#!/bin/sh # this is based on upstream sxmo-utils sxmo_hook_start.sh # but modified for nixos integration and specialize a bit to my needs . sxmo_common.sh # Create xdg user directories, such as ~/Pictures xdg-user-dirs-update sxmo_daemons.sh start daemon_manager superd # let time to superd to start correctly while ! superctl status > /dev/null 2>&1; do sleep 0.5 done # Periodically update some status bar components sxmo_hook_statusbar.sh all sxmo_daemons.sh start statusbar_periodics sxmo_run_aligned.sh 60 \ sxmo_hook_statusbar.sh periodics # don't: mako can be started lazily (via dbus activation, i think) # superctl start mako superctl start sxmo_wob superctl start sxmo_menumode_toggler superctl start bonsaid # don't: sway background is managed externally # swaymsg output '*' bg "$SXMO_BG_IMG" fill # To setup initial lock state sxmo_state_switch.sh set unlock # Turn on auto-suspend if [ -w "/sys/power/wakeup_count" ] && [ -f "/sys/power/wake_lock" ]; then superctl start sxmo_autosuspend fi # Turn on lisgd if [ ! -e "$XDG_CACHE_HOME"/sxmo/sxmo.nogesture ]; then superctl start sxmo_hook_lisgd fi if [ "$(command -v ModemManager)" ]; then # Turn on the dbus-monitors for modem-related tasks superctl start sxmo_modemmonitor # place a wakelock for 120s to allow the modem to fully warm up (eg25 + # elogind/systemd would do this for us, but we don't use those.) sxmo_wakelock.sh lock sxmo_modem_warming_up 120s fi # don't: conky is managed externally # superctl start sxmo_conky # Monitor the battery superctl start sxmo_battery_monitor # It watch network changes and update the status bar icon by example superctl start sxmo_networkmonitor # The daemon that display notifications popup messages superctl start sxmo_notificationmonitor # monitor for headphone for statusbar superctl start sxmo_soundmonitor # rotate UI based on physical display angle by default if [ -n "$SXMO_AUTOROTATE" ]; then # TODO: this could use ~/.cache/sxmo/sxmo.autorotate like for lisgd above sxmo_daemons.sh start autorotate sxmo_autorotate.sh fi # Play a funky startup tune if you want (disabled by default) #mpv --quiet --no-video ~/welcome.ogg & # mmsd and vvmd if [ -f "${SXMO_MMS_BASE_DIR:-"$HOME"/.mms/modemmanager}/mms" ]; then superctl start mmsd-tng fi if [ -f "${SXMO_VVM_BASE_DIR:-"$HOME"/.vvm/modemmanager}/vvm" ]; then superctl start vvmd fi # add some warnings if things are not setup correctly if ! command -v "sxmo_deviceprofile_$SXMO_DEVICE_NAME.sh"; then sxmo_notify_user.sh --urgency=critical \ "No deviceprofile found $SXMO_DEVICE_NAME. See: https://sxmo.org/deviceprofile" fi sxmo_migrate.sh state || sxmo_notify_user.sh --urgency=critical \ "Config needs migration" "$? file(s) in your sxmo configuration are out of date and disabled - using defaults until you migrate (run sxmo_migrate.sh)"