{ config, pkgs, ... }: { sane.persist.sys.byStore.plaintext = [ # TODO: mode? we need this specifically for the stats tracking in .config/ { user = "transmission"; group = config.users.users.transmission.group; path = "/var/lib/transmission"; } ]; users.users.transmission.extraGroups = [ "media" ]; services.transmission.enable = true; services.transmission.package = pkgs.transmission_4; #< 2023/09/06: nixpkgs `transmission` defaults to old 3.00 #v setting `group` this way doesn't tell transmission to `chown` the files it creates # it's a nixpkgs setting which just runs the transmission daemon as this group services.transmission.group = "media"; # transmission will by default not allow the world to read its files. services.transmission.downloadDirPermissions = "775"; services.transmission.extraFlags = [ "--log-level=debug" ]; services.transmission.settings = { # message-level = 3; #< enable for debug logging. 0-3, default is 2. # => allow rpc from any host: we gate it via firewall and auth requirement rpc-bind-address = ""; #rpc-host-whitelist = "bt.uninsane.org"; #rpc-whitelist = "*.*.*.*"; rpc-authentication-required = true; rpc-username = "colin"; # salted pw. to regenerate, set this plaintext, run nixos-rebuild, and then find the salted pw in: # /var/lib/transmission/.config/transmission-daemon/settings.json rpc-password = "{503fc8928344f495efb8e1f955111ca5c862ce0656SzQnQ5"; rpc-whitelist-enabled = false; # hopefully, make the downloads world-readable # umask = 0; #< default is 2: i.e. deny writes from world # force peer connections to be encrypted encryption = 2; # units in kBps speed-limit-down = 3000; speed-limit-down-enabled = true; speed-limit-up = 600; speed-limit-up-enabled = true; # see: https://git.zknt.org/mirror/transmission/commit/cfce6e2e3a9b9d31a9dafedd0bdc8bf2cdb6e876?lang=bg-BG anti-brute-force-enabled = false; download-dir = "/var/lib/uninsane/media"; incomplete-dir = "/var/lib/uninsane/media/incomplete"; # transmission regularly fails to move stuff from the incomplete dir to the main one, so disable: # TODO: uncomment this line! incomplete-dir-enabled = false; }; systemd.services.transmission.after = [ "wireguard-wg-ovpns.service" ]; systemd.services.transmission.partOf = [ "wireguard-wg-ovpns.service" ]; systemd.services.transmission.serviceConfig = { # run this behind the OVPN static VPN NetworkNamespacePath = "/run/netns/ovpns"; Restart = "on-failure"; RestartSec = "30s"; }; # service to automatically backup torrents i add to transmission systemd.services.backup-torrents = { description = "archive torrents to storage not owned by transmission"; script = '' ${pkgs.rsync}/bin/rsync -arv /var/lib/transmission/.config/transmission-daemon/torrents/ /var/backup/torrents/ ''; }; systemd.timers.backup-torrents = { wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; timerConfig = { OnStartupSec = "11min"; OnUnitActiveSec = "240min"; }; }; # transmission web client services.nginx.virtualHosts."bt.uninsane.org" = { # basicAuth is literally cleartext user/pw, so FORCE this to happen over SSL forceSSL = true; enableACME = true; # inherit kTLS; locations."/" = { # proxyPass = "http://ovpns.uninsane.org:9091"; proxyPass = ""; }; }; sane.dns.zones."uninsane.org".inet.CNAME."bt" = "native"; }