# # sway notification daemon # alternative to mako, dunst, etc # # debugging: # - `journalctl --user -u swaync` # - `G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all swaync` # - reveal notification center: `swaync-client -t -sw` # # configuration: # - defaults: /run/current-system/etc/profiles/per-user/colin/etc/xdg/swaync/ # - `man 5 swaync` # - view document tree: `GTK_DEBUG=interactive swaync` (`systemctl stop --user swaync` first) # - examples: # - thread: # - buttons-grid and menubar: { config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let cfg = config.sane.programs.swaynotificationcenter; mprisIconSize = 48; fbcli-wrapper = pkgs.writeShellApplication { name = "swaync-fbcli"; runtimeInputs = [ config.sane.programs.feedbackd.package pkgs.procps # for pkill cfg.package ]; text = '' # if in Do Not Disturb, don't do any feedback # TODO: better solution is to actually make use of feedbackd profiles. # i.e. set profile to `quiet` when in DnD mode if [ "$SWAYNC_URGENCY" != "Critical" ] && [ "$(swaync-client --get-dnd)" = "true" ]; then exit fi # kill children if killed, to allow that killing this parent process will end the real fbcli call cleanup() { echo "aborting fbcli notification (PID $child)" pkill -P "$child" exit 0 # exit cleanly to avoid swaync alerting a script failure } trap cleanup SIGINT SIGQUIT SIGTERM # feedbackd stops playback when the caller exits # and fbcli will exit immediately if it has no stdin. # so spoof a stdin: /bin/sh -c "true | fbcli $*" & child=$! wait ''; }; fbcli = "${fbcli-wrapper}/bin/swaync-fbcli"; # we do this because swaync's exec naively splits the command on space to produce its argv, rather than parsing the shell. # [ "pkill" "-f" "fbcli" "--event" ... ] -> breaks pkill # [ "pkill" "-f" "fbcli --event ..." ] -> is what we want fbcli-stop-wrapper = pkgs.writeShellApplication { name = "fbcli-stop"; runtimeInputs = [ pkgs.procps # for pkill ]; text = '' pkill -e -f "${fbcli} $*" ''; }; fbcli-stop = "${fbcli-stop-wrapper}/bin/fbcli-stop"; kill-singleton_ = pkgs.writeShellApplication { name = "kill-singleton"; runtimeInputs = [ pkgs.procps # for pgrep pkgs.gnugrep ]; text = '' pids=$(pgrep --full "$*" | tr '\n' ' ') || true # only act if there's exactly one pid if echo "$pids" | grep -Eq '^[0-9]+ ?$'; then kill "$pids" else echo "kill-singleton: skipping because multiple pids match: $pids" fi ''; }; kill-singleton = "${kill-singleton_}/bin/kill-singleton"; systemctl-toggle = pkgs.writeShellApplication { name = "systemctl-toggle"; runtimeInputs = [ pkgs.systemd ]; text = '' if systemctl is-active "$@"; then systemctl stop "$@" else systemctl start "$@" fi ''; }; printIsActive = pkgs.writeShellApplication { name = "print-is-active"; runtimeInputs = [ pkgs.systemd ]; text = '' if systemctl is-active "$@"; then echo true else echo false fi ''; }; in { sane.programs.swaynotificationcenter = { configOption = with lib; mkOption { type = types.submodule { options = { backlight = mkOption { type = types.str; default = "intel_backlight"; description = '' name of entry in /sys/class/backlight which indicates the primary backlight. ''; }; }; }; default = {}; }; # prevent dbus from automatically activating swaync so i can manage it as a systemd service instead packageUnwrapped = pkgs.rmDbusServices (pkgs.swaynotificationcenter.overrideAttrs (upstream: { postPatch = (upstream.postPatch or "") + '' # XXX: this might actually be changing the DPI, not the scaling... # in that case, it might be possible to do this in CSS substituteInPlace src/controlCenter/widgets/mpris/mpris_player.ui \ --replace '96' '${builtins.toString mprisIconSize}' ''; })); sandbox.method = "bwrap"; sandbox.whitelistAudio = true; sandbox.whitelistDbus = [ "user" # mpris; portal "system" # backlight ]; sandbox.whitelistWayland = true; sandbox.extraPaths = [ "/sys/class/backlight" "/sys/devices" ]; sandbox.extraRuntimePaths = [ # systemd/private allows one to `systemctl --user {status,start,stop,...}` # notably, it does *not* allow for `systemd-run` (that's dbus: org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager.StartTransientUnit). # that doesn't necessarily mean this is entirely safe against privilege escalation though. # TODO: audit the safety of this systemd sandboxing. # few alternatives: # - superd # - simply `xdg-open app://dino`, etc. `pkill` to stop, `pgrep` to query. # - more robust: `xdg-open sane-service://start?service=dino` # - still need `pgrep` to query if it's running, or have the service mark a pid file # - dbus activation for each app "systemd/private" ]; sandbox.extraConfig = [ # systemctl calls seem to require same pid namespace "--sane-sandbox-keep-namespace" "pid" ]; # glib/gio applications support many notification backends ("portal", "gtk", "freedesktop", ...). # swaync implements only the `org.freedesktop.Notifications` dbus interface ("freedesktop"/fdo). # however gio applications may be tricked into using one of the other backends, particularly # if xdg-desktop-portal-gtk is installed and GIO_USE_PORTALS=1. # so, explicitly specify the desired backend. # the glib code which consumes this is `g_notification_backend_new_default`, calling into `_g_io_module_get_default_type`. env.GNOTIFICATION_BACKEND = "freedesktop"; suggestedPrograms = [ "feedbackd" ]; fs.".config/swaync/style.css".symlink.text = '' /* these color definitions are used by the built-in style */ /* noti-bg defaults `rgb(48, 48, 48)` and is the default button/slider/grid background */ @define-color noti-bg rgb(36, 36, 36); @define-color noti-bg-darker rgb(24, 24, 24); /* avoid black-on-black text that the default style ships */ window { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); } /* window behind entire control center. defaults to 25% opacity. */ .blank-window { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); } .widget-buttons-grid>flowbox>flowboxchild>button.toggle { /* text color for inactive buttons, and "Clear All" button.*/ color: rgb(172, 172, 172); /* padding defaults to 16px; tighten, so i can squish it all onto one row */ padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; } .widget-buttons-grid>flowbox>flowboxchild>button.toggle.active { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); background-color: rgb(0, 110, 190); } ''; fs.".config/swaync/config.json".symlink.text = builtins.toJSON { "$schema" = "/etc/xdg/swaync/configSchema.json"; positionX = "right"; positionY = "top"; layer = "overlay"; control-center-layer = "top"; layer-shell = true; cssPriority = "user"; # "application"|"user". "user" in order to override the system gtk theme. control-center-margin-top = 0; control-center-margin-bottom = 0; control-center-margin-right = 0; control-center-margin-left = 0; notification-2fa-action = true; notification-inline-replies = false; notification-icon-size = 64; notification-body-image-height = 100; notification-body-image-width = 200; timeout = 30; timeout-low = 5; timeout-critical = 0; fit-to-screen = true; #< have notification center take full vertical screen space # control-center-width: # - for SXMO_SWAY_SCALE=1.8 => 400 # - for SXMO_SWAY_SCALE=1.6 => 450 # if it's set to something wider than the screen, then it overflows and items aren't visible. control-center-width = 450; control-center-height = 600; notification-window-width = 400; keyboard-shortcuts = true; image-visibility = "when-available"; transition-time = 100; hide-on-clear = true; #< hide control center when clicking "clear all" hide-on-action = true; script-fail-notify = true; scripts = { # a script can match regex on these fields. only fired if all listed fields match: # - app-name # - desktop-entry # - summary # - body # - urgency (Low/Normal/Critical) # - category # additionally, the script can be run either on receipt or action: # - run-on = "receive" or "action" # when script is run, these env vars are available: # - SWAYNC_BODY # - SWAYNC_DESKTOP_ENTRY # - SWAYNC_URGENCY # - SWAYNC_TIME # - SWAYNC_APP_NAME # - SWAYNC_CATEGORY # - SWAYNC_REPLACES_ID # - SWAYNC_ID # - SWAYNC_SUMMARY # rules to use for testing. trigger with: # - `notify-send test test:message` (etc) # should also be possible to trigger via any messaging app fbcli-test-im = { body = "test:message"; exec = "${fbcli} --event proxied-message-new-instant"; }; fbcli-test-call = { body = "test:call"; exec = "${fbcli} --event phone-incoming-call -t 20"; }; fbcli-test-call-stop = { body = "test:call-stop"; exec = "${fbcli-stop} --event phone-incoming-call -t 20"; }; fbcli-test-timer = { body = "test:timer"; exec = "${fbcli} --event timeout-completed"; }; incoming-im-known-app-name = { # trigger notification sound on behalf of these IM clients. app-name = "(Chats|Dino|discord|Element|Fractal|gtkcord4)"; body = "^(?!Incoming call).*$"; #< don't match Dino Incoming calls exec = "${fbcli} --event proxied-message-new-instant"; }; incoming-im-known-desktop-entry = { # trigger notification sound on behalf of these IM clients. # these clients don't have an app-name (listed as ""), but do have a desktop-entry desktop-entry = "com.github.uowuo.abaddon"; exec = "${fbcli} --event proxied-message-new-instant"; }; incoming-call = { app-name = "Dino"; body = "^Incoming call$"; exec = "${fbcli} --event phone-incoming-call -t 20"; }; incoming-call-acted-on = { # when the notification is clicked, stop sounding the ringer app-name = "Dino"; body = "^Incoming call$"; run-on = "action"; exec = "${fbcli-stop} --event phone-incoming-call -t 20"; }; timer-done = { # sxmo_timer.sh fires off notifications like "Done with 10m" when a 10minute timer completes. # it sends such a notification every second until dismissed app-name = "notify-send"; summary = "^Done with .*$"; # XXX: could use alarm-clock-elapsed, but that's got a duration > 1s # which isn't great for sxmo's 1s repeat. # TODO: maybe better to have sxmo only notify once, and handle this like with Dino's incoming call exec = "${fbcli} --event timeout-completed"; }; timer-done-acted-on = { # when the notification is clicked, kill whichever sxmo process is sending it app-name = "notify-send"; summary = "^Done with .*$"; run-on = "action"; # process tree looks like: # - foot -T <...> /nix/store/.../sh /nix/store/.../.sxmo_timer.sh-wrapped timerrun # - /nix/store/.../sh /nix/store/.../.sxmo_timer.sh-wrapped timerrun duration # we want to match exactly one of those, reliably. # foot might not be foot, but alacritty, kitty, or any other terminal. exec = "${kill-singleton} ^[^ ]* ?[^ ]*sxmo_timer.sh(-wrapped)? timerrun"; }; }; notification-visibility = { # match incoming notifications and decide if they should be visible. # map of rule-name => { criteria and effect }; # keys: # - `state`: "ignored"|"muted"|"transient"|"enabled" # => which visibility to apply to matched notifications # => "ignored" behaves as if the notification was never sent. # => "muted" adds it to the sidebar & sets the notif indicator but doesn't display it on main display # - `override-urgency`: "unset"|"low"|"normal"|"critical" # => which urgency to apply to matched notifs # critera: each key is optional, value is regex; rule applies if *all* specified are matched # - `app-name`: string # - `desktop-entry`: string # - `summary`: string # - `body`: string # - `urgency`: "Low"|"Normal"|"Critical" # - `category`: string # # test rules by using `notify-send` (libnotify) sxmo-extraneous-daemons = { app-name = "notify-send"; summary = "(sxmo_hook_lisgd|Autorotate) (Stopped|Started)"; state = "ignored"; }; sxmo-extraneous-warnings = { app-name = "notify-send"; # "Modem crashed! 30s recovery.": happens on sxmo_hook_postwake.sh (i.e. unlock) summary = "^Modem crashed.*$"; state = "ignored"; }; sxmo-timer = { # force timer announcements to bypass DND app-name = "notify-send"; summary = "^Done with .*$"; override-urgency = "critical"; }; }; widgets = [ # what to show in the notification center (and in which order). # these are configurable further via `widget-config`. # besides these listed, there are general-purpose UI tools: # - label (show some text) # - buttons-grid (labels which trigger actions when clicked) # - menubar (tree of labels/actions) "title" "dnd" "inhibitors" "buttons-grid" "backlight" "volume" "mpris" "notifications" ]; widget-config = { backlight = { label = "󰃝 "; device = cfg.config.backlight; }; buttons-grid = { actions = # { # type = "toggle"; # label = "feedbackd"; # command = "${systemctl-toggle}/bin/systemctl-toggle --user feedbackd"; # active = "${pkgs.systemd}/bin/systemctl is-active --user feedbackd.service"; # } lib.optionals config.sane.programs.eg25-control.enabled [ { type = "toggle"; label = ""; # GPS services; other icons: gps, ⌖, 🛰, 🌎,  command = "/run/wrappers/bin/sudo ${systemctl-toggle}/bin/systemctl-toggle eg25-control-gps"; update-command = "${printIsActive}/bin/print-is-active eg25-control-gps.service"; active = true; } { type = "toggle"; label = "󰺐"; # icons: 5g, 📡, 📱, ᯤ, ⚡, , 🌐, 📶, 🗼, 󰀂, , 󰺐, 󰩯 # modem and NetworkManager auto-establishes a connection when powered. # though some things like `wg-home` VPN tunnel will remain routed over the old interface. command = "/run/wrappers/bin/sudo ${systemctl-toggle}/bin/systemctl-toggle eg25-control-powered"; update-command = "${printIsActive}/bin/print-is-active eg25-control-powered.service"; active = true; } ] ++ lib.optionals false [ { type = "toggle"; label = "vpn::hn"; # route all traffic through servo; useful to debug moby's networking command = "/run/wrappers/bin/sudo ${systemctl-toggle}/bin/systemctl-toggle wg-quick-vpn-servo"; update-command = "${printIsActive}/bin/print-is-active wg-quick-vpn-servo.service"; active = true; } ] ++ lib.optionals config.sane.programs.calls.config.autostart [ { type = "toggle"; label = "SIP"; command = "${systemctl-toggle}/bin/systemctl-toggle --user gnome-calls"; update-command = "${printIsActive}/bin/print-is-active --user gnome-calls"; active = true; } ] ++ lib.optionals config.sane.programs."gnome.geary".enabled [ { type = "toggle"; label = "󰇮"; # email (Geary); other icons: ✉, [E], 📧, 󰇮 command = "${systemctl-toggle}/bin/systemctl-toggle --user geary"; update-command = "${printIsActive}/bin/print-is-active --user geary"; active = true; } # ] ++ lib.optionals config.sane.programs.abaddon.enabled [ # # XXX: disabled in favor of gtkcord4: abaddon has troubles auto-connecting at start # { # type = "toggle"; # label = "󰊴"; # Discord chat client; icons: 󰊴, 🎮 # command = "${systemctl-toggle}/bin/systemctl-toggle --user abaddon"; # update-command = "${printIsActive}/bin/print-is-active --user abaddon"; # active = true; # } ] ++ lib.optionals config.sane.programs.gtkcord4.enabled [ { type = "toggle"; label = "󰊴"; # Discord chat client; icons: 󰊴, 🎮 command = "${systemctl-toggle}/bin/systemctl-toggle --user gtkcord4"; update-command = "${printIsActive}/bin/print-is-active --user gtkcord4"; active = true; } ] ++ lib.optionals config.sane.programs.signal-desktop.enabled [ { type = "toggle"; label = "💬"; # Signal messenger; other icons: 󰍦 command = "${systemctl-toggle}/bin/systemctl-toggle --user signal-desktop"; update-command = "${printIsActive}/bin/print-is-active --user signal-desktop"; active = true; } ] ++ lib.optionals config.sane.programs.dino.enabled [ { type = "toggle"; label = "XMPP"; # XMPP calls (jingle) command = "${systemctl-toggle}/bin/systemctl-toggle --user dino"; update-command = "${printIsActive}/bin/print-is-active --user dino"; active = true; } ] ++ lib.optionals config.sane.programs.fractal.enabled [ { type = "toggle"; label = "[m]"; # Matrix messages command = "${systemctl-toggle}/bin/systemctl-toggle --user fractal"; update-command = "${printIsActive}/bin/print-is-active --user fractal"; active = true; } ]; }; dnd = { text = "Do Not Disturb"; }; inhibitors = { text = "Inhibitors"; button-text = "Clear All"; clear-all-button = true; }; mpris = { image-size = mprisIconSize; image-radius = 8; }; title = { text = "Notifications"; clear-all-button = true; button-text = "Clear All"; }; volume = { label = " "; }; }; }; services.swaync = { # swaync ships its own service, but i want to add `environment` variables and flags for easier debugging. # seems that's not possible without defining an entire nix-native service (i.e. this). description = "swaynotificationcenter (swaync) desktop notification daemon"; after = [ "graphical-session.target" ]; # partOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ]; wantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ]; serviceConfig = { ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/swaync"; Type = "simple"; # BusName = "org.freedesktop.Notifications"; Restart = "on-failure"; RestartSec = "10s"; }; environment.G_MESSAGES_DEBUG = "all"; }; }; sane.programs.feedbackd.config = lib.mkIf cfg.enabled { # claim control over feedbackd: we'll proxy the sounds we want on behalf of notifying programs proxied = true; }; }