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No commits in common. "7db40fbf476e184d92ce99e6d47e83107ec34f20" and "01e176d9020d33b2e259904016d9f344411b130b" have entirely different histories.

7 changed files with 16 additions and 208 deletions

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@ -760,8 +760,6 @@ in
rustc = {};
sane-cast = {}; #< TODO: sandbox this the same way i sandbox go2tv
sane-die-with-parent.sandbox.enable = false; #< it's a launcher; can't sandbox
sane-open-desktop.sandbox.enable = false; #< trivial script, and all our deps are sandboxed

View File

@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ in
suggestedPrograms = [
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ in
sandbox.whitelistWayland = true;
sandbox.extraHomePaths = [
".config/mpv" #< else mpris plugin crashes on launch
".local/share/applications" #< for xdg-terminal-exec (sane-cast)
".local/share/applications" #< for xdg-terminal-exec (go2tv)
# it's common for album (or audiobook, podcast) images/lyrics/metadata to live adjacent to the primary file.
# CLI detection is too poor to pick those up, so expose the common media dirs to the sandbox to make that *mostly* work.

View File

@ -34,4 +34,6 @@ alt+i script-binding uosc/keybinds #! Utils > Key bindings
O script-binding uosc/show-in-directory #! Utils > Show in directory
# script-binding uosc/open-config-directory #! Utils > Open config directory
ctrl+r script-binding sane_cast/blast #! Audiocast
ctrl+t script-binding sane_cast/sane-cast #! Cast
ctrl+t script-binding sane_cast/go2tv-video #! Cast
# script-binding sane_cast/go2tv-stream #! Cast (...) > Stream
# script-binding sane_cast/go2tv-gui #! Cast (...) > GUI

View File

@ -18,16 +18,17 @@ function subprocess(in_terminal, args)
function invoke_paused(in_terminal, args)
function invoke_go2tv(in_terminal, args)
mp.commandv("set", "pause", "yes")
for k, v in ipairs(args) do
if v == "@FILE@" then
args[k] = mp.get_property("stream-open-filename")
subprocess(in_terminal, args)
subprocess(in_terminal, { "go2tv", table.unpack(args) })
function invoke_go2tv_on_open_file(mode)
local path = mp.get_property("stream-open-filename")
msg.trace("path:", path)
invoke_go2tv(true, { mode, path })
-- invoke blast in a way where it dies when we die, because:
-- 1. when mpv exits, it `SIGKILL`s this toplevel subprocess.
@ -35,6 +36,8 @@ end
-- 3. bwrap does not pass SIGKILL or SIGTERM to its child.
-- 4. hence, to properly kill blast, we have to kill all the descendants.
mp.add_key_binding(nil, "blast", function() subprocess(false, { "sane-die-with-parent", "--descendants", "--use-pgroup", "--catch-sigkill", "blast-to-default" }) end)
mp.add_key_binding(nil, "sane-cast", function() invoke_paused(true, { "sane-cast", "--verbose", "@FILE@" }) end)
mp.add_key_binding(nil, "go2tv-gui", function() invoke_go2tv(false, {}) end)
mp.add_key_binding(nil, "go2tv-video", function() invoke_go2tv_on_open_file("-v") end)
mp.add_key_binding(nil, "go2tv-stream", function() invoke_go2tv_on_open_file("-s") end)
msg.trace("load: complete")

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
{ static-nix-shell }:
static-nix-shell.mkPython3Bin {
pname = "sane-cast";
srcRoot = ./.;
pyPkgs = [ ];

View File

@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
#!nix-shell -i python3 -p "python3.withPackages (ps: [ ])" -p go2tv
# vim: set filetype=python :
cast media (local video or audio files) to a device on the same network
with some awareness of device-specific quirks
and a menu to select a device if there's more than one online
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
import argparse
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import tempfile
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Compat(Enum):
Default = "default"
# RenameToMp4: ensure the name of the file sent ends in ".mp4".
# this does not *transcode*. it doesn't modify the contents of the file at all. it just changes the name.
# some devices are just so dumb that they'll only render a mkv file if it ends in .mp4.
RenameToMp4 = "RenameToMp4"
class Device:
# "model", or device name. e.g. "Theater TV".
model: str
compat: Compat | None = None
# URL: endpoint at which the device can be controlled. e.g.
url: str | None = None
def augmented(self, other: "Device") -> "Device":
return Device(
model = self.model or other.model,
compat = self.compat or other.compat,
url = self.url or other.url,
# ranked in order of preference
Device("Theater TV", Compat.RenameToMp4),
Device("[LG] webOS TV OLED55C9PUA", Compat.Default),
class Go2TvParser:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.parsed_devices = []
self.partial_model = None
self.partial_url = None
def into_devices(self) -> list[Device]:
return self.parsed_devices[:]
def feed_line(self, line: str) -> None:
sanitized = line \
.replace("\x1b[0m", "") \
.replace("\x1b[1m", "") \
if sanitized and all(c == "-" for c in sanitized):
elif sanitized.startswith("Model:"):
self.partial_model = sanitized[len("Model:"):].strip()
elif sanitized.startswith("URL:"):
self.partial_url = sanitized[len("URL:"):].strip()
def close_device(self) -> None:
if there's any device data parsed, move it into `parsed_devices`
if self.partial_model is not None and self.partial_url:
self.partial_model = None
self.partial_url = None
class Go2TvDriver:
visible_devices = None
def scan_devices(self) -> None:
go2tv = subprocess.Popen(
[ "go2tv", "-l" ],
parser = Go2TvParser()
for line in iter(go2tv.stdout.readline, b''):
self.visible_devices = parser.into_devices()
def rank_devices(self) -> list[Device]:
ranked = []
for known in KNOWN_DEVICES:
for vis in self.visible_devices:
if vis.model == known.model:
for vis in self.visible_devices:
if not any(vis.model == r.model for r in ranked):
return ranked
def cast_to(self, dev: Device, media: str) -> None:"casting to {dev.model} at {dev.url} with compat {dev.compat}")
if dev.compat == Compat.RenameToMp4:
if not media.endswith(".mp4"):
if media.startswith("http://") or media.startswith("https://"):"ignoring compat requirement {dev.compat} for {media}")
# TODO: make sure this directory gets cleaned up!
dir_ = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="sane-cast-")
new_name = os.path.join(dir_, os.path.basename(media) + ".mp4")
os.symlink(media, new_name)
media = new_name
if media.startswith("http://") or media.startswith("https://"):
media_args = [ "-u", media ]
media_args = [ "-v", media ]
cli_args = [ "go2tv", "-t", dev.url ] + media_args" ".join(cli_args))
os.execvp("go2tv", cli_args)
def choose_device(devices: list[Device]) -> Device | None:
if not devices:"no devices found!")
if len(devices) == 1:
return devices[0]
dev = None
while dev is None:
# TODO: use a GUI menu like zenity?
print("choose a device:")
for i, d in enumerate(devices):
print(f"[{i + 1}] {d.model}")
print("[q] quit")
print("> ", end="")
choice = input()
if choice.strip() == "q":
dev = devices[int(choice.strip()) - 1]
print(f"invalid choice {choice!r}")
return dev
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="cast media to a DLNA receiver in range")
parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", help="more logging")
parser.add_argument("media", help="file or URL to send to the DLNA device")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.verbose:
go2tv = Go2TvDriver()
devices = go2tv.rank_devices()
dev = choose_device(devices)
if dev:
if __name__ == "__main__":

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@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ let
pipeline = callPackage ./additional/pipeline { };
rtl8723cs-firmware = callPackage ./additional/rtl8723cs-firmware { };
rtl8723cs-wowlan = callPackage ./additional/rtl8723cs-wowlan { };
sane-cast = callPackage ./additional/sane-cast { };
sane-die-with-parent = callPackage ./additional/sane-die-with-parent { };
sane-open-desktop = callPackage ./additional/sane-open-desktop { };
sane-sandboxed = callPackage ./additional/sane-sandboxed { };