# icon sources: # - # - # - `font-manager` # - this one shows all the "private use" emoji, for e.g. font Noto # - nerd-fonts: # - grep `glyphnames.json` for the icon you want. about half of them are labeled usefully? { pkgs }: let serviceButton = name: label: { inherit label; type = "toggle"; command = "swaync-service-dispatcher toggle ${name}"; update-command = "swaync-service-dispatcher print ${name}"; active = true; }; in { # icon sets: # - GPS # ⌖ 🛰 🌎      󰇧 󰍒 󱋼 󰍎 󰍐 󰓾 󱘇 # - modem # 📡 📱 ᯤ ⚡  🌐 📶 🗼 󰀂  󰺐 󰩯 # - calls #  󰏲   󰏾   󱆗 󱆖 󰏸 # SIP ☏ ✆ ℡ 📞📱 # - email # ✉ [E] E⃞  󰇰  󰻨 󰻪 󰇮  󰾱 󰶍 # 󱡰 󱡯 # 📧 📨 📩 📬 📫 # - messaging #    󱥂  󰆁  󰆉 󰍪 󰡡 󱀢 󱗠 󱜾 󱜽 󱥁 󱗟 󰍦 󰍦 󰊌 󰿌 󰿍 󰚢  #   󰭻   󰋉    #    #    # …⃝ Θ # 󰌌 ⌨   ✍ # 💬🗨️ 📟📤 📱📲 # ⏏️ ⇪ ⇫ ⮸ ⭿ ⍐ ⎘ # - XMPP # 󰟿 🦕 🦖 # - Signal # 🔵 🗣  󰈎 󰒯 󰒰  # - Matrix # 🇲 𝐌 ₘ m̄ m⃞ m̋⃞ M⃞ 󰫺 󰬔 # - discord #  󰙯 󰊴 󰺷 🎮 gps = serviceButton "eg25-control-gps" ""; cell-modem = serviceButton "eg25-control-powered" "󰺐"; gnome-calls = serviceButton "gnome-calls" ""; geary = serviceButton "geary" ""; abaddon = serviceButton "abaddon" " "; dissent = serviceButton "dissent" " "; signal-desktop = serviceButton "signal-desktop" "󰭻"; dino = serviceButton "dino" "󰟿"; fractal = serviceButton "fractal" "[m]"; }