# docs: # - # - config options: # - config defaults: # - nixos options: # # sftpgo is a FTP server that also supports WebDAV, SFTP, and web clients. { lib, pkgs, sane-lib, ... }: let authProgram = pkgs.static-nix-shell.mkBash { pname = "sftpgo_external_auth_hook"; src = ./.; }; in { # Client initiates a FTP "control connection" on port 21. # - this handles the client -> server commands, and the server -> client status, but not the actual data # - file data, directory listings, etc need to be transferred on an ephemeral "data port". # - 50000-50100 is a common port range for this. sane.ports.ports = { "21" = { protocol = [ "tcp" ]; visibleTo.lan = true; description = "colin-FTP server"; }; } // (sane-lib.mapToAttrs (port: { name = builtins.toString port; value = { protocol = [ "tcp" ]; visibleTo.lan = true; description = "colin-FTP server data port range"; }; }) (lib.range 50000 50100) ); services.sftpgo = { enable = true; settings = { ftpd = { bindings = [{ address = ""; port = 21; debug = true; }]; # active mode is susceptible to "bounce attacks", without much benefit over passive mode disable_active_mode = true; hash_support = true; passive_port_range = { start = 50000; end = 50100; }; banner = '' Welcome, friends, to Colin's read-only FTP server! Also available via NFS on the same host. Please let me know if anything's broken or not as it should be. Otherwise, browse and DL freely :) ''; }; data_provider = { driver = "memory"; external_auth_hook = "${authProgram}/bin/sftpgo_external_auth_hook"; }; }; }; }