sway: direct inputs to bonsai WITHOUT swallowing them

This commit is contained in:
Colin 2024-03-01 03:01:40 +00:00
parent b73569d675
commit 7af928a6d2

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@ -64,6 +64,27 @@ let
sane.programs.sane-input-handler = {
configOption = with lib; mkOption{
default = {};
type = types.submodule {
options = {
devices = mkOption {
type = types.listOf types.str;
default = [
"0:1:Power_Button" #< Thinkpad power button
"1:1:AT_Translated_Set_2_keyboard" #< Thinkpad volume buttons (plus all its other buttons)
"0:0:axp20x-pek" #< Pinephone power button
"1:1:1c21800.lradc" #< Pinephone volume buttons
description = ''
list of devices which we should listen for special inputs from.
find these names with:
`swaymsg -t get_inputs --raw | jq 'map(.identifier)'`
packageUnwrapped = pkgs.static-nix-shell.mkBash {
pname = "sane-input-handler";
srcRoot = ./.;
@ -75,6 +96,31 @@ in
suggestedPrograms = [ "bonsai" "playerctl" "procps" "psmisc" "pulseaudio" "sway" "wvkbd" ];
# sane.programs.actkbd = {
# fs.".config/actkbd/actkbd.conf".symlink.text = ''
# 114:key::bonsaictl -e voldown_pressed
# 114:rel::bonsaictl -e voldown_released
# 115:key::bonsaictl -e volup_pressed
# 115:rel::bonsaictl -e volup_released
# # note that power might be on its own /dev/input/event* device separate from the volume buttons
# 116:key::bonsaictl -e power_pressed
# 116:rel::bonsaictl -e power_released
# '';
# services.actkbd = {
# # TODO: apparently i need one instance per /dev/input, which also means i need udev, etc.
# description = "actkbd: keyboard input mapping";
# after = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
# wantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
# serviceConfig = {
# ExecStart = "${config.sane.programs.actkbd.package}/bin/actkbd -c /home/colin/.config/actkbd/actkbd.conf";
# Type = "simple";
# Restart = "always";
# RestartSec = "5s";
# };
# };
# };
sane.programs.bonsai.config.transitions = lib.mkIf cfg.enabled (friendlyToBonsai {
# map sequences of "events" to an argument to pass to sane-input-handler
@ -107,14 +153,23 @@ in
sane.programs.sway.config.extra_lines = lib.mkIf cfg.enabled ''
# TODO: `bindsym` at this level CONSUMES the event globally;
# need some way to allow rofi to see these events when it is in focus
bindsym --locked --no-repeat XF86PowerOff exec bonsaictl -e power_pressed
bindsym --locked --release XF86PowerOff exec bonsaictl -e power_released
bindsym --locked --no-repeat XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec bonsaictl -e volup_pressed
bindsym --locked --release XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec bonsaictl -e volup_released
bindsym --locked --no-repeat XF86AudioLowerVolume exec bonsaictl -e voldown_pressed
bindsym --locked --release XF86AudioLowerVolume exec bonsaictl -e voldown_released
sane.programs.sway.config.extra_lines = lib.mkIf cfg.enabled (
# bindsym --input-device=... :
# i wish to route certain events both to bonsai and/or the application
# (rather, if there is an application which would receive them, send them, else re-route to bonsai).
# bindsym --input-device=* SWALLOWS all events: it sends them to bonsaid and NOT any gui app.
# bindsym --input-device=<dev> DOESN'T SWALLOW EVENTS: it sends them to BOTH places (yay!).
# however, this is considered a BUG. i am relying on a bug here that may be fixed in future sway versions:
# - <https://github.com/swaywm/sway/issues/6961>
# if so, migrate this to an evdev daemon, such as `evdevremapkeys` or `actkbd`
'' + lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (lib.forEach cfg.config.devices (dev: ''
bindsym --locked --input-device=${dev} --no-repeat XF86PowerOff exec bonsaictl -e power_pressed
bindsym --locked --input-device=${dev} --release XF86PowerOff exec bonsaictl -e power_released
bindsym --locked --input-device=${dev} --no-repeat XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec bonsaictl -e volup_pressed
bindsym --locked --input-device=${dev} --release XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec bonsaictl -e volup_released
bindsym --locked --input-device=${dev} --no-repeat XF86AudioLowerVolume exec bonsaictl -e voldown_pressed
bindsym --locked --input-device=${dev} --release XF86AudioLowerVolume exec bonsaictl -e voldown_released