programs: sane-secrets-dump: don't leak secrets onto proc/cmdline

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Colin 2024-02-21 00:03:10 +00:00
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@ -2,12 +2,31 @@
#!nix-shell -i bash -p gnugrep -p oath-toolkit -p sops
# use: `sane-dump-secret /path/to/accounts/website.yaml`
# dumps relevant information about the account, include a OTP code if present
secrets=$(sops -d --output-type dotenv $1)
function get_value() {
echo "$secrets" | grep "^$1=" | cut -d '=' -f 2-
echo username: $(get_value username)
echo password: $(get_value password)
totp=$(get_value totp-b32)
[[ -z "$totp" ]] || echo totp: $(oathtool -b --totp $totp)
# N.B.: avoid leaking secrets into cmdline args, where they're globally visible via /proc/$PID/cmdline!
# `echo "$str" | something-else` manages to avoid this, but only if using the shell's builtin echo
# so e.g. `echo`ing the variable in a subshell might leak it.
# TODO: probably a way to parse this into a native bash dictionary
# instead of doing repeat greps
secrets=$(sops -d --output-type dotenv $1)
has_value() {
echo "$secrets" | grep -q "^$1="
print_value() {
echo "$secrets" | grep "^$1=" | cut -d '=' -f 2-
print_value_with_header() {
echo -n "$1: "
print_value "$1"
print_value_with_header "username"
print_value_with_header "password"
if has_value "totp-b32"; then
echo -n "totp: "
print_value "totp-b32" | oathtool -b -