# docs: # - custom modules: # - format specifiers: { lib, pkgs }: let waybar-media = pkgs.static-nix-shell.mkBash { pname = "waybar-media"; src = ./.; pkgs = [ "jq" "playerctl" ]; }; in { height = lib.mkDefault 40; modules-left = lib.mkDefault [ "sway/workspaces" ]; modules-center = lib.mkDefault [ "sway/window" ]; modules-right = lib.mkDefault [ "custom/media" "custom/swaync" "clock" "battery" "memory" "cpu" "network" ]; "sway/window" = { max-length = 50; }; "custom/media" = { # this module shows the actively playing song # - source: # - alternative: # - alternative: # # N.B.: for this to behave well with multiple MPRIS clients, # `playerctld` must be enabled. see: exec = "${waybar-media}/bin/waybar-media"; return-type = "json"; interval = 2; format = "{icon}{}"; max-length = 50; format-icons = { playing = " "; paused = " "; inactive = ""; }; tooltip = false; on-click = "playerctl play-pause"; on-scroll-up = "playerctl next"; on-scroll-down = "playerctl previous"; }; "custom/swaync" = { # source: exec-if = "which swaync-client"; exec = "swaync-client -swb"; return-type = "json"; escape = true; format = "{icon}"; # or "{icon} {}" to include notif count format-icons = { notification = ""; none = ""; dnd-notification = ""; dnd-none = ""; inhibited-notification = ""; inhibited-none = ""; dnd-inhibited-notification = ""; dnd-inhibited-none = ""; }; tooltip = false; on-click = "swaync-client -t -sw"; on-click-right = "swaync-client -d -sw"; }; network = { # docs: interval = 2; max-length = 40; # custom :> format specifier explained here: # - format-ethernet = " {bandwidthUpBits:>}▲ {bandwidthDownBits:>}▼"; tooltip-format-ethernet = "{ifname} {bandwidthUpBits:>}▲ {bandwidthDownBits:>}▼"; format-wifi = "{ifname} ({signalStrength}%) {bandwidthUpBits:>}▲ {bandwidthDownBits:>}▼"; tooltip-format-wifi = "{essid} ({signalStrength}%) {bandwidthUpBits:>}▲ {bandwidthDownBits:>}▼"; format-disconnected = ""; }; cpu = { format = " {usage:2}%"; tooltip = false; }; memory = { format = "☵ {percentage:2}%"; tooltip = false; }; battery = { states = { good = 95; warning = 30; critical = 10; }; format = "{icon} {capacity}%"; format-icons = [ "" "" "" "" "" ]; }; clock = { format-alt = "{:%a, %d. %b %H:%M}"; }; }