# # sway notification daemon # alternative to mako, dunst, etc # # debugging: # - `journalctl --user -u swaync` # - `G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all swaync` # # configuration defaults can be found in: # - /run/current-system/etc/profiles/per-user/colin/etc/xdg/swaync/ { ... }: { sane.programs.swaynotificationcenter = { # fs.".config/swaync/style.css".symlink.text = ... fs.".config/swaync/config.json".symlink.text = builtins.toJSON { "$schema" = "/etc/xdg/swaync/configSchema.json"; positionX = "right"; positionY = "top"; layer = "overlay"; control-center-layer = "top"; layer-shell = true; cssPriority = "application"; control-center-margin-top = 0; control-center-margin-bottom = 0; control-center-margin-right = 0; control-center-margin-left = 0; notification-2fa-action = true; notification-inline-replies = false; notification-icon-size = 64; notification-body-image-height = 100; notification-body-image-width = 200; timeout = 10; timeout-low = 5; timeout-critical = 0; fit-to-screen = true; control-center-width = 500; control-center-height = 600; notification-window-width = 500; keyboard-shortcuts = true; image-visibility = "when-available"; transition-time = 200; hide-on-clear = false; hide-on-action = true; script-fail-notify = true; scripts = { }; notification-visibility = { example-name = { state = "muted"; urgency = "Low"; app-name = "Spotify"; }; }; widgets = [ "inhibitors" "title" "dnd" "notifications" ]; widget-config = { inhibitors = { text = "Inhibitors"; button-text = "Clear All"; clear-all-button = true; }; title = { text = "Notifications"; clear-all-button = true; button-text = "Clear All"; }; dnd = { text = "Do Not Disturb"; }; label = { max-lines = 5; text = "Label Text"; }; mpris = { image-size = 96; image-radius = 12; }; }; }; }; }