sxmo: sway config: pull defaults from upstream sxmo-utils

This commit is contained in:
Colin 2023-08-30 01:54:30 +00:00
parent 45e5f3ecca
commit a23dea03a9

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@ -58,14 +58,17 @@ client.urgent #ff8080 #ff8080 #ffffff
# #
# Basics: # Basics:
# #
input * xkb_options compose:ralt
# Start a terminal # Start a terminal
bindsym $mod+Return exec $term bindsym $mod+Return exec $term
# Launch appmenu # Launch appmenu
bindsym $mod+p exec bindsym $mod+p exec
bindsym $mod+Shift+p exec sys
# Launch scripts menu # Wm menu switcher
bindsym $mod+i exec scripts bindsym $mod+i exec windowswitcher
# Kill focused window # Kill focused window
bindsym $mod+Shift+q kill bindsym $mod+Shift+q kill
@ -157,7 +160,7 @@ client.urgent #ff8080 #ff8080 #ffffff
bindsym $mod+e layout toggle split bindsym $mod+e layout toggle split
# Make the current focus fullscreen # Make the current focus fullscreen
# bindsym $mod+f fullscreen bindsym $mod+f fullscreen
# Toggle the current focus between tiling and floating mode # Toggle the current focus between tiling and floating mode
bindsym $mod+Shift+space floating toggle bindsym $mod+Shift+space floating toggle
@ -167,6 +170,12 @@ client.urgent #ff8080 #ff8080 #ffffff
# Move focus to the parent container # Move focus to the parent container
bindsym $mod+a focus parent bindsym $mod+a focus parent
# Manual locker
bindsym $mod+g exec
# Shutdown
bindsym $mod+t exec power
# #
# Scratchpad: # Scratchpad:
# #
@ -187,16 +196,16 @@ mode "resize" {
# right will grow the containers width # right will grow the containers width
# up will shrink the containers height # up will shrink the containers height
# down will grow the containers height # down will grow the containers height
bindsym $left resize shrink width 10px bindsym $left resize shrink width 30px
bindsym $down resize grow height 10px bindsym $down resize grow height 30px
bindsym $up resize shrink height 10px bindsym $up resize shrink height 30px
bindsym $right resize grow width 10px bindsym $right resize grow width 30px
# Ditto, with arrow keys # Ditto, with arrow keys
bindsym Left resize shrink width 10px bindsym Left resize shrink width 30px
bindsym Down resize grow height 10px bindsym Down resize grow height 30px
bindsym Up resize shrink height 10px bindsym Up resize shrink height 30px
bindsym Right resize grow width 10px bindsym Right resize grow width 30px
# Return to default mode # Return to default mode
bindsym Return mode "default" bindsym Return mode "default"
@ -222,13 +231,31 @@ bar {
statusline #ffffff statusline #ffffff
background #323232 background #323232
inactive_workspace #32323200 #32323200 #5c5c5c inactive_workspace #32323200 #32323200 #5c5c5c
font "Sxmo" font "Sxmo 10"
} }
} }
for_window [app_id="pinentry-.*"] floating true
for_window [app_id="foot" title=".*sxmo/modem/.*/draft.txt.*"] resize set height 25 for_window [app_id="foot" title=".*sxmo/modem/.*/draft.txt.*"] resize set height 25
for_window [title="megapixels"] inhibit_idle open for_window [title="megapixels"] inhibit_idle open
# Need playerctl installed and running
bindsym XF86AudioPlay exec playerctl play-pause
bindsym XF86AudioStop exec playerctl stop
bindsym XF86AudioNext exec playerctl next
bindsym XF86AudioPrev exec playerctl previous
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp exec up
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown exec down
bindsym Print exec
bindsym button2 kill
bindswitch lid:on exec dpms on
bindswitch lid:off exec dpms off
include /etc/sway/config.d/* include /etc/sway/config.d/*
exec 'printf %s "$SWAYSOCK" > "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"/sxmo.swaysock' exec 'printf %s "$SWAYSOCK" > "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"/sxmo.swaysock'