# nix configs to reference: # - # - # - postfix / dovecot / rspamd / stalwart-jmap / sogo # # rspamd: # - nixos: # - guide: # - non-nixos example: # # # my rough understanding of the pieces: # - postfix handles SMTP protocol with the rest of the world. # - dovecot implements IMAP protocol. # - client auth (i.e. validate that user@uninsane.org is who they claim) # - "folders" (INBOX, JUNK) are internal to dovecot? # or where do folders live, on-disk? # # - non-local clients (i.e. me) interact with BOTH postfix and dovecot, but primarily dovecot: # - mail reading is done via IMAP (so, dovecot) # - mail sending is done via SMTP/submission port (so, postfix) # - but postfix delegates authorization of that outgoing mail to dovecot, on the server side # # - local clients (i.e. sendmail) interact only with postfix # # debugging: general connectivity issues # - test that inbound port 25 is unblocked: # - `curl https://canyouseeme.org/ --data 'port=25&IP=' | grep 'see your service'` # - and retry with port 465, 587 # - i think this API requires the queried IP match the source IP # - if necessary, `systemctl stop postfix` and `sudo nc -l 25`, then try https://canyouseeme.org { ... }: { imports = [ ./dovecot.nix ./postfix.nix ]; #### SPAM FILTERING # services.rspamd.enable = true; # services.rspamd.postfix.enable = true; }