theming: ship HighContrast icon theme as default

current gnome.adwaita-icon-theme doesn't generate all icons when cross-compiled

this may be fixed in GNOME 45.

until then, HighContrast gets us *most* icons
This commit is contained in:
Colin 2023-10-04 01:01:29 +00:00
parent d89287af11
commit 7db8dabf8f
3 changed files with 94 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -77,6 +77,8 @@
- this will require some patching to handle `exec <foo>` style
- maybe: save original PATH and reset it before invoking user files
- moby: theme GTK apps (i.e. non-adwaita styles)
- combine multiple icon themes to get one which has the full icon set?
- get adwaita-icon-theme to ship everything even when cross-compiled?
- especially, make the menubar collapsible
- try Gradience tool specifically for theming adwaita? <>
- phog: remove the gnome-shell runtime dependency to save hella closure size

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@ -184,27 +184,96 @@ let
# then determine the name here by building and `ls result/share/icons`
# this misses quite a few icon themes that aren't Adwaita-based.
# for those, try `nix-locate share/icons`?
# note that adwaita apps expect exactly the icon set provided by adwaita-icon-theme:
# - most icon themes are supplementary to adwaita, rather than a full replacement.
# - i.e. most themes, unless adwaita is also installed, will cause some missing icons inside apps.
# - that's probably why so many themes here also symlink Adwaita
# my accounting of "adwaita coverage" seems to be overoptimistic somehow
# maybe some apps bundle adwaita themselves
Adwaita = gnome.adwaita-icon-theme;
Arc = arc-icon-theme; # 4.5/5, meh icon for "vertical ellipsis".
HighContrast = gnome.gnome-themes-extra; # gtk-3.0
Humanity = humanity-icon-theme;
Humanity-Dark = humanity-icon-theme;
Numix = numix-icon-theme; # 4/5, meh icon for "back".
Numix-Light = numix-icon-theme;
Paper = paper-icon-theme; # 4/5, weird icon for "info".
Paper-Mono-Dark = paper-icon-theme;
Pop = pop-icon-theme; # 5/5
Tela-circle = tela-circle-icon-theme;
Tela-circle-dark = tela-circle-icon-theme;
Tela-circle-light = tela-circle-icon-theme;
elementary-xfce = elementary-xfce-icon-theme;
Arc = arc-icon-theme; # 4.5/5, meh icon for "vertical ellipsis". 3/5 adwaita coverage
elementary-xfce = elementary-xfce-icon-theme; # does not cross compile (2023/10/03)
elementary-xfce-dark = elementary-xfce-icon-theme;
elementary-xfce-darker = elementary-xfce-icon-theme;
elementary-xfce-darkest = elementary-xfce-icon-theme;
HighContrast = gnome.gnome-themes-extra; # 5/5. 5/5 adwaita coverage (4/5 cross)
Humanity = humanity-icon-theme; # 5/5. 5/5 adwaita coverage (3.5/5 cross, unique in which icons work)
Humanity-Dark = humanity-icon-theme;
kora = kora-icon-theme;
kora-light = kora-icon-theme;
kora-light-panel = kora-icon-theme;
kora-pgrey = kora-icon-theme;
Numix = numix-icon-theme; # 4/5, meh icon for "back".
Numix-Light = numix-icon-theme;
Paper = paper-icon-theme; # 4/5, weird icon for "info". 5/5 adwaita coverage (3.5 cross, highly unique in which icons work)
Paper-Mono-Dark = paper-icon-theme;
Pop = pop-icon-theme; # 5/5. 2/5 adwaita coverage
Tela-circle = tela-circle-icon-theme;
Tela-circle-dark = tela-circle-icon-theme;
Tela-circle-light = tela-circle-icon-theme;
# themes which don't symlink Adwaita
BeautyLine = beauty-line-icon-theme; # 3.5/5. 4/5 adwaita coverage
breeze = breeze-icons;
breeze-dark = breeze-icons;
Mint-X =;
# 10-ish other Mint-X variants omitted
Colloid = colloid-icon-theme; # 4.5/5, thin. 5/5 adwaita coverage (3/5 cross)
Colloid-dark = colloid-icon-theme;
Colloid-light = colloid-icon-theme;
bloom = deepin.deepin-icon-theme;
# 4 other deepin editions omitted
Dracula = dracula-icon-theme; # 4.5/5, a little thin. 4.5/5 adwaita coverage
Faba = faba-icon-theme; # 4/5. 4/5 adwaita coverage
Faba-Mono = faba-mono-icons;
Faba-Mono-Dark = faba-mono-icons;
Flat-Remix-Grey-Light = flat-remix-icon-theme; # 5/5. 5/5 adwaita coverage. builds on breeze, elementary
# 20-ish other flat-remix editions omitted
Fluent = fluent-icon-theme; # 5/5, though thin. 5/5 adwaita coverage (3/5 cross)
Fluent-dark = fluent-icon-theme;
gnome = gnome-icon-theme; # 3/5, icons are colored. 3/5 adwaita coverage
hicolor = hicolor-icon-theme; # 2/5 adwaita coverage; using this forces application builtin icons
la-capitaine-icon-theme = la-capitaine-icon-theme; # 4.5/5. 4.5/5 adwaita coverage. builds upon elementary
Luna = luna-icons;
# 5 other Luna variants omitted
maia = maia-icon-theme; # 3/5, icons are colored. 2/5 adwaita coverage
maia-dark = maia-icon-theme;
# mate.mate-icon-theme-faenza
mate = mate.mate-icon-theme; # 4.5/5. 4/5 adwaita coverage
menta = mate.mate-icon-theme;
Moka = moka-icon-theme; # 3/5, icons are colored. 3/5 adwaita coverage
# nixos-icons;
Nordzy = nordzy-icon-theme; # 5/5, thin. 5/5 adwaita coverage (3/5 cross)
# 10-ish Nordzy editions omitted
# numix-icon-theme-circle
# numix-icon-theme-square
oomox-gruvbox-dark = gruvbox-dark-icons-gtk;
Oranchelo = oranchelo-icon-theme;
# 3 other oranchelo editions omitted
elementary = pantheon.elementary-icon-theme; # 4.5/5. 4.5/5 adwaita coverage
Papirus = papirus-icon-theme; # 5/5. 5/5 adwaita coverage
# 4 other Papirus editions omitted
# papirus-maia-icon-theme
Qogir = qogir-icon-theme; # 5/5, thin. 5/5 adwaita coverage (2.5/5 cross)
# 5 other Qogir variants omitted
rose-pine = rose-pine-icon-theme;
rose-pine-dawn = rose-pine-icon-theme; # 5/5. 5/5 adwaita coverage (2.5 cross). looks a lot like Flat Remix...
rose-pine-moon = rose-pine-icon-theme;
SuperTinyIcons = super-tiny-icons; # 4/5. 2/5 adwaita coverage
Tango = tango-icon-theme; # 2/5. 3/5 adwaita coverage -- mostly just forwards to gnome-icon-theme
Tela = tela-icon-theme; # 5/5. 5/5 adwaita coverage
# 30-ish other Tela editions omitted
Vimix = vimix-icon-theme;
# 15-ish other Vimix editions omitted
WhiteSur = whitesur-icon-theme; # 4.5/5, thin & like iOS. 5/5 adwaita coverage (3.5/5 cross)
WhiteSur-dark = whitesur-icon-theme;
Rodent = xfce.xfce4-icon-theme;
Zafiro-icons-Dark = zafiro-icons;
Zafiro-icons-Light = zafiro-icons; # 5/5. 5/5 adwaita coverage

View File

@ -197,7 +197,16 @@ in
sane.gui.gtk.enable = lib.mkDefault true;
# sane.gui.gtk.gtk-theme = lib.mkDefault "Fluent-Light-compact";
sane.gui.gtk.gtk-theme = lib.mkDefault "Tokyonight-Light-B";
sane.gui.gtk.icon-theme = lib.mkDefault "Pop";
sane.gui.gtk.icon-theme = lib.mkDefault "HighContrast"; # 4/5 coverage on moby
# sane.gui.gtk.icon-theme = lib.mkDefault "WhiteSur"; # 3.5/5 coverage on moby, but it provides a bunch for Fractal/Dino
# sane.gui.gtk.icon-theme = lib.mkDefault "Humanity"; # 3.5/5 coverage on moby, but it provides the bookmark icon
# sane.gui.gtk.icon-theme = lib.mkDefault "Paper"; # 3.5/5 coverage on moby, but it provides the bookmark icon
# sane.gui.gtk.icon-theme = lib.mkDefault "Nordzy"; # 3/5 coverage on moby
# sane.gui.gtk.icon-theme = lib.mkDefault "Fluent"; # 3/5 coverage on moby
# sane.gui.gtk.icon-theme = lib.mkDefault "Colloid"; # 3/5 coverage on moby
# sane.gui.gtk.icon-theme = lib.mkDefault "Qogir"; # 2.5/5 coverage on moby
# sane.gui.gtk.icon-theme = lib.mkDefault "rose-pine-dawn"; # 2.5/5 coverage on moby
# sane.gui.gtk.icon-theme = lib.mkDefault "Flat-Remix-Grey-Light"; # requires qtbase
# swap in these lines to use SDDM instead of `services.greetd`.
# services.xserver.displayManager.sddm.enable = true;