{ lib }: let hourly = { freq = "hourly"; }; daily = { freq = "daily"; }; weekly = { freq = "weekly"; }; infrequent = { freq = "infrequent"; }; art = { cat = "art"; }; humor = { cat = "humor"; }; pol = { cat = "pol"; }; # or maybe just "social" rat = { cat = "rat"; }; tech = { cat = "tech"; }; uncat = { cat = "uncat"; }; text = { format = "text"; }; image = { format = "image"; }; podcast = { format = "podcast"; }; mkRss = format: url: { inherit url format; } // uncat // infrequent; # format-specific helpers mkText = mkRss text; mkImg = mkRss image; mkPod = mkRss podcast; # host-specific helpers mkSubstack = subdomain: mkText "https://${subdomain}.substack.com/feed"; # merge the attrs `new` into each value of the attrs `addTo` addAttrs = new: addTo: builtins.mapAttrs (k: v: v // new) addTo; # for each value in `attrs`, add a value to the child attrs which holds its key within the parent attrs. withInverseMapping = key: attrs: builtins.mapAttrs (k: v: v // { "${key}" = k; }) attrs; in rec { podcasts = [ (mkPod "https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/" // rat // weekly) ## Astral Codex Ten (mkPod "http://feeds.libsyn.com/108018/rss" // rat // daily) ## Econ Talk (mkPod "https://feeds.simplecast.com/wgl4xEgL" // rat // daily) ## Cory Doctorow (mkPod "https://feeds.feedburner.com/doctorow_podcast" // pol // infrequent) (mkPod "https://congressionaldish.libsyn.com/rss" // pol // infrequent) ## Civboot (mkPod "https://anchor.fm/s/34c7232c/podcast/rss" // tech // infrequent) (mkPod "https://feeds.feedburner.com/80000HoursPodcast" // rat // weekly) (mkPod "https://allinchamathjason.libsyn.com/rss" // pol // weekly) (mkPod "https://acquired.libsyn.com/rss" // tech // infrequent) (mkPod "https://rss.acast.com/deconstructed" // pol // infrequent) ## The Daily (mkPod "https://feeds.simplecast.com/54nAGcIl" // pol // daily) (mkPod "https://rss.acast.com/intercepted-with-jeremy-scahill" // pol // weekly) (mkPod "https://podcast.posttv.com/itunes/post-reports.xml" // pol // weekly) ## Eric Weinstein (mkPod "https://rss.art19.com/the-portal" // rat // infrequent) (mkPod "https://feeds.megaphone.fm/darknetdiaries" // tech // infrequent) (mkPod "http://feeds.wnyc.org/radiolab" // pol // infrequent) (mkPod "https://wakingup.libsyn.com/rss" // pol // infrequent) ## 99% Invisible (mkPod "https://feeds.simplecast.com/BqbsxVfO" // pol // infrequent) (mkPod "https://rss.acast.com/ft-tech-tonic" // tech // infrequent) (mkPod "https://feeds.feedburner.com/dancarlin/history?format=xml" // rat // infrequent) ## 60 minutes (NB: this features more than *just* audio?) (mkPod "https://www.cbsnews.com/latest/rss/60-minutes" // pol // infrequent) ## The Verge - Decoder (mkPod "https://feeds.megaphone.fm/recodedecode" // tech // weekly) ## Matrix (chat) Live (mkPod "https://feed.podbean.com/matrixlive/feed.xml" // tech // weekly) ## Michael Malice - Your Welcome (mkPod "https://www.podcastone.com/podcast?categoryID2=2232" // pol // weekly) ]; texts = [ # AGGREGATORS (> 1 post/day) (mkText "https://www.lesswrong.com/feed.xml" // rat // hourly) (mkText "http://www.econlib.org/index.xml" // pol // hourly) # AGGREGATORS (< 1 post/day) (mkText "https://palladiummag.com/feed" // uncat // weekly) (mkText "https://profectusmag.com/feed" // uncat // weekly) (mkText "https://semiaccurate.com/feed" // tech // weekly) (mkText "https://linuxphoneapps.org/blog/atom.xml" // tech // infrequent) (mkText "https://spectrum.ieee.org/rss" // tech // weekly) ## No Moods, Ads or Cutesy Fucking Icons (mkText "https://www.rifters.com/crawl/?feed=rss2" // uncat // weekly) # DEVELOPERS (mkText "https://uninsane.org/atom.xml" // infrequent // tech) (mkText "https://mg.lol/blog/rss/" // infrequent // tech) ## Ken Shirriff (mkText "https://www.righto.com/feeds/posts/default" // tech // infrequent) ## Vitalik Buterin (mkText "https://vitalik.ca/feed.xml" // tech // infrequent) ## ian (Sanctuary) (mkText "https://sagacioussuricata.com/feed.xml" // tech // infrequent) ## Bunnie Juang (mkText "https://www.bunniestudios.com/blog/?feed=rss2" // tech // infrequent) (mkText "https://blog.danieljanus.pl/atom.xml" // tech // infrequent) (mkText "https://ianthehenry.com/feed.xml" // tech // infrequent) (mkText "https://bitbashing.io/feed.xml" // tech // infrequent) (mkText "https://idiomdrottning.org/feed.xml" // uncat // daily) (mkText "https://anish.lakhwara.com/home.html" // tech // weekly) (mkText "https://www.jefftk.com/news.rss" // tech // daily) (mkText "https://pomeroyb.com/feed.xml" // tech // infrequent) # (TECH; POL) COMMENTATORS (mkSubstack "edwardsnowden" // pol // infrequent) (mkText "http://benjaminrosshoffman.com/feed" // pol // weekly) ## Ben Thompson (mkText "https://www.stratechery.com/rss" // pol // weekly) ## Balaji (mkText "https://balajis.com/rss" // pol // weekly) (mkText "https://www.ben-evans.com/benedictevans/rss.xml" // pol // weekly) (mkText "https://www.lynalden.com/feed" // pol // infrequent) (mkText "https://austinvernon.site/rss.xml" // tech // infrequent) (mkSubstack "oversharing" // pol // daily) (mkSubstack "doomberg" // tech // weekly) ## David Rosenthal (mkText "https://blog.dshr.org/rss.xml" // pol // weekly) ## Matt Levine (mkText "https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/authors/ARbTQlRLRjE/matthew-s-levine.rss" // pol // weekly) (mkText "https://stpeter.im/atom.xml" // pol // weekly) # RATIONALITY/PHILOSOPHY/ETC (mkSubstack "samkriss" // humor // infrequent) (mkText "https://unintendedconsequenc.es/feed" // rat // infrequent) (mkText "https://applieddivinitystudies.com/atom.xml" // rat // weekly) (mkText "https://slimemoldtimemold.com/feed.xml" // rat // weekly) (mkText "https://www.richardcarrier.info/feed" // rat // weekly) (mkText "https://www.gwern.net/feed.xml" // uncat // infrequent) ## Jason Crawford (mkText "https://rootsofprogress.org/feed.xml" // rat // weekly) ## Robin Hanson (mkText "https://www.overcomingbias.com/feed" // rat // daily) ## Scott Alexander (mkSubstack "astralcodexten" // rat // daily) ## Paul Christiano (mkText "https://sideways-view.com/feed" // rat // infrequent) ## Sean Carroll (mkText "https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/rss" // rat // infrequent) ## mostly dating topics. not advice, or humor, but looking through a social lens (mkText "https://putanumonit.com/feed" // rat // infrequent) # CODE # (mkText "https://github.com/Kaiteki-Fedi/Kaiteki/commits/master.atom" // tech // infrequent) ]; images = [ (mkImg "https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/rss" // humor // daily) (mkImg "https://xkcd.com/atom.xml" // humor // daily) (mkImg "http://dilbert.com/feed" // humor // daily) # ART (mkImg "https://miniature-calendar.com/feed" // art // daily) ]; all = texts ++ images ++ podcasts; # return only the feed items which match this category (e.g. "tech") filterCat = cat: feeds: builtins.filter (item: item.cat == cat) feeds; # return only the feed items which match this format (e.g. "podcast") filterFormat = format: feeds: builtins.filter (item: item.format == format) feeds; # transform a list of feeds into an attrs mapping cat => [ feed0 feed1 ... ] partitionByCat = feeds: builtins.groupBy (f: f.cat) feeds; # represents a single RSS feed. opmlTerminal = feed: ''''; # a list of RSS feeds. opmlTerminals = feeds: lib.strings.concatStringsSep "\n" (builtins.map opmlTerminal feeds); # one node which packages some flat grouping of terminals. opmlGroup = title: feeds: '' ${opmlTerminals feeds} ''; # a list of groups (`groupMap` is an attrs mapping groupName => [ feed0 feed1 ... ]). opmlGroups = groupMap: lib.strings.concatStringsSep "\n" ( builtins.attrValues (builtins.mapAttrs opmlGroup groupMap) ); # top-level OPML file which could be consumed by something else. opmlTopLevel = body: '' ${body} ''; # **primary API**: generate a OPML file from the provided feeds feedsToOpml = feeds: opmlTopLevel (opmlGroups (partitionByCat feeds)); }