overlays/pins.nix: split out the test fixes and only apply them on platforms where we're already building from source

This commit is contained in:
Colin 2023-03-02 00:06:22 +00:00
parent dfebedbd6c
commit 8352d3aa8f
4 changed files with 213 additions and 205 deletions

View File

@ -77,37 +77,43 @@
# - `file result/bin/bash` does show that it uses the interpreter for the glibc, above
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
{ config, lib, options, pkgs, ... }:
# these are the overlays which we *also* pass through to the cross and emulated package sets.
# TODO: refactor to not specify same overlay in multiple places (here and flake.nix).
overlays = [
inherit (lib) types mkIf mkOption;
cfg = config.sane.cross;
# "universal" overlay means it applies to all package sets:
# - cross
# - emulated
# - any arch; etc
# these are specified for the primary package set in flake.nix,
# except for the "cross only" universal overlays which we avoid specifying for non-cross builds
# because they don't affect the result -- only the build process -- so we can disable them as an optimization.
crossOnlyUniversalOverlays = [
(import ./../../../overlays/disable-flakey-tests.nix)
universalOverlays = [
(import ./../../../overlays/pkgs.nix)
(import ./../../../overlays/pins.nix)
mkCrossFrom = localSystem: pkgs:
import pkgs.path {
inherit localSystem; # localSystem is equivalent to buildPlatform
crossSystem = pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.system;
inherit (config.nixpkgs) config;
inherit overlays;
] ++ crossOnlyUniversalOverlays;
mkEmulated = pkgs:
import pkgs.path {
# system = pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.system;
localSystem = pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.system;
inherit (config.nixpkgs) config;
inherit overlays;
overlays = universalOverlays;
# options = {
# perlPackageOverrides = lib.mkOption {
# };
# };
options = {
sane.cross.enablePatches = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
config = {
config = mkIf cfg.enablePatches {
# the configuration of which specific package set `pkgs.cross` refers to happens elsewhere;
# here we just define them all.
@ -170,14 +176,8 @@ in
# Testutf8
# ;
nixpkgs.overlays = [
nixpkgs.overlays = crossOnlyUniversalOverlays ++ [
(next: prev: {
# non-emulated packages build *from* local *for* target.
# for large packages like the linux kernel which are expensive to build under emulation,
# the config can explicitly pull such packages from `pkgs.cross` to do more efficient cross-compilation.
# crossFrom."x86_64-linux" = mkCrossFrom "x86_64-linux" prev;
# crossFrom."aarch64-linux" = mkCrossFrom "aarch64-linux" prev;
emulated = mkEmulated prev;
# (next: prev:

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
networking.hostName = hostName;
nixpkgs.buildPlatform = lib.mkIf (localSystem != null) localSystem;
sane.cross.enablePatches = localSystem != null;
# nixpkgs.overlays = [
# (next: prev: {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
# disable tests for packages which flake.
# tests will fail for a variety of reasons:
# - they were coded with timeouts that aren't reliable under heavy load.
# - they assume a particular architecture (e.g. x86) whereas i compile on multiple archs.
# - they assume too much about their environment and fail under qemu.
(next: prev: {
ell = prev.ell.overrideAttrs (_upstream: {
# 2023/02/11
# fixes "TEST FAILED in get_random_return_callback at unit/test-dbus-message-fds.c:278: !l_dbus_message_get_error(message, ((void *)0), ((void *)0))"
# unclear *why* this test fails.
doCheck = false;
fish = prev.fish.overrideAttrs (_upstream: {
# 2023/02/28
# The following tests FAILED:
# 177 - sigint.fish (Failed)
# 241 - torn_escapes.py (Failed)
doCheck = false;
gjs = prev.gjs.overrideAttrs (_upstream: {
# 2023/01/30: one test times out. probably flakey test that only got built because i patched mesa.
doCheck = false;
gssdp = prev.gssdp.overrideAttrs (_upstream: {
# 2023/02/11
# fixes "ERROR:../tests/test-regression.c:429:test_ggo_7: assertion failed (error == NULL): Failed to set multicast interfaceProtocol not available (gssdp-error, 1)"
doCheck = false;
gupnp = prev.gupnp.overrideAttrs (_upstream: {
# 2023/02/22
# fixes "Bail out! ERROR:../tests/test-bugs.c:205:test_bgo_696762: assertion failed (error == NULL): Failed to set multicast interfaceProtocol not available (gssdp-erro>"
doCheck = false;
json-glib = prev.json-glib.overrideAttrs (_upstream: {
# 2023/02/11
# fixes: "15/15 json-glib:docs / doc-check TIMEOUT 30.52s killed by signal 15 SIGTERM"
doCheck = false;
lapack-reference = prev.lapack-reference.overrideAttrs (_upstream: {
# 2023/02/11: test timeouts
# > The following tests FAILED:
# > 93 - LAPACK-xlintstz_ztest_in (Timeout)
# > 98 - LAPACK-xeigtstz_svd_in (Timeout)
# > 99 - LAPACK-xeigtstz_zec_in (Timeout)
doCheck = false;
libadwaita = prev.libadwaita.overrideAttrs (_upstream: {
# 2023/01/30: one test times out. probably flakey test that only got built because i patched mesa.
doCheck = false;
libsecret = prev.libsecret.overrideAttrs (_upstream: {
# 2023/01/30: one test times out. probably flakey test that only got built because i patched mesa.
doCheck = false;
libuv = prev.libuv.overrideAttrs (_upstream: {
# 2023/02/11
# 2 tests fail:
# - not ok 261 - tcp_bind6_error_addrinuse
# - not ok 267 - tcp_bind_error_addrinuse_listen
doCheck = false;
llvmPackages_12 =
tools = prev.llvmPackages_12.tools.extend (self: super: {
libllvm = super.libllvm.overrideAttrs (upstream: {
# 2023/02/21: fix: "FAIL: LLVM-Unit :: ExecutionEngine/MCJIT/./MCJITTests/MCJITTest.return_global (2857 of 42084)"
# - nix log /nix/store/6vydavlxh1gvs0vmrkcx9qp67g3h7kcz-llvm-12.0.1.drv
# - wanted by sequoia, rav1e, rustc-1.66.1 (is this right?)
doCheck = false;
# upstream sets this with `rec`; TODO: have upstream refer to the final overrideAttrs version of the derivation instead of using rec.
cmakeFlags = next.lib.remove "-DLLVM_BUILD_TESTS=ON" upstream.cmakeFlags;
# see <nixpkgs:pkgs/development/compilers/llvm/12/default.nix>
# - we copy their strategy / attrset mutilation
prev.llvmPackages_12 // { inherit tools; } // tools;
llvmPackages_14 =
tools = prev.llvmPackages_14.tools.extend (self: super: {
libllvm = super.libllvm.overrideAttrs (upstream: {
# 2023/02/21: fix: "FAIL: LLVM-Unit :: ExecutionEngine/MCJIT/./MCJITTests/MCJITMultipleModuleTest.two_module_global_variables_case (43769 of 46988)"
# - nix log /nix/store/ib2yw6sajnhlmibxkrn7lj7chllbr85h-llvm-14.0.6.drv
# - wanted by clang-11-12-LLVMgold-path, compiler-rt-libc-12.0.1, clang-wrapper-12.0.1 (is this right?)
doCheck = false;
# upstream sets this with `rec`; TODO: have upstream refer to the final overrideAttrs version of the derivation instead of using rec.
cmakeFlags = next.lib.remove "-DLLVM_BUILD_TESTS=ON" upstream.cmakeFlags;
# see <nixpkgs:pkgs/development/compilers/llvm/14/default.nix>
# - we copy their strategy / attrset mutilation
prev.llvmPackages_14 // { inherit tools; } // tools;
llvmPackages_15 =
tools = prev.llvmPackages_15.tools.extend (self: super: {
libllvm = super.libllvm.override {
# 2023/02/21: fix: "FAIL: LLVM-Unit :: ExecutionEngine/MCJIT/./MCJITTests/..."
# llvm15 passes doCheck as a call arg, so we don't need to set cmakeFlags explicitly as in previous versions
doCheck = false;
prev.llvmPackages_15 // { inherit tools; } // tools;
modemmanager = prev.modemmanager.overrideAttrs (_upstream: {
# 2023/02/25
# "ERROR:test-modem-helpers.c:257:test_cmgl_response: assertion failed: (list != NULL)"
doCheck = false;
doInstallCheck = false; # tests are run during install check??
pythonPackagesExtensions = prev.pythonPackagesExtensions ++ [
(py-next: py-prev: {
ipython = py-prev.ipython.overridePythonAttrs (upstream: {
# > FAILED IPython/core/tests/test_debugger.py::test_xmode_skip - pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT: Timeout exceeded.
# > FAILED IPython/core/tests/test_debugger.py::test_decorator_skip - pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT: Timeout exceeded.
# > FAILED IPython/core/tests/test_debugger.py::test_decorator_skip_disabled - pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT: Timeout exceeded.
# > FAILED IPython/core/tests/test_debugger.py::test_decorator_skip_with_breakpoint - pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT: Timeout exceeded.
# > FAILED IPython/core/tests/test_debugger.py::test_where_erase_value - pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT: Timeout exceeded.
# > FAILED IPython/terminal/tests/test_debug_magic.py::test_debug_magic_passes_through_generators - pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT: Timeout exceeded.
# > FAILED IPython/terminal/tests/test_embed.py::test_nest_embed - pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT: Timeout exceeded.
disabledTestPaths = upstream.disabledTestPaths or [] ++ [
pytest-xdist = py-prev.pytest-xdist.overridePythonAttrs (upstream: {
# 2023/02/19
# 4 tests fail:
# - FAILED: testing/test_remote.py::TestWorkInteractor::* - execnet.gateway_base.TimeoutError: no item after 10.0 seconds
# doCheck = false;
disabledTestPaths = upstream.disabledTestPaths or [] ++ [
# disabledTests = upstream.disabledTests or [] ++ [
# "test_basic_collect_and_runtests"
# "test_remote_collect_fail"
# "test_remote_collect_skip"
# "test_runtests_all"
# ];
twisted = py-prev.twisted.overridePythonAttrs (upstream: {
# 2023/02/25
# ```
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "/nix/store/dcnsxrn8rsfk1dghah7md5glbbnfysq3-python3.10-twisted-22.10.0/lib/python3.10/site-packages/twisted/test/test_udp.py", line 645, in test_interface
# self.assertEqual(self.client.transport.getOutgoingInterface(), "")
# File "/nix/store/dcnsxrn8rsfk1dghah7md5glbbnfysq3-python3.10-twisted-22.10.0/lib/python3.10/site-packages/twisted/internet/udp.py", line 449, in getOutgoingInterface
# i = self.socket.getsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF)
# builtins.OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available
# twisted.test.test_udp.MulticastTests.test_interface
# ```
postPatch = upstream.postPatch + ''
echo 'MulticastTests.test_interface.skip = "Protocol not available"'>> src/twisted/test/test_udp.py
strp = prev.srtp.overrideAttrs (_upstream: {
# 2023/02/11
# roc_driver test times out after 30s
doCheck = false;
tracker = prev.tracker.overrideAttrs (_upstream: {
# 2023/02/22
# "27/37 tracker:core / service TIMEOUT 60.37s killed by signal 15 SIGTERM"
doCheck = false;
udisks2 = prev.udisks2.overrideAttrs (_upstream: {
# 2023/02/25
# "udisks-test:ERROR:test.c:61:on_completed_expect_failure: assertion failed (message == expected_message): ("Command-line `./udisks-test-helper 4' was signaled with signal SIGSEGV (11):\nstdout: `OK, deliberately causing a segfault\n'\nstderr: `qemu: uncaught target signal 11 (Segmentation fault) - core dumped\n'" == "Command-line `./udisks-test-helper 4' was signaled with signal SIGSEGV (11): OK, deliberately causing a segfault\n")"
doCheck = false;
upower = prev.upower.overrideAttrs (_upstream: {
# 2023/02/25
# "Tests.test_battery_state_guessing TIMEOUT 60.80s killed by signal 15 SIGTERM"
doCheck = false;

View File

@ -15,184 +15,4 @@
# so just forward the unstable packages.
inherit (next.stable or prev)
ell = prev.ell.overrideAttrs (_upstream: {
# 2023/02/11
# fixes "TEST FAILED in get_random_return_callback at unit/test-dbus-message-fds.c:278: !l_dbus_message_get_error(message, ((void *)0), ((void *)0))"
# unclear *why* this test fails.
doCheck = false;
fish = prev.fish.overrideAttrs (_upstream: {
# 2023/02/28
# The following tests FAILED:
# 177 - sigint.fish (Failed)
# 241 - torn_escapes.py (Failed)
doCheck = false;
gjs = prev.gjs.overrideAttrs (_upstream: {
# 2023/01/30: one test times out. probably flakey test that only got built because i patched mesa.
doCheck = false;
gssdp = prev.gssdp.overrideAttrs (_upstream: {
# 2023/02/11
# fixes "ERROR:../tests/test-regression.c:429:test_ggo_7: assertion failed (error == NULL): Failed to set multicast interfaceProtocol not available (gssdp-error, 1)"
doCheck = false;
gupnp = prev.gupnp.overrideAttrs (_upstream: {
# 2023/02/22
# fixes "Bail out! ERROR:../tests/test-bugs.c:205:test_bgo_696762: assertion failed (error == NULL): Failed to set multicast interfaceProtocol not available (gssdp-erro>"
doCheck = false;
json-glib = prev.json-glib.overrideAttrs (_upstream: {
# 2023/02/11
# fixes: "15/15 json-glib:docs / doc-check TIMEOUT 30.52s killed by signal 15 SIGTERM"
doCheck = false;
lapack-reference = prev.lapack-reference.overrideAttrs (_upstream: {
# 2023/02/11: test timeouts
# > The following tests FAILED:
# > 93 - LAPACK-xlintstz_ztest_in (Timeout)
# > 98 - LAPACK-xeigtstz_svd_in (Timeout)
# > 99 - LAPACK-xeigtstz_zec_in (Timeout)
doCheck = false;
libadwaita = prev.libadwaita.overrideAttrs (_upstream: {
# 2023/01/30: one test times out. probably flakey test that only got built because i patched mesa.
doCheck = false;
libsecret = prev.libsecret.overrideAttrs (_upstream: {
# 2023/01/30: one test times out. probably flakey test that only got built because i patched mesa.
doCheck = false;
libuv = prev.libuv.overrideAttrs (_upstream: {
# 2023/02/11
# 2 tests fail:
# - not ok 261 - tcp_bind6_error_addrinuse
# - not ok 267 - tcp_bind_error_addrinuse_listen
doCheck = false;
llvmPackages_12 =
tools = prev.llvmPackages_12.tools.extend (self: super: {
libllvm = super.libllvm.overrideAttrs (upstream: {
# 2023/02/21: fix: "FAIL: LLVM-Unit :: ExecutionEngine/MCJIT/./MCJITTests/MCJITTest.return_global (2857 of 42084)"
# - nix log /nix/store/6vydavlxh1gvs0vmrkcx9qp67g3h7kcz-llvm-12.0.1.drv
# - wanted by sequoia, rav1e, rustc-1.66.1 (is this right?)
doCheck = false;
# upstream sets this with `rec`; TODO: have upstream refer to the final overrideAttrs version of the derivation instead of using rec.
cmakeFlags = next.lib.remove "-DLLVM_BUILD_TESTS=ON" upstream.cmakeFlags;
# see <nixpkgs:pkgs/development/compilers/llvm/12/default.nix>
# - we copy their strategy / attrset mutilation
prev.llvmPackages_12 // { inherit tools; } // tools;
llvmPackages_14 =
tools = prev.llvmPackages_14.tools.extend (self: super: {
libllvm = super.libllvm.overrideAttrs (upstream: {
# 2023/02/21: fix: "FAIL: LLVM-Unit :: ExecutionEngine/MCJIT/./MCJITTests/MCJITMultipleModuleTest.two_module_global_variables_case (43769 of 46988)"
# - nix log /nix/store/ib2yw6sajnhlmibxkrn7lj7chllbr85h-llvm-14.0.6.drv
# - wanted by clang-11-12-LLVMgold-path, compiler-rt-libc-12.0.1, clang-wrapper-12.0.1 (is this right?)
doCheck = false;
# upstream sets this with `rec`; TODO: have upstream refer to the final overrideAttrs version of the derivation instead of using rec.
cmakeFlags = next.lib.remove "-DLLVM_BUILD_TESTS=ON" upstream.cmakeFlags;
# see <nixpkgs:pkgs/development/compilers/llvm/14/default.nix>
# - we copy their strategy / attrset mutilation
prev.llvmPackages_14 // { inherit tools; } // tools;
llvmPackages_15 =
tools = prev.llvmPackages_15.tools.extend (self: super: {
libllvm = super.libllvm.override {
# 2023/02/21: fix: "FAIL: LLVM-Unit :: ExecutionEngine/MCJIT/./MCJITTests/..."
# llvm15 passes doCheck as a call arg, so we don't need to set cmakeFlags explicitly as in previous versions
doCheck = false;
prev.llvmPackages_15 // { inherit tools; } // tools;
modemmanager = prev.modemmanager.overrideAttrs (_upstream: {
# 2023/02/25
# "ERROR:test-modem-helpers.c:257:test_cmgl_response: assertion failed: (list != NULL)"
doCheck = false;
doInstallCheck = false; # tests are run during install check??
pythonPackagesExtensions = prev.pythonPackagesExtensions ++ [
(py-next: py-prev: {
ipython = py-prev.ipython.overridePythonAttrs (upstream: {
# > FAILED IPython/core/tests/test_debugger.py::test_xmode_skip - pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT: Timeout exceeded.
# > FAILED IPython/core/tests/test_debugger.py::test_decorator_skip - pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT: Timeout exceeded.
# > FAILED IPython/core/tests/test_debugger.py::test_decorator_skip_disabled - pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT: Timeout exceeded.
# > FAILED IPython/core/tests/test_debugger.py::test_decorator_skip_with_breakpoint - pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT: Timeout exceeded.
# > FAILED IPython/core/tests/test_debugger.py::test_where_erase_value - pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT: Timeout exceeded.
# > FAILED IPython/terminal/tests/test_debug_magic.py::test_debug_magic_passes_through_generators - pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT: Timeout exceeded.
# > FAILED IPython/terminal/tests/test_embed.py::test_nest_embed - pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT: Timeout exceeded.
disabledTestPaths = upstream.disabledTestPaths or [] ++ [
pytest-xdist = py-prev.pytest-xdist.overridePythonAttrs (upstream: {
# 2023/02/19
# 4 tests fail:
# - FAILED: testing/test_remote.py::TestWorkInteractor::* - execnet.gateway_base.TimeoutError: no item after 10.0 seconds
# doCheck = false;
disabledTestPaths = upstream.disabledTestPaths or [] ++ [
# disabledTests = upstream.disabledTests or [] ++ [
# "test_basic_collect_and_runtests"
# "test_remote_collect_fail"
# "test_remote_collect_skip"
# "test_runtests_all"
# ];
twisted = py-prev.twisted.overridePythonAttrs (upstream: {
# 2023/02/25
# ```
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "/nix/store/dcnsxrn8rsfk1dghah7md5glbbnfysq3-python3.10-twisted-22.10.0/lib/python3.10/site-packages/twisted/test/test_udp.py", line 645, in test_interface
# self.assertEqual(self.client.transport.getOutgoingInterface(), "")
# File "/nix/store/dcnsxrn8rsfk1dghah7md5glbbnfysq3-python3.10-twisted-22.10.0/lib/python3.10/site-packages/twisted/internet/udp.py", line 449, in getOutgoingInterface
# i = self.socket.getsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF)
# builtins.OSError: [Errno 92] Protocol not available
# twisted.test.test_udp.MulticastTests.test_interface
# ```
postPatch = upstream.postPatch + ''
echo 'MulticastTests.test_interface.skip = "Protocol not available"'>> src/twisted/test/test_udp.py
strp = prev.srtp.overrideAttrs (_upstream: {
# 2023/02/11
# roc_driver test times out after 30s
doCheck = false;
tracker = prev.tracker.overrideAttrs (_upstream: {
# 2023/02/22
# "27/37 tracker:core / service TIMEOUT 60.37s killed by signal 15 SIGTERM"
doCheck = false;
udisks2 = prev.udisks2.overrideAttrs (_upstream: {
# 2023/02/25
# "udisks-test:ERROR:test.c:61:on_completed_expect_failure: assertion failed (message == expected_message): ("Command-line `./udisks-test-helper 4' was signaled with signal SIGSEGV (11):\nstdout: `OK, deliberately causing a segfault\n'\nstderr: `qemu: uncaught target signal 11 (Segmentation fault) - core dumped\n'" == "Command-line `./udisks-test-helper 4' was signaled with signal SIGSEGV (11): OK, deliberately causing a segfault\n")"
doCheck = false;
upower = prev.upower.overrideAttrs (_upstream: {
# 2023/02/25
# "Tests.test_battery_state_guessing TIMEOUT 60.80s killed by signal 15 SIGTERM"
doCheck = false;