colin 0cc2295233 moby: patch alsa instead of special-casing PinePhone config
unfortunately, this forces us to recompile *everything* above alsa,
without leveraging the cache. several hours, and probably
necessary after any nixpkgs update, so not super practical.
2022-09-26 03:47:35 -07:00

77 lines
2.9 KiB

{ config, pkgs, lib, mobile-nixos, ... }:
imports = [
# (import "${mobile-nixos}/lib/configuration.nix" {
# device = "pine64-pinephone";
# })
# XXX colin: phosh doesn't work well with passwordless login
users.users.colin.initialPassword = "147147";
services.getty.autologinUser = "root"; # allows for emergency maintenance?
# usability compromises
sane.impermanence.home-dirs = [
# sane.home-manager.extraPackages = [
# # for web browsers see:
# pkgs.angelfish # plasma mobile web browser; broken on phosh (poor wayland support)
# # pkgs.plasma5Packages.index # file browser
# pkgs.plasma5Packages.konsole # terminal
# # pkgs.plasma5Packages.pix # picture viewer
# pkgs.plasma5Packages.kalk # calculator; broken on phosh
# # pkgs.plasma5Packages.buho # (plasma mobile?) note application
# pkgs.plasma5Packages.kasts # podcast app; works on phosh after setting QT envar
# pkgs.plasma5Packages.koko # image gallery; broken on phosh
# pkgs.plasma5Packages.kwave # media player.
# # pkgs.plasma5Packages.neochat # matrix client. needs qcoro => no aarch64 support
# # pkgs.plasma5Packages.plasma-dialer # phone dialer
# # pkgs.plasma5Packages.plasma-mobile # the whole shebang?
# # pkgs.plasma5Packages.plasma-settings
# pkgs.plasma5Packages.bomber # arcade game; broken on phosh
# pkgs.plasma5Packages.kapman # pacman
# # suckless terminal; broken on phosh
# # pkgs.alacritty # terminal; crashes phosh
# ];
# sane.home-packages.enableGuiPkgs = false; # XXX faster builds/imaging for debugging
sane.home-manager.extraPackages = [
pkgs.plasma5Packages.konsole # terminal
sane.nixcache.enable = true;
sane.impermanence.enable = true;
sane.gui.phosh.enable = true;
boot.loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables = false;
# /boot space is at a premium. default was 20.
boot.loader.generic-extlinux-compatible.configurationLimit = 10;
# mobile.bootloader.enable = false;
# mobile.boot.stage-1.enable = false;
# boot.initrd.systemd.enable = false;
# = false; # attempt to fix dm_mod stuff
# mobile-nixos' /lib/firmware includes:
# rtl_bt (bluetooth)
# anx7688-fw.bin (USB-C -> HDMI bridge)
# ov5640_af.bin (camera module)
# hardware.firmware = [ ];
hardware.firmware = [ pkgs.rtl8723cs-firmware ];
system.stateVersion = "21.11";
# defined:
# XXX colin: not sure which, if any, software makes use of this
environment.etc."machine-info".text = ''
# enable rotation sensor
hardware.sensor.iio.enable = true;
users.groups.feedbackd.gid = config.sane.allocations.feedbackd-gid;