#!/bin/sh # increments to use for volume adjustment VOL_INCR_1=5 VOL_INCR_2=10 VOL_INCR_3=15 # replicating the naming from upstream sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh... ACTION="$1" STATE=$(cat "$SXMO_STATE") handle_with() { echo "sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh: STATE=$STATE ACTION=$ACTION: handle_with: $@" "$@" exit 0 } # handle_with_state_toggle() { # # - unlock,lock => screenoff # # - screenoff => unlock # # # # probably not handling proximity* correctly here # case "$STATE" in # *lock) # respond_with sxmo_state_switch.sh set screenoff # *) # respond_with sxmo_state_switch.sh set unlock # esac # } # state is one of: # - "unlock" => normal operation; display on and touchscreen on # - "screenoff" => display off and touchscreen off # - "lock" => display on but touchscreen disabled # - "proximity{lock,unlock}" => intended for when in a phone call case "$STATE" in "unlock") case "$ACTION" in # powerbutton_one: intentional default to no-op # powerbutton_two: intentional default to screenoff "powerbutton_three") # power thrice: kill active window handle_with sxmo_killwindow.sh ;; "volup_one") # volume up once: app-specific menu w/ fallback to SXMO system menu handle_with sxmo_appmenu.sh ;; # volup_two: intentionally defaulted for volume control "volup_three") # volume up thrice: DE menu handle_with sxmo_wmmenu.sh ;; "voldown_one") # volume down once: toggle keyboard handle_with sxmo_keyboard.sh toggle ;; # voldown_two: intentionally defaulted for volume control "voldown_three") # volume down thrice: launch terminal handle_with sxmo_terminal.sh ;; esac ;; "lock"|"screenoff") case "$ACTION" in "powerbutton_two") # power twice => toggle media player handle_with playerctl play-pause ;; esac ;; *) # default actions case "$ACTION" in "powerbutton_one") # power once => unlock handle_with sxmo_state_switch.sh set unlock ;; "powerbutton_two") # power twice => screenoff handle_with sxmo_state_switch.sh set screenoff ;; # powerbutton_three: intentional no-op because overloading the kill-window handler is risky "volup_one") handle_with sxmo_audio.sh vol up "$VOL_INCR_1" ;; "volup_two") handle_with sxmo_audio.sh vol up "$VOL_INCR_2" ;; "volup_three") handle_with sxmo_audio.sh vol up "$VOL_INCR_3" ;; "voldown_one") handle_with sxmo_audio.sh vol down "$VOL_INCR_1" ;; "voldown_two") handle_with sxmo_audio.sh vol down "$VOL_INCR_2" ;; "voldown_three") handle_with sxmo_audio.sh vol down "$VOL_INCR_3" ;; esac ;; esac handle_with echo "no-op"