-- docs: -- color names are X11 colors: -- - can also use #rrggbb syntax -- example configs: -- example configs: -- -- exec options: -- `exec ` => executes the command, synchronously, renders its output as text -- `texeci ` => executes the command periodically, async (to not block render), renders as text -- `pexec ` => executes the command, synchronously, parses its output conky.config = { out_to_wayland = true, update_interval = 10, alignment = 'middle_middle', own_window_type = 'desktop', -- own_window_argb_value: opacity of the background (0-255) own_window_argb_value = 0, -- own_window_argb_value = 92, -- own_window_colour = '#beebe5', -- beebe5 matches nixos flake bg color -- "border" pads the entire conky window -- this can be used to control the extent of the own_window background border_inner_margin = 8, -- optionally, actually draw borders -- draw_borders = true, -- shades are drop-shadows, outline is the centered version. both apply to text only draw_shades = true, draw_outline = false, default_shade_color = '#beebe5', default_outline_color = '#beebe5', font = 'sans-serif:size=8', use_xft = true, default_color = '#ffffff', color1 = '000000', color2 = '404040', } vars = { -- kBps = 'K/s', kBps = 'ᴷᐟˢ', -- percent = '%', -- percent = '﹪', percent = '٪', -- percent = '⁒', -- percent = '%', icon_suffix = nil, hour_suffix = nil, minute_suffix = '${font sans-serif:size=14}${color2}⧗', } bat_args = "" if vars.icon_suffix ~= nil then bat_args = bat_args .. " --icon-suffix '" .. vars.icon_suffix .. "'" end if vars.hour_suffix ~= nil then bat_args = bat_args .. " --hour-suffix '" .. vars.hour_suffix .. "'" end if vars.minute_suffix ~= nil then bat_args = bat_args .. " --minute-suffix '" .. vars.minute_suffix .. "'" end if vars.percent ~= nil then bat_args = bat_args .. " --percent-suffix '" .. vars.percent .. "'" end -- N.B.: `[[ ]]` is Lua's multiline string literal conky.text = [[ ${color1}${shadecolor 707070}${font sans-serif:size=50:style=Bold}${alignc}${exec date +"%H:%M"}${font} ${color2}${shadecolor a4d7d0}${font sans-serif:size=20}${alignc}${exec date +"%a %d %b"}${font} ${color1}${shadecolor}${font sans-serif:size=22:style=Bold}${alignc}${execp @bat@ ]] .. bat_args .. [[ }${font} ${color1}${shadecolor}${font sans-serif:size=20:style=Bold}${alignc}${texeci 600 @weather@ }${font} ${color2}${shadecolor a4d7d0}${font sans-serif:size=16}${alignc}⇅ ${downspeedf wlan0}]] .. vars.kBps .. [[${font} ${font sans-serif:size=16}${alignc}☵ $memperc]] .. vars.percent .. [[  $cpu]] .. vars.percent .. [[${font} ]]