# clightning is an implementation of Bitcoin's Lightning Network. # as such, this assumes that `services.bitcoin` is enabled. # docs: # - tor clightning config: # - `lightning-cli` and subcommands: # - `man lightningd-config` # # management/setup/use: # - guide: # # debugging: # - `lightning-cli getlog debug` # - `lightning-cli listpays` -> show payments this node sent # - `lightning-cli listinvoices` -> show payments this node received # # first, acquire peers: # - `lightning-cli connect id@host` # where `id` is the node's pubkey, and `host` is perhaps an ip:port tuple, or a hash.onion:port tuple. # for testing, choose any node listed on # - `lightning-cli listpeers` # should show the new peer, with `connected: true` # # then, fund the clightning wallet # - `lightning-cli newaddr` # # then, open channels # - `lightning-cli connect ...` # - `lightning-cli fundchannel ` # # who to federate with? # - a lot of the larger nodes allow hands-free channel creation # - either inbound or outbound, sometimes paid # - find nodes on: # - # - # - tor nodes: # - # - # - # - a few tor-capable nodes which allow channel creation: # - # - # - # - # - more resources: # - node routability: https://hashxp.org/lightning/node/ # - especially, acquire inbound liquidity via lightningnetwork.plus's swap feature # - most of the opportunities are gated behind a minimum connection or capacity requirement # # tune payment parameters # - `lightning-cli setchannel [feebase] [feeppm] [htlcmin] [htlcmax] [enforcedelay] [ignorefeelimits]` # - e.g. `lightning-cli setchannel all 0 10` # - it's suggested that feebase=0 simplifies routing. # # teardown: # - `lightning-cli withdraw [feerate]` # # sanity: # - `lightning-cli listfunds` # # to receive a payment (do as `clightning` user): # - `lightning-cli invoice