "rescue: $RC_rescue"
exit $(($RC_desko | $RC_lappy | $RC_servo | $RC_moby | $RC_rescue))
# pkg updating.
# a cleaner alternative lives here: <https://discourse.nixos.org/t/how-can-i-run-the-updatescript-of-personal-packages/25274/2>
# mkUpdater :: [ String ] -> { type = "app"; program = path; }
@ -456,39 +490,8 @@
check.hostConfigs = {
type = "app";
program = let
checkHost = host: let
shellHost = pkgs.lib.replaceStrings [ "-" ] [ "_" ] host;
in ''
nix build -v '.#nixosConfigurations.${host}.config.system.build.toplevel' --out-link ./result-${host} -j2 $@
in builtins.toString (pkgs.writeShellScript
# build minimally-usable hosts first, then their full image.
# this gives me a minimal image i can deploy or copy over, early.
${checkHost "desko-light"}
${checkHost "moby-light"}
${checkHost "lappy-light"}
${checkHost "desko"}
${checkHost "lappy"}
${checkHost "servo"}
${checkHost "moby"}
${checkHost "rescue"}
echo "desko: $RC_desko"
echo "lappy: $RC_lappy"
echo "servo: $RC_servo"
echo "moby: $RC_moby"
echo "rescue: $RC_rescue"
exit $(($RC_desko | $RC_lappy | $RC_servo | $RC_moby | $RC_rescue))
check.hostConfigs = checkHostConfigsApp "";
check.hostConfigsNext = checkHostConfigsApp "-staging-next";
check.rescue = {
type = "app";