# borrows from: # https://xeiaso.net/blog/paranoid-nixos-2021-07-18 # https://elis.nu/blog/2020/05/nixos-tmpfs-as-root/ # https://github.com/nix-community/impermanence { lib, config, impermanence, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.sane.impermanence; # taken from sops-nix code: checks if any secrets are needed to create /etc/shadow secretsForUsers = (lib.filterAttrs (_: v: v.neededForUsers) config.sops.secrets) != {}; in { options = { sane.impermanence.enable = mkOption { default = false; type = types.bool; }; sane.impermanence.home-dirs = mkOption { default = []; type = types.listOf (types.either types.str (types.attrsOf types.str)); }; sane.impermanence.service-dirs = mkOption { default = []; type = types.listOf (types.either types.str (types.attrsOf types.str)); }; }; config = let map-dir = defaults: dir: if isString dir then map-dir defaults { directory = "${defaults.directory}${dir}"; } else defaults // dir ; map-dirs = defaults: dirs: builtins.map (map-dir defaults) dirs; map-home-dirs = map-dirs { user = "colin"; group = "users"; mode = "0755"; directory = "/home/colin/"; }; map-sys-dirs = map-dirs { user = "root"; group = "root"; mode = "0755"; directory = ""; }; in mkIf cfg.enable { sane.image.extraDirectories = [ "/nix/persist/var/log" ]; environment.persistence."/nix/persist" = { directories = (map-home-dirs cfg.home-dirs) ++ (map-sys-dirs [ # TODO: this `0700` here clobbers the perms for /persist/etc, breaking boot on freshly-deployed devices # { mode = "0700"; directory = "/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections"; } # "/etc/nixos" # "/etc/ssh" # persist only the specific files we want, instead "/var/log" "/var/backup" # for e.g. postgres dumps # "/var/lib/AccountsService" # not sure what this is, but it's empty "/var/lib/alsa" # preserve output levels, default devices # "/var/lib/blueman" # files aren't human readable "/var/lib/bluetooth" # preserve bluetooth handshakes "/var/lib/colord" # preserve color calibrations (?) # "/var/lib/dhclient" # empty on lappy; dunno about desko # "/var/lib/fwupd" # not sure why this would need persistent state # "/var/lib/geoclue" # empty on lappy # "/var/lib/lockdown" # empty on desko; might store secrets after iOS handshake? # "/var/lib/logrotate.status" # seems redundant with what's in /var/log? "/var/lib/machines" # maybe not needed, but would be painful to add a VM and forget. # "/var/lib/misc" # empty on lappy # "/var/lib/NetworkManager" # looks to be mostly impermanent state? # "/var/lib/NetworkManager-fortisslvpn" # empty on lappy # "/var/lib/nixos" # has some uid/gid maps, but we enforce these to be deterministic. # "/var/lib/PackageKit" # wtf is this? # "/var/lib/power-profiles-daemon" # redundant with nixos declarations # "/var/lib/private" # empty on lappy # "/var/lib/systemd" # nothing obviously necessary # "/var/lib/udisks2" # empty on lappy # "/var/lib/upower" # historic charge data. unnecessary, but maybe used somewhere? # # servo additions: ] ++ cfg.service-dirs); files = [ "/etc/machine-id" "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key" "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key.pub" "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key" "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub" # # XXX these only need persistence because i have mutableUsers = true, i think # "/etc/group" # "/etc/passwd" # "/etc/shadow" ]; }; # secret decoding depends on /etc/ssh keys, which are persisted system.activationScripts.setupSecrets.deps = [ "persist-files" ]; # `setupSecretsForUsers` should depend on `persist-files`, # but `persist-files` itself depends on `users`, to this would be circular. # we work around that by manually mounting the ssh host key. # strictly speaking, this makes the `setupSecrets -> persist-files` dep extraneous, # but it's a decent safety net in case something goes wrong. # system.activationScripts.setupSecretsForUsers.deps = [ "persist-files" ]; system.activationScripts.setupSecretsForUsers= lib.mkIf secretsForUsers { deps = [ "persist-ssh-host-key" ]; }; system.activationScripts.persist-ssh-host-key = lib.mkIf secretsForUsers ( let key = "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key"; in '' mkdir -p /etc/ssh touch ${key} mount -o bind /nix/persist${key} ${key} '' ); }; }