#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell #!nix-shell -i python3 -p "python3.withPackages (ps: [ ])" -p systemd # vim: set filetype=python : # /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/trust-dns-nmhook: # NetworkManager-dispatcher.service calls this script whenever any network changes state. # this includes when we activate a new network and receive DHCP info. # specifically, this script propagates DHCP info to my DNS setup, # ensuring things like "search domains" work (sorta) with my recursive resolver. # # NetworkManager-dispatcher invokes this with env vars related to the action/device/connection. notably: # - DEVICE_IFACE (e.g. "wlp3s0") # - DHCP4_DOMAIN_NAME_SERVERS (e.g. "") # - DHCP4_DOMAIN_SEARCH (e.g. "home.lan uninsane.org") # - IP4_NAMESERVERS (e.g. "") # - CONNECTION_ID (e.g. "my-ssid-name") # - CONNECTION_FILENAME (e.g. "/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/XfinityWifi.nmconnection") import argparse import logging import os import subprocess logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) DNS_DIR = "/var/lib/trust-dns" DHCP_CONFIGS = "dhcp-configs" class Ops: def __init__(self, base_dir: str) -> None: self.base_dir = base_dir def write_file(self, path: str, contents: str) -> None: with open(os.path.join(self.base_dir, path), "w") as f: f.write(contents) def makedirs(self, path: str) -> None: os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.base_dir, path), exist_ok=True) def exec_(self, cli: list[str]) -> None: subprocess.check_output(cli) class DryRunOps(Ops): def write_file(self, path: str, contents: str) -> None: logger.info(f"dry-run: not writing '{path}'") logger.debug(contents) def makedirs(self, path: str) -> None: logger.info(f"dry-run: not making dirs '{path}'") def exec_(self, cli: list[str]) -> None: logger.info(f"dry-run: not `exec`ing: {' '.join(cli)}") class NmConfig: def __init__(self) -> None: nameservers = os.environ.get("DHCP4_DOMAIN_NAME_SERVERS", "").split(" ") nameservers = [ns for ns in nameservers if ns] conn_id = sanitize_name(os.environ.get("CONNECTION_ID", "unknown")) search_domains = os.environ.get("DHCP4_DOMAIN_SEARCH", "").split(" ") search_domains = [d for d in search_domains if d] self.nameservers = nameservers self.conn_id = conn_id self.search_domains = search_domains def sanitize_name(name: str) -> str: return "".join(c for c in name if c.lower() in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-") def is_valid_search_domain(domain: str) -> bool: comps = [c for c in domain.split(".") if c] if len(comps) >= 2: # allow any search domain that's not a TLD. return True logger.warn(f"invalid search domain {domain}") # if you trigger this, then whitelist the search domain here # it's ok to have a search domain of any length -- i'm just hesitant to allow hijacking of very large domain spaces. return False def format_zone(domain: str, nameservers: list[str]) -> str: """ pre-requisites: nameservers is non-empty and no nameserver is "". domain is the human-friendly domain, trailing dot is optional. """ assert nameservers, f"no nameservers for zone {domain}" if domain[-1] != ".": domain += "." lines=( f'''\ [[zones]] zone = "{domain}" zone_type = "Forward" stores = {{ type = "forward", name_servers = [ ''') for i, ns in enumerate(nameservers): assert ns, "empty nameserver" if i != 0: lines += ",\n" lines += f" {{ socket_addr = \"{ns}:53\", protocol = \"udp\", trust_nx_responses = false }}" lines += '\n]}' return lines def apply_zone(nm_config: NmConfig, ops: Ops) -> None: specialized_config = "" for domain in nm_config.search_domains: if is_valid_search_domain(domain) and nm_config.nameservers: specialized_config += format_zone(domain, nm_config.nameservers) + '\n' if specialized_config: # formatting preference: when these configs are `cat`d together, empty-line separators help distinguish specialized_config = '\n' + specialized_config conn_config_path = f"{DHCP_CONFIGS}/{nm_config.conn_id}.toml" ops.makedirs(DHCP_CONFIGS) ops.write_file(conn_config_path, specialized_config) # TODO: don't restart if the merged config is expected to be the same; # restarts are costly, especially since they dump the cache! ops.exec_([ "systemctl", "restart", "trust-dns-localhost", ]) def main(): logging.basicConfig() logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.info('invoked') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='update trust-dns config in response to NetworkManager event') parser.add_argument('--dns-dir', default=DNS_DIR) parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('interface') parser.add_argument('action', help='name of the NetworkManager action this script is responding to') args = parser.parse_args() if args.verbose: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if args.dry_run: ops = DryRunOps(args.dns_dir) else: ops = Ops(args.dns_dir) nm_config = NmConfig() logger.info(f"dhcp nameservers: '{' '.join(nm_config.nameservers)}'") logger.info(f"sanitized connection id: '{nm_config.conn_id}'") logger.info(f"search domains: '{' '.join(nm_config.search_domains)}'") if args.action == "down": logger.info("action: down: clearing DHCP-issued servers") nm_config.search_domains = [] nm_config.nameservers = [] return apply_zone(nm_config, ops) elif args.action in ["dhcp4-change", "dns-change", "up"]: logger.info(f"action: {args.action}: applying DHCP settings") return apply_zone(nm_config, ops) else: logger.info(f"action: {args.action}: no handler") if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except Exception as e: # catch exceptions here and always return `0`, so NetworkManager-dispatcher doesn't abort logger.info(f"caught exception: {e}") logging.exception(e)