# Flare is a 3rd-party GTK4 Signal app. # UI is effectively a clone of Fractal. # ### compatibility: # - desko: works fine. pairs, and exchanges contact list (but not message history) with the paired device. exchanges future messages fine. # - moby (cross compiled flare-signal-nixified): nope. it pairs, but can only *receive* messages and never *send* them. # - even `rsync`ing the data and keyrings from desko -> moby, still fails in that same manner. # - console shows error messages. quite possibly an endianness mismatch somewhere # - moby (partially-emulated flare-signal): works! pairs and can send/receive messages, same as desko. # ### debugging: # - `RUST_LOG=flare=trace flare` # ### error signatures (to reset, run `sane-wipe flare`): #### upon sending a message, the other side receives it, but Signal desktop gets "A message from Colin could not be delivered" and the local CLI shows: # ``` # ERROR libsignal_service::websocket] SignalWebSocket: Websocket error: SignalWebSocket: end of application request stream; socket closing # ERROR presage::manager] Error opening envelope: ProtobufDecodeError(DecodeError { description: "invalid tag value: 0", stack: [("Content", "data_message")] }), message will be skipped! # ERROR presage::manager] Error opening envelope: ProtobufDecodeError(DecodeError { description: "invalid tag value: 0", stack: [("Content", "data_message")] }), message will be skipped! # ``` # - this occurs on moby, desko, `flare-signal` and `flare-signal-nixified` # - the Websocket error seems to be unrelated, occurs during normal/good operation # - related issues: # #### error when sending from Flare to other Flare device: # - ``` # ERROR libsignal_protocol::session_cipher] Message from .3 failed to decrypt; sender ratchet public key message counter 1 # No current session # ERROR presage::manager] Error opening envelope: SignalProtocolError(InvalidKyberPreKeyId), message will be skipped! # ``` # - but signal iOS will still read it. # #### HTTP 405 when linking flare to iOS signal: # [DEBUG libsignal_service_hyper::push_service] HTTP request PUT https://chat.signal.org/v1/devices/{uuid}.{timestamp?}:{b64-string} # [TRACE libsignal_service_hyper::push_service] Unhandled response 405 with body: {"code":405,"message":"HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed"} # [ERROR flare::gui::error_dialog] ErrorDialog displaying error: Something unexpected happened with the signal backend. Please retry later. # [TRACE flare::gui::error_dialog] ErrorDialog full error: Presage( # ProvisioningError( # ServiceError( # UnhandledResponseCode { # http_code: 405, # }, # ), # ), # ) # flare matrix suggests the signal endpoint has changed: # - "/v1/device/link instead of confirming via /v1/devices/{I'd}" # - this endpoint is declared in libsignal-service-rs (used both by flare and presage) # - libsignal-service/src/provisioning/manager.rs # - libsignal-service issues a put_json to that URL (i.e. HTTP PUT) # - libsignal-service is "based on" the official rust signal API # - did these guys recently change it? # - no, but Signal-Desktop did. see ccb5eb0dd2 from 2023/08/29 # - that's a fairly involved change. # - signalcli is reporting this same error: # - Mixin Messenger / libsignal_protocol_dart doesn't seem to be reporting any issue # - # # well, seems to have unpredictable errors particularly when being used on multiple devices. # desktop _seems_ more reliable than on mobile, but not confident. { pkgs, ... }: { sane.programs.flare-signal = { package = pkgs.flare-signal-nixified; # package = pkgs.flare-signal; persist.byStore.private = [ # everything: conf, state, files, all opaque ".local/share/flare" # also persists a secret in ~/.local/share/keyrings. reset with: # - `secret-tool search --all --unlock 'xdg:schema' 'de.schmidhuberj.Flare'` # - `secret-tool clear 'xdg:schema' 'de.schmidhuberj.Flare'` # and it persists some dconf settings (e.g. device name). reset with: # - `dconf reset -f /de/schmidhuberj/Flare/`. ]; }; }