# pinephone GPS happens in EG25 modem # serial control interface to modem is /dev/ttyUSB2 # after enabling GPS, readout is /dev/ttyUSB1 # # minimal process to enable modem and GPS: # - `echo 1 > /sys/class/modem-power/modem-power/device/powered` # - `screen /dev/ttyUSB2 115200` # - `AT+QGPSCFG="nmeasrc",1` # - `AT+QGPS=1` # # now, something like `gpsd` can directly read from /dev/ttyUSB1. # # initial GPS fix can take 15+ minutes. # meanwhile, services like eg25-manager can speed this up by uploading assisted GPS data to the modem. # # geoclue somehow fits in here as a geospatial provider that leverages GPS and also other sources like radio towers { ... }: { services.gpsd.enable = true; services.gpsd.devices = [ "/dev/ttyUSB1" ]; # TODO: enable eg25-manager, and bring online both the modem and GPS on boot }