{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.sane.services.dyn-dns; getIp = pkgs.writeShellScript "dyn-dns-query-wan" '' # preferred method and fallback # OPNsense router broadcasts its UPnP endpoint every 30s timeout 60 ${pkgs.sane-scripts.ip-check}/bin/sane-ip-check --json || \ ${pkgs.sane-scripts.ip-check}/bin/sane-ip-check --json --no-upnp ''; in { options = { sane.services.dyn-dns = { enable = mkOption { default = false; type = types.bool; }; ipPath = mkOption { default = "/var/lib/uninsane/wan.txt"; type = types.str; description = "where to store the latest WAN IPv4 address"; }; upnpPath = mkOption { default = "/var/lib/uninsane/upnp.txt"; type = types.str; description = '' where to store the address of the UPNP device (if any) that can be used to create port forwards. ''; }; ipCmd = mkOption { default = "${getIp}"; type = types.path; description = "command to run to query the current WAN IP"; }; interval = mkOption { type = types.str; default = "10min"; description = "systemd time string for how frequently to re-check the IP"; }; restartOnChange = mkOption { type = types.listOf types.str; default = []; description = "list of systemd unit files to restart when the IP changes"; }; }; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable { systemd.services.dyn-dns = { description = "update this host's record of its WAN IP"; serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot"; restartTriggers = [(builtins.toJSON cfg)]; after = [ "network.target" ]; wantedBy = cfg.restartOnChange; before = cfg.restartOnChange; script = let jq = "${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq"; sed = "${pkgs.gnused}/bin/sed"; in '' mkdir -p "$(dirname '${cfg.ipPath}')" mkdir -p "$(dirname '${cfg.upnpPath}')" newIpDetails=$(${cfg.ipCmd}) newIp=$(echo "$newIpDetails" | ${jq} ".wan" | ${sed} 's/^"//' | ${sed} 's/"$//') newUpnp=$(echo "$newIpDetails" | ${jq} ".upnp" | ${sed} 's/^"//' | ${sed} 's/"$//') oldIp=$(cat '${cfg.ipPath}' || true) oldUpnp=$(cat '${cfg.upnpPath}' || true) # systemd path units are triggered on any file write action, # regardless of content change. so only update the file if our IP *actually* changed if [ "$newIp" != "$oldIp" -a -n "$newIp" ] then echo "$newIp" > '${cfg.ipPath}' echo "WAN ip changed $oldIp -> $newIp" fi if [ "$newUpnp" != "$oldUpnp" -a -n "$newUpnp" ] then echo "$newUpnp" > '${cfg.upnpPath}' echo "UPNP changed $oldUpnp -> $newUpnp" fi exit $(test -f '${cfg.ipPath}' -a '${cfg.upnpPath}') ''; }; systemd.timers.dyn-dns = { # if anything wants dyn-dns.service, they surely want the timer too. wantedBy = [ "dyn-dns.service" ]; timerConfig = { OnUnitActiveSec = cfg.interval; }; }; systemd.paths.dyn-dns-watcher = { before = [ "dyn-dns.timer" ]; wantedBy = [ "dyn-dns.timer" ]; pathConfig = { Unit = "dyn-dns-reactor.service"; PathChanged = [ cfg.ipPath ]; }; }; systemd.services.dyn-dns-reactor = { description = "react to the system's WAN IP changing"; serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot"; script = if cfg.restartOnChange != [] then '' ${pkgs.systemd}/bin/systemctl restart ${toString cfg.restartOnChange} '' else "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/true"; }; }; }