# where to find good stuff? # - universal search/directory: # - podcasts w/ a community: # - podcast rec thread: # # candidates: # - The Nonlinear Library (podcast): # - has ~10 posts per day, text-to-speech; i would need better tagging before adding this # - # - dead since 2022/10 - 2023/03 { lib, sane-data, ... }: let hourly = { freq = "hourly"; }; daily = { freq = "daily"; }; weekly = { freq = "weekly"; }; infrequent = { freq = "infrequent"; }; art = { cat = "art"; }; humor = { cat = "humor"; }; pol = { cat = "pol"; }; # or maybe just "social" rat = { cat = "rat"; }; tech = { cat = "tech"; }; uncat = { cat = "uncat"; }; text = { format = "text"; }; img = { format = "image"; }; mkRss = format: url: { inherit url format; } // uncat // infrequent; # format-specific helpers mkText = mkRss "text"; mkImg = mkRss "image"; mkPod = mkRss "podcast"; # host-specific helpers mkSubstack = subdomain: { substack = subdomain; }; fromDb = name: let raw = sane-data.feeds."${name}"; in { url = raw.url; # not sure the exact mapping with velocity here: entries per day? freq = lib.mkIf (raw.velocity or 0 != 0) (lib.mkDefault ( if raw.velocity > 2 then "hourly" else if raw.velocity > 0.5 then "daily" else if raw.velocity > 0.1 then "weekly" else "infrequent" )); } // lib.optionalAttrs (lib.hasPrefix "https://www.youtube.com/" raw.url) { format = "video"; } // lib.optionalAttrs (raw.is_podcast or false) { format = "podcast"; } // lib.optionalAttrs (raw.title or "" != "") { title = lib.mkDefault raw.title; }; podcasts = [ (fromDb "acquiredlpbonussecretsecret.libsyn.com" // tech) # ACQ2 - more "Acquired" episodes (fromDb "allinchamathjason.libsyn.com" // pol) (fromDb "anchor.fm/s/34c7232c/podcast/rss" // tech) # Civboot -- https://anchor.fm/civboot (fromDb "anchor.fm/s/2da69154/podcast/rss" // tech) # POD OF JAKE -- https://podofjake.com/ (fromDb "cast.postmarketos.org" // tech) (fromDb "congressionaldish.libsyn.com" // pol) # Jennifer Briney (fromDb "craphound.com" // pol) # Cory Doctorow -- both podcast & text entries (fromDb "darknetdiaries.com" // tech) (fromDb "feed.podbean.com/matrixlive/feed.xml" // tech) # Matrix (chat) Live (fromDb "feeds.99percentinvisible.org/99percentinvisible" // pol) # 99% Invisible -- also available here: (fromDb "feeds.feedburner.com/80000HoursPodcast" // rat) (fromDb "feeds.feedburner.com/dancarlin/history" // rat) (fromDb "feeds.feedburner.com/radiolab" // pol) # Radiolab -- also available here, but ONLY OVER HTTP: (fromDb "feeds.megaphone.fm/behindthebastards" // pol) # also Maggie Killjoy (fromDb "feeds.megaphone.fm/recodedecode" // tech) # The Verge - Decoder (fromDb "feeds.simplecast.com/54nAGcIl" // pol) # The Daily (fromDb "feeds.simplecast.com/82FI35Px" // pol) # Ezra Klein Show (fromDb "feeds.simplecast.com/wgl4xEgL" // rat) # Econ Talk (fromDb "feeds.simplecast.com/xKJ93w_w" // uncat) # Atlas Obscura (fromDb "feeds.transistor.fm/acquired" // tech) (fromDb "fulltimenix.com" // tech) (fromDb "futureofcoding.org/episodes" // tech) (fromDb "hackerpublicradio.org" // tech) (fromDb "lexfridman.com/podcast" // rat) (fromDb "mapspodcast.libsyn.com" // uncat) # Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (fromDb "omegataupodcast.net" // tech) # 3/4 German; 1/4 eps are English (fromDb "omny.fm/shows/cool-people-who-did-cool-stuff" // pol) # Maggie Killjoy -- referenced by Cory Doctorow (fromDb "omny.fm/shows/money-stuff-the-podcast") # Matt Levine (fromDb "omny.fm/shows/the-dollop-with-dave-anthony-and-gareth-reynolds") # The Dollop history/comedy (fromDb "originstories.libsyn.com" // uncat) (fromDb "podcast.posttv.com/itunes/post-reports.xml" // pol) (fromDb "politicalorphanage.libsyn.com" // pol) (fromDb "reverseengineering.libsyn.com/rss" // tech) # UnNamed Reverse Engineering Podcast (fromDb "rss.acast.com/deconstructed") # The Intercept - Deconstructed (fromDb "rss.acast.com/ft-tech-tonic" // tech) (fromDb "rss.acast.com/intercepted-with-jeremy-scahill") # The Intercept - Intercepted (fromDb "rss.art19.com/60-minutes" // pol) (fromDb "rss.art19.com/the-portal" // rat) # Eric Weinstein (fromDb "seattlenice.buzzsprout.com" // pol) (fromDb "srslywrong.com" // pol) (fromDb "sharkbytes.transistor.fm" // tech) # Wireshark Podcast o_0 (fromDb "sscpodcast.libsyn.com" // rat) # Astral Codex Ten (fromDb "talesfromthebridge.buzzsprout.com" // tech) # Sci-Fi? has Peter Watts; author of No Moods, Ads or Cutesy Fucking Icons (rifters.com) (fromDb "techwontsave.us" // pol) # rec by Cory Doctorow (fromDb "wakingup.libsyn.com" // pol) # Sam Harris (fromDb "werenotwrong.fireside.fm" // pol) (mkPod "https://sfconservancy.org/casts/the-corresponding-source/feeds/ogg/" // tech) # (fromDb "feeds.libsyn.com/421877" // rat) # Less Wrong Curated # (fromDb "feeds.megaphone.fm/hubermanlab" // uncat) # Daniel Huberman on sleep # (fromDb "feeds.simplecast.com/l2i9YnTd" // tech // pol) # Hard Fork (NYtimes tech) # (fromDb "podcast.thelinuxexp.com" // tech) # low-brow linux/foss PR announcements # (fromDb "rss.art19.com/your-welcome" // pol) # Michael Malice - Your Welcome -- also available here: # (fromDb "rss.prod.firstlook.media/deconstructed/podcast.rss" // pol) #< possible URL rot # (fromDb "rss.prod.firstlook.media/intercepted/podcast.rss" // pol) #< possible URL rot # (fromDb "trashfuturepodcast.podbean.com" // pol) # rec by Cory Doctorow, but way rambly # (mkPod "https://anchor.fm/s/21bc734/podcast/rss" // pol // infrequent) # Emerge: making sense of what's next -- # (mkPod "https://audioboom.com/channels/5097784.rss" // tech) # Lateral with Tom Scott # (mkPod "https://feeds.megaphone.fm/RUNMED9919162779" // pol // infrequent) # The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling: # (mkPod "https://podcasts.la.utexas.edu/this-is-democracy/feed/podcast/" // pol // weekly) ]; texts = [ (fromDb "acoup.blog/feed") # history, states. author: (fromDb "amosbbatto.wordpress.com" // tech) (fromDb "anish.lakhwara.com" // tech) (fromDb "applieddivinitystudies.com" // rat) (fromDb "artemis.sh" // tech) (fromDb "ascii.textfiles.com" // tech) # Jason Scott (fromDb "austinvernon.site" // tech) # (fromDb "balajis.com" // pol) # Balaji (fromDb "ben-evans.com/benedictevans" // pol) (fromDb "bitbashing.io" // tech) (fromDb "bitsaboutmoney.com" // uncat) (fromDb "blog.danieljanus.pl" // tech) (fromDb "blog.dshr.org" // pol) # David Rosenthal (fromDb "blog.jmp.chat" // tech) (fromDb "blog.rust-lang.org" // tech) (fromDb "blog.thalheim.io" // tech) # Mic92 (fromDb "bunniestudios.com" // tech) # Bunnie Juang (fromDb "capitolhillseattle.com" // pol) # (fromDb "drewdevault.com" // tech) # (fromDb "econlib.org" // pol) (fromDb "edwardsnowden.substack.com" // pol // text) (fromDb "fasterthanli.me" // tech) (fromDb "gwern.net" // rat) (fromDb "hardcoresoftware.learningbyshipping.com" // tech) # Steven Sinofsky (fromDb "harihareswara.net" // tech // pol) # rec by Cory Doctorow (fromDb "ianthehenry.com" // tech) (fromDb "idiomdrottning.org" // uncat) (fromDb "interconnected.org/home/feed" // rat) # Matt Webb -- engineering-ish, but dreamy (fromDb "jeffgeerling.com" // tech) (fromDb "jefftk.com" // tech) (fromDb "jwz.org/blog" // tech // pol) # DNA lounge guy, loooong-time blogger (fromDb "kill-the-newsletter.com/feeds/joh91bv7am2pnznv.xml" // pol) # Matt Levine - Money Stuff (fromDb "kosmosghost.github.io/index.xml" // tech) # (fromDb "lesswrong.com" // rat) (fromDb "linmob.net" // tech) (fromDb "lwn.net" // tech) (fromDb "lynalden.com" // pol) (fromDb "mako.cc/copyrighteous" // tech // pol) # rec by Cory Doctorow (fromDb "mg.lol" // tech) (fromDb "mindingourway.com" // rat) (fromDb "morningbrew.com/feed" // pol) (fromDb "nixpkgs.news" // tech) (fromDb "overcomingbias.com" // rat) # Robin Hanson (fromDb "palladiummag.com" // uncat) (fromDb "philosopher.coach" // rat) # Peter Saint-Andre -- side project of stpeter.im (fromDb "pomeroyb.com" // tech) (fromDb "postmarketos.org/blog" // tech) (fromDb "preposterousuniverse.com" // rat) # Sean Carroll (fromDb "profectusmag.com" // uncat) (fromDb "project-insanity.org" // tech) # shared blog by a few NixOS devs, notably onny (fromDb "putanumonit.com" // rat) # mostly dating topics. not advice, or humor, but looking through a social lens (fromDb "richardcarrier.info" // rat) (fromDb "rifters.com/crawl" // uncat) # No Moods, Ads or Cutesy Fucking Icons (fromDb "righto.com" // tech) # Ken Shirriff (fromDb "rootsofprogress.org" // rat) # Jason Crawford (fromDb "sagacioussuricata.com" // tech) # ian (Sanctuary) (fromDb "semiaccurate.com" // tech) (fromDb "sideways-view.com" // rat) # Paul Christiano (fromDb "slatecave.net" // tech) (fromDb "slimemoldtimemold.com" // rat) (fromDb "spectrum.ieee.org" // tech) (fromDb "stpeter.im/atom.xml" // pol) (fromDb "thediff.co" // pol) # Byrne Hobart (fromDb "thesideview.co" // uncat) # like Palladium magazine # (fromDb "theregister.com" // tech) (fromDb "thisweek.gnome.org" // tech) (fromDb "tuxphones.com" // tech) (fromDb "uninsane.org" // tech) (fromDb "unintendedconsequenc.es" // rat) # (fromDb "vitalik.ca" // tech) # moved to vitalik.eth.limo (fromDb "vitalik.eth.limo" // tech) # Vitalik Buterin # (fromDb "webcurious.co.uk" // uncat) # link aggregator; defunct? (fromDb "willow.phantoma.online") # wizard@xyzzy.link (fromDb "xn--gckvb8fzb.com" // tech) (mkSubstack "astralcodexten" // rat // daily) # Scott Alexander # (mkSubstack "doomberg" // tech // weekly) # articles are all pay-walled (mkSubstack "eliqian" // rat // weekly) (mkSubstack "oversharing" // pol // daily) (mkSubstack "samkriss" // humor // infrequent) (mkText "http://benjaminrosshoffman.com/feed" // pol // weekly) (mkText "http://boginjr.com/feed" // tech // infrequent) (mkText "https://forum.merveilles.town/rss.xml" // pol // infrequent) #quality RSS list here: # (mkText "https://github.com/Kaiteki-Fedi/Kaiteki/commits/master.atom" // tech // infrequent) (mkText "https://jvns.ca/atom.xml" // tech // weekly) # Julia Evans (mkText "https://linuxphoneapps.org/blog/atom.xml" // tech // infrequent) (mkText "https://nixos.org/blog/announcements-rss.xml" // tech // infrequent) # more nixos stuff here, but unclear how to subscribe: (mkText "https://nixos.org/blog/stories-rss.xml" // tech // weekly) (mkText "https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/posts/index.xml" // tech // weekly) # (mkText "https://til.simonwillison.net/tils/feed.atom" // tech // weekly) # (mkText "https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/authors/ARbTQlRLRjE/matthew-s-levine.rss" // pol // weekly) # Matt Levine (preview/paywalled) (mkText "https://www.stratechery.com/rss" // pol // weekly) # Ben Thompson ]; videos = [ (fromDb "youtube.com/@Channel5YouTube" // pol) (fromDb "youtube.com/@ColdFusion") (fromDb "youtube.com/@ContraPoints" // pol) (fromDb "youtube.com/@Exurb1a") (fromDb "youtube.com/@hbomberguy") (fromDb "youtube.com/@JackStauber") (fromDb "youtube.com/@NativLang") (fromDb "youtube.com/@PolyMatter") # (fromDb "youtube.com/@rossmanngroup" // pol // tech) # Louis Rossmann (fromDb "youtube.com/@TechnologyConnections" // tech) (fromDb "youtube.com/@TheB1M") (fromDb "youtube.com/@TomScottGo") (fromDb "youtube.com/@Vihart") (fromDb "youtube.com/@Vox") (fromDb "youtube.com/@Vsauce") ]; images = [ (fromDb "catandgirl.com" // img // humor) (fromDb "davidrevoy.com" // img // art) (fromDb "miniature-calendar.com" // img // art // daily) (fromDb "pbfcomics.com" // img // humor) (fromDb "poorlydrawnlines.com/feed" // img // humor) (fromDb "smbc-comics.com" // img // humor) (fromDb "turnoff.us" // img // humor) (fromDb "xkcd.com" // img // humor) ]; in { sane.feeds = texts ++ images ++ podcasts ++ videos; assertions = builtins.map (p: { assertion = p.format or "unknown" == "podcast"; message = ''${p.url} is not a podcast: ${p.format or "unknown"}''; }) podcasts; }