- ddns_he.env.bin: Hurricane Electric (he.net) passphrase - ddns_afraid.env.bin: freedns.afraid.org API key - viewable: - dovecot_passwd: auth for mail accounts - passwd file looks like /etc/passwd - generate pw hash with: `nix run nixpkgs.apacheHttpd -c htpasswd -nbB "" "my passwd"` - matrix_synapse_secrets: - for the smtp_pass; the rest isn't sensitive - nix_serve_privkey.bin: - generate with nix-store --generate-binary-cache-key nixcache.uninsane.org cache-priv-key.pem cache-pub-key.pem - pubkey: nixcache.uninsane.org:r3WILM6+QrkmsLgqVQcEdibFD7Q/4gyzD9dGT33GP70= - wg_ovpns_privkey.bin: wireguard private key for OVPN - to generate: - wg genkey > wg0.private - wg pubkey < wg0.private > wg0.public