zsh: document prezto modules, switch dir aliases to dirHashes

This commit is contained in:
colin 2022-12-21 13:53:22 +00:00
parent 1808d153b2
commit 69361ee9a2

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@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ lib.mkIf config.sane.home-manager.enable
dotDir = ".config/zsh";
history.path = "/home/colin/.local/share/zsh/history";
# defaultKeymap = "vicmd"; # vim normal mode (cmd mode)
# powerlevel10k prompt config
initExtraBeforeCompInit = builtins.readFile ./p10k.zsh;
initExtra = ''
@ -35,19 +37,42 @@ lib.mkIf config.sane.home-manager.enable
prezto = {
enable = true;
pmodules = [
# configures jobs to persist after shell exit; other basic niceties
# auto-titles terminal (e.g. based on cwd)
# configures shortcuts like Ctrl+U=undo, Ctrl+L=clear
# adds `history-stat` alias, setopts for good history defaults
# sets AUTO_CD, adds `d` alias to list directory stack, and `1`-`9` to cd that far back the stack
# helpers for term colors and styling. used by prompts? might be unnecessary
# configures aliases like `ll`, `la`, disables globbing for things like rsync
# adds aliases like `get` to fetch a file. also adds `http-serve` alias??
# tab completion. requires `utility` module prior to loading
"git" # TODO: delete? this defines git aliases i don't use, but might be used by prompt
# TODO: enable syntax-highlighting ?
prompt.theme = "powerlevel10k";
utility.safeOps = false; # disable `mv` confirmation (and supposedly `rm`, too)
# editor.keymap = "vi";
dirHashes = {
# convenient `cd`-isms
"3rd" = "/home/colin/dev/3rd";
"dev" = "/home/colin/dev";
"knowledge" = "/home/colin/knowledge";
"nixos" = "/home/colin/nixos";
"nixpkgs" = "/home/colin/dev/3rd/nixpkgs";
"ref" = "/home/colin/ref";
"secrets" = "/home/colin/knowledge/secrets";
"uninsane" = "/home/colin/dev/uninsane";
@ -56,12 +81,5 @@ lib.mkIf config.sane.home-manager.enable
# common typos
"cd.." = "cd ..";
"cd../" = "cd ../";
# convenient `cd`-isms
"knowledge" = "cd ~/knowledge";
"nixos" = "cd ~/nixos";
"nixpkgs" = "cd ~/dev/3rd/nixpkgs";
"ref" = "cd ~/ref";
"secrets" = "cd ~/knowledge/secrets";
"uninsane" = "cd ~/dev/uninsane";