#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell #!nix-shell -i bash -p bash set -e fspath="$1" acluser="$2" aclgroup="$3" aclmode="$4" shift 4 # ensure any things created by the user script have the desired mode. # chmod doesn't work on symlinks, so we *have* to use this umask approach. decmask=$(( 0777 - "$aclmode" )) octmask=$(printf "%o" "$decmask") umask "$octmask" # try to chmod/chown the result even if the user script errors set +e ("$@") user_status=$? set -e # claim ownership of the new thing (DON'T traverse symlinks) chown --no-dereference "$acluser:$aclgroup" "$fspath" # AS LONG AS IT'S NOT A SYMLINK, try to fix perms in case the entity existed before this script was called if ! test -L "$fspath" then chmod "$aclmode" "$fspath" fi exit "$user_status"