some kind of sane-date-math date/time util thing. idk, parsers are fun ig

This commit is contained in:
colin 2022-12-23 15:57:56 +00:00
parent f9aa36a620
commit 7b01822ee7
2 changed files with 481 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ resholve.mkDerivation {
# remove python scripts # remove python scripts
# TODO: figure out how to make resholve process only shell scripts # TODO: figure out how to make resholve process only shell scripts
rm sane-reclaim-boot-space rm sane-reclaim-boot-space
rm sane-date-math
''; '';
installPhase = '' installPhase = ''

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@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# i just went overboard playing around with parsers, is all.
# use this like `./sane-date-math 'today - 5d'`
# of course, it handles parenthesizes and operator precedence, so you can do sillier things like
# `./sane-date-math ' today - (3*4+1 - ((0)) ) *7d '`
import abc
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import sys
class Token:
def __init__(self, c: str):
self.c = c
def __repr__(self) -> str:
if self == EOF:
return "<EOF>"
return f"{self.c!r}"
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.c
def __eq__(self, other: 'Token') -> bool:
return self.c == other.c
EOF = Token('\x05')
PLUS = Token('+')
MINUS = Token('-')
ASTERISK = Token('*')
SPACE = Token(' ')
OPEN_PAREN = Token('(')
CLOSE_PAREN = Token(')')
UNDERSCORE = Token('_')
DIGITS = [Token(c) for c in '0123456789']
ALPHA_LOWER = [Token(c) for c in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz']
ALPHA_UPPER = [Token(t.c.upper()) for t in ALPHA_LOWER]
# TODO: should be enum
class ParseCode:
# return if the parser cannot parse the provided token
HALT = 0
# return if the parser is already "complete" and the token should be yielded to the outer context instead
# return is the parser successfully consumed the provided token and parsing should continue
class ParserContext(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
def feed(self, token: Token) -> ParseCode:
possibly ingests this token, modifying internal state,
and providing instruction to the outer parser layer on
how to proceed.
def context(self) -> 'ParserContext':
hack to make type-level "Productions" compatible with instance-level "ParserContext"s.
return self
def destructure(self) -> object:
destructure the outer layer of this ParserContext to obtain access to whatever state it captured.
e.g. Then([A, Choice([B, C])]) destructures first to [A, Choice([B, C])].
it's not recursive; the inner layers must be manually destructured.
return self
class Then(ParserContext):
primitive combinator: given a sequence of parser constructs, parse the input
using the first parser until that parser yields, then parse using the second
parser, and so on.
def __init__(self, items: list):
self.items = [i.context() for i in items]
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"Then({self.items!r})"
def __str__(self) -> str:
return str(self.items)
def feed(self, token: Token) -> ParseCode:
# we expect parser contexts to be fused: once they YIELD,
# they should yield on all future calls as well
for i in self.items:
result = i.feed(token)
if result != ParseCode.YIELD: return result
# all items are done parsing; so are we!
return ParseCode.YIELD
def destructure(self) -> list:
return self.items
class Choice(ParserContext):
primitive combinator: try each parser in order and use the first match.
NB: there's no lookahead. whichever parser is able to parse the first token
is used for the entire stream.
def __init__(self, choices: list):
self.choices = choices = None
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"Choice({self.choices!r})"
def __str__(self) -> str:
if is not None:
return str(
return repr(self)
def feed(self, token: Token) -> ParseCode:
if is not None:
for choice in self.choices:
item = choice.context()
result = item.feed(token)
if result is not ParseCode.HALT: = item
return result
return ParseCode.HALT # no matches
def destructure(self) -> ParserContext:
class WantToken(ParserContext):
match a single token out of a list of valid tokens
def __init__(self, want: list):
self.has = None
self.want = [want] if isinstance(want, Token) else want
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"WantToken({self.want!r})"
def feed(self, token: Token) -> ParseCode:
if self.has is not None: return ParseCode.YIELD
if token in self.want:
self.has = token
return ParseCode.CONTINUE
return ParseCode.HALT
def destructure(self) -> Token:
return self.has
class Empty(ParserContext):
used as a terminal to allow for constructs like `optional`
def feed(self, token: Token) -> ParseCode:
return ParseCode.YIELD
def destructure(self) -> None:
return None
def optional(context: ParserContext) -> ParserContext:
return Choice([context, Empty()])
## "Productions" sit on top of these base ParserContexts in order to give names to
## large token sequences and to "reduce" them into AST types more intelligently.
class ProductionContext(ParserContext):
this adapts from the Production system of specification to the ParserContext system.
this is instantiated for high-level productions where we specify a grammar
and then parse "all in one go", sealing away incomplete state, and converting
the parsed tokens into actually useful abstractions (like signed numbers).
def __init__(self, production_cls: type, grammar: ParserContext):
self.production_cls = production_cls
self.context = grammar
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"ProductionContext({self.production_cls.__name__!r}, {self.context!r})"
def __str__(self) -> str:
return str(self.context)
def feed(self, token: Token) -> ParseCode:
return self.context.feed(token)
def reduce_inner(self, inner: ParserContext):
if isinstance(inner, ProductionContext):
return inner.reduce() # easy
elif isinstance(inner, ParserContext):
return self.reduce_inner(inner.destructure())
elif isinstance(inner, list): # happens via unpacking of Then objects
return [self.reduce_inner(i) for i in inner]
return inner
def reduce(self) -> object:
# XXX this ends up being a leaf -> root reduction,
# which generally makes it harder to achieve detailed control when nesting.
return self.production_cls.reduce(self.reduce_inner(self.context))
class Production:
non-generic, likely multi-token productions,
specified in terms of other Productions and the above primitives
def grammar() -> ParserContext:
raise NotImplementedError()
def context(cls) -> ParserContext:
return ProductionContext(cls, cls.grammar())
def reduce(cls, inner: object) -> object:
use to construct the outer types out of already-converted inner types.
e.g. Number = Then([optional(Minus), Digits, optional(Suffix)])
gets called with reduce([a, b, c]), where a is the already reduced `optional(Minus)`,
i.e. `None` or whatever type corresponds to the Minus token.
return inner
class DigitProduction(Production):
""" one digit token """
def grammar() -> ParserContext:
return WantToken(DIGITS)
def reduce(inner: Token) -> int:
return int(inner.c)
class IntProduction(Production):
""" multi-digit integer """
def grammar() -> ParserContext:
return Then([
def reduce(inner: list) -> int:
leading, trailing = inner
if trailing is None:
return leading
return leading*10 + trailing
class DurationOrIntProduction(Production):
# due to a lack of lookahead, we combine duration and int parsing into one production
# because a duration shares a complete int as prefix
def grammar() -> ParserContext:
return Then([
def reduce(inner: list) -> 'Literal':
value, suffix = inner
if suffix is None:
return Literal(value)
return Literal(timedelta(value))
class Whitespace(Production):
def grammar() -> ParserContext:
return Then([
class ParenthesizedExpr(Production):
def grammar() -> ParserContext:
return Then([
def reduce(inner: list) -> object:
open, expr, close = inner
return expr
class IdentifierTail(Production):
def grammar() -> ParserContext:
return Then([
class Identifier(Production):
""" variable-style identifier, e.g. 'TODAY' """
def grammar() -> ParserContext:
return Then([
def reduce(inner: list) -> 'Literal':
# fold the tokens into a string
first, rest = inner
head = first.c
while rest is not None:
next, rest = rest
head += next.c
return Variable(head)
class UnaryExpr(Production):
""" some expression which does not invoke any operators at the outermost level """
def grammar() -> ParserContext:
return Then([
def reduce(inner: list):
# drop the whitespace
leading, primary, trailing = inner
return primary
class ExprRHS(Production):
""" right hand side of a binary operation """
def grammar() -> ParserContext:
return Then([
Choice([WantToken(ASTERISK), WantToken(PLUS), WantToken(MINUS)]),
# remaining, is just another `Expr`, but we need to keep the fields expanded here to control precedence.
Choice([ExprRHS, Empty()]),
class Expr(Production):
""" this is the top-level production """
def grammar() -> ParserContext:
return Then([
Choice([ExprRHS, Empty()])
def reduce(inner: list):
lhs, rhs = inner
if rhs is None: return lhs
# convert the whole right-hand-side of the tree, iteratively.
oper, rhs, rhs_next = rhs
if oper == ASTERISK:
# multiplication has high precedence and we grab the adjacent token ASAP
lhs = MulOp(lhs, rhs)
if rhs_next is not None:
lhs = Expr.reduce([lhs, rhs_next])
# reduce the rhs and *then* apply this operator
if rhs_next is not None:
rhs = Expr.reduce([rhs, rhs_next])
if oper == PLUS:
lhs = AddOp(lhs, rhs)
elif oper == MINUS:
lhs = SubOp(lhs, rhs)
return lhs
## parsed productions are `reduce`d to more useful `AstItem` items which we use
## for the actual evaluation/computation
class AstItem(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
def eval(self, context: dict):
class Literal(AstItem):
def __init__(self, v):
self.v = v
def __str__(self) -> str:
return str(self.v)
def eval(self, context: dict):
return self.v
class Variable(AstItem):
def __init__(self, name: str): = name
def __str__(self) -> str:
def eval(self, context: dict):
return context[]
class BinaryOp(AstItem):
def __init__(self, lhs, rhs):
self.lhs = lhs
self.rhs = rhs
class AddOp(BinaryOp):
def __str__(self):
return f"({self.lhs} + {self.rhs})"
def eval(self, context: dict):
return self.lhs.eval(context) + self.rhs.eval(context)
class SubOp(BinaryOp):
def __str__(self):
return f"({self.lhs} - {self.rhs})"
def eval(self, context: dict):
return self.lhs.eval(context) - self.rhs.eval(context)
class MulOp(BinaryOp):
def __str__(self):
return f"({self.lhs} * {self.rhs})"
def eval(self, context: dict):
return self.lhs.eval(context) * self.rhs.eval(context)
def tokenize(stream: str) -> list:
return [Token(char) for char in stream]
def parse(ty: type, tokens: list) -> AstItem:
ctx = Then([ty, Empty()])
for i, t in enumerate(tokens):
result = ctx.feed(t)
# print(f"i={i}; t={t}; state: {ctx!r}")
assert result == ParseCode.CONTINUE, f"unexpected token '{t}' at {i}; state: {ctx!r}"
# feed a trailing EOF which no production should consume.
# this either drives the context to a HALT state, if it's expecting
# some specific other token, or YIELD if it's happy for the stream to be closed.
assert ctx.feed(EOF) == ParseCode.YIELD, f"incomplete expression: {ctx!r}"
return ctx.destructure()[0].reduce()
def evaluate(expr: str) -> object:
tok = tokenize(expr)
expr = parse(Expr, tok)
env = dict(
return expr.eval(env)
if __name__ == '__main__':
expr = " ".join(sys.argv[1:])