{ ... }: { sane.persist.root-on-tmpfs = true; fileSystems."/nix" = { device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/cc81cca0-3cc7-4d82-a00c-6243af3e7776"; fsType = "btrfs"; options = [ "compress=zstd" "defaults" ]; }; fileSystems."/boot" = { device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/6EE3-4171"; fsType = "vfat"; }; # slow, external storage (for archiving, etc) fileSystems."/mnt/persist/ext" = { device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/aa272cff-0fcc-498e-a4cb-0d95fb60631b"; fsType = "btrfs"; options = [ "compress=zstd" "defaults" ]; }; sane.persist.stores."ext" = { origin = "/mnt/persist/ext/persist"; storeDescription = "external HDD storage"; }; sane.fs."/mnt/persist/ext".mount = {}; sane.persist.sys.plaintext = [ # TODO: this is overly broad; only need media and share directories to be persisted { user = "colin"; group = "users"; path = "/var/lib/uninsane"; } ]; # make sure large media is stored to the HDD sane.persist.sys.ext = [ { user = "colin"; group = "users"; mode = "0777"; path = "/var/lib/uninsane/media/Videos"; } { user = "colin"; group = "users"; mode = "0777"; path = "/var/lib/uninsane/media/freeleech"; } { user = "colin"; group = "users"; mode = "0777"; path = "/var/lib/uninsane/media/datasets"; } ]; # in-memory compressed RAM (seems to be dynamically sized) # zramSwap = { # enable = true; # }; # btrfs doesn't easily support swapfiles # swapDevices = [ # { device = "/nix/persist/swapfile"; size = 4096; } # ]; # this can be a partition. create with: # fdisk # n # # # # t # # 19 # set part type to Linux swap # w # write changes # mkswap -L swap # swapDevices = [ # { # label = "swap"; # # TODO: randomEncryption.enable = true; # } # ]; }