
16808 lines
712 KiB

# This file was @generated by crate2nix 0.12.0 with the command:
# "generate" "-f" "/home/colin/ref/repos/dimtpap/coppwr/Cargo.toml"
# See for more info.
{ nixpkgs ? <nixpkgs>
, pkgs ? import nixpkgs { config = {}; }
, lib ? pkgs.lib
, stdenv ? pkgs.stdenv
, buildRustCrateForPkgs ? pkgs: pkgs.buildRustCrate
# This is used as the `crateOverrides` argument for `buildRustCrate`.
, defaultCrateOverrides ? pkgs.defaultCrateOverrides
# The features to enable for the root_crate or the workspace_members.
, rootFeatures ? [ "default" ]
# If true, throw errors instead of issueing deprecation warnings.
, strictDeprecation ? false
# Used for conditional compilation based on CPU feature detection.
, targetFeatures ? []
# Whether to perform release builds: longer compile times, faster binaries.
, release ? true
# Additional crate2nix configuration if it exists.
, crateConfig
? if builtins.pathExists ./crate-config.nix
then pkgs.callPackage ./crate-config.nix {}
else {}
rec {
# "public" attributes that we attempt to keep stable with new versions of crate2nix.
rootCrate = rec {
packageId = "coppwr";
# Use this attribute to refer to the derivation building your root crate package.
# You can override the features with { features = [ "default" "feature1" ... ]; }.
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
inherit packageId;
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
# Refer your crate build derivation by name here.
# You can override the features with
# workspaceMembers."${crateName}".build.override { features = [ "default" "feature1" ... ]; }.
workspaceMembers = {
"coppwr" = rec {
packageId = "coppwr";
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
packageId = "coppwr";
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
# A derivation that joins the outputs of all workspace members together.
allWorkspaceMembers = pkgs.symlinkJoin {
name = "all-workspace-members";
paths =
let members = builtins.attrValues workspaceMembers;
in (m: members;
# "internal" ("private") attributes that may change in every new version of crate2nix.
internal = rec {
# Build and dependency information for crates.
# Many of the fields are passed one-to-one to buildRustCrate.
# Noteworthy:
# * `dependencies`/`buildDependencies`: similar to the corresponding fields for buildRustCrate.
# but with additional information which is used during dependency/feature resolution.
# * `resolvedDependencies`: the selected default features reported by cargo - only included for debugging.
# * `devDependencies` as of now not used by `buildRustCrate` but used to
# inject test dependencies into the build
crates = {
"ab_glyph" = rec {
crateName = "ab_glyph";
version = "0.2.23";
edition = "2021";
sha256 = "099jn5in9ir842wxzvav8zkjvabj55jiwjkwss2w5s6psmyrs5w0";
authors = [
"Alex Butler <>"
dependencies = [
name = "ab_glyph_rasterizer";
packageId = "ab_glyph_rasterizer";
usesDefaultFeatures = false;
name = "owned_ttf_parser";
packageId = "owned_ttf_parser";
usesDefaultFeatures = false;
features = {
"default" = [ "std" "variable-fonts" ];
"libm" = [ "dep:libm" "ab_glyph_rasterizer/libm" ];
"std" = [ "owned_ttf_parser/default" "ab_glyph_rasterizer/default" ];
"variable-fonts" = [ "owned_ttf_parser/variable-fonts" ];
resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "std" "variable-fonts" ];
"ab_glyph_rasterizer" = rec {
crateName = "ab_glyph_rasterizer";
version = "0.1.8";
edition = "2018";
sha256 = "0ikhgzig59q8b1a1iw83sxfnvylg5gx6w2y8ynbnf231xs9if6y7";
authors = [
"Alex Butler <>"
features = {
"default" = [ "std" ];
"libm" = [ "dep:libm" ];
resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "std" ];
"accesskit" = rec {
crateName = "accesskit";
version = "0.12.2";
edition = "2021";
sha256 = "1slvc60y7rs9k158x347yzxl557v6272xx587577w9335k9hxcbc";
authors = [
"Matt Campbell <>"
dependencies = [
name = "enumn";
packageId = "enumn";
optional = true;
name = "serde";
packageId = "serde";
optional = true;
features = [ "derive" ];
features = {
"enumn" = [ "dep:enumn" ];
"pyo3" = [ "dep:pyo3" ];
"schemars" = [ "dep:schemars" "serde" ];
"serde" = [ "dep:serde" "enumn" ];
resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "enumn" "serde" ];
"accesskit_consumer" = rec {
crateName = "accesskit_consumer";
version = "0.16.1";
edition = "2021";
sha256 = "1rj5vsaxn9m5aazr22vzlb5bxfbl28h2mck7hqldgyq97jjwq5wc";
authors = [
"Matt Campbell <>"
dependencies = [
name = "accesskit";
packageId = "accesskit";
"accesskit_macos" = rec {
crateName = "accesskit_macos";
version = "0.10.1";
edition = "2021";
sha256 = "19vpwi1cnyxbjal4ngjb2x7yhfm9x3yd63w41v8wxyxvxbhnlfyd";
authors = [
"Matt Campbell <>"
dependencies = [
name = "accesskit";
packageId = "accesskit";
name = "accesskit_consumer";
packageId = "accesskit_consumer";
name = "objc2";
packageId = "objc2 0.3.0-beta.3.patch-leaks.3";
name = "once_cell";
packageId = "once_cell";
"accesskit_unix" = rec {
crateName = "accesskit_unix";
version = "0.6.2";
edition = "2021";
sha256 = "022a77nm8461v0f6mpzidamkci0h1kmkxl9x2bbim9lvv4c6rx09";
authors = [
"Arnold Loubriat <>"
dependencies = [
name = "accesskit";
packageId = "accesskit";
name = "accesskit_consumer";
packageId = "accesskit_consumer";
name = "async-channel";
packageId = "async-channel";
name = "async-once-cell";
packageId = "async-once-cell";
name = "atspi";
packageId = "atspi";
usesDefaultFeatures = false;
name = "futures-lite";
packageId = "futures-lite 1.13.0";
name = "once_cell";
packageId = "once_cell";
name = "serde";
packageId = "serde";
name = "zbus";
packageId = "zbus";
usesDefaultFeatures = false;
features = {
"async-io" = [ "atspi/async-std" "zbus/async-io" ];
"default" = [ "async-io" ];
"tokio" = [ "dep:tokio" "atspi/tokio" "zbus/tokio" ];
resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "async-io" ];
"accesskit_windows" = rec {
crateName = "accesskit_windows";
version = "0.15.1";
edition = "2021";
sha256 = "02sazww6l5h0wsgif0npdpkb5lczx0xph65kn31wfkwpq1zf5jmg";
authors = [
"Matt Campbell <>"
dependencies = [
name = "accesskit";
packageId = "accesskit";
name = "accesskit_consumer";
packageId = "accesskit_consumer";
name = "once_cell";
packageId = "once_cell";
name = "paste";
packageId = "paste";
name = "static_assertions";
packageId = "static_assertions";
name = "windows";
packageId = "windows 0.48.0";
features = [ "implement" "Win32_Foundation" "Win32_Graphics_Gdi" "Win32_System_Com" "Win32_System_LibraryLoader" "Win32_System_Ole" "Win32_UI_Accessibility" "Win32_UI_Input_KeyboardAndMouse" "Win32_UI_WindowsAndMessaging" ];
"accesskit_winit" = rec {
crateName = "accesskit_winit";
version = "0.16.1";
edition = "2021";
sha256 = "0rwaz6mkllcl131b8y4s787gfmdrqzms0a242r8f3n8pra52312j";
authors = [
"Matt Campbell <>"
dependencies = [
name = "accesskit";
packageId = "accesskit";
name = "accesskit_macos";
packageId = "accesskit_macos";
target = { target, features }: ("macos" == target."os" or null);
name = "accesskit_unix";
packageId = "accesskit_unix";
optional = true;
usesDefaultFeatures = false;
target = { target, features }: (("linux" == target."os" or null) || ("dragonfly" == target."os" or null) || ("freebsd" == target."os" or null) || ("openbsd" == target."os" or null) || ("netbsd" == target."os" or null));
name = "accesskit_windows";
packageId = "accesskit_windows";
target = { target, features }: ("windows" == target."os" or null);
name = "winit";
packageId = "winit";
usesDefaultFeatures = false;
features = [ "rwh_06" ];
devDependencies = [
name = "winit";
packageId = "winit";
usesDefaultFeatures = false;
features = [ "rwh_06" "x11" "wayland" "wayland-dlopen" "wayland-csd-adwaita" ];
features = {
"accesskit_unix" = [ "dep:accesskit_unix" ];
"async-io" = [ "accesskit_unix/async-io" ];
"default" = [ "accesskit_unix" "async-io" ];
"tokio" = [ "accesskit_unix/tokio" ];
resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "accesskit_unix" "async-io" "default" ];
"adler" = rec {
crateName = "adler";
version = "1.0.2";
edition = "2015";
sha256 = "1zim79cvzd5yrkzl3nyfx0avijwgk9fqv3yrscdy1cc79ih02qpj";
authors = [
"Jonas Schievink <>"
features = {
"compiler_builtins" = [ "dep:compiler_builtins" ];
"core" = [ "dep:core" ];
"default" = [ "std" ];
"rustc-dep-of-std" = [ "core" "compiler_builtins" ];
"ahash" = rec {
crateName = "ahash";
version = "0.8.7";
edition = "2018";
sha256 = "008xw6gigwnf0q01ic4ar2y4dqfnzn3kyys6vd4cvfa3imjakhvp";
authors = [
"Tom Kaitchuck <>"
dependencies = [
name = "cfg-if";
packageId = "cfg-if";
name = "getrandom";
packageId = "getrandom";
optional = true;
name = "once_cell";
packageId = "once_cell";
usesDefaultFeatures = false;
target = { target, features }: (!(("arm" == target."arch" or null) && ("none" == target."os" or null)));
features = [ "alloc" ];
name = "serde";
packageId = "serde";
optional = true;
name = "zerocopy";
packageId = "zerocopy";
usesDefaultFeatures = false;
features = [ "simd" ];
buildDependencies = [
name = "version_check";
packageId = "version_check";
features = {
"atomic-polyfill" = [ "dep:atomic-polyfill" "once_cell/atomic-polyfill" ];
"compile-time-rng" = [ "const-random" ];
"const-random" = [ "dep:const-random" ];
"default" = [ "std" "runtime-rng" ];
"getrandom" = [ "dep:getrandom" ];
"runtime-rng" = [ "getrandom" ];
"serde" = [ "dep:serde" ];
resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "getrandom" "no-rng" "runtime-rng" "serde" "std" ];
"aho-corasick" = rec {
crateName = "aho-corasick";
version = "1.1.2";
edition = "2021";
sha256 = "1w510wnixvlgimkx1zjbvlxh6xps2vjgfqgwf5a6adlbjp5rv5mj";
libName = "aho_corasick";
authors = [
"Andrew Gallant <>"
dependencies = [
name = "memchr";
packageId = "memchr";
optional = true;
usesDefaultFeatures = false;
features = {
"default" = [ "std" "perf-literal" ];
"logging" = [ "dep:log" ];
"perf-literal" = [ "dep:memchr" ];
"std" = [ "memchr?/std" ];
resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "perf-literal" "std" ];
"allocator-api2" = rec {
crateName = "allocator-api2";
version = "0.2.16";
edition = "2018";
sha256 = "1iayppgq4wqbfbfcqmsbwgamj0s65012sskfvyx07pxavk3gyhh9";
authors = [
"Zakarum <>"
features = {
"default" = [ "std" ];
"serde" = [ "dep:serde" ];
"std" = [ "alloc" ];
resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "alloc" ];
"android-activity" = rec {
crateName = "android-activity";
version = "0.5.2";
edition = "2021";
sha256 = "12a2qky6147bvs40iz83fxmz47al6r2h8kps9gw49bjvj31c14gf";
dependencies = [
name = "android-properties";
packageId = "android-properties";
name = "bitflags";
packageId = "bitflags 2.4.2";
name = "cesu8";
packageId = "cesu8";
name = "jni";
packageId = "jni";
name = "jni-sys";
packageId = "jni-sys";
name = "libc";
packageId = "libc";
name = "log";
packageId = "log";
name = "ndk";
packageId = "ndk";
usesDefaultFeatures = false;
name = "ndk-context";
packageId = "ndk-context";
name = "ndk-sys";
packageId = "ndk-sys";
name = "num_enum";
packageId = "num_enum";
name = "thiserror";
packageId = "thiserror";
buildDependencies = [
name = "cc";
packageId = "cc";
features = [ "parallel" ];
features = {
resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" ];
"android-properties" = rec {
crateName = "android-properties";
version = "0.2.2";
edition = "2018";
sha256 = "016slvg269c0y120p9qd8vdfqa2jbw4j0g18gfw6p3ain44v4zpw";
authors = [
"Mikhail Lappo <>"
features = {
"android_system_properties" = rec {
crateName = "android_system_properties";
version = "0.1.5";
edition = "2018";
sha256 = "04b3wrz12837j7mdczqd95b732gw5q7q66cv4yn4646lvccp57l1";
authors = [
"Nicolas Silva <>"
dependencies = [
name = "libc";
packageId = "libc";
"annotate-snippets" = rec {
crateName = "annotate-snippets";
version = "0.9.2";
edition = "2018";
sha256 = "07p8r6jzb7nqydq0kr5pllckqcdxlyld2g275v425axnzffpxbyc";
authors = [
"Zibi Braniecki <>"
dependencies = [
name = "unicode-width";
packageId = "unicode-width";
name = "yansi-term";
packageId = "yansi-term";
optional = true;
devDependencies = [
name = "yansi-term";
packageId = "yansi-term";
features = {
"color" = [ "yansi-term" ];
"yansi-term" = [ "dep:yansi-term" ];
resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "color" "default" "yansi-term" ];
"anyhow" = rec {
crateName = "anyhow";
version = "1.0.79";
edition = "2018";
sha256 = "1ji5irqiwr8yprgqj8zvnli7zd7fz9kzaiddq44jnrl2l289h3h8";
authors = [
"David Tolnay <>"
features = {
"backtrace" = [ "dep:backtrace" ];
"default" = [ "std" ];
resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "std" ];
"arboard" = rec {
crateName = "arboard";
version = "3.3.0";
edition = "2018";
sha256 = "021w647fp6d1hy1cilysbh86wyn29aavh7accrva4nj30yqjkyxa";
authors = [
"Artur Kovacs <>"
"Avi Weinstock <>"
"Arboard contributors"
dependencies = [
name = "clipboard-win";
packageId = "clipboard-win";
target = { target, features }: (target."windows" or false);
name = "log";
packageId = "log";
target = { target, features }: ((target."unix" or false) && (!(("macos" == target."os" or null) || ("android" == target."os" or null) || ("emscripten" == target."os" or null))));
name = "log";
packageId = "log";
target = { target, features }: (target."windows" or false);
name = "objc";
packageId = "objc";
target = { target, features }: ("macos" == target."os" or null);
name = "objc-foundation";
packageId = "objc-foundation";
target = { target, features }: ("macos" == target."os" or null);
name = "objc_id";
packageId = "objc_id";
target = { target, features }: ("macos" == target."os" or null);
name = "parking_lot";
packageId = "parking_lot";
target = { target, features }: ((target."unix" or false) && (!(("macos" == target."os" or null) || ("android" == target."os" or null) || ("emscripten" == target."os" or null))));
name = "thiserror";
packageId = "thiserror";
name = "winapi";
packageId = "winapi";
target = { target, features }: (target."windows" or false);
features = [ "basetsd" "winuser" "winbase" ];
name = "x11rb";
packageId = "x11rb 0.12.0";
target = { target, features }: ((target."unix" or false) && (!(("macos" == target."os" or null) || ("android" == target."os" or null) || ("emscripten" == target."os" or null))));
features = {
"core-graphics" = [ "dep:core-graphics" ];
"default" = [ "image-data" ];
"image" = [ "dep:image" ];
"image-data" = [ "core-graphics" "image" "winapi/minwindef" "winapi/wingdi" "winapi/winnt" ];
"wayland-data-control" = [ "wl-clipboard-rs" ];
"wl-clipboard-rs" = [ "dep:wl-clipboard-rs" ];
"arrayref" = rec {
crateName = "arrayref";
version = "0.3.7";
edition = "2015";
sha256 = "0ia5ndyxqkzdymqr4ls53jdmajf09adjimg5kvw65kkprg930jbb";
authors = [
"David Roundy <>"
"arrayvec" = rec {
crateName = "arrayvec";
version = "0.7.4";
edition = "2018";
sha256 = "04b7n722jij0v3fnm3qk072d5ysc2q30rl9fz33zpfhzah30mlwn";
authors = [
features = {
"default" = [ "std" ];
"serde" = [ "dep:serde" ];
"zeroize" = [ "dep:zeroize" ];
resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "std" ];
"as-raw-xcb-connection" = rec {
crateName = "as-raw-xcb-connection";
version = "1.0.1";
edition = "2021";
sha256 = "0sqgpz2ymv5yx76r5j2npjq2x5qvvqnw0vrs35cyv30p3pfp2m8p";
features = {
"default" = [ "alloc" ];
resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "alloc" "default" ];
"ash" = rec {
crateName = "ash";
version = "0.37.3+1.3.251";
edition = "2021";
sha256 = "0jndbsi5c8xifh4fdp378xpbyzdhs7y38hmbhih0lsv8bn1w7s9r";
authors = [
"Maik Klein <>"
"Benjamin Saunders <>"
"Marijn Suijten <>"
dependencies = [
name = "libloading";
packageId = "libloading 0.7.4";
optional = true;
features = {
"default" = [ "loaded" "debug" ];
"libloading" = [ "dep:libloading" ];
"loaded" = [ "libloading" ];
resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "debug" "default" "libloading" "loaded" ];
"ashpd" = rec {
crateName = "ashpd";
version = "0.7.0";
edition = "2021";
sha256 = "1ab92zkibs2gnid17n1n8ib95gwrrdv2cki1zsvxal22fzbjm681";
authors = [
"Bilal Elmoussaoui <>"
dependencies = [
name = "async-fs";
packageId = "async-fs 2.1.1";
optional = true;
name = "async-net";
packageId = "async-net";
optional = true;
name = "enumflags2";
packageId = "enumflags2";
name = "futures-channel";
packageId = "futures-channel";
name = "futures-util";
packageId = "futures-util";
name = "rand";
packageId = "rand";
usesDefaultFeatures = false;
name = "serde";
packageId = "serde";
features = [ "derive" ];
name = "serde_repr";
packageId = "serde_repr";
name = "url";
packageId = "url";
features = [ "serde" ];
name = "zbus";
packageId = "zbus";
usesDefaultFeatures = false;
features = [ "url" ];
features = {
"async-std" = [ "zbus/async-io" "dep:async-fs" "dep:async-net" ];
"default" = [ "async-std" ];
"gdk4wayland" = [ "dep:gdk4wayland" ];
"gdk4x11" = [ "dep:gdk4x11" ];
"gtk4" = [ "gtk4_x11" "gtk4_wayland" ];
"gtk4_wayland" = [ "gdk4wayland" "dep:gtk4" ];
"gtk4_x11" = [ "gdk4x11" "dep:gtk4" ];
"libc" = [ "dep:libc" ];
"pipewire" = [ "pw" "libc" ];
"pw" = [ "dep:pw" ];
"raw-window-handle" = [ "dep:raw-window-handle" ];
"raw_handle" = [ "raw-window-handle" "wayland" ];
"tokio" = [ "zbus/tokio" "dep:tokio" ];
"tracing" = [ "dep:tracing" ];
"wayland" = [ "wayland-client" "wayland-protocols" "wayland-backend" ];
"wayland-backend" = [ "dep:wayland-backend" ];
"wayland-client" = [ "dep:wayland-client" ];
"wayland-protocols" = [ "dep:wayland-protocols" ];
resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "async-std" "default" ];
"async-broadcast" = rec {
crateName = "async-broadcast";
version = "0.5.1";
edition = "2018";
sha256 = "0avdqbci1qdlfc4glc3wqrb0wi5ffc7bqv2q1wg14syayvdwqj3w";
authors = [
"Stjepan Glavina <>"
"Yoshua Wuyts <>"
"Zeeshan Ali Khan <>"
dependencies = [
name = "event-listener";
packageId = "event-listener 2.5.3";
name = "futures-core";
packageId = "futures-core";
"async-channel" = rec {
crateName = "async-channel";
version = "2.2.0";
edition = "2021";
sha256 = "1hzhkbrlmgbrrwb1d5aba5f03p42s6z80g5p38s127c27nj470pj";
authors = [
"Stjepan Glavina <>"
dependencies = [
name = "concurrent-queue";
packageId = "concurrent-queue";
usesDefaultFeatures = false;
name = "event-listener";
packageId = "event-listener 5.0.0";
usesDefaultFeatures = false;
name = "event-listener-strategy";
packageId = "event-listener-strategy 0.5.0";
usesDefaultFeatures = false;
name = "futures-core";
packageId = "futures-core";
usesDefaultFeatures = false;
name = "pin-project-lite";
packageId = "pin-project-lite";
features = {
"default" = [ "std" ];
"std" = [ "concurrent-queue/std" "event-listener/std" "event-listener-strategy/std" ];
resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "std" ];
"async-executor" = rec {
crateName = "async-executor";
version = "1.8.0";
edition = "2021";
sha256 = "0z7rpayidhdqs4sdzjhh26z5155c1n94fycqni9793n4zjz5xbhp";
authors = [
"Stjepan Glavina <>"
dependencies = [
name = "async-lock";
packageId = "async-lock 3.3.0";
name = "async-task";
packageId = "async-task";
name = "concurrent-queue";
packageId = "concurrent-queue";
name = "fastrand";
packageId = "fastrand 2.0.1";
name = "futures-lite";
packageId = "futures-lite 2.2.0";
usesDefaultFeatures = false;
name = "futures-lite";
packageId = "futures-lite 2.2.0";
usesDefaultFeatures = false;
target = { target, features }: (builtins.elem "wasm" target."family");
features = [ "std" ];
name = "slab";
packageId = "slab";
devDependencies = [
name = "fastrand";
packageId = "fastrand 2.0.1";
name = "futures-lite";
packageId = "futures-lite 2.2.0";
"async-fs 1.6.0" = rec {
crateName = "async-fs";
version = "1.6.0";
edition = "2018";
sha256 = "01if2h77mry9cnm91ql2md595108i2c1bfy9gaivzvjfcl2gk717";
authors = [
"Stjepan Glavina <>"
dependencies = [
name = "async-lock";
packageId = "async-lock 2.8.0";
name = "blocking";
packageId = "blocking";
name = "futures-lite";
packageId = "futures-lite 1.13.0";
buildDependencies = [
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"Lokathor <>"
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"Alex Crichton <>"
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"Jethro Beekman <>"
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"Embark <>"
"Jake Shadle <>"
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"The Servo Project Developers"
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"Stjepan Glavina <>"
"Taiki Endo <>"
"John Nunley <>"
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"Rutrum <>"
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# We can't filter paths with references in Nix 2.4
# See
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then lib.cleanSourceWith { filter = sourceFilter; src = ../../../../../../../../../../home/colin/ref/repos/dimtpap/coppwr; }
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"The Servo Project Developers"
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"The Servo Project Developers"
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"The Servo Project Developers"
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"Jan Haller <>"
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"Maja Kądziołka <>"
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"maik klein <>"
"Maja Kądziołka <>"
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"Stjepan Glavina <>"
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"John Nunley <>"
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"John Nunley <>"
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"Josh Triplett <>"
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"Stjepan Glavina <>"
"Contributors to futures-rs"
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"Stjepan Glavina <>"
"Contributors to futures-rs"
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"Zakarum <>"
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"Traverse Research <>"
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"Zakarum <>"
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"Zakarum <>"
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"Amanieu d'Antras <>"
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"Kang Seonghoon <>"
"home" = rec {
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"Brian Anderson <>"
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"icrate" = rec {
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"Mads Marquart <>"
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"Accessibility" = [ "Foundation" ];
"Accessibility_all" = [ "Accessibility" "Accessibility_AXBrailleMap" "Accessibility_AXCategoricalDataAxisDescriptor" "Accessibility_AXChartDescriptor" "Accessibility_AXCustomContent" "Accessibility_AXDataPoint" "Accessibility_AXDataPointValue" "Accessibility_AXDataSeriesDescriptor" "Accessibility_AXLiveAudioGraph" "Accessibility_AXNumericDataAxisDescriptor" ];
"AdServices" = [ "Foundation" ];
"AdServices_all" = [ "AdServices" "AdServices_AAAttribution" ];
"AdSupport" = [ "Foundation" ];
"AdSupport_all" = [ "AdSupport" "AdSupport_ASIdentifierManager" ];
"AppKit" = [ "CoreData" "Foundation" "AppKit_NSApplication" "AppKit_NSCollectionLayoutSection" "AppKit_NSCollectionLayoutGroupCustomItem" "AppKit_NSCollectionView" "AppKit_NSView" "AppKit_NSTableView" "AppKit_NSTableColumn" "AppKit_NSTableRowView" "Foundation_NSIndexPath" "Foundation_NSArray" "Foundation_NSCoder" ];
"AppKit_NSATSTypesetter" = [ "AppKit_NSTypesetter" ];
"AppKit_NSActionCell" = [ "AppKit_NSCell" ];
"AppKit_NSApplication" = [ "AppKit_NSResponder" ];
"AppKit_NSArrayController" = [ "AppKit_NSObjectController" ];
"AppKit_NSBitmapImageRep" = [ "AppKit_NSImageRep" ];
"AppKit_NSBox" = [ "AppKit_NSView" ];
"AppKit_NSBrowser" = [ "AppKit_NSControl" ];
"AppKit_NSBrowserCell" = [ "AppKit_NSCell" ];
"AppKit_NSButton" = [ "AppKit_NSControl" ];
"AppKit_NSButtonCell" = [ "AppKit_NSActionCell" ];
"AppKit_NSButtonTouchBarItem" = [ "AppKit_NSTouchBarItem" ];
"AppKit_NSCachedImageRep" = [ "AppKit_NSImageRep" ];
"AppKit_NSCandidateListTouchBarItem" = [ "AppKit_NSTouchBarItem" ];
"AppKit_NSClickGestureRecognizer" = [ "AppKit_NSGestureRecognizer" ];
"AppKit_NSClipView" = [ "AppKit_NSView" ];
"AppKit_NSCollectionLayoutBoundarySupplementaryItem" = [ "AppKit_NSCollectionLayoutSupplementaryItem" ];
"AppKit_NSCollectionLayoutDecorationItem" = [ "AppKit_NSCollectionLayoutItem" ];
"AppKit_NSCollectionLayoutGroup" = [ "AppKit_NSCollectionLayoutItem" ];
"AppKit_NSCollectionLayoutSupplementaryItem" = [ "AppKit_NSCollectionLayoutItem" ];
"AppKit_NSCollectionView" = [ "AppKit_NSView" ];
"AppKit_NSCollectionViewCompositionalLayout" = [ "AppKit_NSCollectionViewLayout" ];
"AppKit_NSCollectionViewFlowLayout" = [ "AppKit_NSCollectionViewLayout" ];
"AppKit_NSCollectionViewFlowLayoutInvalidationContext" = [ "AppKit_NSCollectionViewLayoutInvalidationContext" ];
"AppKit_NSCollectionViewGridLayout" = [ "AppKit_NSCollectionViewLayout" ];
"AppKit_NSCollectionViewItem" = [ "AppKit_NSViewController" ];
"AppKit_NSCollectionViewTransitionLayout" = [ "AppKit_NSCollectionViewLayout" ];
"AppKit_NSColorPanel" = [ "AppKit_NSPanel" ];
"AppKit_NSColorPickerTouchBarItem" = [ "AppKit_NSTouchBarItem" ];
"AppKit_NSColorWell" = [ "AppKit_NSControl" ];
"AppKit_NSComboBox" = [ "AppKit_NSTextField" ];
"AppKit_NSComboBoxCell" = [ "AppKit_NSTextFieldCell" ];
"AppKit_NSComboButton" = [ "AppKit_NSControl" ];
"AppKit_NSControl" = [ "AppKit_NSView" ];
"AppKit_NSCustomImageRep" = [ "AppKit_NSImageRep" ];
"AppKit_NSCustomTouchBarItem" = [ "AppKit_NSTouchBarItem" ];
"AppKit_NSDatePicker" = [ "AppKit_NSControl" ];
"AppKit_NSDatePickerCell" = [ "AppKit_NSActionCell" ];
"AppKit_NSDictionaryController" = [ "AppKit_NSArrayController" ];
"AppKit_NSDrawer" = [ "AppKit_NSResponder" ];
"AppKit_NSEPSImageRep" = [ "AppKit_NSImageRep" ];
"AppKit_NSFontPanel" = [ "AppKit_NSPanel" ];
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"AppKit_NSFormCell" = [ "AppKit_NSActionCell" ];
"AppKit_NSGridView" = [ "AppKit_NSView" ];
"AppKit_NSGroupTouchBarItem" = [ "AppKit_NSTouchBarItem" ];
"AppKit_NSImageCell" = [ "AppKit_NSCell" ];
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"AppKit_NSLayoutXAxisAnchor" = [ "AppKit_NSLayoutAnchor" ];
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"AppKit_NSLevelIndicator" = [ "AppKit_NSControl" ];
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"AppKit_NSMagnificationGestureRecognizer" = [ "AppKit_NSGestureRecognizer" ];
"AppKit_NSMatrix" = [ "AppKit_NSControl" ];
"AppKit_NSMenuItemCell" = [ "AppKit_NSButtonCell" ];
"AppKit_NSMenuToolbarItem" = [ "AppKit_NSToolbarItem" ];
"AppKit_NSMutableFontCollection" = [ "AppKit_NSFontCollection" ];
"AppKit_NSMutableParagraphStyle" = [ "AppKit_NSParagraphStyle" ];
"AppKit_NSObjectController" = [ "AppKit_NSController" ];
"AppKit_NSOpenPanel" = [ "AppKit_NSSavePanel" ];
"AppKit_NSOutlineView" = [ "AppKit_NSTableView" ];
"AppKit_NSPDFImageRep" = [ "AppKit_NSImageRep" ];
"AppKit_NSPICTImageRep" = [ "AppKit_NSImageRep" ];
"AppKit_NSPageController" = [ "AppKit_NSViewController" ];
"AppKit_NSPanGestureRecognizer" = [ "AppKit_NSGestureRecognizer" ];
"AppKit_NSPanel" = [ "AppKit_NSWindow" ];
"AppKit_NSPathCell" = [ "AppKit_NSActionCell" ];
"AppKit_NSPathComponentCell" = [ "AppKit_NSTextFieldCell" ];
"AppKit_NSPathControl" = [ "AppKit_NSControl" ];
"AppKit_NSPersistentDocument" = [ "AppKit_NSDocument" ];
"AppKit_NSPickerTouchBarItem" = [ "AppKit_NSTouchBarItem" ];
"AppKit_NSPopUpButton" = [ "AppKit_NSButton" ];
"AppKit_NSPopUpButtonCell" = [ "AppKit_NSMenuItemCell" ];
"AppKit_NSPopover" = [ "AppKit_NSResponder" ];
"AppKit_NSPopoverTouchBarItem" = [ "AppKit_NSTouchBarItem" ];
"AppKit_NSPredicateEditor" = [ "AppKit_NSRuleEditor" ];
"AppKit_NSPressGestureRecognizer" = [ "AppKit_NSGestureRecognizer" ];
"AppKit_NSProgressIndicator" = [ "AppKit_NSView" ];
"AppKit_NSRotationGestureRecognizer" = [ "AppKit_NSGestureRecognizer" ];
"AppKit_NSRuleEditor" = [ "AppKit_NSControl" ];
"AppKit_NSRulerView" = [ "AppKit_NSView" ];
"AppKit_NSSavePanel" = [ "AppKit_NSPanel" ];
"AppKit_NSScrollView" = [ "AppKit_NSView" ];
"AppKit_NSScroller" = [ "AppKit_NSControl" ];
"AppKit_NSScrubber" = [ "AppKit_NSView" ];
"AppKit_NSScrubberArrangedView" = [ "AppKit_NSView" ];
"AppKit_NSScrubberFlowLayout" = [ "AppKit_NSScrubberLayout" ];
"AppKit_NSScrubberImageItemView" = [ "AppKit_NSScrubberItemView" ];
"AppKit_NSScrubberItemView" = [ "AppKit_NSScrubberArrangedView" ];
"AppKit_NSScrubberProportionalLayout" = [ "AppKit_NSScrubberLayout" ];
"AppKit_NSScrubberSelectionView" = [ "AppKit_NSScrubberArrangedView" ];
"AppKit_NSScrubberTextItemView" = [ "AppKit_NSScrubberItemView" ];
"AppKit_NSSearchField" = [ "AppKit_NSTextField" ];
"AppKit_NSSearchFieldCell" = [ "AppKit_NSTextFieldCell" ];
"AppKit_NSSearchToolbarItem" = [ "AppKit_NSToolbarItem" ];
"AppKit_NSSecureTextField" = [ "AppKit_NSTextField" ];
"AppKit_NSSecureTextFieldCell" = [ "AppKit_NSTextFieldCell" ];
"AppKit_NSSegmentedCell" = [ "AppKit_NSActionCell" ];
"AppKit_NSSegmentedControl" = [ "AppKit_NSControl" ];
"AppKit_NSSharingServicePickerToolbarItem" = [ "AppKit_NSToolbarItem" ];
"AppKit_NSSharingServicePickerTouchBarItem" = [ "AppKit_NSTouchBarItem" ];
"AppKit_NSSlider" = [ "AppKit_NSControl" ];
"AppKit_NSSliderCell" = [ "AppKit_NSActionCell" ];
"AppKit_NSSliderTouchBarItem" = [ "AppKit_NSTouchBarItem" ];
"AppKit_NSSplitView" = [ "AppKit_NSView" ];
"AppKit_NSSplitViewController" = [ "AppKit_NSViewController" ];
"AppKit_NSStackView" = [ "AppKit_NSView" ];
"AppKit_NSStatusBarButton" = [ "AppKit_NSButton" ];
"AppKit_NSStepper" = [ "AppKit_NSControl" ];
"AppKit_NSStepperCell" = [ "AppKit_NSActionCell" ];
"AppKit_NSStepperTouchBarItem" = [ "AppKit_NSTouchBarItem" ];
"AppKit_NSSwitch" = [ "AppKit_NSControl" ];
"AppKit_NSTabView" = [ "AppKit_NSView" ];
"AppKit_NSTabViewController" = [ "AppKit_NSViewController" ];
"AppKit_NSTableCellView" = [ "AppKit_NSView" ];
"AppKit_NSTableHeaderCell" = [ "AppKit_NSTextFieldCell" ];
"AppKit_NSTableHeaderView" = [ "AppKit_NSView" ];
"AppKit_NSTableRowView" = [ "AppKit_NSView" ];
"AppKit_NSTableView" = [ "AppKit_NSControl" ];
"AppKit_NSText" = [ "AppKit_NSView" ];
"AppKit_NSTextAttachmentCell" = [ "AppKit_NSCell" ];
"AppKit_NSTextContentStorage" = [ "AppKit_NSTextContentManager" ];
"AppKit_NSTextField" = [ "AppKit_NSControl" ];
"AppKit_NSTextFieldCell" = [ "AppKit_NSActionCell" ];
"AppKit_NSTextListElement" = [ "AppKit_NSTextParagraph" ];
"AppKit_NSTextParagraph" = [ "AppKit_NSTextElement" ];
"AppKit_NSTextStorage" = [ "Foundation_NSMutableAttributedString" ];
"AppKit_NSTextTable" = [ "AppKit_NSTextBlock" ];
"AppKit_NSTextTableBlock" = [ "AppKit_NSTextBlock" ];
"AppKit_NSTextView" = [ "AppKit_NSText" ];
"AppKit_NSTitlebarAccessoryViewController" = [ "AppKit_NSViewController" ];
"AppKit_NSTokenField" = [ "AppKit_NSTextField" ];
"AppKit_NSTokenFieldCell" = [ "AppKit_NSTextFieldCell" ];
"AppKit_NSToolbarItemGroup" = [ "AppKit_NSToolbarItem" ];
"AppKit_NSTrackingSeparatorToolbarItem" = [ "AppKit_NSToolbarItem" ];
"AppKit_NSTreeController" = [ "AppKit_NSObjectController" ];
"AppKit_NSUserDefaultsController" = [ "AppKit_NSController" ];
"AppKit_NSView" = [ "AppKit_NSResponder" ];
"AppKit_NSViewAnimation" = [ "AppKit_NSAnimation" ];
"AppKit_NSViewController" = [ "AppKit_NSResponder" ];
"AppKit_NSVisualEffectView" = [ "AppKit_NSView" ];
"AppKit_NSWindow" = [ "AppKit_NSResponder" ];
"AppKit_NSWindowController" = [ "AppKit_NSResponder" ];
"AppKit_all" = [ "AppKit" "AppKit_NSATSTypesetter" "AppKit_NSAccessibilityCustomAction" "AppKit_NSAccessibilityCustomRotor" "AppKit_NSAccessibilityCustomRotorItemResult" "AppKit_NSAccessibilityCustomRotorSearchParameters" "AppKit_NSAccessibilityElement" "AppKit_NSActionCell" "AppKit_NSAlert" "AppKit_NSAlignmentFeedbackFilter" "AppKit_NSAnimation" "AppKit_NSAnimationContext" "AppKit_NSAppearance" "AppKit_NSApplication" "AppKit_NSArrayController" "AppKit_NSBezierPath" "AppKit_NSBindingSelectionMarker" "AppKit_NSBitmapImageRep" "AppKit_NSBox" "AppKit_NSBrowser" "AppKit_NSBrowserCell" "AppKit_NSButton" "AppKit_NSButtonCell" "AppKit_NSButtonTouchBarItem" "AppKit_NSCachedImageRep" "AppKit_NSCandidateListTouchBarItem" "AppKit_NSCell" "AppKit_NSClickGestureRecognizer" "AppKit_NSClipView" "AppKit_NSCollectionLayoutAnchor" "AppKit_NSCollectionLayoutBoundarySupplementaryItem" "AppKit_NSCollectionLayoutDecorationItem" "AppKit_NSCollectionLayoutDimension" "AppKit_NSCollectionLayoutEdgeSpacing" "AppKit_NSCollectionLayoutGroup" "AppKit_NSCollectionLayoutGroupCustomItem" "AppKit_NSCollectionLayoutItem" "AppKit_NSCollectionLayoutSection" "AppKit_NSCollectionLayoutSize" "AppKit_NSCollectionLayoutSpacing" "AppKit_NSCollectionLayoutSupplementaryItem" "AppKit_NSCollectionView" "AppKit_NSCollectionViewCompositionalLayout" "AppKit_NSCollectionViewCompositionalLayoutConfiguration" "AppKit_NSCollectionViewDiffableDataSource" "AppKit_NSCollectionViewFlowLayout" "AppKit_NSCollectionViewFlowLayoutInvalidationContext" "AppKit_NSCollectionViewGridLayout" "AppKit_NSCollectionViewItem" "AppKit_NSCollectionViewLayout" "AppKit_NSCollectionViewLayoutAttributes" "AppKit_NSCollectionViewLayoutInvalidationContext" "AppKit_NSCollectionViewTransitionLayout" "AppKit_NSCollectionViewUpdateItem" "AppKit_NSColor" "AppKit_NSColorList" "AppKit_NSColorPanel" "AppKit_NSColorPicker" "AppKit_NSColorPickerTouchBarItem" "AppKit_NSColorSampler" "AppKit_NSColorSpace" "AppKit_NSColorWell" "AppKit_NSComboBox" "AppKit_NSComboBoxCell" "AppKit_NSComboButton" "AppKit_NSControl" "AppKit_NSController" "AppKit_NSCursor" "AppKit_NSCustomImageRep" "AppKit_NSCustomTouchBarItem" "AppKit_NSDataAsset" "AppKit_NSDatePicker" "AppKit_NSDatePickerCell" "AppKit_NSDictionaryController" "AppKit_NSDictionaryControllerKeyValuePair" "AppKit_NSDiffableDataSourceSnapshot" "AppKit_NSDockTile" "AppKit_NSDocument" "AppKit_NSDocumentController" "AppKit_NSDraggingImageComponent" "AppKit_NSDraggingItem" "AppKit_NSDraggingSession" "AppKit_NSDrawer" "AppKit_NSEPSImageRep" "AppKit_NSEvent" "AppKit_NSFilePromiseProvider" "AppKit_NSFilePromiseReceiver" "AppKit_NSFont" "AppKit_NSFontAssetRequest" "AppKit_NSFontCollection" "AppKit_NSFontDescriptor" "AppKit_NSFontManager" "AppKit_NSFontPanel" "AppKit_NSForm" "AppKit_NSFormCell" "AppKit_NSGestureRecognizer" "AppKit_NSGlyphGenerator" "AppKit_NSGlyphInfo" "AppKit_NSGradient" "AppKit_NSGraphicsContext" "AppKit_NSGridCell" "AppKit_NSGridColumn" "AppKit_NSGridRow" "AppKit_NSGridView" "AppKit_NSGroupTouchBarItem" "AppKit_NSHapticFeedbackManager" "AppKit_NSHelpManager" "AppKit_NSImage" "AppKit_NSImageCell" "AppKit_NSImageRep" "AppKit_NSImageSymbolConfiguration" "AppKit_NSImageView" "AppKit_NSInputManager" "AppKit_NSInputServer" "AppKit_NSLayoutAnchor" "AppKit_NSLayoutConstraint" "AppKit_NSLayoutDimension" "AppKit_NSLayoutGuide" "AppKit_NSLayoutManager" "AppKit_NSLayoutXAxisAnchor" "AppKit_NSLayoutYAxisAnchor" "AppKit_NSLevelIndicator" "AppKit_NSLevelIndicatorCell" "AppKit_NSMagnificationGestureRecognizer" "AppKit_NSMatrix" "AppKit_NSMediaLibraryBrowserController" "AppKit_NSMenu" "AppKit_NSMenuItem" "AppKit_NSMenuItemCell" "AppKit_NSMenuToolbarItem" "AppKit_NSMovie" "AppKit_NSMutableFontCollection" "AppKit_NSMutableParagraphStyle" "AppKit_NSNib" "AppKit_NSObjectController" "AppKit_NSOpenPanel" "AppKit_NSOutlineView" "AppKit_NSPDFImageRep" "AppKit_NSPDFInfo" "AppKit_NSPDFPanel" "AppKit_NSPICTImageRep" "AppKit_NSPageController" "AppKit_NSPageLayout" "AppKit_NSPanGestureRecognizer" "AppKit_NSPanel" "AppKit_NSParagraphStyle" "AppKit_NSPasteboard" "AppKit_NSPasteboardItem" "AppKit_NSPathCell" "AppKit_NSPathComponentCell" "AppKit_NSPathControl" "AppKit_NSPathControlItem" "AppKit_NSPersistentDocument" "AppKit_NSPickerTouchBarItem" "AppKit_NSPopUpButton" "AppKit_NSPopUpButtonCell" "AppKit_NSPopover" "AppKit_NSPopoverTouchBarItem" "AppKit_NSPredicateEditor" "AppKit_NSPredicateEditorRowTemplate" "AppKit_NSPressGestureRecognizer" "AppKit_NSPressureConfiguration" "AppKit_NSPreviewRepresentingActivityItem" "AppKit_NSPrintInfo" "AppKit_NSPrintOperation" "AppKit_NSPrintPanel" "AppKit_NSPrinter" "AppKit_NSProgressIndicator" "AppKit_NSResponder" "AppKit_NSRotationGestureRecognizer" "AppKit_NSRuleEditor" "AppKit_NSRulerMarker" "AppKit_NSRulerView" "AppKit_NSRunningApplication" "AppKit_NSSavePanel" "AppKit_NSScreen" "AppKit_NSScrollView" "AppKit_NSScroller" "AppKit_NSScrubber" "AppKit_NSScrubberArrangedView" "AppKit_NSScrubberFlowLayout" "AppKit_NSScrubberImageItemView" "AppKit_NSScrubberItemView" "AppKit_NSScrubberLayout" "AppKit_NSScrubberLayoutAttributes" "AppKit_NSScrubberProportionalLayout" "AppKit_NSScrubberSelectionStyle" "AppKit_NSScrubberSelectionView" "AppKit_NSScrubberTextItemView" "AppKit_NSSearchField" "AppKit_NSSearchFieldCell" "AppKit_NSSearchToolbarItem" "AppKit_NSSecureTextField" "AppKit_NSSecureTextFieldCell" "AppKit_NSSegmentedCell" "AppKit_NSSegmentedControl" "AppKit_NSShadow" "AppKit_NSSharingService" "AppKit_NSSharingServicePicker" "AppKit_NSSharingServicePickerToolbarItem" "AppKit_NSSharingServicePickerTouchBarItem" "AppKit_NSSlider" "AppKit_NSSliderAccessory" "AppKit_NSSliderAccessoryBehavior" "AppKit_NSSliderCell" "AppKit_NSSliderTouchBarItem" "AppKit_NSSound" "AppKit_NSSpeechRecognizer" "AppKit_NSSpeechSynthesizer" "AppKit_NSSpellChecker" "AppKit_NSSplitView" "AppKit_NSSplitViewController" "AppKit_NSSplitViewItem" "AppKit_NSStackView" "AppKit_NSStatusBar" "AppKit_NSStatusBarButton" "AppKit_NSStatusItem" "AppKit_NSStepper" "AppKit_NSStepperCell" "AppKit_NSStepperTouchBarItem" "AppKit_NSStoryboard" "AppKit_NSStoryboardSegue" "AppKit_NSStringDrawingContext" "AppKit_NSSwitch" "AppKit_NSTabView" "AppKit_NSTabViewController" "AppKit_NSTabViewItem" "AppKit_NSTableCellView" "AppKit_NSTableColumn" "AppKit_NSTableHeaderCell" "AppKit_NSTableHeaderView" "AppKit_NSTableRowView" "AppKit_NSTableView" "AppKit_NSTableViewDiffableDataSource" "AppKit_NSTableViewRowAction" "AppKit_NSText" "AppKit_NSTextAlternatives" "AppKit_NSTextAttachment" "AppKit_NSTextAttachmentCell" "AppKit_NSTextAttachmentViewProvider" "AppKit_NSTextBlock" "AppKit_NSTextCheckingController" "AppKit_NSTextContainer" "AppKit_NSTextContentManager" "AppKit_NSTextContentStorage" "AppKit_NSTextElement" "AppKit_NSTextField" "AppKit_NSTextFieldCell" "AppKit_NSTextFinder" "AppKit_NSTextInputContext" "AppKit_NSTextLayoutFragment" "AppKit_NSTextLayoutManager" "AppKit_NSTextLineFragment" "AppKit_NSTextList" "AppKit_NSTextListElement" "AppKit_NSTextParagraph" "AppKit_NSTextRange" "AppKit_NSTextSelection" "AppKit_NSTextSelectionNavigation" "AppKit_NSTextStorage" "AppKit_NSTextTab" "AppKit_NSTextTable" "AppKit_NSTextTableBlock" "AppKit_NSTextView" "AppKit_NSTextViewportLayoutController" "AppKit_NSTintConfiguration" "AppKit_NSTitlebarAccessoryViewController" "AppKit_NSTokenField" "AppKit_NSTokenFieldCell" "AppKit_NSToolbar" "AppKit_NSToolbarItem" "AppKit_NSToolbarItemGroup" "AppKit_NSTouch" "AppKit_NSTouchBar" "AppKit_NSTouchBarItem" "AppKit_NSTrackingArea" "AppKit_NSTrackingSeparatorToolbarItem" "AppKit_NSTreeController" "AppKit_NSTreeNode" "AppKit_NSTypesetter" "AppKit_NSUserDefaultsController" "AppKit_NSUserInterfaceCompressionOptions" "AppKit_NSView" "AppKit_NSViewAnimation" "AppKit_NSViewController" "AppKit_NSVisualEffectView" "AppKit_NSWindow" "AppKit_NSWindowController" "AppKit_NSWindowTab" "AppKit_NSWindowTabGroup" "AppKit_NSWorkspace" "AppKit_NSWorkspaceAuthorization" "AppKit_NSWorkspaceOpenConfiguration" ];
"AuthenticationServices" = [ "AppKit" "Foundation" "Foundation_NSURL" ];
"AuthenticationServices_ASAccountAuthenticationModificationExtensionContext" = [ "Foundation_NSExtensionContext" ];
"AuthenticationServices_ASAccountAuthenticationModificationReplacePasswordWithSignInWithAppleRequest" = [ "AuthenticationServices_ASAccountAuthenticationModificationRequest" ];
"AuthenticationServices_ASAccountAuthenticationModificationUpgradePasswordToStrongPasswordRequest" = [ "AuthenticationServices_ASAccountAuthenticationModificationRequest" ];
"AuthenticationServices_ASAccountAuthenticationModificationViewController" = [ "AppKit_NSViewController" ];
"AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationAppleIDButton" = [ "AppKit_NSControl" ];
"AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationAppleIDRequest" = [ "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationOpenIDRequest" ];
"AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationOpenIDRequest" = [ "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationRequest" ];
"AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationPasswordRequest" = [ "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationRequest" ];
"AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationPlatformPublicKeyCredentialAssertionRequest" = [ "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationRequest" ];
"AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationPlatformPublicKeyCredentialRegistrationRequest" = [ "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationRequest" ];
"AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationSecurityKeyPublicKeyCredentialAssertionRequest" = [ "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationRequest" ];
"AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationSecurityKeyPublicKeyCredentialRegistrationRequest" = [ "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationRequest" ];
"AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationSingleSignOnRequest" = [ "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationOpenIDRequest" ];
"AuthenticationServices_ASCredentialProviderExtensionContext" = [ "Foundation_NSExtensionContext" ];
"AuthenticationServices_ASCredentialProviderViewController" = [ "AppKit_NSViewController" ];
"AuthenticationServices_all" = [ "AuthenticationServices" "AuthenticationServices_ASAccountAuthenticationModificationController" "AuthenticationServices_ASAccountAuthenticationModificationExtensionContext" "AuthenticationServices_ASAccountAuthenticationModificationReplacePasswordWithSignInWithAppleRequest" "AuthenticationServices_ASAccountAuthenticationModificationRequest" "AuthenticationServices_ASAccountAuthenticationModificationUpgradePasswordToStrongPasswordRequest" "AuthenticationServices_ASAccountAuthenticationModificationViewController" "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorization" "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationAppleIDButton" "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential" "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationAppleIDProvider" "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationAppleIDRequest" "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationController" "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationOpenIDRequest" "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationPasswordProvider" "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationPasswordRequest" "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationPlatformPublicKeyCredentialAssertion" "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationPlatformPublicKeyCredentialAssertionRequest" "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationPlatformPublicKeyCredentialDescriptor" "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationPlatformPublicKeyCredentialProvider" "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationPlatformPublicKeyCredentialRegistration" "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationPlatformPublicKeyCredentialRegistrationRequest" "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionAuthorizationRequest" "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionAuthorizationResult" "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionKerberosMapping" "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionLoginConfiguration" "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionLoginManager" "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationPublicKeyCredentialParameters" "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationRequest" "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationSecurityKeyPublicKeyCredentialAssertion" "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationSecurityKeyPublicKeyCredentialAssertionRequest" "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationSecurityKeyPublicKeyCredentialDescriptor" "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationSecurityKeyPublicKeyCredentialProvider" "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationSecurityKeyPublicKeyCredentialRegistration" "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationSecurityKeyPublicKeyCredentialRegistrationRequest" "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationSingleSignOnCredential" "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationSingleSignOnProvider" "AuthenticationServices_ASAuthorizationSingleSignOnRequest" "AuthenticationServices_ASCredentialIdentityStore" "AuthenticationServices_ASCredentialIdentityStoreState" "AuthenticationServices_ASCredentialProviderExtensionContext" "AuthenticationServices_ASCredentialProviderViewController" "AuthenticationServices_ASCredentialServiceIdentifier" "AuthenticationServices_ASPasswordCredential" "AuthenticationServices_ASPasswordCredentialIdentity" "AuthenticationServices_ASWebAuthenticationSession" "AuthenticationServices_ASWebAuthenticationSessionRequest" "AuthenticationServices_ASWebAuthenticationSessionWebBrowserSessionManager" ];
"AutomaticAssessmentConfiguration" = [ "Foundation" ];
"AutomaticAssessmentConfiguration_all" = [ "AutomaticAssessmentConfiguration" "AutomaticAssessmentConfiguration_AEAssessmentApplication" "AutomaticAssessmentConfiguration_AEAssessmentConfiguration" "AutomaticAssessmentConfiguration_AEAssessmentParticipantConfiguration" "AutomaticAssessmentConfiguration_AEAssessmentSession" ];
"Automator" = [ "AppKit" "Foundation" "OSAKit" ];
"Automator_AMAppleScriptAction" = [ "Automator_AMBundleAction" ];
"Automator_AMBundleAction" = [ "Automator_AMAction" ];
"Automator_AMShellScriptAction" = [ "Automator_AMBundleAction" ];
"Automator_AMWorkflowController" = [ "AppKit_NSController" ];
"Automator_AMWorkflowView" = [ "AppKit_NSView" ];
"Automator_all" = [ "Automator" "Automator_AMAction" "Automator_AMAppleScriptAction" "Automator_AMBundleAction" "Automator_AMShellScriptAction" "Automator_AMWorkflow" "Automator_AMWorkflowController" "Automator_AMWorkflowView" "Automator_AMWorkspace" ];
"BackgroundAssets" = [ "Foundation" ];
"BackgroundAssets_BAURLDownload" = [ "BackgroundAssets_BADownload" ];
"BackgroundAssets_all" = [ "BackgroundAssets" "BackgroundAssets_BAAppExtensionInfo" "BackgroundAssets_BADownload" "BackgroundAssets_BADownloadManager" "BackgroundAssets_BAURLDownload" ];
"BackgroundTasks" = [ "Foundation" ];
"BackgroundTasks_BGAppRefreshTask" = [ "BackgroundTasks_BGTask" ];
"BackgroundTasks_BGAppRefreshTaskRequest" = [ "BackgroundTasks_BGTaskRequest" ];
"BackgroundTasks_BGProcessingTask" = [ "BackgroundTasks_BGTask" ];
"BackgroundTasks_BGProcessingTaskRequest" = [ "BackgroundTasks_BGTaskRequest" ];
"BackgroundTasks_all" = [ "BackgroundTasks" "BackgroundTasks_BGAppRefreshTask" "BackgroundTasks_BGAppRefreshTaskRequest" "BackgroundTasks_BGProcessingTask" "BackgroundTasks_BGProcessingTaskRequest" "BackgroundTasks_BGTask" "BackgroundTasks_BGTaskRequest" "BackgroundTasks_BGTaskScheduler" ];
"BusinessChat" = [ "AppKit" "Foundation" ];
"BusinessChat_BCChatButton" = [ "AppKit_NSControl" ];
"BusinessChat_all" = [ "BusinessChat" "BusinessChat_BCChatAction" "BusinessChat_BCChatButton" ];
"CallKit" = [ "Foundation" ];
"CallKit_CXAnswerCallAction" = [ "CallKit_CXCallAction" ];
"CallKit_CXCallAction" = [ "CallKit_CXAction" ];
"CallKit_CXCallDirectoryExtensionContext" = [ "Foundation_NSExtensionContext" ];
"CallKit_CXEndCallAction" = [ "CallKit_CXCallAction" ];
"CallKit_CXPlayDTMFCallAction" = [ "CallKit_CXCallAction" ];
"CallKit_CXSetGroupCallAction" = [ "CallKit_CXCallAction" ];
"CallKit_CXSetHeldCallAction" = [ "CallKit_CXCallAction" ];
"CallKit_CXSetMutedCallAction" = [ "CallKit_CXCallAction" ];
"CallKit_CXStartCallAction" = [ "CallKit_CXCallAction" ];
"CallKit_all" = [ "CallKit" "CallKit_CXAction" "CallKit_CXAnswerCallAction" "CallKit_CXCall" "CallKit_CXCallAction" "CallKit_CXCallController" "CallKit_CXCallDirectoryExtensionContext" "CallKit_CXCallDirectoryManager" "CallKit_CXCallDirectoryProvider" "CallKit_CXCallObserver" "CallKit_CXCallUpdate" "CallKit_CXEndCallAction" "CallKit_CXHandle" "CallKit_CXPlayDTMFCallAction" "CallKit_CXProvider" "CallKit_CXProviderConfiguration" "CallKit_CXSetGroupCallAction" "CallKit_CXSetHeldCallAction" "CallKit_CXSetMutedCallAction" "CallKit_CXStartCallAction" "CallKit_CXTransaction" ];
"ClassKit" = [ "Foundation" ];
"ClassKit_CLSActivity" = [ "ClassKit_CLSObject" ];
"ClassKit_CLSActivityItem" = [ "ClassKit_CLSObject" ];
"ClassKit_CLSBinaryItem" = [ "ClassKit_CLSActivityItem" ];
"ClassKit_CLSContext" = [ "ClassKit_CLSObject" ];
"ClassKit_CLSProgressReportingCapability" = [ "ClassKit_CLSObject" ];
"ClassKit_CLSQuantityItem" = [ "ClassKit_CLSActivityItem" ];
"ClassKit_CLSScoreItem" = [ "ClassKit_CLSActivityItem" ];
"ClassKit_all" = [ "ClassKit" "ClassKit_CLSActivity" "ClassKit_CLSActivityItem" "ClassKit_CLSBinaryItem" "ClassKit_CLSContext" "ClassKit_CLSDataStore" "ClassKit_CLSObject" "ClassKit_CLSProgressReportingCapability" "ClassKit_CLSQuantityItem" "ClassKit_CLSScoreItem" ];
"CloudKit" = [ "CoreLocation" "Foundation" "CloudKit_CKShare" ];
"CloudKit_CKAcceptSharesOperation" = [ "CloudKit_CKOperation" ];
"CloudKit_CKDatabaseNotification" = [ "CloudKit_CKNotification" ];
"CloudKit_CKDatabaseOperation" = [ "CloudKit_CKOperation" ];
"CloudKit_CKDatabaseSubscription" = [ "CloudKit_CKSubscription" ];
"CloudKit_CKDiscoverAllUserIdentitiesOperation" = [ "CloudKit_CKOperation" ];
"CloudKit_CKDiscoverUserIdentitiesOperation" = [ "CloudKit_CKOperation" ];
"CloudKit_CKFetchDatabaseChangesOperation" = [ "CloudKit_CKDatabaseOperation" ];
"CloudKit_CKFetchNotificationChangesOperation" = [ "CloudKit_CKOperation" ];
"CloudKit_CKFetchRecordChangesOperation" = [ "CloudKit_CKDatabaseOperation" ];
"CloudKit_CKFetchRecordZoneChangesOperation" = [ "CloudKit_CKDatabaseOperation" ];
"CloudKit_CKFetchRecordZonesOperation" = [ "CloudKit_CKDatabaseOperation" ];
"CloudKit_CKFetchRecordsOperation" = [ "CloudKit_CKDatabaseOperation" ];
"CloudKit_CKFetchShareMetadataOperation" = [ "CloudKit_CKOperation" ];
"CloudKit_CKFetchShareParticipantsOperation" = [ "CloudKit_CKOperation" ];
"CloudKit_CKFetchSubscriptionsOperation" = [ "CloudKit_CKDatabaseOperation" ];
"CloudKit_CKFetchWebAuthTokenOperation" = [ "CloudKit_CKDatabaseOperation" ];
"CloudKit_CKLocationSortDescriptor" = [ "Foundation_NSSortDescriptor" ];
"CloudKit_CKMarkNotificationsReadOperation" = [ "CloudKit_CKOperation" ];
"CloudKit_CKModifyBadgeOperation" = [ "CloudKit_CKOperation" ];
"CloudKit_CKModifyRecordZonesOperation" = [ "CloudKit_CKDatabaseOperation" ];
"CloudKit_CKModifyRecordsOperation" = [ "CloudKit_CKDatabaseOperation" ];
"CloudKit_CKModifySubscriptionsOperation" = [ "CloudKit_CKDatabaseOperation" ];
"CloudKit_CKOperation" = [ "Foundation_NSOperation" ];
"CloudKit_CKQueryNotification" = [ "CloudKit_CKNotification" ];
"CloudKit_CKQueryOperation" = [ "CloudKit_CKDatabaseOperation" ];
"CloudKit_CKQuerySubscription" = [ "CloudKit_CKSubscription" ];
"CloudKit_CKRecordZoneNotification" = [ "CloudKit_CKNotification" ];
"CloudKit_CKRecordZoneSubscription" = [ "CloudKit_CKSubscription" ];
"CloudKit_CKShare" = [ "CloudKit_CKRecord" ];
"CloudKit_all" = [ "CloudKit" "CloudKit_CKAcceptSharesOperation" "CloudKit_CKAllowedSharingOptions" "CloudKit_CKAsset" "CloudKit_CKContainer" "CloudKit_CKDatabase" "CloudKit_CKDatabaseNotification" "CloudKit_CKDatabaseOperation" "CloudKit_CKDatabaseSubscription" "CloudKit_CKDiscoverAllUserIdentitiesOperation" "CloudKit_CKDiscoverUserIdentitiesOperation" "CloudKit_CKFetchDatabaseChangesOperation" "CloudKit_CKFetchNotificationChangesOperation" "CloudKit_CKFetchRecordChangesOperation" "CloudKit_CKFetchRecordZoneChangesConfiguration" "CloudKit_CKFetchRecordZoneChangesOperation" "CloudKit_CKFetchRecordZoneChangesOptions" "CloudKit_CKFetchRecordZonesOperation" "CloudKit_CKFetchRecordsOperation" "CloudKit_CKFetchShareMetadataOperation" "CloudKit_CKFetchShareParticipantsOperation" "CloudKit_CKFetchSubscriptionsOperation" "CloudKit_CKFetchWebAuthTokenOperation" "CloudKit_CKLocationSortDescriptor" "CloudKit_CKMarkNotificationsReadOperation" "CloudKit_CKModifyBadgeOperation" "CloudKit_CKModifyRecordZonesOperation" "CloudKit_CKModifyRecordsOperation" "CloudKit_CKModifySubscriptionsOperation" "CloudKit_CKNotification" "CloudKit_CKNotificationID" "CloudKit_CKNotificationInfo" "CloudKit_CKOperation" "CloudKit_CKOperationConfiguration" "CloudKit_CKOperationGroup" "CloudKit_CKQuery" "CloudKit_CKQueryCursor" "CloudKit_CKQueryNotification" "CloudKit_CKQueryOperation" "CloudKit_CKQuerySubscription" "CloudKit_CKRecord" "CloudKit_CKRecordID" "CloudKit_CKRecordZone" "CloudKit_CKRecordZoneID" "CloudKit_CKRecordZoneNotification" "CloudKit_CKRecordZoneSubscription" "CloudKit_CKReference" "CloudKit_CKServerChangeToken" "CloudKit_CKShare" "CloudKit_CKShareMetadata" "CloudKit_CKShareParticipant" "CloudKit_CKSubscription" "CloudKit_CKSystemSharingUIObserver" "CloudKit_CKUserIdentity" "CloudKit_CKUserIdentityLookupInfo" ];
"Contacts" = [ "Foundation" ];
"Contacts_CNChangeHistoryAddContactEvent" = [ "Contacts_CNChangeHistoryEvent" ];
"Contacts_CNChangeHistoryAddGroupEvent" = [ "Contacts_CNChangeHistoryEvent" ];
"Contacts_CNChangeHistoryAddMemberToGroupEvent" = [ "Contacts_CNChangeHistoryEvent" ];
"Contacts_CNChangeHistoryAddSubgroupToGroupEvent" = [ "Contacts_CNChangeHistoryEvent" ];
"Contacts_CNChangeHistoryDeleteContactEvent" = [ "Contacts_CNChangeHistoryEvent" ];
"Contacts_CNChangeHistoryDeleteGroupEvent" = [ "Contacts_CNChangeHistoryEvent" ];
"Contacts_CNChangeHistoryDropEverythingEvent" = [ "Contacts_CNChangeHistoryEvent" ];
"Contacts_CNChangeHistoryFetchRequest" = [ "Contacts_CNFetchRequest" ];
"Contacts_CNChangeHistoryRemoveMemberFromGroupEvent" = [ "Contacts_CNChangeHistoryEvent" ];
"Contacts_CNChangeHistoryRemoveSubgroupFromGroupEvent" = [ "Contacts_CNChangeHistoryEvent" ];
"Contacts_CNChangeHistoryUpdateContactEvent" = [ "Contacts_CNChangeHistoryEvent" ];
"Contacts_CNChangeHistoryUpdateGroupEvent" = [ "Contacts_CNChangeHistoryEvent" ];
"Contacts_CNContactFetchRequest" = [ "Contacts_CNFetchRequest" ];
"Contacts_CNContactFormatter" = [ "Foundation_NSFormatter" ];
"Contacts_CNMutableContact" = [ "Contacts_CNContact" ];
"Contacts_CNMutableGroup" = [ "Contacts_CNGroup" ];
"Contacts_CNMutablePostalAddress" = [ "Contacts_CNPostalAddress" ];
"Contacts_CNPostalAddressFormatter" = [ "Foundation_NSFormatter" ];
"Contacts_all" = [ "Contacts" "Contacts_CNChangeHistoryAddContactEvent" "Contacts_CNChangeHistoryAddGroupEvent" "Contacts_CNChangeHistoryAddMemberToGroupEvent" "Contacts_CNChangeHistoryAddSubgroupToGroupEvent" "Contacts_CNChangeHistoryDeleteContactEvent" "Contacts_CNChangeHistoryDeleteGroupEvent" "Contacts_CNChangeHistoryDropEverythingEvent" "Contacts_CNChangeHistoryEvent" "Contacts_CNChangeHistoryFetchRequest" "Contacts_CNChangeHistoryRemoveMemberFromGroupEvent" "Contacts_CNChangeHistoryRemoveSubgroupFromGroupEvent" "Contacts_CNChangeHistoryUpdateContactEvent" "Contacts_CNChangeHistoryUpdateGroupEvent" "Contacts_CNContact" "Contacts_CNContactFetchRequest" "Contacts_CNContactFormatter" "Contacts_CNContactProperty" "Contacts_CNContactRelation" "Contacts_CNContactStore" "Contacts_CNContactVCardSerialization" "Contacts_CNContactsUserDefaults" "Contacts_CNContainer" "Contacts_CNFetchRequest" "Contacts_CNFetchResult" "Contacts_CNGroup" "Contacts_CNInstantMessageAddress" "Contacts_CNLabeledValue" "Contacts_CNMutableContact" "Contacts_CNMutableGroup" "Contacts_CNMutablePostalAddress" "Contacts_CNPhoneNumber" "Contacts_CNPostalAddress" "Contacts_CNPostalAddressFormatter" "Contacts_CNSaveRequest" "Contacts_CNSocialProfile" ];
"CoreAnimation" = [ "Foundation" ];
"CoreAnimation_CAAnimationGroup" = [ "CoreAnimation_CAAnimation" ];
"CoreAnimation_CABasicAnimation" = [ "CoreAnimation_CAPropertyAnimation" ];
"CoreAnimation_CAEmitterLayer" = [ "CoreAnimation_CALayer" ];
"CoreAnimation_CAGradientLayer" = [ "CoreAnimation_CALayer" ];
"CoreAnimation_CAKeyframeAnimation" = [ "CoreAnimation_CAPropertyAnimation" ];
"CoreAnimation_CAPropertyAnimation" = [ "CoreAnimation_CAAnimation" ];
"CoreAnimation_CAReplicatorLayer" = [ "CoreAnimation_CALayer" ];
"CoreAnimation_CAScrollLayer" = [ "CoreAnimation_CALayer" ];
"CoreAnimation_CAShapeLayer" = [ "CoreAnimation_CALayer" ];
"CoreAnimation_CASpringAnimation" = [ "CoreAnimation_CABasicAnimation" ];
"CoreAnimation_CATextLayer" = [ "CoreAnimation_CALayer" ];
"CoreAnimation_CATiledLayer" = [ "CoreAnimation_CALayer" ];
"CoreAnimation_CATransformLayer" = [ "CoreAnimation_CALayer" ];
"CoreAnimation_CATransition" = [ "CoreAnimation_CAAnimation" ];
"CoreAnimation_all" = [ "CoreAnimation" "CoreAnimation_CAAnimation" "CoreAnimation_CAAnimationGroup" "CoreAnimation_CABasicAnimation" "CoreAnimation_CAConstraint" "CoreAnimation_CAConstraintLayoutManager" "CoreAnimation_CADisplayLink" "CoreAnimation_CAEDRMetadata" "CoreAnimation_CAEmitterCell" "CoreAnimation_CAEmitterLayer" "CoreAnimation_CAGradientLayer" "CoreAnimation_CAKeyframeAnimation" "CoreAnimation_CALayer" "CoreAnimation_CAMediaTimingFunction" "CoreAnimation_CAPropertyAnimation" "CoreAnimation_CARemoteLayerClient" "CoreAnimation_CARemoteLayerServer" "CoreAnimation_CARenderer" "CoreAnimation_CAReplicatorLayer" "CoreAnimation_CAScrollLayer" "CoreAnimation_CAShapeLayer" "CoreAnimation_CASpringAnimation" "CoreAnimation_CATextLayer" "CoreAnimation_CATiledLayer" "CoreAnimation_CATransaction" "CoreAnimation_CATransformLayer" "CoreAnimation_CATransition" "CoreAnimation_CAValueFunction" ];
"CoreData" = [ "Foundation" "CoreData_NSAsynchronousFetchResult" ];
"CoreData_NSAsynchronousFetchRequest" = [ "CoreData_NSPersistentStoreRequest" ];
"CoreData_NSAsynchronousFetchResult" = [ "CoreData_NSPersistentStoreAsynchronousResult" ];
"CoreData_NSAtomicStore" = [ "CoreData_NSPersistentStore" ];
"CoreData_NSAttributeDescription" = [ "CoreData_NSPropertyDescription" ];
"CoreData_NSBatchDeleteRequest" = [ "CoreData_NSPersistentStoreRequest" ];
"CoreData_NSBatchDeleteResult" = [ "CoreData_NSPersistentStoreResult" ];
"CoreData_NSBatchInsertRequest" = [ "CoreData_NSPersistentStoreRequest" ];
"CoreData_NSBatchInsertResult" = [ "CoreData_NSPersistentStoreResult" ];
"CoreData_NSBatchUpdateRequest" = [ "CoreData_NSPersistentStoreRequest" ];
"CoreData_NSBatchUpdateResult" = [ "CoreData_NSPersistentStoreResult" ];
"CoreData_NSDerivedAttributeDescription" = [ "CoreData_NSAttributeDescription" ];
"CoreData_NSExpressionDescription" = [ "CoreData_NSPropertyDescription" ];
"CoreData_NSFetchRequest" = [ "CoreData_NSPersistentStoreRequest" ];
"CoreData_NSFetchRequestExpression" = [ "Foundation_NSExpression" ];
"CoreData_NSFetchedPropertyDescription" = [ "CoreData_NSPropertyDescription" ];
"CoreData_NSIncrementalStore" = [ "CoreData_NSPersistentStore" ];
"CoreData_NSPersistentCloudKitContainer" = [ "CoreData_NSPersistentContainer" ];
"CoreData_NSPersistentCloudKitContainerEventRequest" = [ "CoreData_NSPersistentStoreRequest" ];
"CoreData_NSPersistentCloudKitContainerEventResult" = [ "CoreData_NSPersistentStoreResult" ];
"CoreData_NSPersistentHistoryChangeRequest" = [ "CoreData_NSPersistentStoreRequest" ];
"CoreData_NSPersistentHistoryResult" = [ "CoreData_NSPersistentStoreResult" ];
"CoreData_NSPersistentStoreAsynchronousResult" = [ "CoreData_NSPersistentStoreResult" ];
"CoreData_NSRelationshipDescription" = [ "CoreData_NSPropertyDescription" ];
"CoreData_NSSaveChangesRequest" = [ "CoreData_NSPersistentStoreRequest" ];
"CoreData_all" = [ "CoreData" "CoreData_NSAsynchronousFetchRequest" "CoreData_NSAsynchronousFetchResult" "CoreData_NSAtomicStore" "CoreData_NSAtomicStoreCacheNode" "CoreData_NSAttributeDescription" "CoreData_NSBatchDeleteRequest" "CoreData_NSBatchDeleteResult" "CoreData_NSBatchInsertRequest" "CoreData_NSBatchInsertResult" "CoreData_NSBatchUpdateRequest" "CoreData_NSBatchUpdateResult" "CoreData_NSConstraintConflict" "CoreData_NSCoreDataCoreSpotlightDelegate" "CoreData_NSDerivedAttributeDescription" "CoreData_NSEntityDescription" "CoreData_NSEntityMapping" "CoreData_NSEntityMigrationPolicy" "CoreData_NSExpressionDescription" "CoreData_NSFetchIndexDescription" "CoreData_NSFetchIndexElementDescription" "CoreData_NSFetchRequest" "CoreData_NSFetchRequestExpression" "CoreData_NSFetchedPropertyDescription" "CoreData_NSFetchedResultsController" "CoreData_NSIncrementalStore" "CoreData_NSIncrementalStoreNode" "CoreData_NSManagedObject" "CoreData_NSManagedObjectContext" "CoreData_NSManagedObjectID" "CoreData_NSManagedObjectModel" "CoreData_NSMappingModel" "CoreData_NSMergeConflict" "CoreData_NSMergePolicy" "CoreData_NSMigrationManager" "CoreData_NSPersistentCloudKitContainer" "CoreData_NSPersistentCloudKitContainerEvent" "CoreData_NSPersistentCloudKitContainerEventRequest" "CoreData_NSPersistentCloudKitContainerEventResult" "CoreData_NSPersistentCloudKitContainerOptions" "CoreData_NSPersistentContainer" "CoreData_NSPersistentHistoryChange" "CoreData_NSPersistentHistoryChangeRequest" "CoreData_NSPersistentHistoryResult" "CoreData_NSPersistentHistoryToken" "CoreData_NSPersistentHistoryTransaction" "CoreData_NSPersistentStore" "CoreData_NSPersistentStoreAsynchronousResult" "CoreData_NSPersistentStoreCoordinator" "CoreData_NSPersistentStoreDescription" "CoreData_NSPersistentStoreRequest" "CoreData_NSPersistentStoreResult" "CoreData_NSPropertyDescription" "CoreData_NSPropertyMapping" "CoreData_NSQueryGenerationToken" "CoreData_NSRelationshipDescription" "CoreData_NSSaveChangesRequest" ];
"CoreLocation" = [ "Contacts" "Foundation" "CoreLocation_CLPlacemark" ];
"CoreLocation_CLBeaconRegion" = [ "CoreLocation_CLRegion" ];
"CoreLocation_CLCircularRegion" = [ "CoreLocation_CLRegion" ];
"CoreLocation_all" = [ "CoreLocation" "CoreLocation_CLBeacon" "CoreLocation_CLBeaconIdentityConstraint" "CoreLocation_CLBeaconRegion" "CoreLocation_CLCircularRegion" "CoreLocation_CLFloor" "CoreLocation_CLGeocoder" "CoreLocation_CLHeading" "CoreLocation_CLLocation" "CoreLocation_CLLocationManager" "CoreLocation_CLLocationSourceInformation" "CoreLocation_CLPlacemark" "CoreLocation_CLRegion" "CoreLocation_CLVisit" ];
"DataDetection" = [ "Foundation" ];
"DataDetection_DDMatchCalendarEvent" = [ "DataDetection_DDMatch" ];
"DataDetection_DDMatchEmailAddress" = [ "DataDetection_DDMatch" ];
"DataDetection_DDMatchFlightNumber" = [ "DataDetection_DDMatch" ];
"DataDetection_DDMatchLink" = [ "DataDetection_DDMatch" ];
"DataDetection_DDMatchMoneyAmount" = [ "DataDetection_DDMatch" ];
"DataDetection_DDMatchPhoneNumber" = [ "DataDetection_DDMatch" ];
"DataDetection_DDMatchPostalAddress" = [ "DataDetection_DDMatch" ];
"DataDetection_DDMatchShipmentTrackingNumber" = [ "DataDetection_DDMatch" ];
"DataDetection_all" = [ "DataDetection" "DataDetection_DDMatch" "DataDetection_DDMatchCalendarEvent" "DataDetection_DDMatchEmailAddress" "DataDetection_DDMatchFlightNumber" "DataDetection_DDMatchLink" "DataDetection_DDMatchMoneyAmount" "DataDetection_DDMatchPhoneNumber" "DataDetection_DDMatchPostalAddress" "DataDetection_DDMatchShipmentTrackingNumber" ];
"DeviceCheck" = [ "Foundation" ];
"DeviceCheck_all" = [ "DeviceCheck" "DeviceCheck_DCAppAttestService" "DeviceCheck_DCDevice" ];
"EventKit" = [ "AppKit" "CoreLocation" "Foundation" "MapKit" "EventKit_EKEvent" ];
"EventKit_EKAlarm" = [ "EventKit_EKObject" ];
"EventKit_EKCalendar" = [ "EventKit_EKObject" ];
"EventKit_EKCalendarItem" = [ "EventKit_EKObject" ];
"EventKit_EKEvent" = [ "EventKit_EKCalendarItem" ];
"EventKit_EKParticipant" = [ "EventKit_EKObject" ];
"EventKit_EKRecurrenceRule" = [ "EventKit_EKObject" ];
"EventKit_EKReminder" = [ "EventKit_EKCalendarItem" ];
"EventKit_EKSource" = [ "EventKit_EKObject" ];
"EventKit_EKStructuredLocation" = [ "EventKit_EKObject" ];
"EventKit_all" = [ "EventKit" "EventKit_EKAlarm" "EventKit_EKCalendar" "EventKit_EKCalendarItem" "EventKit_EKEvent" "EventKit_EKEventStore" "EventKit_EKObject" "EventKit_EKParticipant" "EventKit_EKRecurrenceDayOfWeek" "EventKit_EKRecurrenceEnd" "EventKit_EKRecurrenceRule" "EventKit_EKReminder" "EventKit_EKSource" "EventKit_EKStructuredLocation" "EventKit_EKVirtualConferenceDescriptor" "EventKit_EKVirtualConferenceProvider" "EventKit_EKVirtualConferenceRoomTypeDescriptor" "EventKit_EKVirtualConferenceURLDescriptor" ];
"ExceptionHandling" = [ "Foundation" ];
"ExceptionHandling_all" = [ "ExceptionHandling" "ExceptionHandling_NSExceptionHandler" ];
"ExtensionKit" = [ "AppKit" "Foundation" ];
"ExtensionKit_EXAppExtensionBrowserViewController" = [ "AppKit_NSViewController" ];
"ExtensionKit_EXHostViewController" = [ "AppKit_NSViewController" ];
"ExtensionKit_all" = [ "ExtensionKit" "ExtensionKit_EXAppExtensionBrowserViewController" "ExtensionKit_EXHostViewController" ];
"ExternalAccessory" = [ "Foundation" ];
"ExternalAccessory_all" = [ "ExternalAccessory" "ExternalAccessory_EAAccessory" "ExternalAccessory_EAAccessoryManager" "ExternalAccessory_EASession" "ExternalAccessory_EAWiFiUnconfiguredAccessory" "ExternalAccessory_EAWiFiUnconfiguredAccessoryBrowser" ];
"FileProvider" = [ "AppKit" "Foundation" "UniformTypeIdentifiers" ];
"FileProviderUI" = [ "AppKit" "FileProvider" "Foundation" ];
"FileProviderUI_FPUIActionExtensionContext" = [ "Foundation_NSExtensionContext" ];
"FileProviderUI_FPUIActionExtensionViewController" = [ "AppKit_NSViewController" ];
"FileProviderUI_all" = [ "FileProviderUI" "FileProviderUI_FPUIActionExtensionContext" "FileProviderUI_FPUIActionExtensionViewController" ];
"FileProvider_all" = [ "FileProvider" "FileProvider_NSFileProviderDomain" "FileProvider_NSFileProviderDomainVersion" "FileProvider_NSFileProviderExtension" "FileProvider_NSFileProviderItemVersion" "FileProvider_NSFileProviderManager" "FileProvider_NSFileProviderRequest" ];
"Foundation" = [ "objective-c" "block" "Foundation_NSError" "Foundation_NSAppleEventDescriptor" "Foundation_NSHashTable" "Foundation_NSMapTable" "Foundation_NSProgress" "Foundation_NSString" "Foundation_NSDictionary" "Foundation_NSEnumerator" ];
"Foundation_NSArchiver" = [ "Foundation_NSCoder" ];
"Foundation_NSBlockOperation" = [ "Foundation_NSOperation" ];
"Foundation_NSByteCountFormatter" = [ "Foundation_NSFormatter" ];
"Foundation_NSCalendarDate" = [ "Foundation_NSDate" ];
"Foundation_NSCloneCommand" = [ "Foundation_NSScriptCommand" ];
"Foundation_NSCloseCommand" = [ "Foundation_NSScriptCommand" ];
"Foundation_NSComparisonPredicate" = [ "Foundation_NSPredicate" ];
"Foundation_NSCompoundPredicate" = [ "Foundation_NSPredicate" ];
"Foundation_NSConstantString" = [ "Foundation_NSSimpleCString" ];
"Foundation_NSCountCommand" = [ "Foundation_NSScriptCommand" ];
"Foundation_NSCountedSet" = [ "Foundation_NSMutableSet" ];
"Foundation_NSCreateCommand" = [ "Foundation_NSScriptCommand" ];
"Foundation_NSDataDetector" = [ "Foundation_NSRegularExpression" ];
"Foundation_NSDateComponentsFormatter" = [ "Foundation_NSFormatter" ];
"Foundation_NSDateFormatter" = [ "Foundation_NSFormatter" ];
"Foundation_NSDateIntervalFormatter" = [ "Foundation_NSFormatter" ];
"Foundation_NSDecimalNumber" = [ "Foundation_NSNumber" ];
"Foundation_NSDeleteCommand" = [ "Foundation_NSScriptCommand" ];
"Foundation_NSDimension" = [ "Foundation_NSUnit" ];
"Foundation_NSDirectoryEnumerator" = [ "Foundation_NSEnumerator" ];
"Foundation_NSDistantObject" = [ "Foundation_NSProxy" ];
"Foundation_NSDistributedNotificationCenter" = [ "Foundation_NSNotificationCenter" ];
"Foundation_NSEnergyFormatter" = [ "Foundation_NSFormatter" ];
"Foundation_NSExistsCommand" = [ "Foundation_NSScriptCommand" ];
"Foundation_NSGetCommand" = [ "Foundation_NSScriptCommand" ];
"Foundation_NSHTTPURLResponse" = [ "Foundation_NSURLResponse" ];
"Foundation_NSISO8601DateFormatter" = [ "Foundation_NSFormatter" ];
"Foundation_NSIndexSpecifier" = [ "Foundation_NSScriptObjectSpecifier" ];
"Foundation_NSInflectionRuleExplicit" = [ "Foundation_NSInflectionRule" ];
"Foundation_NSInputStream" = [ "Foundation_NSStream" ];
"Foundation_NSInvocationOperation" = [ "Foundation_NSOperation" ];
"Foundation_NSKeyedArchiver" = [ "Foundation_NSCoder" ];
"Foundation_NSKeyedUnarchiver" = [ "Foundation_NSCoder" ];
"Foundation_NSLengthFormatter" = [ "Foundation_NSFormatter" ];
"Foundation_NSListFormatter" = [ "Foundation_NSFormatter" ];
"Foundation_NSLogicalTest" = [ "Foundation_NSScriptWhoseTest" ];
"Foundation_NSMachBootstrapServer" = [ "Foundation_NSPortNameServer" ];
"Foundation_NSMachPort" = [ "Foundation_NSPort" ];
"Foundation_NSMassFormatter" = [ "Foundation_NSFormatter" ];
"Foundation_NSMeasurementFormatter" = [ "Foundation_NSFormatter" ];
"Foundation_NSMessagePort" = [ "Foundation_NSPort" ];
"Foundation_NSMessagePortNameServer" = [ "Foundation_NSPortNameServer" ];
"Foundation_NSMiddleSpecifier" = [ "Foundation_NSScriptObjectSpecifier" ];
"Foundation_NSMoveCommand" = [ "Foundation_NSScriptCommand" ];
"Foundation_NSMutableArray" = [ "Foundation_NSArray" ];
"Foundation_NSMutableAttributedString" = [ "Foundation_NSAttributedString" ];
"Foundation_NSMutableCharacterSet" = [ "Foundation_NSCharacterSet" ];
"Foundation_NSMutableData" = [ "Foundation_NSData" ];
"Foundation_NSMutableDictionary" = [ "Foundation_NSDictionary" ];
"Foundation_NSMutableIndexSet" = [ "Foundation_NSIndexSet" ];
"Foundation_NSMutableOrderedSet" = [ "Foundation_NSOrderedSet" ];
"Foundation_NSMutableSet" = [ "Foundation_NSSet" ];
"Foundation_NSMutableString" = [ "Foundation_NSString" ];
"Foundation_NSMutableURLRequest" = [ "Foundation_NSURLRequest" ];
"Foundation_NSNameSpecifier" = [ "Foundation_NSScriptObjectSpecifier" ];
"Foundation_NSNumber" = [ "Foundation_NSValue" ];
"Foundation_NSNumberFormatter" = [ "Foundation_NSFormatter" ];
"Foundation_NSOutputStream" = [ "Foundation_NSStream" ];
"Foundation_NSPersonNameComponentsFormatter" = [ "Foundation_NSFormatter" ];
"Foundation_NSPortCoder" = [ "Foundation_NSCoder" ];
"Foundation_NSPropertySpecifier" = [ "Foundation_NSScriptObjectSpecifier" ];
"Foundation_NSProtocolChecker" = [ "Foundation_NSProxy" ];
"Foundation_NSPurgeableData" = [ "Foundation_NSMutableData" ];
"Foundation_NSQuitCommand" = [ "Foundation_NSScriptCommand" ];
"Foundation_NSRandomSpecifier" = [ "Foundation_NSScriptObjectSpecifier" ];
"Foundation_NSRangeSpecifier" = [ "Foundation_NSScriptObjectSpecifier" ];
"Foundation_NSRelativeDateTimeFormatter" = [ "Foundation_NSFormatter" ];
"Foundation_NSRelativeSpecifier" = [ "Foundation_NSScriptObjectSpecifier" ];
"Foundation_NSScriptClassDescription" = [ "Foundation_NSClassDescription" ];
"Foundation_NSSecureUnarchiveFromDataTransformer" = [ "Foundation_NSValueTransformer" ];
"Foundation_NSSetCommand" = [ "Foundation_NSScriptCommand" ];
"Foundation_NSSimpleCString" = [ "Foundation_NSString" ];
"Foundation_NSSocketPort" = [ "Foundation_NSPort" ];
"Foundation_NSSocketPortNameServer" = [ "Foundation_NSPortNameServer" ];
"Foundation_NSSpecifierTest" = [ "Foundation_NSScriptWhoseTest" ];
"Foundation_NSURLSessionDataTask" = [ "Foundation_NSURLSessionTask" ];
"Foundation_NSURLSessionDownloadTask" = [ "Foundation_NSURLSessionTask" ];
"Foundation_NSURLSessionStreamTask" = [ "Foundation_NSURLSessionTask" ];
"Foundation_NSURLSessionUploadTask" = [ "Foundation_NSURLSessionDataTask" ];
"Foundation_NSURLSessionWebSocketTask" = [ "Foundation_NSURLSessionTask" ];
"Foundation_NSUnarchiver" = [ "Foundation_NSCoder" ];
"Foundation_NSUniqueIDSpecifier" = [ "Foundation_NSScriptObjectSpecifier" ];
"Foundation_NSUnitAcceleration" = [ "Foundation_NSDimension" ];
"Foundation_NSUnitAngle" = [ "Foundation_NSDimension" ];
"Foundation_NSUnitArea" = [ "Foundation_NSDimension" ];
"Foundation_NSUnitConcentrationMass" = [ "Foundation_NSDimension" ];
"Foundation_NSUnitConverterLinear" = [ "Foundation_NSUnitConverter" ];
"Foundation_NSUnitDispersion" = [ "Foundation_NSDimension" ];
"Foundation_NSUnitDuration" = [ "Foundation_NSDimension" ];
"Foundation_NSUnitElectricCharge" = [ "Foundation_NSDimension" ];
"Foundation_NSUnitElectricCurrent" = [ "Foundation_NSDimension" ];
"Foundation_NSUnitElectricPotentialDifference" = [ "Foundation_NSDimension" ];
"Foundation_NSUnitElectricResistance" = [ "Foundation_NSDimension" ];
"Foundation_NSUnitEnergy" = [ "Foundation_NSDimension" ];
"Foundation_NSUnitFrequency" = [ "Foundation_NSDimension" ];
"Foundation_NSUnitFuelEfficiency" = [ "Foundation_NSDimension" ];
"Foundation_NSUnitIlluminance" = [ "Foundation_NSDimension" ];
"Foundation_NSUnitInformationStorage" = [ "Foundation_NSDimension" ];
"Foundation_NSUnitLength" = [ "Foundation_NSDimension" ];
"Foundation_NSUnitMass" = [ "Foundation_NSDimension" ];
"Foundation_NSUnitPower" = [ "Foundation_NSDimension" ];
"Foundation_NSUnitPressure" = [ "Foundation_NSDimension" ];
"Foundation_NSUnitSpeed" = [ "Foundation_NSDimension" ];
"Foundation_NSUnitTemperature" = [ "Foundation_NSDimension" ];
"Foundation_NSUnitVolume" = [ "Foundation_NSDimension" ];
"Foundation_NSUserAppleScriptTask" = [ "Foundation_NSUserScriptTask" ];
"Foundation_NSUserAutomatorTask" = [ "Foundation_NSUserScriptTask" ];
"Foundation_NSUserUnixTask" = [ "Foundation_NSUserScriptTask" ];
"Foundation_NSWhoseSpecifier" = [ "Foundation_NSScriptObjectSpecifier" ];
"Foundation_NSXMLDTD" = [ "Foundation_NSXMLNode" ];
"Foundation_NSXMLDTDNode" = [ "Foundation_NSXMLNode" ];
"Foundation_NSXMLDocument" = [ "Foundation_NSXMLNode" ];
"Foundation_NSXMLElement" = [ "Foundation_NSXMLNode" ];
"Foundation_NSXPCCoder" = [ "Foundation_NSCoder" ];
"Foundation_all" = [ "Foundation" "Foundation_NSAffineTransform" "Foundation_NSAppleEventDescriptor" "Foundation_NSAppleEventManager" "Foundation_NSAppleScript" "Foundation_NSArchiver" "Foundation_NSArray" "Foundation_NSAssertionHandler" "Foundation_NSAttributedString" "Foundation_NSAttributedStringMarkdownParsingOptions" "Foundation_NSAttributedStringMarkdownSourcePosition" "Foundation_NSAutoreleasePool" "Foundation_NSBackgroundActivityScheduler" "Foundation_NSBlockOperation" "Foundation_NSBundle" "Foundation_NSBundleResourceRequest" "Foundation_NSByteCountFormatter" "Foundation_NSCache" "Foundation_NSCachedURLResponse" "Foundation_NSCalendar" "Foundation_NSCalendarDate" "Foundation_NSCharacterSet" "Foundation_NSClassDescription" "Foundation_NSCloneCommand" "Foundation_NSCloseCommand" "Foundation_NSCoder" "Foundation_NSComparisonPredicate" "Foundation_NSCompoundPredicate" "Foundation_NSCondition" "Foundation_NSConditionLock" "Foundation_NSConnection" "Foundation_NSConstantString" "Foundation_NSCountCommand" "Foundation_NSCountedSet" "Foundation_NSCreateCommand" "Foundation_NSData" "Foundation_NSDataDetector" "Foundation_NSDate" "Foundation_NSDateComponents" "Foundation_NSDateComponentsFormatter" "Foundation_NSDateFormatter" "Foundation_NSDateInterval" "Foundation_NSDateIntervalFormatter" "Foundation_NSDecimalNumber" "Foundation_NSDecimalNumberHandler" "Foundation_NSDeleteCommand" "Foundation_NSDictionary" "Foundation_NSDimension" "Foundation_NSDirectoryEnumerator" "Foundation_NSDistantObject" "Foundation_NSDistantObjectRequest" "Foundation_NSDistributedLock" "Foundation_NSDistributedNotificationCenter" "Foundation_NSEnergyFormatter" "Foundation_NSEnumerator" "Foundation_NSError" "Foundation_NSException" "Foundation_NSExistsCommand" "Foundation_NSExpression" "Foundation_NSExtensionContext" "Foundation_NSExtensionItem" "Foundation_NSFileAccessIntent" "Foundation_NSFileCoordinator" "Foundation_NSFileHandle" "Foundation_NSFileManager" "Foundation_NSFileProviderService" "Foundation_NSFileSecurity" "Foundation_NSFileVersion" "Foundation_NSFileWrapper" "Foundation_NSFormatter" "Foundation_NSGarbageCollector" "Foundation_NSGetCommand" "Foundation_NSHTTPCookie" "Foundation_NSHTTPCookieStorage" "Foundation_NSHTTPURLResponse" "Foundation_NSHashTable" "Foundation_NSHost" "Foundation_NSISO8601DateFormatter" "Foundation_NSIndexPath" "Foundation_NSIndexSet" "Foundation_NSIndexSpecifier" "Foundation_NSInflectionRule" "Foundation_NSInflectionRuleExplicit" "Foundation_NSInputStream" "Foundation_NSInvocation" "Foundation_NSInvocationOperation" "Foundation_NSItemProvider" "Foundation_NSJSONSerialization" "Foundation_NSKeyedArchiver" "Foundation_NSKeyedUnarchiver" "Foundation_NSLengthFormatter" "Foundation_NSLinguisticTagger" "Foundation_NSListFormatter" "Foundation_NSLocale" "Foundation_NSLock" "Foundation_NSLogicalTest" "Foundation_NSMachBootstrapServer" "Foundation_NSMachPort" "Foundation_NSMapTable" "Foundation_NSMassFormatter" "Foundation_NSMeasurement" "Foundation_NSMeasurementFormatter" "Foundation_NSMessagePort" "Foundation_NSMessagePortNameServer" "Foundation_NSMetadataItem" "Foundation_NSMetadataQuery" "Foundation_NSMetadataQueryAttributeValueTuple" "Foundation_NSMetadataQueryResultGroup" "Foundation_NSMethodSignature" "Foundation_NSMiddleSpecifier" "Foundation_NSMorphology" "Foundation_NSMorphologyCustomPronoun" "Foundation_NSMoveCommand" "Foundation_NSMutableArray" "Foundation_NSMutableAttributedString" "Foundation_NSMutableCharacterSet" "Foundation_NSMutableData" "Foundation_NSMutableDictionary" "Foundation_NSMutableIndexSet" "Foundation_NSMutableOrderedSet" "Foundation_NSMutableSet" "Foundation_NSMutableString" "Foundation_NSMutableURLRequest" "Foundation_NSNameSpecifier" "Foundation_NSNetService" "Foundation_NSNetServiceBrowser" "Foundation_NSNotification" "Foundation_NSNotificationCenter" "Foundation_NSNotificationQueue" "Foundation_NSNull" "Foundation_NSNumber" "Foundation_NSNumberFormatter" "Foundation_NSOperation" "Foundation_NSOperationQueue" "Foundation_NSOrderedCollectionChange" "Foundation_NSOrderedCollectionDifference" "Foundation_NSOrderedSet" "Foundation_NSOrthography" "Foundation_NSOutputStream" "Foundation_NSPersonNameComponents" "Foundation_NSPersonNameComponentsFormatter" "Foundation_NSPipe" "Foundation_NSPointerArray" "Foundation_NSPointerFunctions" "Foundation_NSPort" "Foundation_NSPortCoder" "Foundation_NSPortMessage" "Foundation_NSPortNameServer" "Foundation_NSPositionalSpecifier" "Foundation_NSPredicate" "Foundation_NSPresentationIntent" "Foundation_NSProcessInfo" "Foundation_NSProgress" "Foundation_NSPropertyListSerialization" "Foundation_NSPropertySpecifier" "Foundation_NSProtocolChecker" "Foundation_NSPurgeableData" "Foundation_NSQuitCommand" "Foundation_NSRandomSpecifier" "Foundation_NSRangeSpecifier" "Foundation_NSRecursiveLock" "Foundation_NSRegularExpression" "Foundation_NSRelativeDateTimeFormatter" "Foundation_NSRelativeSpecifier" "Foundation_NSRunLoop" "Foundation_NSScanner" "Foundation_NSScriptClassDescription" "Foundation_NSScriptCoercionHandler" "Foundation_NSScriptCommand" "Foundation_NSScriptCommandDescription" "Foundation_NSScriptExecutionContext" "Foundation_NSScriptObjectSpecifier" "Foundation_NSScriptSuiteRegistry" "Foundation_NSScriptWhoseTest" "Foundation_NSSecureUnarchiveFromDataTransformer" "Foundation_NSSet" "Foundation_NSSetCommand" "Foundation_NSSimpleCString" "Foundation_NSSocketPort" "Foundation_NSSocketPortNameServer" "Foundation_NSSortDescriptor" "Foundation_NSSpecifierTest" "Foundation_NSSpellServer" "Foundation_NSStream" "Foundation_NSString" "Foundation_NSTask" "Foundation_NSTextCheckingResult" "Foundation_NSThread" "Foundation_NSTimeZone" "Foundation_NSTimer" "Foundation_NSURL" "Foundation_NSURLAuthenticationChallenge" "Foundation_NSURLCache" "Foundation_NSURLComponents" "Foundation_NSURLConnection" "Foundation_NSURLCredential" "Foundation_NSURLCredentialStorage" "Foundation_NSURLDownload" "Foundation_NSURLHandle" "Foundation_NSURLProtectionSpace" "Foundation_NSURLProtocol" "Foundation_NSURLQueryItem" "Foundation_NSURLRequest" "Foundation_NSURLResponse" "Foundation_NSURLSession" "Foundation_NSURLSessionConfiguration" "Foundation_NSURLSessionDataTask" "Foundation_NSURLSessionDownloadTask" "Foundation_NSURLSessionStreamTask" "Foundation_NSURLSessionTask" "Foundation_NSURLSessionTaskMetrics" "Foundation_NSURLSessionTaskTransactionMetrics" "Foundation_NSURLSessionUploadTask" "Foundation_NSURLSessionWebSocketMessage" "Foundation_NSURLSessionWebSocketTask" "Foundation_NSUUID" "Foundation_NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore" "Foundation_NSUnarchiver" "Foundation_NSUndoManager" "Foundation_NSUniqueIDSpecifier" "Foundation_NSUnit" "Foundation_NSUnitAcceleration" "Foundation_NSUnitAngle" "Foundation_NSUnitArea" "Foundation_NSUnitConcentrationMass" "Foundation_NSUnitConverter" "Foundation_NSUnitConverterLinear" "Foundation_NSUnitDispersion" "Foundation_NSUnitDuration" "Foundation_NSUnitElectricCharge" "Foundation_NSUnitElectricCurrent" "Foundation_NSUnitElectricPotentialDifference" "Foundation_NSUnitElectricResistance" "Foundation_NSUnitEnergy" "Foundation_NSUnitFrequency" "Foundation_NSUnitFuelEfficiency" "Foundation_NSUnitIlluminance" "Foundation_NSUnitInformationStorage" "Foundation_NSUnitLength" "Foundation_NSUnitMass" "Foundation_NSUnitPower" "Foundation_NSUnitPressure" "Foundation_NSUnitSpeed" "Foundation_NSUnitTemperature" "Foundation_NSUnitVolume" "Foundation_NSUserActivity" "Foundation_NSUserAppleScriptTask" "Foundation_NSUserAutomatorTask" "Foundation_NSUserDefaults" "Foundation_NSUserNotification" "Foundation_NSUserNotificationAction" "Foundation_NSUserNotificationCenter" "Foundation_NSUserScriptTask" "Foundation_NSUserUnixTask" "Foundation_NSValue" "Foundation_NSValueTransformer" "Foundation_NSWhoseSpecifier" "Foundation_NSXMLDTD" "Foundation_NSXMLDTDNode" "Foundation_NSXMLDocument" "Foundation_NSXMLElement" "Foundation_NSXMLNode" "Foundation_NSXMLParser" "Foundation_NSXPCCoder" "Foundation_NSXPCConnection" "Foundation_NSXPCInterface" "Foundation_NSXPCListener" "Foundation_NSXPCListenerEndpoint" ];
"GameController" = [ "AppKit" "Foundation" "GameController_GCControllerAxisInput" "GameController_GCControllerButtonInput" "GameController_GCControllerDirectionPad" "GameController_GCControllerTouchpad" "GameController_GCExtendedGamepad" "GameController_GCControllerElement" "GameController_GCGamepad" "GameController_GCKeyboardInput" "GameController_GCMicroGamepad" "GameController_GCMotion" "GameController_GCMouseInput" ];
"GameController_GCControllerAxisInput" = [ "GameController_GCControllerElement" ];
"GameController_GCControllerButtonInput" = [ "GameController_GCControllerElement" ];
"GameController_GCControllerDirectionPad" = [ "GameController_GCControllerElement" ];
"GameController_GCControllerTouchpad" = [ "GameController_GCControllerElement" ];
"GameController_GCDeviceCursor" = [ "GameController_GCControllerDirectionPad" ];
"GameController_GCDirectionalGamepad" = [ "GameController_GCMicroGamepad" ];
"GameController_GCDualSenseAdaptiveTrigger" = [ "GameController_GCControllerButtonInput" ];
"GameController_GCDualSenseGamepad" = [ "GameController_GCExtendedGamepad" ];
"GameController_GCDualShockGamepad" = [ "GameController_GCExtendedGamepad" ];
"GameController_GCEventViewController" = [ "AppKit_NSViewController" ];
"GameController_GCExtendedGamepad" = [ "GameController_GCPhysicalInputProfile" ];
"GameController_GCExtendedGamepadSnapshot" = [ "GameController_GCExtendedGamepad" ];
"GameController_GCGamepad" = [ "GameController_GCPhysicalInputProfile" ];
"GameController_GCGamepadSnapshot" = [ "GameController_GCGamepad" ];
"GameController_GCKeyboardInput" = [ "GameController_GCPhysicalInputProfile" ];
"GameController_GCMicroGamepad" = [ "GameController_GCPhysicalInputProfile" ];
"GameController_GCMicroGamepadSnapshot" = [ "GameController_GCMicroGamepad" ];
"GameController_GCMouseInput" = [ "GameController_GCPhysicalInputProfile" ];
"GameController_GCRacingWheelInput" = [ "GameController_GCRacingWheelInputState" ];
"GameController_GCXboxGamepad" = [ "GameController_GCExtendedGamepad" ];
"GameController_all" = [ "GameController" "GameController_GCColor" "GameController_GCController" "GameController_GCControllerAxisInput" "GameController_GCControllerButtonInput" "GameController_GCControllerDirectionPad" "GameController_GCControllerElement" "GameController_GCControllerTouchpad" "GameController_GCDeviceBattery" "GameController_GCDeviceCursor" "GameController_GCDeviceHaptics" "GameController_GCDeviceLight" "GameController_GCDirectionalGamepad" "GameController_GCDualSenseAdaptiveTrigger" "GameController_GCDualSenseGamepad" "GameController_GCDualShockGamepad" "GameController_GCEventViewController" "GameController_GCExtendedGamepad" "GameController_GCExtendedGamepadSnapshot" "GameController_GCGamepad" "GameController_GCGamepadSnapshot" "GameController_GCGearShifterElement" "GameController_GCKeyboard" "GameController_GCKeyboardInput" "GameController_GCMicroGamepad" "GameController_GCMicroGamepadSnapshot" "GameController_GCMotion" "GameController_GCMouse" "GameController_GCMouseInput" "GameController_GCPhysicalInputElementCollection" "GameController_GCPhysicalInputProfile" "GameController_GCRacingWheel" "GameController_GCRacingWheelInput" "GameController_GCRacingWheelInputState" "GameController_GCSteeringWheelElement" "GameController_GCXboxGamepad" ];
"GameKit" = [ "AppKit" "Foundation" "AppKit_NSViewController" ];
"GameKit_GKAchievementChallenge" = [ "GameKit_GKChallenge" ];
"GameKit_GKAchievementViewController" = [ "GameKit_GKGameCenterViewController" ];
"GameKit_GKChallengesViewController" = [ "AppKit_NSViewController" ];
"GameKit_GKCloudPlayer" = [ "GameKit_GKBasePlayer" ];
"GameKit_GKDialogController" = [ "AppKit_NSResponder" ];
"GameKit_GKFriendRequestComposeViewController" = [ "AppKit_NSViewController" ];
"GameKit_GKGameCenterViewController" = [ "AppKit_NSViewController" ];
"GameKit_GKLeaderboardViewController" = [ "GameKit_GKGameCenterViewController" ];
"GameKit_GKLocalPlayer" = [ "GameKit_GKPlayer" ];
"GameKit_GKMatchmakerViewController" = [ "AppKit_NSViewController" ];
"GameKit_GKPlayer" = [ "GameKit_GKBasePlayer" ];
"GameKit_GKScoreChallenge" = [ "GameKit_GKChallenge" ];
"GameKit_GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewController" = [ "AppKit_NSViewController" ];
"GameKit_all" = [ "GameKit" "GameKit_GKAccessPoint" "GameKit_GKAchievement" "GameKit_GKAchievementChallenge" "GameKit_GKAchievementDescription" "GameKit_GKAchievementViewController" "GameKit_GKBasePlayer" "GameKit_GKChallenge" "GameKit_GKChallengeEventHandler" "GameKit_GKChallengesViewController" "GameKit_GKCloudPlayer" "GameKit_GKDialogController" "GameKit_GKFriendRequestComposeViewController" "GameKit_GKGameCenterViewController" "GameKit_GKGameSession" "GameKit_GKInvite" "GameKit_GKLeaderboard" "GameKit_GKLeaderboardEntry" "GameKit_GKLeaderboardScore" "GameKit_GKLeaderboardSet" "GameKit_GKLeaderboardViewController" "GameKit_GKLocalPlayer" "GameKit_GKMatch" "GameKit_GKMatchRequest" "GameKit_GKMatchmaker" "GameKit_GKMatchmakerViewController" "GameKit_GKNotificationBanner" "GameKit_GKPlayer" "GameKit_GKSavedGame" "GameKit_GKScore" "GameKit_GKScoreChallenge" "GameKit_GKSession" "GameKit_GKTurnBasedEventHandler" "GameKit_GKTurnBasedExchange" "GameKit_GKTurnBasedExchangeReply" "GameKit_GKTurnBasedMatch" "GameKit_GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewController" "GameKit_GKTurnBasedParticipant" "GameKit_GKVoiceChat" "GameKit_GKVoiceChatService" ];
"HealthKit" = [ "CoreLocation" "Foundation" "UniformTypeIdentifiers" ];
"HealthKit_HKActivitySummaryQuery" = [ "HealthKit_HKQuery" ];
"HealthKit_HKActivitySummaryType" = [ "HealthKit_HKObjectType" ];
"HealthKit_HKAnchoredObjectQuery" = [ "HealthKit_HKQuery" ];
"HealthKit_HKAudiogramSample" = [ "HealthKit_HKSample" ];
"HealthKit_HKAudiogramSampleType" = [ "HealthKit_HKSampleType" ];
"HealthKit_HKCDADocumentSample" = [ "HealthKit_HKDocumentSample" ];
"HealthKit_HKCategorySample" = [ "HealthKit_HKSample" ];
"HealthKit_HKCategoryType" = [ "HealthKit_HKSampleType" ];
"HealthKit_HKCharacteristicType" = [ "HealthKit_HKObjectType" ];
"HealthKit_HKClinicalRecord" = [ "HealthKit_HKSample" ];
"HealthKit_HKClinicalType" = [ "HealthKit_HKSampleType" ];
"HealthKit_HKContactsLensSpecification" = [ "HealthKit_HKLensSpecification" ];
"HealthKit_HKContactsPrescription" = [ "HealthKit_HKVisionPrescription" ];
"HealthKit_HKCorrelation" = [ "HealthKit_HKSample" ];
"HealthKit_HKCorrelationQuery" = [ "HealthKit_HKQuery" ];
"HealthKit_HKCorrelationType" = [ "HealthKit_HKSampleType" ];
"HealthKit_HKCumulativeQuantitySample" = [ "HealthKit_HKQuantitySample" ];
"HealthKit_HKCumulativeQuantitySeriesSample" = [ "HealthKit_HKCumulativeQuantitySample" ];
"HealthKit_HKDiscreteQuantitySample" = [ "HealthKit_HKQuantitySample" ];
"HealthKit_HKDocumentQuery" = [ "HealthKit_HKQuery" ];
"HealthKit_HKDocumentSample" = [ "HealthKit_HKSample" ];
"HealthKit_HKDocumentType" = [ "HealthKit_HKSampleType" ];
"HealthKit_HKElectrocardiogram" = [ "HealthKit_HKSample" ];
"HealthKit_HKElectrocardiogramQuery" = [ "HealthKit_HKQuery" ];
"HealthKit_HKElectrocardiogramType" = [ "HealthKit_HKSampleType" ];
"HealthKit_HKGlassesLensSpecification" = [ "HealthKit_HKLensSpecification" ];
"HealthKit_HKGlassesPrescription" = [ "HealthKit_HKVisionPrescription" ];
"HealthKit_HKHeartbeatSeriesBuilder" = [ "HealthKit_HKSeriesBuilder" ];
"HealthKit_HKHeartbeatSeriesQuery" = [ "HealthKit_HKQuery" ];
"HealthKit_HKHeartbeatSeriesSample" = [ "HealthKit_HKSeriesSample" ];
"HealthKit_HKLiveWorkoutBuilder" = [ "HealthKit_HKWorkoutBuilder" ];
"HealthKit_HKObserverQuery" = [ "HealthKit_HKQuery" ];
"HealthKit_HKPrescriptionType" = [ "HealthKit_HKSampleType" ];
"HealthKit_HKQuantitySample" = [ "HealthKit_HKSample" ];
"HealthKit_HKQuantitySeriesSampleQuery" = [ "HealthKit_HKQuery" ];
"HealthKit_HKQuantityType" = [ "HealthKit_HKSampleType" ];
"HealthKit_HKSample" = [ "HealthKit_HKObject" ];
"HealthKit_HKSampleQuery" = [ "HealthKit_HKQuery" ];
"HealthKit_HKSampleType" = [ "HealthKit_HKObjectType" ];
"HealthKit_HKSeriesSample" = [ "HealthKit_HKSample" ];
"HealthKit_HKSeriesType" = [ "HealthKit_HKSampleType" ];
"HealthKit_HKSourceQuery" = [ "HealthKit_HKQuery" ];
"HealthKit_HKStatisticsCollectionQuery" = [ "HealthKit_HKQuery" ];
"HealthKit_HKStatisticsQuery" = [ "HealthKit_HKQuery" ];
"HealthKit_HKVerifiableClinicalRecord" = [ "HealthKit_HKSample" ];
"HealthKit_HKVerifiableClinicalRecordQuery" = [ "HealthKit_HKQuery" ];
"HealthKit_HKVisionPrescription" = [ "HealthKit_HKSample" ];
"HealthKit_HKWorkout" = [ "HealthKit_HKSample" ];
"HealthKit_HKWorkoutRoute" = [ "HealthKit_HKSeriesSample" ];
"HealthKit_HKWorkoutRouteBuilder" = [ "HealthKit_HKSeriesBuilder" ];
"HealthKit_HKWorkoutRouteQuery" = [ "HealthKit_HKQuery" ];
"HealthKit_HKWorkoutType" = [ "HealthKit_HKSampleType" ];
"HealthKit_all" = [ "HealthKit" "HealthKit_HKActivityMoveModeObject" "HealthKit_HKActivitySummary" "HealthKit_HKActivitySummaryQuery" "HealthKit_HKActivitySummaryType" "HealthKit_HKAnchoredObjectQuery" "HealthKit_HKAttachment" "HealthKit_HKAttachmentStore" "HealthKit_HKAudiogramSample" "HealthKit_HKAudiogramSampleType" "HealthKit_HKAudiogramSensitivityPoint" "HealthKit_HKBiologicalSexObject" "HealthKit_HKBloodTypeObject" "HealthKit_HKCDADocument" "HealthKit_HKCDADocumentSample" "HealthKit_HKCategorySample" "HealthKit_HKCategoryType" "HealthKit_HKCharacteristicType" "HealthKit_HKClinicalRecord" "HealthKit_HKClinicalType" "HealthKit_HKContactsLensSpecification" "HealthKit_HKContactsPrescription" "HealthKit_HKCorrelation" "HealthKit_HKCorrelationQuery" "HealthKit_HKCorrelationType" "HealthKit_HKCumulativeQuantitySample" "HealthKit_HKCumulativeQuantitySeriesSample" "HealthKit_HKDeletedObject" "HealthKit_HKDevice" "HealthKit_HKDiscreteQuantitySample" "HealthKit_HKDocumentQuery" "HealthKit_HKDocumentSample" "HealthKit_HKDocumentType" "HealthKit_HKElectrocardiogram" "HealthKit_HKElectrocardiogramQuery" "HealthKit_HKElectrocardiogramType" "HealthKit_HKElectrocardiogramVoltageMeasurement" "HealthKit_HKFHIRResource" "HealthKit_HKFHIRVersion" "HealthKit_HKFitzpatrickSkinTypeObject" "HealthKit_HKGlassesLensSpecification" "HealthKit_HKGlassesPrescription" "HealthKit_HKHealthStore" "HealthKit_HKHeartbeatSeriesBuilder" "HealthKit_HKHeartbeatSeriesQuery" "HealthKit_HKHeartbeatSeriesSample" "HealthKit_HKLensSpecification" "HealthKit_HKLiveWorkoutBuilder" "HealthKit_HKLiveWorkoutDataSource" "HealthKit_HKObject" "HealthKit_HKObjectType" "HealthKit_HKObserverQuery" "HealthKit_HKPrescriptionType" "HealthKit_HKQuantity" "HealthKit_HKQuantitySample" "HealthKit_HKQuantitySeriesSampleBuilder" "HealthKit_HKQuantitySeriesSampleQuery" "HealthKit_HKQuantityType" "HealthKit_HKQuery" "HealthKit_HKQueryAnchor" "HealthKit_HKQueryDescriptor" "HealthKit_HKSample" "HealthKit_HKSampleQuery" "HealthKit_HKSampleType" "HealthKit_HKSeriesBuilder" "HealthKit_HKSeriesSample" "HealthKit_HKSeriesType" "HealthKit_HKSource" "HealthKit_HKSourceQuery" "HealthKit_HKSourceRevision" "HealthKit_HKStatistics" "HealthKit_HKStatisticsCollection" "HealthKit_HKStatisticsCollectionQuery" "HealthKit_HKStatisticsQuery" "HealthKit_HKUnit" "HealthKit_HKVerifiableClinicalRecord" "HealthKit_HKVerifiableClinicalRecordQuery" "HealthKit_HKVerifiableClinicalRecordSubject" "HealthKit_HKVisionPrescription" "HealthKit_HKVisionPrism" "HealthKit_HKWheelchairUseObject" "HealthKit_HKWorkout" "HealthKit_HKWorkoutActivity" "HealthKit_HKWorkoutBuilder" "HealthKit_HKWorkoutConfiguration" "HealthKit_HKWorkoutEvent" "HealthKit_HKWorkoutRoute" "HealthKit_HKWorkoutRouteBuilder" "HealthKit_HKWorkoutRouteQuery" "HealthKit_HKWorkoutSession" "HealthKit_HKWorkoutType" ];
"IdentityLookup" = [ "Foundation" ];
"IdentityLookup_ILCallClassificationRequest" = [ "IdentityLookup_ILClassificationRequest" ];
"IdentityLookup_ILCallCommunication" = [ "IdentityLookup_ILCommunication" ];
"IdentityLookup_ILMessageClassificationRequest" = [ "IdentityLookup_ILClassificationRequest" ];
"IdentityLookup_ILMessageCommunication" = [ "IdentityLookup_ILCommunication" ];
"IdentityLookup_ILMessageFilterExtensionContext" = [ "Foundation_NSExtensionContext" ];
"IdentityLookup_all" = [ "IdentityLookup" "IdentityLookup_ILCallClassificationRequest" "IdentityLookup_ILCallCommunication" "IdentityLookup_ILClassificationRequest" "IdentityLookup_ILClassificationResponse" "IdentityLookup_ILCommunication" "IdentityLookup_ILMessageClassificationRequest" "IdentityLookup_ILMessageCommunication" "IdentityLookup_ILMessageFilterCapabilitiesQueryRequest" "IdentityLookup_ILMessageFilterCapabilitiesQueryResponse" "IdentityLookup_ILMessageFilterExtension" "IdentityLookup_ILMessageFilterExtensionContext" "IdentityLookup_ILMessageFilterQueryRequest" "IdentityLookup_ILMessageFilterQueryResponse" "IdentityLookup_ILNetworkResponse" ];
"InputMethodKit" = [ "AppKit" "Foundation" ];
"InputMethodKit_IMKCandidates" = [ "AppKit_NSResponder" ];
"InputMethodKit_all" = [ "InputMethodKit" "InputMethodKit_IMKCandidates" "InputMethodKit_IMKInputController" "InputMethodKit_IMKServer" ];
"LinkPresentation" = [ "AppKit" "Foundation" ];
"LinkPresentation_LPLinkView" = [ "AppKit_NSView" ];
"LinkPresentation_all" = [ "LinkPresentation" "LinkPresentation_LPLinkMetadata" "LinkPresentation_LPLinkView" "LinkPresentation_LPMetadataProvider" ];
"LocalAuthentication" = [ "Foundation" ];
"LocalAuthenticationEmbeddedUI" = [ "AppKit" "Foundation" "LocalAuthentication" "AppKit_NSWindow" ];
"LocalAuthenticationEmbeddedUI_LAAuthenticationView" = [ "AppKit_NSView" ];
"LocalAuthenticationEmbeddedUI_all" = [ "LocalAuthenticationEmbeddedUI" "LocalAuthenticationEmbeddedUI_LAAuthenticationView" ];
"LocalAuthentication_LAPersistedRight" = [ "LocalAuthentication_LARight" ];
"LocalAuthentication_all" = [ "LocalAuthentication" "LocalAuthentication_LAAuthenticationRequirement" "LocalAuthentication_LABiometryFallbackRequirement" "LocalAuthentication_LAContext" "LocalAuthentication_LAPersistedRight" "LocalAuthentication_LAPrivateKey" "LocalAuthentication_LAPublicKey" "LocalAuthentication_LARight" "LocalAuthentication_LARightStore" "LocalAuthentication_LASecret" ];
"MailKit" = [ "AppKit" "Foundation" ];
"MailKit_MEExtensionViewController" = [ "AppKit_NSViewController" ];
"MailKit_all" = [ "MailKit" "MailKit_MEAddressAnnotation" "MailKit_MEComposeContext" "MailKit_MEComposeSession" "MailKit_MEDecodedMessage" "MailKit_MEDecodedMessageBanner" "MailKit_MEEmailAddress" "MailKit_MEEncodedOutgoingMessage" "MailKit_MEExtensionManager" "MailKit_MEExtensionViewController" "MailKit_MEMessage" "MailKit_MEMessageAction" "MailKit_MEMessageActionDecision" "MailKit_MEMessageEncodingResult" "MailKit_MEMessageSecurityInformation" "MailKit_MEMessageSigner" "MailKit_MEOutgoingMessageEncodingStatus" ];
"MapKit" = [ "AppKit" "Contacts" "CoreLocation" "Foundation" "MapKit_MKDirectionsResponse" "MapKit_MKETAResponse" "MapKit_MKLocalSearchResponse" "MapKit_MKMapSnapshot" ];
"MapKit_MKAnnotationView" = [ "AppKit_NSView" ];
"MapKit_MKCircle" = [ "MapKit_MKShape" ];
"MapKit_MKCircleRenderer" = [ "MapKit_MKOverlayPathRenderer" ];
"MapKit_MKCompassButton" = [ "AppKit_NSView" ];
"MapKit_MKDistanceFormatter" = [ "Foundation_NSFormatter" ];
"MapKit_MKGeodesicPolyline" = [ "MapKit_MKPolyline" ];
"MapKit_MKGradientPolylineRenderer" = [ "MapKit_MKPolylineRenderer" ];
"MapKit_MKHybridMapConfiguration" = [ "MapKit_MKMapConfiguration" ];
"MapKit_MKImageryMapConfiguration" = [ "MapKit_MKMapConfiguration" ];
"MapKit_MKLookAroundViewController" = [ "AppKit_NSViewController" ];
"MapKit_MKMapView" = [ "AppKit_NSView" ];
"MapKit_MKMarkerAnnotationView" = [ "MapKit_MKAnnotationView" ];
"MapKit_MKMultiPoint" = [ "MapKit_MKShape" ];
"MapKit_MKMultiPolygon" = [ "MapKit_MKShape" ];
"MapKit_MKMultiPolygonRenderer" = [ "MapKit_MKOverlayPathRenderer" ];
"MapKit_MKMultiPolyline" = [ "MapKit_MKShape" ];
"MapKit_MKMultiPolylineRenderer" = [ "MapKit_MKOverlayPathRenderer" ];
"MapKit_MKOverlayPathRenderer" = [ "MapKit_MKOverlayRenderer" ];
"MapKit_MKPinAnnotationView" = [ "MapKit_MKAnnotationView" ];
"MapKit_MKPitchControl" = [ "AppKit_NSView" ];
"MapKit_MKPlacemark" = [ "CoreLocation_CLPlacemark" ];
"MapKit_MKPointAnnotation" = [ "MapKit_MKShape" ];
"MapKit_MKPolygon" = [ "MapKit_MKMultiPoint" ];
"MapKit_MKPolygonRenderer" = [ "MapKit_MKOverlayPathRenderer" ];
"MapKit_MKPolyline" = [ "MapKit_MKMultiPoint" ];
"MapKit_MKPolylineRenderer" = [ "MapKit_MKOverlayPathRenderer" ];
"MapKit_MKStandardMapConfiguration" = [ "MapKit_MKMapConfiguration" ];
"MapKit_MKTileOverlayRenderer" = [ "MapKit_MKOverlayRenderer" ];
"MapKit_MKUserLocationView" = [ "MapKit_MKAnnotationView" ];
"MapKit_MKZoomControl" = [ "AppKit_NSView" ];
"MapKit_all" = [ "MapKit" "MapKit_MKAnnotationView" "MapKit_MKCircle" "MapKit_MKCircleRenderer" "MapKit_MKClusterAnnotation" "MapKit_MKCompassButton" "MapKit_MKDirections" "MapKit_MKDirectionsRequest" "MapKit_MKDirectionsResponse" "MapKit_MKDistanceFormatter" "MapKit_MKETAResponse" "MapKit_MKGeoJSONDecoder" "MapKit_MKGeoJSONFeature" "MapKit_MKGeodesicPolyline" "MapKit_MKGradientPolylineRenderer" "MapKit_MKHybridMapConfiguration" "MapKit_MKImageryMapConfiguration" "MapKit_MKLocalPointsOfInterestRequest" "MapKit_MKLocalSearch" "MapKit_MKLocalSearchCompleter" "MapKit_MKLocalSearchCompletion" "MapKit_MKLocalSearchRequest" "MapKit_MKLocalSearchResponse" "MapKit_MKLookAroundScene" "MapKit_MKLookAroundSceneRequest" "MapKit_MKLookAroundSnapshot" "MapKit_MKLookAroundSnapshotOptions" "MapKit_MKLookAroundSnapshotter" "MapKit_MKLookAroundViewController" "MapKit_MKMapCamera" "MapKit_MKMapCameraBoundary" "MapKit_MKMapCameraZoomRange" "MapKit_MKMapConfiguration" "MapKit_MKMapItem" "MapKit_MKMapSnapshot" "MapKit_MKMapSnapshotOptions" "MapKit_MKMapSnapshotter" "MapKit_MKMapView" "MapKit_MKMarkerAnnotationView" "MapKit_MKMultiPoint" "MapKit_MKMultiPolygon" "MapKit_MKMultiPolygonRenderer" "MapKit_MKMultiPolyline" "MapKit_MKMultiPolylineRenderer" "MapKit_MKOverlayPathRenderer" "MapKit_MKOverlayRenderer" "MapKit_MKPinAnnotationView" "MapKit_MKPitchControl" "MapKit_MKPlacemark" "MapKit_MKPointAnnotation" "MapKit_MKPointOfInterestFilter" "MapKit_MKPolygon" "MapKit_MKPolygonRenderer" "MapKit_MKPolyline" "MapKit_MKPolylineRenderer" "MapKit_MKRoute" "MapKit_MKRouteStep" "MapKit_MKShape" "MapKit_MKStandardMapConfiguration" "MapKit_MKTileOverlay" "MapKit_MKTileOverlayRenderer" "MapKit_MKUserLocation" "MapKit_MKUserLocationView" "MapKit_MKZoomControl" ];
"MediaPlayer" = [ "AppKit" "Foundation" ];
"MediaPlayer_MPChangeLanguageOptionCommandEvent" = [ "MediaPlayer_MPRemoteCommandEvent" ];
"MediaPlayer_MPChangePlaybackPositionCommand" = [ "MediaPlayer_MPRemoteCommand" ];
"MediaPlayer_MPChangePlaybackPositionCommandEvent" = [ "MediaPlayer_MPRemoteCommandEvent" ];
"MediaPlayer_MPChangePlaybackRateCommand" = [ "MediaPlayer_MPRemoteCommand" ];
"MediaPlayer_MPChangePlaybackRateCommandEvent" = [ "MediaPlayer_MPRemoteCommandEvent" ];
"MediaPlayer_MPChangeRepeatModeCommand" = [ "MediaPlayer_MPRemoteCommand" ];
"MediaPlayer_MPChangeRepeatModeCommandEvent" = [ "MediaPlayer_MPRemoteCommandEvent" ];
"MediaPlayer_MPChangeShuffleModeCommand" = [ "MediaPlayer_MPRemoteCommand" ];
"MediaPlayer_MPChangeShuffleModeCommandEvent" = [ "MediaPlayer_MPRemoteCommandEvent" ];
"MediaPlayer_MPFeedbackCommand" = [ "MediaPlayer_MPRemoteCommand" ];
"MediaPlayer_MPFeedbackCommandEvent" = [ "MediaPlayer_MPRemoteCommandEvent" ];
"MediaPlayer_MPMediaItem" = [ "MediaPlayer_MPMediaEntity" ];
"MediaPlayer_MPMediaItemCollection" = [ "MediaPlayer_MPMediaEntity" ];
"MediaPlayer_MPMediaPlaylist" = [ "MediaPlayer_MPMediaItemCollection" ];
"MediaPlayer_MPMediaPropertyPredicate" = [ "MediaPlayer_MPMediaPredicate" ];
"MediaPlayer_MPMusicPlayerApplicationController" = [ "MediaPlayer_MPMusicPlayerController" ];
"MediaPlayer_MPMusicPlayerControllerMutableQueue" = [ "MediaPlayer_MPMusicPlayerControllerQueue" ];
"MediaPlayer_MPMusicPlayerMediaItemQueueDescriptor" = [ "MediaPlayer_MPMusicPlayerQueueDescriptor" ];
"MediaPlayer_MPMusicPlayerPlayParametersQueueDescriptor" = [ "MediaPlayer_MPMusicPlayerQueueDescriptor" ];
"MediaPlayer_MPMusicPlayerStoreQueueDescriptor" = [ "MediaPlayer_MPMusicPlayerQueueDescriptor" ];
"MediaPlayer_MPRatingCommand" = [ "MediaPlayer_MPRemoteCommand" ];
"MediaPlayer_MPRatingCommandEvent" = [ "MediaPlayer_MPRemoteCommandEvent" ];
"MediaPlayer_MPSeekCommandEvent" = [ "MediaPlayer_MPRemoteCommandEvent" ];
"MediaPlayer_MPSkipIntervalCommand" = [ "MediaPlayer_MPRemoteCommand" ];
"MediaPlayer_MPSkipIntervalCommandEvent" = [ "MediaPlayer_MPRemoteCommandEvent" ];
"MediaPlayer_all" = [ "MediaPlayer" "MediaPlayer_MPAdTimeRange" "MediaPlayer_MPChangeLanguageOptionCommandEvent" "MediaPlayer_MPChangePlaybackPositionCommand" "MediaPlayer_MPChangePlaybackPositionCommandEvent" "MediaPlayer_MPChangePlaybackRateCommand" "MediaPlayer_MPChangePlaybackRateCommandEvent" "MediaPlayer_MPChangeRepeatModeCommand" "MediaPlayer_MPChangeRepeatModeCommandEvent" "MediaPlayer_MPChangeShuffleModeCommand" "MediaPlayer_MPChangeShuffleModeCommandEvent" "MediaPlayer_MPContentItem" "MediaPlayer_MPFeedbackCommand" "MediaPlayer_MPFeedbackCommandEvent" "MediaPlayer_MPMediaEntity" "MediaPlayer_MPMediaItem" "MediaPlayer_MPMediaItemArtwork" "MediaPlayer_MPMediaItemCollection" "MediaPlayer_MPMediaLibrary" "MediaPlayer_MPMediaPlaylist" "MediaPlayer_MPMediaPlaylistCreationMetadata" "MediaPlayer_MPMediaPredicate" "MediaPlayer_MPMediaPropertyPredicate" "MediaPlayer_MPMediaQuery" "MediaPlayer_MPMediaQuerySection" "MediaPlayer_MPMusicPlayerApplicationController" "MediaPlayer_MPMusicPlayerController" "MediaPlayer_MPMusicPlayerControllerMutableQueue" "MediaPlayer_MPMusicPlayerControllerQueue" "MediaPlayer_MPMusicPlayerMediaItemQueueDescriptor" "MediaPlayer_MPMusicPlayerPlayParameters" "MediaPlayer_MPMusicPlayerPlayParametersQueueDescriptor" "MediaPlayer_MPMusicPlayerQueueDescriptor" "MediaPlayer_MPMusicPlayerStoreQueueDescriptor" "MediaPlayer_MPNowPlayingInfoCenter" "MediaPlayer_MPNowPlayingInfoLanguageOption" "MediaPlayer_MPNowPlayingInfoLanguageOptionGroup" "MediaPlayer_MPNowPlayingSession" "MediaPlayer_MPPlayableContentManager" "MediaPlayer_MPPlayableContentManagerContext" "MediaPlayer_MPRatingCommand" "MediaPlayer_MPRatingCommandEvent" "MediaPlayer_MPRemoteCommand" "MediaPlayer_MPRemoteCommandCenter" "MediaPlayer_MPRemoteCommandEvent" "MediaPlayer_MPSeekCommandEvent" "MediaPlayer_MPSkipIntervalCommand" "MediaPlayer_MPSkipIntervalCommandEvent" ];
"Metal" = [ "Foundation" ];
"MetalFX" = [ "Metal" ];
"MetalFX_all" = [ "MetalFX" "MetalFX_MTLFXSpatialScalerDescriptor" "MetalFX_MTLFXTemporalScalerDescriptor" ];
"MetalKit" = [ "AppKit" "Foundation" "Metal" "Metal_MTLRenderPipelineReflection" "Metal_MTLComputePipelineReflection" ];
"MetalKit_MTKView" = [ "AppKit_NSView" ];
"MetalKit_all" = [ "MetalKit" "MetalKit_MTKMesh" "MetalKit_MTKMeshBuffer" "MetalKit_MTKMeshBufferAllocator" "MetalKit_MTKSubmesh" "MetalKit_MTKTextureLoader" "MetalKit_MTKView" ];
"Metal_MTLAccelerationStructureBoundingBoxGeometryDescriptor" = [ "Metal_MTLAccelerationStructureGeometryDescriptor" ];
"Metal_MTLAccelerationStructureMotionBoundingBoxGeometryDescriptor" = [ "Metal_MTLAccelerationStructureGeometryDescriptor" ];
"Metal_MTLAccelerationStructureMotionTriangleGeometryDescriptor" = [ "Metal_MTLAccelerationStructureGeometryDescriptor" ];
"Metal_MTLAccelerationStructureTriangleGeometryDescriptor" = [ "Metal_MTLAccelerationStructureGeometryDescriptor" ];
"Metal_MTLArrayType" = [ "Metal_MTLType" ];
"Metal_MTLInstanceAccelerationStructureDescriptor" = [ "Metal_MTLAccelerationStructureDescriptor" ];
"Metal_MTLIntersectionFunctionDescriptor" = [ "Metal_MTLFunctionDescriptor" ];
"Metal_MTLPointerType" = [ "Metal_MTLType" ];
"Metal_MTLPrimitiveAccelerationStructureDescriptor" = [ "Metal_MTLAccelerationStructureDescriptor" ];
"Metal_MTLRenderPassColorAttachmentDescriptor" = [ "Metal_MTLRenderPassAttachmentDescriptor" ];
"Metal_MTLRenderPassDepthAttachmentDescriptor" = [ "Metal_MTLRenderPassAttachmentDescriptor" ];
"Metal_MTLRenderPassStencilAttachmentDescriptor" = [ "Metal_MTLRenderPassAttachmentDescriptor" ];
"Metal_MTLStructType" = [ "Metal_MTLType" ];
"Metal_MTLTextureReferenceType" = [ "Metal_MTLType" ];
"Metal_all" = [ "Metal" "Metal_MTLAccelerationStructureBoundingBoxGeometryDescriptor" "Metal_MTLAccelerationStructureDescriptor" "Metal_MTLAccelerationStructureGeometryDescriptor" "Metal_MTLAccelerationStructureMotionBoundingBoxGeometryDescriptor" "Metal_MTLAccelerationStructureMotionTriangleGeometryDescriptor" "Metal_MTLAccelerationStructurePassDescriptor" "Metal_MTLAccelerationStructurePassSampleBufferAttachmentDescriptor" "Metal_MTLAccelerationStructurePassSampleBufferAttachmentDescriptorArray" "Metal_MTLAccelerationStructureTriangleGeometryDescriptor" "Metal_MTLArgument" "Metal_MTLArgumentDescriptor" "Metal_MTLArrayType" "Metal_MTLAttribute" "Metal_MTLAttributeDescriptor" "Metal_MTLAttributeDescriptorArray" "Metal_MTLBinaryArchiveDescriptor" "Metal_MTLBlitPassDescriptor" "Metal_MTLBlitPassSampleBufferAttachmentDescriptor" "Metal_MTLBlitPassSampleBufferAttachmentDescriptorArray" "Metal_MTLBufferLayoutDescriptor" "Metal_MTLBufferLayoutDescriptorArray" "Metal_MTLCaptureDescriptor" "Metal_MTLCaptureManager" "Metal_MTLCommandBufferDescriptor" "Metal_MTLCompileOptions" "Metal_MTLComputePassDescriptor" "Metal_MTLComputePassSampleBufferAttachmentDescriptor" "Metal_MTLComputePassSampleBufferAttachmentDescriptorArray" "Metal_MTLComputePipelineDescriptor" "Metal_MTLComputePipelineReflection" "Metal_MTLCounterSampleBufferDescriptor" "Metal_MTLDepthStencilDescriptor" "Metal_MTLFunctionConstant" "Metal_MTLFunctionConstantValues" "Metal_MTLFunctionDescriptor" "Metal_MTLFunctionStitchingAttributeAlwaysInline" "Metal_MTLFunctionStitchingFunctionNode" "Metal_MTLFunctionStitchingGraph" "Metal_MTLFunctionStitchingInputNode" "Metal_MTLHeapDescriptor" "Metal_MTLIOCommandQueueDescriptor" "Metal_MTLIndirectCommandBufferDescriptor" "Metal_MTLInstanceAccelerationStructureDescriptor" "Metal_MTLIntersectionFunctionDescriptor" "Metal_MTLIntersectionFunctionTableDescriptor" "Metal_MTLLinkedFunctions" "Metal_MTLMeshRenderPipelineDescriptor" "Metal_MTLMotionKeyframeData" "Metal_MTLPipelineBufferDescriptor" "Metal_MTLPipelineBufferDescriptorArray" "Metal_MTLPointerType" "Metal_MTLPrimitiveAccelerationStructureDescriptor" "Metal_MTLRasterizationRateLayerArray" "Metal_MTLRasterizationRateLayerDescriptor" "Metal_MTLRasterizationRateMapDescriptor" "Metal_MTLRasterizationRateSampleArray" "Metal_MTLRenderPassAttachmentDescriptor" "Metal_MTLRenderPassColorAttachmentDescriptor" "Metal_MTLRenderPassColorAttachmentDescriptorArray" "Metal_MTLRenderPassDepthAttachmentDescriptor" "Metal_MTLRenderPassDescriptor" "Metal_MTLRenderPassSampleBufferAttachmentDescriptor" "Metal_MTLRenderPassSampleBufferAttachmentDescriptorArray" "Metal_MTLRenderPassStencilAttachmentDescriptor" "Metal_MTLRenderPipelineColorAttachmentDescriptor" "Metal_MTLRenderPipelineColorAttachmentDescriptorArray" "Metal_MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor" "Metal_MTLRenderPipelineFunctionsDescriptor" "Metal_MTLRenderPipelineReflection" "Metal_MTLResourceStatePassDescriptor" "Metal_MTLResourceStatePassSampleBufferAttachmentDescriptor" "Metal_MTLResourceStatePassSampleBufferAttachmentDescriptorArray" "Metal_MTLSamplerDescriptor" "Metal_MTLSharedEventHandle" "Metal_MTLSharedEventListener" "Metal_MTLSharedTextureHandle" "Metal_MTLStageInputOutputDescriptor" "Metal_MTLStencilDescriptor" "Metal_MTLStitchedLibraryDescriptor" "Metal_MTLStructMember" "Metal_MTLStructType" "Metal_MTLTextureDescriptor" "Metal_MTLTextureReferenceType" "Metal_MTLTileRenderPipelineColorAttachmentDescriptor" "Metal_MTLTileRenderPipelineColorAttachmentDescriptorArray" "Metal_MTLTileRenderPipelineDescriptor" "Metal_MTLType" "Metal_MTLVertexAttribute" "Metal_MTLVertexAttributeDescriptor" "Metal_MTLVertexAttributeDescriptorArray" "Metal_MTLVertexBufferLayoutDescriptor" "Metal_MTLVertexBufferLayoutDescriptorArray" "Metal_MTLVertexDescriptor" "Metal_MTLVisibleFunctionTableDescriptor" ];
"MetricKit" = [ "Foundation" ];
"MetricKit_MXAnimationMetric" = [ "MetricKit_MXMetric" ];
"MetricKit_MXAppExitMetric" = [ "MetricKit_MXMetric" ];
"MetricKit_MXAppLaunchDiagnostic" = [ "MetricKit_MXDiagnostic" ];
"MetricKit_MXAppLaunchMetric" = [ "MetricKit_MXMetric" ];
"MetricKit_MXAppResponsivenessMetric" = [ "MetricKit_MXMetric" ];
"MetricKit_MXAppRunTimeMetric" = [ "MetricKit_MXMetric" ];
"MetricKit_MXCPUExceptionDiagnostic" = [ "MetricKit_MXDiagnostic" ];
"MetricKit_MXCPUMetric" = [ "MetricKit_MXMetric" ];
"MetricKit_MXCellularConditionMetric" = [ "MetricKit_MXMetric" ];
"MetricKit_MXCrashDiagnostic" = [ "MetricKit_MXDiagnostic" ];
"MetricKit_MXDiskIOMetric" = [ "MetricKit_MXMetric" ];
"MetricKit_MXDiskWriteExceptionDiagnostic" = [ "MetricKit_MXDiagnostic" ];
"MetricKit_MXDisplayMetric" = [ "MetricKit_MXMetric" ];
"MetricKit_MXGPUMetric" = [ "MetricKit_MXMetric" ];
"MetricKit_MXHangDiagnostic" = [ "MetricKit_MXDiagnostic" ];
"MetricKit_MXLocationActivityMetric" = [ "MetricKit_MXMetric" ];
"MetricKit_MXMemoryMetric" = [ "MetricKit_MXMetric" ];
"MetricKit_MXNetworkTransferMetric" = [ "MetricKit_MXMetric" ];
"MetricKit_MXSignpostMetric" = [ "MetricKit_MXMetric" ];
"MetricKit_MXUnitAveragePixelLuminance" = [ "Foundation_NSDimension" ];
"MetricKit_MXUnitSignalBars" = [ "Foundation_NSDimension" ];
"MetricKit_all" = [ "MetricKit" "MetricKit_MXAnimationMetric" "MetricKit_MXAppExitMetric" "MetricKit_MXAppLaunchDiagnostic" "MetricKit_MXAppLaunchMetric" "MetricKit_MXAppResponsivenessMetric" "MetricKit_MXAppRunTimeMetric" "MetricKit_MXAverage" "MetricKit_MXBackgroundExitData" "MetricKit_MXCPUExceptionDiagnostic" "MetricKit_MXCPUMetric" "MetricKit_MXCallStackTree" "MetricKit_MXCellularConditionMetric" "MetricKit_MXCrashDiagnostic" "MetricKit_MXDiagnostic" "MetricKit_MXDiagnosticPayload" "MetricKit_MXDiskIOMetric" "MetricKit_MXDiskWriteExceptionDiagnostic" "MetricKit_MXDisplayMetric" "MetricKit_MXForegroundExitData" "MetricKit_MXGPUMetric" "MetricKit_MXHangDiagnostic" "MetricKit_MXHistogram" "MetricKit_MXHistogramBucket" "MetricKit_MXLocationActivityMetric" "MetricKit_MXMemoryMetric" "MetricKit_MXMetaData" "MetricKit_MXMetric" "MetricKit_MXMetricManager" "MetricKit_MXMetricPayload" "MetricKit_MXNetworkTransferMetric" "MetricKit_MXSignpostIntervalData" "MetricKit_MXSignpostMetric" "MetricKit_MXUnitAveragePixelLuminance" "MetricKit_MXUnitSignalBars" ];
"OSAKit" = [ "AppKit" "Foundation" ];
"OSAKit_OSAScriptController" = [ "AppKit_NSController" ];
"OSAKit_OSAScriptView" = [ "AppKit_NSTextView" ];
"OSAKit_all" = [ "OSAKit" "OSAKit_OSALanguage" "OSAKit_OSALanguageInstance" "OSAKit_OSAScript" "OSAKit_OSAScriptController" "OSAKit_OSAScriptView" ];
"PhotoKit" = [ "AppKit" "CoreLocation" "Foundation" ];
"PhotoKit_PHAsset" = [ "PhotoKit_PHObject" ];
"PhotoKit_PHAssetChangeRequest" = [ "PhotoKit_PHChangeRequest" ];
"PhotoKit_PHAssetCollection" = [ "PhotoKit_PHCollection" ];
"PhotoKit_PHAssetCollectionChangeRequest" = [ "PhotoKit_PHChangeRequest" ];
"PhotoKit_PHAssetCreationRequest" = [ "PhotoKit_PHAssetChangeRequest" ];
"PhotoKit_PHCachingImageManager" = [ "PhotoKit_PHImageManager" ];
"PhotoKit_PHCollection" = [ "PhotoKit_PHObject" ];
"PhotoKit_PHCollectionList" = [ "PhotoKit_PHCollection" ];
"PhotoKit_PHCollectionListChangeRequest" = [ "PhotoKit_PHChangeRequest" ];
"PhotoKit_PHObjectPlaceholder" = [ "PhotoKit_PHObject" ];
"PhotoKit_PHProject" = [ "PhotoKit_PHAssetCollection" ];
"PhotoKit_PHProjectChangeRequest" = [ "PhotoKit_PHChangeRequest" ];
"PhotoKit_all" = [ "PhotoKit" "PhotoKit_PHAdjustmentData" "PhotoKit_PHAsset" "PhotoKit_PHAssetChangeRequest" "PhotoKit_PHAssetCollection" "PhotoKit_PHAssetCollectionChangeRequest" "PhotoKit_PHAssetCreationRequest" "PhotoKit_PHAssetResource" "PhotoKit_PHAssetResourceCreationOptions" "PhotoKit_PHAssetResourceManager" "PhotoKit_PHAssetResourceRequestOptions" "PhotoKit_PHCachingImageManager" "PhotoKit_PHChange" "PhotoKit_PHChangeRequest" "PhotoKit_PHCloudIdentifier" "PhotoKit_PHCloudIdentifierMapping" "PhotoKit_PHCollection" "PhotoKit_PHCollectionList" "PhotoKit_PHCollectionListChangeRequest" "PhotoKit_PHContentEditingInput" "PhotoKit_PHContentEditingInputRequestOptions" "PhotoKit_PHContentEditingOutput" "PhotoKit_PHFetchOptions" "PhotoKit_PHFetchResult" "PhotoKit_PHFetchResultChangeDetails" "PhotoKit_PHImageManager" "PhotoKit_PHImageRequestOptions" "PhotoKit_PHLivePhoto" "PhotoKit_PHLivePhotoEditingContext" "PhotoKit_PHLivePhotoRequestOptions" "PhotoKit_PHLocalIdentifierMapping" "PhotoKit_PHObject" "PhotoKit_PHObjectChangeDetails" "PhotoKit_PHObjectPlaceholder" "PhotoKit_PHPersistentChange" "PhotoKit_PHPersistentChangeFetchResult" "PhotoKit_PHPersistentChangeToken" "PhotoKit_PHPersistentObjectChangeDetails" "PhotoKit_PHPhotoLibrary" "PhotoKit_PHProject" "PhotoKit_PHProjectChangeRequest" "PhotoKit_PHVideoRequestOptions" ];
"SoundAnalysis" = [ "Foundation" ];
"SoundAnalysis_all" = [ "SoundAnalysis" "SoundAnalysis_SNAudioFileAnalyzer" "SoundAnalysis_SNAudioStreamAnalyzer" "SoundAnalysis_SNClassification" "SoundAnalysis_SNClassificationResult" "SoundAnalysis_SNClassifySoundRequest" "SoundAnalysis_SNTimeDurationConstraint" ];
"Speech" = [ "Foundation" ];
"Speech_SFSpeechAudioBufferRecognitionRequest" = [ "Speech_SFSpeechRecognitionRequest" ];
"Speech_SFSpeechURLRecognitionRequest" = [ "Speech_SFSpeechRecognitionRequest" ];
"Speech_all" = [ "Speech" "Speech_SFAcousticFeature" "Speech_SFSpeechAudioBufferRecognitionRequest" "Speech_SFSpeechRecognitionMetadata" "Speech_SFSpeechRecognitionRequest" "Speech_SFSpeechRecognitionResult" "Speech_SFSpeechRecognitionTask" "Speech_SFSpeechRecognizer" "Speech_SFSpeechURLRecognitionRequest" "Speech_SFTranscription" "Speech_SFTranscriptionSegment" "Speech_SFVoiceAnalytics" ];
"StoreKit" = [ "AppKit" "Foundation" ];
"StoreKit_SKCloudServiceSetupViewController" = [ "AppKit_NSViewController" ];
"StoreKit_SKMutablePayment" = [ "StoreKit_SKPayment" ];
"StoreKit_SKOverlayAppClipConfiguration" = [ "StoreKit_SKOverlayConfiguration" ];
"StoreKit_SKOverlayAppConfiguration" = [ "StoreKit_SKOverlayConfiguration" ];
"StoreKit_SKProductsRequest" = [ "StoreKit_SKRequest" ];
"StoreKit_SKReceiptRefreshRequest" = [ "StoreKit_SKRequest" ];
"StoreKit_SKStoreProductViewController" = [ "AppKit_NSViewController" ];
"StoreKit_all" = [ "StoreKit" "StoreKit_SKAdImpression" "StoreKit_SKAdNetwork" "StoreKit_SKArcadeService" "StoreKit_SKCloudServiceController" "StoreKit_SKCloudServiceSetupViewController" "StoreKit_SKDownload" "StoreKit_SKMutablePayment" "StoreKit_SKOverlay" "StoreKit_SKOverlayAppClipConfiguration" "StoreKit_SKOverlayAppConfiguration" "StoreKit_SKOverlayConfiguration" "StoreKit_SKOverlayTransitionContext" "StoreKit_SKPayment" "StoreKit_SKPaymentDiscount" "StoreKit_SKPaymentQueue" "StoreKit_SKPaymentTransaction" "StoreKit_SKProduct" "StoreKit_SKProductDiscount" "StoreKit_SKProductStorePromotionController" "StoreKit_SKProductSubscriptionPeriod" "StoreKit_SKProductsRequest" "StoreKit_SKProductsResponse" "StoreKit_SKReceiptRefreshRequest" "StoreKit_SKRequest" "StoreKit_SKStoreProductViewController" "StoreKit_SKStoreReviewController" "StoreKit_SKStorefront" ];
"UniformTypeIdentifiers" = [ "Foundation" "UniformTypeIdentifiers_UTType" ];
"UniformTypeIdentifiers_all" = [ "UniformTypeIdentifiers" "UniformTypeIdentifiers_UTType" ];
"UserNotifications" = [ "CoreLocation" "Foundation" ];
"UserNotifications_UNCalendarNotificationTrigger" = [ "UserNotifications_UNNotificationTrigger" ];
"UserNotifications_UNLocationNotificationTrigger" = [ "UserNotifications_UNNotificationTrigger" ];
"UserNotifications_UNMutableNotificationContent" = [ "UserNotifications_UNNotificationContent" ];
"UserNotifications_UNPushNotificationTrigger" = [ "UserNotifications_UNNotificationTrigger" ];
"UserNotifications_UNTextInputNotificationAction" = [ "UserNotifications_UNNotificationAction" ];
"UserNotifications_UNTextInputNotificationResponse" = [ "UserNotifications_UNNotificationResponse" ];
"UserNotifications_UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger" = [ "UserNotifications_UNNotificationTrigger" ];
"UserNotifications_all" = [ "UserNotifications" "UserNotifications_UNCalendarNotificationTrigger" "UserNotifications_UNLocationNotificationTrigger" "UserNotifications_UNMutableNotificationContent" "UserNotifications_UNNotification" "UserNotifications_UNNotificationAction" "UserNotifications_UNNotificationActionIcon" "UserNotifications_UNNotificationAttachment" "UserNotifications_UNNotificationCategory" "UserNotifications_UNNotificationContent" "UserNotifications_UNNotificationRequest" "UserNotifications_UNNotificationResponse" "UserNotifications_UNNotificationServiceExtension" "UserNotifications_UNNotificationSettings" "UserNotifications_UNNotificationSound" "UserNotifications_UNNotificationTrigger" "UserNotifications_UNPushNotificationTrigger" "UserNotifications_UNTextInputNotificationAction" "UserNotifications_UNTextInputNotificationResponse" "UserNotifications_UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger" "UserNotifications_UNUserNotificationCenter" ];
"WebKit" = [ "AppKit" "Foundation" "Foundation_NSAttributedString" ];
"WebKit_DOMAbstractView" = [ "WebKit_DOMObject" ];
"WebKit_DOMAttr" = [ "WebKit_DOMNode" ];
"WebKit_DOMBlob" = [ "WebKit_DOMObject" ];
"WebKit_DOMCDATASection" = [ "WebKit_DOMText" ];
"WebKit_DOMCSSCharsetRule" = [ "WebKit_DOMCSSRule" ];
"WebKit_DOMCSSFontFaceRule" = [ "WebKit_DOMCSSRule" ];
"WebKit_DOMCSSImportRule" = [ "WebKit_DOMCSSRule" ];
"WebKit_DOMCSSMediaRule" = [ "WebKit_DOMCSSRule" ];
"WebKit_DOMCSSPageRule" = [ "WebKit_DOMCSSRule" ];
"WebKit_DOMCSSPrimitiveValue" = [ "WebKit_DOMCSSValue" ];
"WebKit_DOMCSSRule" = [ "WebKit_DOMObject" ];
"WebKit_DOMCSSRuleList" = [ "WebKit_DOMObject" ];
"WebKit_DOMCSSStyleDeclaration" = [ "WebKit_DOMObject" ];
"WebKit_DOMCSSStyleRule" = [ "WebKit_DOMCSSRule" ];
"WebKit_DOMCSSStyleSheet" = [ "WebKit_DOMStyleSheet" ];
"WebKit_DOMCSSUnknownRule" = [ "WebKit_DOMCSSRule" ];
"WebKit_DOMCSSValue" = [ "WebKit_DOMObject" ];
"WebKit_DOMCSSValueList" = [ "WebKit_DOMCSSValue" ];
"WebKit_DOMCharacterData" = [ "WebKit_DOMNode" ];
"WebKit_DOMComment" = [ "WebKit_DOMCharacterData" ];
"WebKit_DOMCounter" = [ "WebKit_DOMObject" ];
"WebKit_DOMDocument" = [ "WebKit_DOMNode" ];
"WebKit_DOMDocumentFragment" = [ "WebKit_DOMNode" ];
"WebKit_DOMDocumentType" = [ "WebKit_DOMNode" ];
"WebKit_DOMElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMNode" ];
"WebKit_DOMEntity" = [ "WebKit_DOMNode" ];
"WebKit_DOMEntityReference" = [ "WebKit_DOMNode" ];
"WebKit_DOMEvent" = [ "WebKit_DOMObject" ];
"WebKit_DOMFile" = [ "WebKit_DOMBlob" ];
"WebKit_DOMFileList" = [ "WebKit_DOMObject" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLAnchorElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLAppletElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLAreaElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLBRElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLBaseElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLBaseFontElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLBodyElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLButtonElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLCollection" = [ "WebKit_DOMObject" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLDListElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLDirectoryElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLDivElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLDocument" = [ "WebKit_DOMDocument" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLEmbedElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLFieldSetElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLFontElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLFormElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLFrameElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLFrameSetElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLHRElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLHeadElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLHeadingElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLHtmlElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLIFrameElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLImageElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLInputElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLLIElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLLabelElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLLegendElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLLinkElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLMapElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLMarqueeElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLMenuElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLMetaElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLModElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLOListElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLObjectElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLOptGroupElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLOptionElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLOptionsCollection" = [ "WebKit_DOMObject" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLParagraphElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLParamElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLPreElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLQuoteElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLScriptElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLSelectElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLStyleElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLTableCaptionElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLTableCellElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLTableColElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
"WebKit_DOMHTMLTableElement" = [ "WebKit_DOMHTMLElement" ];
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"Steven Fackler <>"
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"The wasm-bindgen Developers"
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"khronos-egl" = rec {
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"Timothée Haudebourg <>"
"Sean Kerr <>"
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"Pierre Krieger <>"
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"Alex Crichton <>"
"Nikita Pekin <>"
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"Simonas Kazlauskas <>"
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"Simonas Kazlauskas <>"
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"4lDO2 <>"
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"4lDO2 <>"
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"Vincent Esche <>"
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"Daniel Henry-Mantilla <>"
"Vincent Esche <>"
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"CreepySkeleton <>"
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"Alex Crichton <>"
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"David Tolnay <>"
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"The Rust Project Developers"
"The CryptoCorrosion Contributors"
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"Niko Matsakis <>"
"Josh Stone <>"
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"Jose Narvaez <>"
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"Andrew Gallant <>"
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"The Rust Project Developers"
"Andrew Gallant <>"
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"Eyal Kalderon <>"
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"Christopher Durham <>"
"Dzmitry Malyshau <>"
"Thomas Schaller <>"
"Juniper Tyree <>"
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"core" = [ "dep:core" ];
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"io-lifetimes" = [ "dep:io-lifetimes" ];
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"libc_errno" = [ "dep:libc_errno" ];
"linux_latest" = [ "linux_4_11" ];
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"os_pipe" = [ "io-lifetimes/os_pipe" ];
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"procfs" = [ "once_cell" "itoa" "fs" ];
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"rustix 0.38.31" = rec {
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"Erick Tryzelaar <>"
"David Tolnay <>"
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"David Tolnay <>"
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"comex <>"
"Fenhl <>"
"Adrian Taylor <>"
"Alex Touchet <>"
"Daniel Parks <>"
"Garrett Berg <>"
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"Michal 'vorner' Vaner <>"
"Masaki Hara <>"
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"smithay-client-toolkit" = rec {
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"i509VCB <>"
"Ashley Wulber <>"
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"Victor Berger <>"
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"Aleksey Kladov <>"
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"Alex Crichton <>"
"Thomas de Zeeuw <>"
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"David Tolnay <>"
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"The Rust Project Developers"
"Ashley Mannix <>"
"Jason White <>"
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"David Tolnay <>"
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"David Tolnay <>"
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"Yevhenii Reizner <>"
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"Yevhenii Reizner <>"
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"Andronik Ordian <>"
"Ed Page <>"
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"Andronik Ordian <>"
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"Andronik Ordian <>"
"Ed Page <>"
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"Eliza Weisman <>"
"Tokio Contributors <>"
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"Tokio Contributors <>"
"Eliza Weisman <>"
"David Barsky <>"
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"Tokio Contributors <>"
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"Yevhenii Reizner <>"
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"Jacob Brown <>"
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"Paho Lurie-Gregg <>"
"Andre Bogus <>"
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"Azure IoT Edge Devs"
"Harald Hoyer <>"
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"David Tolnay <>"
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"kwantam <>"
"Manish Goregaokar <>"
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"kwantam <>"
"Manish Goregaokar <>"
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"kwantam <>"
"Manish Goregaokar <>"
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"unicode-xid" = rec {
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"erick.tryzelaar <>"
"kwantam <>"
"Manish Goregaokar <>"
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"version-compare" = rec {
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"Tim Visee <>"
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"Sergio Benitez <>"
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"Stjepan Glavina <>"
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"Andrew Gallant <>"
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"The Cranelift Project Developers"
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"The wasm-bindgen Developers"
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"wasm-bindgen-backend" = rec {
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"wasm-bindgen-macro" = rec {
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"Kirill Chibisov <>"
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"wayland-protocols-plasma" = rec {
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"Elinor Berger <>"
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"Elinor Berger <>"
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"Elinor Berger <>"
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"Elinor Berger <>"
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"The wasm-bindgen Developers"
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"Attr" = [ "EventTarget" "Node" ];
"AudioBufferSourceNode" = [ "AudioNode" "AudioScheduledSourceNode" "EventTarget" ];
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"AudioNode" = [ "EventTarget" ];
"AudioProcessingEvent" = [ "Event" ];
"AudioScheduledSourceNode" = [ "AudioNode" "EventTarget" ];
"AudioStreamTrack" = [ "EventTarget" "MediaStreamTrack" ];
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"AudioWorkletGlobalScope" = [ "WorkletGlobalScope" ];
"AudioWorkletNode" = [ "AudioNode" "EventTarget" ];
"AuthenticatorAssertionResponse" = [ "AuthenticatorResponse" ];
"AuthenticatorAttestationResponse" = [ "AuthenticatorResponse" ];
"BaseAudioContext" = [ "EventTarget" ];
"BatteryManager" = [ "EventTarget" ];
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"BiquadFilterNode" = [ "AudioNode" "EventTarget" ];
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"BluetoothDevice" = [ "EventTarget" ];
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"BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic" = [ "EventTarget" ];
"BluetoothRemoteGattService" = [ "EventTarget" ];
"BroadcastChannel" = [ "EventTarget" ];
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"ConvolverNode" = [ "AudioNode" "EventTarget" ];
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"CssKeyframesRule" = [ "CssRule" ];
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"IdbMutableFile" = [ "EventTarget" ];
"IdbOpenDbRequest" = [ "EventTarget" "IdbRequest" ];
"IdbRequest" = [ "EventTarget" ];
"IdbTransaction" = [ "EventTarget" ];
"IdbVersionChangeEvent" = [ "Event" ];
"IirFilterNode" = [ "AudioNode" "EventTarget" ];
"ImageCaptureErrorEvent" = [ "Event" ];
"ImageTrack" = [ "EventTarget" ];
"InputEvent" = [ "Event" "UiEvent" ];
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"MediaDevices" = [ "EventTarget" ];
"MediaElementAudioSourceNode" = [ "AudioNode" "EventTarget" ];
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"MediaKeySession" = [ "EventTarget" ];
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"MediaSource" = [ "EventTarget" ];
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"MediaStreamAudioSourceNode" = [ "AudioNode" "EventTarget" ];
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"MediaStreamTrackEvent" = [ "Event" ];
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"MessageEvent" = [ "Event" ];
"MessagePort" = [ "EventTarget" ];
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"MidiInput" = [ "EventTarget" "MidiPort" ];
"MidiMessageEvent" = [ "Event" ];
"MidiOutput" = [ "EventTarget" "MidiPort" ];
"MidiPort" = [ "EventTarget" ];
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"Node" = [ "EventTarget" ];
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"OfflineResourceList" = [ "EventTarget" ];
"OffscreenCanvas" = [ "EventTarget" ];
"OscillatorNode" = [ "AudioNode" "AudioScheduledSourceNode" "EventTarget" ];
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"PaintWorkletGlobalScope" = [ "WorkletGlobalScope" ];
"PannerNode" = [ "AudioNode" "EventTarget" ];
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"PerformanceMeasure" = [ "PerformanceEntry" ];
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"PerformanceResourceTiming" = [ "PerformanceEntry" ];
"PermissionStatus" = [ "EventTarget" ];
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"PresentationConnectionList" = [ "EventTarget" ];
"PresentationRequest" = [ "EventTarget" ];
"ProcessingInstruction" = [ "CharacterData" "EventTarget" "Node" ];
"ProgressEvent" = [ "Event" ];
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"PublicKeyCredential" = [ "Credential" ];
"PushEvent" = [ "Event" "ExtendableEvent" ];
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"SerialPort" = [ "EventTarget" ];
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"ServiceWorkerContainer" = [ "EventTarget" ];
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"ServiceWorkerRegistration" = [ "EventTarget" ];
"ShadowRoot" = [ "DocumentFragment" "EventTarget" "Node" ];
"SharedWorker" = [ "EventTarget" ];
"SharedWorkerGlobalScope" = [ "EventTarget" "WorkerGlobalScope" ];
"SourceBuffer" = [ "EventTarget" ];
"SourceBufferList" = [ "EventTarget" ];
"SpeechRecognition" = [ "EventTarget" ];
"SpeechRecognitionError" = [ "Event" ];
"SpeechRecognitionEvent" = [ "Event" ];
"SpeechSynthesis" = [ "EventTarget" ];
"SpeechSynthesisErrorEvent" = [ "Event" "SpeechSynthesisEvent" ];
"SpeechSynthesisEvent" = [ "Event" ];
"SpeechSynthesisUtterance" = [ "EventTarget" ];
"StereoPannerNode" = [ "AudioNode" "EventTarget" ];
"StorageEvent" = [ "Event" ];
"SubmitEvent" = [ "Event" ];
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"TaskSignal" = [ "AbortSignal" "EventTarget" ];
"TcpServerSocket" = [ "EventTarget" ];
"TcpServerSocketEvent" = [ "Event" ];
"TcpSocket" = [ "EventTarget" ];
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"TcpSocketEvent" = [ "Event" ];
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"VideoTrackList" = [ "EventTarget" ];
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"WorkerGlobalScope" = [ "EventTarget" ];
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"XmlHttpRequestEventTarget" = [ "EventTarget" ];
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"XrInputSourcesChangeEvent" = [ "Event" ];
"XrJointPose" = [ "XrPose" ];
"XrJointSpace" = [ "EventTarget" "XrSpace" ];
"XrLayer" = [ "EventTarget" ];
"XrPermissionStatus" = [ "EventTarget" "PermissionStatus" ];
"XrReferenceSpace" = [ "EventTarget" "XrSpace" ];
"XrReferenceSpaceEvent" = [ "Event" ];
"XrSession" = [ "EventTarget" ];
"XrSessionEvent" = [ "Event" ];
"XrSpace" = [ "EventTarget" ];
"XrSystem" = [ "EventTarget" ];
"XrViewerPose" = [ "XrPose" ];
"XrWebGlLayer" = [ "EventTarget" "XrLayer" ];
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"Data_Xml_Xsl" = [ "Data_Xml" ];
"Devices_Adc" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Adc_Provider" = [ "Devices_Adc" ];
"Devices_Background" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Bluetooth" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Bluetooth_Advertisement" = [ "Devices_Bluetooth" ];
"Devices_Bluetooth_Background" = [ "Devices_Bluetooth" ];
"Devices_Bluetooth_GenericAttributeProfile" = [ "Devices_Bluetooth" ];
"Devices_Bluetooth_Rfcomm" = [ "Devices_Bluetooth" ];
"Devices_Custom" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Display" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Display_Core" = [ "Devices_Display" ];
"Devices_Enumeration" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Enumeration_Pnp" = [ "Devices_Enumeration" ];
"Devices_Geolocation" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Geolocation_Geofencing" = [ "Devices_Geolocation" ];
"Devices_Geolocation_Provider" = [ "Devices_Geolocation" ];
"Devices_Gpio" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Gpio_Provider" = [ "Devices_Gpio" ];
"Devices_Haptics" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_HumanInterfaceDevice" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_I2c" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_I2c_Provider" = [ "Devices_I2c" ];
"Devices_Input" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Input_Preview" = [ "Devices_Input" ];
"Devices_Lights" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Lights_Effects" = [ "Devices_Lights" ];
"Devices_Midi" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_PointOfService" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_PointOfService_Provider" = [ "Devices_PointOfService" ];
"Devices_Portable" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Power" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Printers" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Printers_Extensions" = [ "Devices_Printers" ];
"Devices_Pwm" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Pwm_Provider" = [ "Devices_Pwm" ];
"Devices_Radios" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Scanners" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Sensors" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Sensors_Custom" = [ "Devices_Sensors" ];
"Devices_SerialCommunication" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_SmartCards" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Sms" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Spi" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Spi_Provider" = [ "Devices_Spi" ];
"Devices_Usb" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_WiFi" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_WiFiDirect" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_WiFiDirect_Services" = [ "Devices_WiFiDirect" ];
"Embedded_DeviceLockdown" = [ "Embedded" ];
"Foundation_Collections" = [ "Foundation" ];
"Foundation_Diagnostics" = [ "Foundation" ];
"Foundation_Metadata" = [ "Foundation" ];
"Foundation_Numerics" = [ "Foundation" ];
"Gaming_Input" = [ "Gaming" ];
"Gaming_Input_Custom" = [ "Gaming_Input" ];
"Gaming_Input_ForceFeedback" = [ "Gaming_Input" ];
"Gaming_Input_Preview" = [ "Gaming_Input" ];
"Gaming_Preview" = [ "Gaming" ];
"Gaming_Preview_GamesEnumeration" = [ "Gaming_Preview" ];
"Gaming_UI" = [ "Gaming" ];
"Gaming_XboxLive" = [ "Gaming" ];
"Gaming_XboxLive_Storage" = [ "Gaming_XboxLive" ];
"Globalization_Collation" = [ "Globalization" ];
"Globalization_DateTimeFormatting" = [ "Globalization" ];
"Globalization_Fonts" = [ "Globalization" ];
"Globalization_NumberFormatting" = [ "Globalization" ];
"Globalization_PhoneNumberFormatting" = [ "Globalization" ];
"Graphics_Capture" = [ "Graphics" ];
"Graphics_DirectX" = [ "Graphics" ];
"Graphics_DirectX_Direct3D11" = [ "Graphics_DirectX" ];
"Graphics_Display" = [ "Graphics" ];
"Graphics_Display_Core" = [ "Graphics_Display" ];
"Graphics_Effects" = [ "Graphics" ];
"Graphics_Holographic" = [ "Graphics" ];
"Graphics_Imaging" = [ "Graphics" ];
"Graphics_Printing" = [ "Graphics" ];
"Graphics_Printing3D" = [ "Graphics" ];
"Graphics_Printing_OptionDetails" = [ "Graphics_Printing" ];
"Graphics_Printing_PrintSupport" = [ "Graphics_Printing" ];
"Graphics_Printing_PrintTicket" = [ "Graphics_Printing" ];
"Graphics_Printing_Workflow" = [ "Graphics_Printing" ];
"Management_Core" = [ "Management" ];
"Management_Deployment" = [ "Management" ];
"Management_Deployment_Preview" = [ "Management_Deployment" ];
"Management_Policies" = [ "Management" ];
"Management_Update" = [ "Management" ];
"Management_Workplace" = [ "Management" ];
"Media_AppBroadcasting" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_AppRecording" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Audio" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Capture" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Capture_Core" = [ "Media_Capture" ];
"Media_Capture_Frames" = [ "Media_Capture" ];
"Media_Casting" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_ClosedCaptioning" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_ContentRestrictions" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Control" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Core" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Core_Preview" = [ "Media_Core" ];
"Media_Devices" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Devices_Core" = [ "Media_Devices" ];
"Media_DialProtocol" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Editing" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Effects" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_FaceAnalysis" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Import" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_MediaProperties" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Miracast" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Ocr" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_PlayTo" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Playback" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Playlists" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Protection" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Protection_PlayReady" = [ "Media_Protection" ];
"Media_Render" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_SpeechRecognition" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_SpeechSynthesis" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Streaming" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Streaming_Adaptive" = [ "Media_Streaming" ];
"Media_Transcoding" = [ "Media" ];
"Networking_BackgroundTransfer" = [ "Networking" ];
"Networking_Connectivity" = [ "Networking" ];
"Networking_NetworkOperators" = [ "Networking" ];
"Networking_Proximity" = [ "Networking" ];
"Networking_PushNotifications" = [ "Networking" ];
"Networking_ServiceDiscovery" = [ "Networking" ];
"Networking_ServiceDiscovery_Dnssd" = [ "Networking_ServiceDiscovery" ];
"Networking_Sockets" = [ "Networking" ];
"Networking_Vpn" = [ "Networking" ];
"Networking_XboxLive" = [ "Networking" ];
"Perception_Automation" = [ "Perception" ];
"Perception_Automation_Core" = [ "Perception_Automation" ];
"Perception_People" = [ "Perception" ];
"Perception_Spatial" = [ "Perception" ];
"Perception_Spatial_Preview" = [ "Perception_Spatial" ];
"Perception_Spatial_Surfaces" = [ "Perception_Spatial" ];
"Phone_ApplicationModel" = [ "Phone" ];
"Phone_Devices" = [ "Phone" ];
"Phone_Devices_Notification" = [ "Phone_Devices" ];
"Phone_Devices_Power" = [ "Phone_Devices" ];
"Phone_Management" = [ "Phone" ];
"Phone_Management_Deployment" = [ "Phone_Management" ];
"Phone_Media" = [ "Phone" ];
"Phone_Media_Devices" = [ "Phone_Media" ];
"Phone_Notification" = [ "Phone" ];
"Phone_Notification_Management" = [ "Phone_Notification" ];
"Phone_PersonalInformation" = [ "Phone" ];
"Phone_PersonalInformation_Provisioning" = [ "Phone_PersonalInformation" ];
"Phone_Speech" = [ "Phone" ];
"Phone_Speech_Recognition" = [ "Phone_Speech" ];
"Phone_StartScreen" = [ "Phone" ];
"Phone_System" = [ "Phone" ];
"Phone_System_Power" = [ "Phone_System" ];
"Phone_System_Profile" = [ "Phone_System" ];
"Phone_System_UserProfile" = [ "Phone_System" ];
"Phone_System_UserProfile_GameServices" = [ "Phone_System_UserProfile" ];
"Phone_System_UserProfile_GameServices_Core" = [ "Phone_System_UserProfile_GameServices" ];
"Phone_UI" = [ "Phone" ];
"Phone_UI_Input" = [ "Phone_UI" ];
"Security_Authentication" = [ "Security" ];
"Security_Authentication_Identity" = [ "Security_Authentication" ];
"Security_Authentication_Identity_Core" = [ "Security_Authentication_Identity" ];
"Security_Authentication_OnlineId" = [ "Security_Authentication" ];
"Security_Authentication_Web" = [ "Security_Authentication" ];
"Security_Authentication_Web_Core" = [ "Security_Authentication_Web" ];
"Security_Authentication_Web_Provider" = [ "Security_Authentication_Web" ];
"Security_Authorization" = [ "Security" ];
"Security_Authorization_AppCapabilityAccess" = [ "Security_Authorization" ];
"Security_Credentials" = [ "Security" ];
"Security_Credentials_UI" = [ "Security_Credentials" ];
"Security_Cryptography" = [ "Security" ];
"Security_Cryptography_Certificates" = [ "Security_Cryptography" ];
"Security_Cryptography_Core" = [ "Security_Cryptography" ];
"Security_Cryptography_DataProtection" = [ "Security_Cryptography" ];
"Security_DataProtection" = [ "Security" ];
"Security_EnterpriseData" = [ "Security" ];
"Security_ExchangeActiveSyncProvisioning" = [ "Security" ];
"Security_Isolation" = [ "Security" ];
"Services_Maps" = [ "Services" ];
"Services_Maps_Guidance" = [ "Services_Maps" ];
"Services_Maps_LocalSearch" = [ "Services_Maps" ];
"Services_Maps_OfflineMaps" = [ "Services_Maps" ];
"Services_Store" = [ "Services" ];
"Services_TargetedContent" = [ "Services" ];
"Storage_AccessCache" = [ "Storage" ];
"Storage_BulkAccess" = [ "Storage" ];
"Storage_Compression" = [ "Storage" ];
"Storage_FileProperties" = [ "Storage" ];
"Storage_Pickers" = [ "Storage" ];
"Storage_Pickers_Provider" = [ "Storage_Pickers" ];
"Storage_Provider" = [ "Storage" ];
"Storage_Search" = [ "Storage" ];
"Storage_Streams" = [ "Storage" ];
"System_Diagnostics" = [ "System" ];
"System_Diagnostics_DevicePortal" = [ "System_Diagnostics" ];
"System_Diagnostics_Telemetry" = [ "System_Diagnostics" ];
"System_Diagnostics_TraceReporting" = [ "System_Diagnostics" ];
"System_Display" = [ "System" ];
"System_Implementation" = [ "System" ];
"System_Implementation_FileExplorer" = [ "System_Implementation" ];
"System_Inventory" = [ "System" ];
"System_Power" = [ "System" ];
"System_Profile" = [ "System" ];
"System_Profile_SystemManufacturers" = [ "System_Profile" ];
"System_RemoteDesktop" = [ "System" ];
"System_RemoteDesktop_Input" = [ "System_RemoteDesktop" ];
"System_RemoteSystems" = [ "System" ];
"System_Threading" = [ "System" ];
"System_Threading_Core" = [ "System_Threading" ];
"System_Update" = [ "System" ];
"System_UserProfile" = [ "System" ];
"UI_Accessibility" = [ "UI" ];
"UI_ApplicationSettings" = [ "UI" ];
"UI_Composition" = [ "UI" ];
"UI_Composition_Core" = [ "UI_Composition" ];
"UI_Composition_Desktop" = [ "UI_Composition" ];
"UI_Composition_Diagnostics" = [ "UI_Composition" ];
"UI_Composition_Effects" = [ "UI_Composition" ];
"UI_Composition_Interactions" = [ "UI_Composition" ];
"UI_Composition_Scenes" = [ "UI_Composition" ];
"UI_Core" = [ "UI" ];
"UI_Core_AnimationMetrics" = [ "UI_Core" ];
"UI_Core_Preview" = [ "UI_Core" ];
"UI_Input" = [ "UI" ];
"UI_Input_Core" = [ "UI_Input" ];
"UI_Input_Inking" = [ "UI_Input" ];
"UI_Input_Inking_Analysis" = [ "UI_Input_Inking" ];
"UI_Input_Inking_Core" = [ "UI_Input_Inking" ];
"UI_Input_Inking_Preview" = [ "UI_Input_Inking" ];
"UI_Input_Preview" = [ "UI_Input" ];
"UI_Input_Preview_Injection" = [ "UI_Input_Preview" ];
"UI_Input_Spatial" = [ "UI_Input" ];
"UI_Notifications" = [ "UI" ];
"UI_Notifications_Management" = [ "UI_Notifications" ];
"UI_Popups" = [ "UI" ];
"UI_Shell" = [ "UI" ];
"UI_StartScreen" = [ "UI" ];
"UI_Text" = [ "UI" ];
"UI_Text_Core" = [ "UI_Text" ];
"UI_UIAutomation" = [ "UI" ];
"UI_UIAutomation_Core" = [ "UI_UIAutomation" ];
"UI_ViewManagement" = [ "UI" ];
"UI_ViewManagement_Core" = [ "UI_ViewManagement" ];
"UI_WebUI" = [ "UI" ];
"UI_WebUI_Core" = [ "UI_WebUI" ];
"UI_WindowManagement" = [ "UI" ];
"UI_WindowManagement_Preview" = [ "UI_WindowManagement" ];
"Wdk_System" = [ "Wdk" ];
"Wdk_System_OfflineRegistry" = [ "Wdk_System" ];
"Web_AtomPub" = [ "Web" ];
"Web_Http" = [ "Web" ];
"Web_Http_Diagnostics" = [ "Web_Http" ];
"Web_Http_Filters" = [ "Web_Http" ];
"Web_Http_Headers" = [ "Web_Http" ];
"Web_Syndication" = [ "Web" ];
"Web_UI" = [ "Web" ];
"Web_UI_Interop" = [ "Web_UI" ];
"Win32_AI" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_AI_MachineLearning" = [ "Win32_AI" ];
"Win32_AI_MachineLearning_DirectML" = [ "Win32_AI_MachineLearning" ];
"Win32_AI_MachineLearning_WinML" = [ "Win32_AI_MachineLearning" ];
"Win32_Data" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Data_HtmlHelp" = [ "Win32_Data" ];
"Win32_Data_RightsManagement" = [ "Win32_Data" ];
"Win32_Data_Xml" = [ "Win32_Data" ];
"Win32_Data_Xml_MsXml" = [ "Win32_Data_Xml" ];
"Win32_Data_Xml_XmlLite" = [ "Win32_Data_Xml" ];
"Win32_Devices" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Devices_AllJoyn" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_BiometricFramework" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_Bluetooth" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_Communication" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_DeviceAccess" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_DeviceAndDriverInstallation" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_DeviceQuery" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_Display" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_Enumeration" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_Enumeration_Pnp" = [ "Win32_Devices_Enumeration" ];
"Win32_Devices_Fax" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_FunctionDiscovery" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_Geolocation" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_HumanInterfaceDevice" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_ImageAcquisition" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_PortableDevices" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_Properties" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_Pwm" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_Sensors" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_SerialCommunication" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_Tapi" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_Usb" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_WebServicesOnDevices" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Foundation" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Gaming" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Globalization" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Graphics" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Graphics_CompositionSwapchain" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_DXCore" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Direct2D" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Direct2D_Common" = [ "Win32_Graphics_Direct2D" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Direct3D" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Direct3D10" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Direct3D11" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Direct3D11on12" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Direct3D12" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Direct3D9" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Direct3D9on12" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Direct3D_Dxc" = [ "Win32_Graphics_Direct3D" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Direct3D_Fxc" = [ "Win32_Graphics_Direct3D" ];
"Win32_Graphics_DirectComposition" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_DirectDraw" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_DirectManipulation" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_DirectWrite" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Dwm" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Dxgi" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Dxgi_Common" = [ "Win32_Graphics_Dxgi" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Gdi" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Hlsl" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Imaging" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Imaging_D2D" = [ "Win32_Graphics_Imaging" ];
"Win32_Graphics_OpenGL" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Printing" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Printing_PrintTicket" = [ "Win32_Graphics_Printing" ];
"Win32_Management" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Management_MobileDeviceManagementRegistration" = [ "Win32_Management" ];
"Win32_Media" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Media_Audio" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
"Win32_Media_Audio_Apo" = [ "Win32_Media_Audio" ];
"Win32_Media_Audio_DirectMusic" = [ "Win32_Media_Audio" ];
"Win32_Media_Audio_DirectSound" = [ "Win32_Media_Audio" ];
"Win32_Media_Audio_Endpoints" = [ "Win32_Media_Audio" ];
"Win32_Media_Audio_XAudio2" = [ "Win32_Media_Audio" ];
"Win32_Media_DeviceManager" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
"Win32_Media_DirectShow" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
"Win32_Media_DirectShow_Tv" = [ "Win32_Media_DirectShow" ];
"Win32_Media_DirectShow_Xml" = [ "Win32_Media_DirectShow" ];
"Win32_Media_DxMediaObjects" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
"Win32_Media_KernelStreaming" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
"Win32_Media_LibrarySharingServices" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
"Win32_Media_MediaFoundation" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
"Win32_Media_MediaPlayer" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
"Win32_Media_Multimedia" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
"Win32_Media_PictureAcquisition" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
"Win32_Media_Speech" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
"Win32_Media_Streaming" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
"Win32_Media_WindowsMediaFormat" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_Dhcp" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_Dns" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_InternetConnectionWizard" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_IpHelper" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_MobileBroadband" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_Multicast" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_Ndis" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_NetBios" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_NetManagement" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_NetShell" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_NetworkDiagnosticsFramework" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_NetworkPolicyServer" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_P2P" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_QoS" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_Rras" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_Snmp" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_WNet" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_WebDav" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_WiFi" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_WindowsConnectNow" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_WindowsConnectionManager" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_WindowsFilteringPlatform" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_WindowsFirewall" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_WindowsNetworkVirtualization" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_Networking" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Networking_ActiveDirectory" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_BackgroundIntelligentTransferService" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_Clustering" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_HttpServer" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_Ldap" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_NetworkListManager" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_RemoteDifferentialCompression" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_WebSocket" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_WinHttp" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_WinInet" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_WinSock" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_WindowsWebServices" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Security" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Security_AppLocker" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_Authentication" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_Authentication_Identity" = [ "Win32_Security_Authentication" ];
"Win32_Security_Authentication_Identity_Provider" = [ "Win32_Security_Authentication_Identity" ];
"Win32_Security_Authorization" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_Authorization_UI" = [ "Win32_Security_Authorization" ];
"Win32_Security_ConfigurationSnapin" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_Credentials" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_Cryptography" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_Cryptography_Catalog" = [ "Win32_Security_Cryptography" ];
"Win32_Security_Cryptography_Certificates" = [ "Win32_Security_Cryptography" ];
"Win32_Security_Cryptography_Sip" = [ "Win32_Security_Cryptography" ];
"Win32_Security_Cryptography_UI" = [ "Win32_Security_Cryptography" ];
"Win32_Security_DiagnosticDataQuery" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_DirectoryServices" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_EnterpriseData" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_ExtensibleAuthenticationProtocol" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_Isolation" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_LicenseProtection" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_NetworkAccessProtection" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_Tpm" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_WinTrust" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_WinWlx" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Storage" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Storage_Cabinets" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_CloudFilters" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Compression" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_DataDeduplication" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_DistributedFileSystem" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_EnhancedStorage" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_FileHistory" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_FileServerResourceManager" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_FileSystem" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Imapi" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_IndexServer" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_InstallableFileSystems" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_IscsiDisc" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Jet" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_OfflineFiles" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_OperationRecorder" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Packaging" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Packaging_Appx" = [ "Win32_Storage_Packaging" ];
"Win32_Storage_Packaging_Opc" = [ "Win32_Storage_Packaging" ];
"Win32_Storage_ProjectedFileSystem" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_StructuredStorage" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Vhd" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_VirtualDiskService" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Vss" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Xps" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Xps_Printing" = [ "Win32_Storage_Xps" ];
"Win32_System" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_System_AddressBook" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Antimalware" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_ApplicationInstallationAndServicing" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_ApplicationVerifier" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_AssessmentTool" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_ClrHosting" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Com" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Com_CallObj" = [ "Win32_System_Com" ];
"Win32_System_Com_ChannelCredentials" = [ "Win32_System_Com" ];
"Win32_System_Com_Events" = [ "Win32_System_Com" ];
"Win32_System_Com_Marshal" = [ "Win32_System_Com" ];
"Win32_System_Com_StructuredStorage" = [ "Win32_System_Com" ];
"Win32_System_Com_UI" = [ "Win32_System_Com" ];
"Win32_System_Com_Urlmon" = [ "Win32_System_Com" ];
"Win32_System_ComponentServices" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Console" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Contacts" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_CorrelationVector" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_DataExchange" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_DeploymentServices" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_DesktopSharing" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_DeveloperLicensing" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Diagnostics" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Diagnostics_Ceip" = [ "Win32_System_Diagnostics" ];
"Win32_System_Diagnostics_ClrProfiling" = [ "Win32_System_Diagnostics" ];
"Win32_System_Diagnostics_Debug" = [ "Win32_System_Diagnostics" ];
"Win32_System_Diagnostics_Debug_ActiveScript" = [ "Win32_System_Diagnostics_Debug" ];
"Win32_System_Diagnostics_Debug_Extensions" = [ "Win32_System_Diagnostics_Debug" ];
"Win32_System_Diagnostics_Etw" = [ "Win32_System_Diagnostics" ];
"Win32_System_Diagnostics_ProcessSnapshotting" = [ "Win32_System_Diagnostics" ];
"Win32_System_Diagnostics_ToolHelp" = [ "Win32_System_Diagnostics" ];
"Win32_System_DistributedTransactionCoordinator" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Environment" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_ErrorReporting" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_EventCollector" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_EventLog" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_EventNotificationService" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_GroupPolicy" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_HostCompute" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_HostComputeNetwork" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_HostComputeSystem" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Hypervisor" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_IO" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Iis" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Ioctl" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_JobObjects" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Js" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Kernel" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_LibraryLoader" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Mailslots" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Mapi" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Memory" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Memory_NonVolatile" = [ "Win32_System_Memory" ];
"Win32_System_MessageQueuing" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_MixedReality" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Mmc" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Ole" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_ParentalControls" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_PasswordManagement" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Performance" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Performance_HardwareCounterProfiling" = [ "Win32_System_Performance" ];
"Win32_System_Pipes" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Power" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_ProcessStatus" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_RealTimeCommunications" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Recovery" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Registry" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_RemoteAssistance" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_RemoteDesktop" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_RemoteManagement" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_RestartManager" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Restore" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Rpc" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Search" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Search_Common" = [ "Win32_System_Search" ];
"Win32_System_SecurityCenter" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_ServerBackup" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Services" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_SettingsManagementInfrastructure" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_SetupAndMigration" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Shutdown" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_SideShow" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_StationsAndDesktops" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_SubsystemForLinux" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_SystemInformation" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_SystemServices" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_TaskScheduler" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Threading" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Time" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_TpmBaseServices" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_TransactionServer" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_UpdateAgent" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_UpdateAssessment" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_UserAccessLogging" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_VirtualDosMachines" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_AllJoyn" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_Composition" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_CoreInputView" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_Direct3D11" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_Display" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_Graphics" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_Graphics_Capture" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT_Graphics" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_Graphics_Direct2D" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT_Graphics" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_Graphics_Imaging" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT_Graphics" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_Holographic" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_Isolation" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_ML" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_Media" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_Metadata" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_Pdf" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_Printing" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_Shell" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_Storage" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
"Win32_System_WindowsProgramming" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_WindowsSync" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Wmi" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_UI" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_UI_Accessibility" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_Animation" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_ColorSystem" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_Controls" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_Controls_Dialogs" = [ "Win32_UI_Controls" ];
"Win32_UI_Controls_RichEdit" = [ "Win32_UI_Controls" ];
"Win32_UI_HiDpi" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_Input" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_Input_Ime" = [ "Win32_UI_Input" ];
"Win32_UI_Input_Ink" = [ "Win32_UI_Input" ];
"Win32_UI_Input_KeyboardAndMouse" = [ "Win32_UI_Input" ];
"Win32_UI_Input_Pointer" = [ "Win32_UI_Input" ];
"Win32_UI_Input_Radial" = [ "Win32_UI_Input" ];
"Win32_UI_Input_Touch" = [ "Win32_UI_Input" ];
"Win32_UI_Input_XboxController" = [ "Win32_UI_Input" ];
"Win32_UI_InteractionContext" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_LegacyWindowsEnvironmentFeatures" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_Magnification" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_Notifications" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_Ribbon" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_Shell" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_Shell_Common" = [ "Win32_UI_Shell" ];
"Win32_UI_Shell_PropertiesSystem" = [ "Win32_UI_Shell" ];
"Win32_UI_TabletPC" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_TextServices" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_WindowsAndMessaging" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_Wpf" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_Web" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Web_InternetExplorer" = [ "Win32_Web" ];
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"windows 0.52.0" = rec {
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authors = [
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name = "windows-core";
packageId = "windows-core";
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packageId = "windows-targets 0.52.0";
features = {
"AI_MachineLearning" = [ "AI" ];
"ApplicationModel_Activation" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
"ApplicationModel_AppExtensions" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
"ApplicationModel_AppService" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
"ApplicationModel_Appointments" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
"ApplicationModel_Appointments_AppointmentsProvider" = [ "ApplicationModel_Appointments" ];
"ApplicationModel_Appointments_DataProvider" = [ "ApplicationModel_Appointments" ];
"ApplicationModel_Background" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
"ApplicationModel_Calls" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
"ApplicationModel_Calls_Background" = [ "ApplicationModel_Calls" ];
"ApplicationModel_Calls_Provider" = [ "ApplicationModel_Calls" ];
"ApplicationModel_Chat" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
"ApplicationModel_CommunicationBlocking" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
"ApplicationModel_Contacts" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
"ApplicationModel_Contacts_DataProvider" = [ "ApplicationModel_Contacts" ];
"ApplicationModel_Contacts_Provider" = [ "ApplicationModel_Contacts" ];
"ApplicationModel_ConversationalAgent" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
"ApplicationModel_Core" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
"ApplicationModel_DataTransfer" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
"ApplicationModel_DataTransfer_DragDrop" = [ "ApplicationModel_DataTransfer" ];
"ApplicationModel_DataTransfer_DragDrop_Core" = [ "ApplicationModel_DataTransfer_DragDrop" ];
"ApplicationModel_DataTransfer_ShareTarget" = [ "ApplicationModel_DataTransfer" ];
"ApplicationModel_Email" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
"ApplicationModel_Email_DataProvider" = [ "ApplicationModel_Email" ];
"ApplicationModel_ExtendedExecution" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
"ApplicationModel_ExtendedExecution_Foreground" = [ "ApplicationModel_ExtendedExecution" ];
"ApplicationModel_Holographic" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
"ApplicationModel_LockScreen" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
"ApplicationModel_Payments" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
"ApplicationModel_Payments_Provider" = [ "ApplicationModel_Payments" ];
"ApplicationModel_Preview" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
"ApplicationModel_Preview_Holographic" = [ "ApplicationModel_Preview" ];
"ApplicationModel_Preview_InkWorkspace" = [ "ApplicationModel_Preview" ];
"ApplicationModel_Preview_Notes" = [ "ApplicationModel_Preview" ];
"ApplicationModel_Resources" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
"ApplicationModel_Resources_Core" = [ "ApplicationModel_Resources" ];
"ApplicationModel_Resources_Management" = [ "ApplicationModel_Resources" ];
"ApplicationModel_Search" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
"ApplicationModel_Search_Core" = [ "ApplicationModel_Search" ];
"ApplicationModel_Store" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
"ApplicationModel_Store_LicenseManagement" = [ "ApplicationModel_Store" ];
"ApplicationModel_Store_Preview" = [ "ApplicationModel_Store" ];
"ApplicationModel_Store_Preview_InstallControl" = [ "ApplicationModel_Store_Preview" ];
"ApplicationModel_UserActivities" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
"ApplicationModel_UserActivities_Core" = [ "ApplicationModel_UserActivities" ];
"ApplicationModel_UserDataAccounts" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
"ApplicationModel_UserDataAccounts_Provider" = [ "ApplicationModel_UserDataAccounts" ];
"ApplicationModel_UserDataAccounts_SystemAccess" = [ "ApplicationModel_UserDataAccounts" ];
"ApplicationModel_UserDataTasks" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
"ApplicationModel_UserDataTasks_DataProvider" = [ "ApplicationModel_UserDataTasks" ];
"ApplicationModel_VoiceCommands" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
"ApplicationModel_Wallet" = [ "ApplicationModel" ];
"ApplicationModel_Wallet_System" = [ "ApplicationModel_Wallet" ];
"Data_Html" = [ "Data" ];
"Data_Json" = [ "Data" ];
"Data_Pdf" = [ "Data" ];
"Data_Text" = [ "Data" ];
"Data_Xml" = [ "Data" ];
"Data_Xml_Dom" = [ "Data_Xml" ];
"Data_Xml_Xsl" = [ "Data_Xml" ];
"Devices_Adc" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Adc_Provider" = [ "Devices_Adc" ];
"Devices_Background" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Bluetooth" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Bluetooth_Advertisement" = [ "Devices_Bluetooth" ];
"Devices_Bluetooth_Background" = [ "Devices_Bluetooth" ];
"Devices_Bluetooth_GenericAttributeProfile" = [ "Devices_Bluetooth" ];
"Devices_Bluetooth_Rfcomm" = [ "Devices_Bluetooth" ];
"Devices_Custom" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Display" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Display_Core" = [ "Devices_Display" ];
"Devices_Enumeration" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Enumeration_Pnp" = [ "Devices_Enumeration" ];
"Devices_Geolocation" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Geolocation_Geofencing" = [ "Devices_Geolocation" ];
"Devices_Geolocation_Provider" = [ "Devices_Geolocation" ];
"Devices_Gpio" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Gpio_Provider" = [ "Devices_Gpio" ];
"Devices_Haptics" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_HumanInterfaceDevice" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_I2c" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_I2c_Provider" = [ "Devices_I2c" ];
"Devices_Input" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Input_Preview" = [ "Devices_Input" ];
"Devices_Lights" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Lights_Effects" = [ "Devices_Lights" ];
"Devices_Midi" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_PointOfService" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_PointOfService_Provider" = [ "Devices_PointOfService" ];
"Devices_Portable" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Power" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Printers" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Printers_Extensions" = [ "Devices_Printers" ];
"Devices_Pwm" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Pwm_Provider" = [ "Devices_Pwm" ];
"Devices_Radios" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Scanners" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Sensors" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Sensors_Custom" = [ "Devices_Sensors" ];
"Devices_SerialCommunication" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_SmartCards" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Sms" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Spi" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_Spi_Provider" = [ "Devices_Spi" ];
"Devices_Usb" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_WiFi" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_WiFiDirect" = [ "Devices" ];
"Devices_WiFiDirect_Services" = [ "Devices_WiFiDirect" ];
"Embedded_DeviceLockdown" = [ "Embedded" ];
"Foundation_Collections" = [ "Foundation" ];
"Foundation_Diagnostics" = [ "Foundation" ];
"Foundation_Metadata" = [ "Foundation" ];
"Foundation_Numerics" = [ "Foundation" ];
"Gaming_Input" = [ "Gaming" ];
"Gaming_Input_Custom" = [ "Gaming_Input" ];
"Gaming_Input_ForceFeedback" = [ "Gaming_Input" ];
"Gaming_Input_Preview" = [ "Gaming_Input" ];
"Gaming_Preview" = [ "Gaming" ];
"Gaming_Preview_GamesEnumeration" = [ "Gaming_Preview" ];
"Gaming_UI" = [ "Gaming" ];
"Gaming_XboxLive" = [ "Gaming" ];
"Gaming_XboxLive_Storage" = [ "Gaming_XboxLive" ];
"Globalization_Collation" = [ "Globalization" ];
"Globalization_DateTimeFormatting" = [ "Globalization" ];
"Globalization_Fonts" = [ "Globalization" ];
"Globalization_NumberFormatting" = [ "Globalization" ];
"Globalization_PhoneNumberFormatting" = [ "Globalization" ];
"Graphics_Capture" = [ "Graphics" ];
"Graphics_DirectX" = [ "Graphics" ];
"Graphics_DirectX_Direct3D11" = [ "Graphics_DirectX" ];
"Graphics_Display" = [ "Graphics" ];
"Graphics_Display_Core" = [ "Graphics_Display" ];
"Graphics_Effects" = [ "Graphics" ];
"Graphics_Holographic" = [ "Graphics" ];
"Graphics_Imaging" = [ "Graphics" ];
"Graphics_Printing" = [ "Graphics" ];
"Graphics_Printing3D" = [ "Graphics" ];
"Graphics_Printing_OptionDetails" = [ "Graphics_Printing" ];
"Graphics_Printing_PrintSupport" = [ "Graphics_Printing" ];
"Graphics_Printing_PrintTicket" = [ "Graphics_Printing" ];
"Graphics_Printing_Workflow" = [ "Graphics_Printing" ];
"Management_Core" = [ "Management" ];
"Management_Deployment" = [ "Management" ];
"Management_Deployment_Preview" = [ "Management_Deployment" ];
"Management_Policies" = [ "Management" ];
"Management_Update" = [ "Management" ];
"Management_Workplace" = [ "Management" ];
"Media_AppBroadcasting" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_AppRecording" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Audio" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Capture" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Capture_Core" = [ "Media_Capture" ];
"Media_Capture_Frames" = [ "Media_Capture" ];
"Media_Casting" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_ClosedCaptioning" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_ContentRestrictions" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Control" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Core" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Core_Preview" = [ "Media_Core" ];
"Media_Devices" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Devices_Core" = [ "Media_Devices" ];
"Media_DialProtocol" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Editing" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Effects" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_FaceAnalysis" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Import" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_MediaProperties" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Miracast" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Ocr" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_PlayTo" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Playback" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Playlists" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Protection" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Protection_PlayReady" = [ "Media_Protection" ];
"Media_Render" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_SpeechRecognition" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_SpeechSynthesis" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Streaming" = [ "Media" ];
"Media_Streaming_Adaptive" = [ "Media_Streaming" ];
"Media_Transcoding" = [ "Media" ];
"Networking_BackgroundTransfer" = [ "Networking" ];
"Networking_Connectivity" = [ "Networking" ];
"Networking_NetworkOperators" = [ "Networking" ];
"Networking_Proximity" = [ "Networking" ];
"Networking_PushNotifications" = [ "Networking" ];
"Networking_ServiceDiscovery" = [ "Networking" ];
"Networking_ServiceDiscovery_Dnssd" = [ "Networking_ServiceDiscovery" ];
"Networking_Sockets" = [ "Networking" ];
"Networking_Vpn" = [ "Networking" ];
"Networking_XboxLive" = [ "Networking" ];
"Perception_Automation" = [ "Perception" ];
"Perception_Automation_Core" = [ "Perception_Automation" ];
"Perception_People" = [ "Perception" ];
"Perception_Spatial" = [ "Perception" ];
"Perception_Spatial_Preview" = [ "Perception_Spatial" ];
"Perception_Spatial_Surfaces" = [ "Perception_Spatial" ];
"Phone_ApplicationModel" = [ "Phone" ];
"Phone_Devices" = [ "Phone" ];
"Phone_Devices_Notification" = [ "Phone_Devices" ];
"Phone_Devices_Power" = [ "Phone_Devices" ];
"Phone_Management" = [ "Phone" ];
"Phone_Management_Deployment" = [ "Phone_Management" ];
"Phone_Media" = [ "Phone" ];
"Phone_Media_Devices" = [ "Phone_Media" ];
"Phone_Notification" = [ "Phone" ];
"Phone_Notification_Management" = [ "Phone_Notification" ];
"Phone_PersonalInformation" = [ "Phone" ];
"Phone_PersonalInformation_Provisioning" = [ "Phone_PersonalInformation" ];
"Phone_Speech" = [ "Phone" ];
"Phone_Speech_Recognition" = [ "Phone_Speech" ];
"Phone_StartScreen" = [ "Phone" ];
"Phone_System" = [ "Phone" ];
"Phone_System_Power" = [ "Phone_System" ];
"Phone_System_Profile" = [ "Phone_System" ];
"Phone_System_UserProfile" = [ "Phone_System" ];
"Phone_System_UserProfile_GameServices" = [ "Phone_System_UserProfile" ];
"Phone_System_UserProfile_GameServices_Core" = [ "Phone_System_UserProfile_GameServices" ];
"Phone_UI" = [ "Phone" ];
"Phone_UI_Input" = [ "Phone_UI" ];
"Security_Authentication" = [ "Security" ];
"Security_Authentication_Identity" = [ "Security_Authentication" ];
"Security_Authentication_Identity_Core" = [ "Security_Authentication_Identity" ];
"Security_Authentication_OnlineId" = [ "Security_Authentication" ];
"Security_Authentication_Web" = [ "Security_Authentication" ];
"Security_Authentication_Web_Core" = [ "Security_Authentication_Web" ];
"Security_Authentication_Web_Provider" = [ "Security_Authentication_Web" ];
"Security_Authorization" = [ "Security" ];
"Security_Authorization_AppCapabilityAccess" = [ "Security_Authorization" ];
"Security_Credentials" = [ "Security" ];
"Security_Credentials_UI" = [ "Security_Credentials" ];
"Security_Cryptography" = [ "Security" ];
"Security_Cryptography_Certificates" = [ "Security_Cryptography" ];
"Security_Cryptography_Core" = [ "Security_Cryptography" ];
"Security_Cryptography_DataProtection" = [ "Security_Cryptography" ];
"Security_DataProtection" = [ "Security" ];
"Security_EnterpriseData" = [ "Security" ];
"Security_ExchangeActiveSyncProvisioning" = [ "Security" ];
"Security_Isolation" = [ "Security" ];
"Services_Maps" = [ "Services" ];
"Services_Maps_Guidance" = [ "Services_Maps" ];
"Services_Maps_LocalSearch" = [ "Services_Maps" ];
"Services_Maps_OfflineMaps" = [ "Services_Maps" ];
"Services_Store" = [ "Services" ];
"Services_TargetedContent" = [ "Services" ];
"Storage_AccessCache" = [ "Storage" ];
"Storage_BulkAccess" = [ "Storage" ];
"Storage_Compression" = [ "Storage" ];
"Storage_FileProperties" = [ "Storage" ];
"Storage_Pickers" = [ "Storage" ];
"Storage_Pickers_Provider" = [ "Storage_Pickers" ];
"Storage_Provider" = [ "Storage" ];
"Storage_Search" = [ "Storage" ];
"Storage_Streams" = [ "Storage" ];
"System_Diagnostics" = [ "System" ];
"System_Diagnostics_DevicePortal" = [ "System_Diagnostics" ];
"System_Diagnostics_Telemetry" = [ "System_Diagnostics" ];
"System_Diagnostics_TraceReporting" = [ "System_Diagnostics" ];
"System_Display" = [ "System" ];
"System_Implementation" = [ "System" ];
"System_Implementation_FileExplorer" = [ "System_Implementation" ];
"System_Inventory" = [ "System" ];
"System_Power" = [ "System" ];
"System_Profile" = [ "System" ];
"System_Profile_SystemManufacturers" = [ "System_Profile" ];
"System_RemoteDesktop" = [ "System" ];
"System_RemoteDesktop_Input" = [ "System_RemoteDesktop" ];
"System_RemoteSystems" = [ "System" ];
"System_Threading" = [ "System" ];
"System_Threading_Core" = [ "System_Threading" ];
"System_Update" = [ "System" ];
"System_UserProfile" = [ "System" ];
"UI_Accessibility" = [ "UI" ];
"UI_ApplicationSettings" = [ "UI" ];
"UI_Composition" = [ "UI" ];
"UI_Composition_Core" = [ "UI_Composition" ];
"UI_Composition_Desktop" = [ "UI_Composition" ];
"UI_Composition_Diagnostics" = [ "UI_Composition" ];
"UI_Composition_Effects" = [ "UI_Composition" ];
"UI_Composition_Interactions" = [ "UI_Composition" ];
"UI_Composition_Scenes" = [ "UI_Composition" ];
"UI_Core" = [ "UI" ];
"UI_Core_AnimationMetrics" = [ "UI_Core" ];
"UI_Core_Preview" = [ "UI_Core" ];
"UI_Input" = [ "UI" ];
"UI_Input_Core" = [ "UI_Input" ];
"UI_Input_Inking" = [ "UI_Input" ];
"UI_Input_Inking_Analysis" = [ "UI_Input_Inking" ];
"UI_Input_Inking_Core" = [ "UI_Input_Inking" ];
"UI_Input_Inking_Preview" = [ "UI_Input_Inking" ];
"UI_Input_Preview" = [ "UI_Input" ];
"UI_Input_Preview_Injection" = [ "UI_Input_Preview" ];
"UI_Input_Spatial" = [ "UI_Input" ];
"UI_Notifications" = [ "UI" ];
"UI_Notifications_Management" = [ "UI_Notifications" ];
"UI_Popups" = [ "UI" ];
"UI_Shell" = [ "UI" ];
"UI_StartScreen" = [ "UI" ];
"UI_Text" = [ "UI" ];
"UI_Text_Core" = [ "UI_Text" ];
"UI_UIAutomation" = [ "UI" ];
"UI_UIAutomation_Core" = [ "UI_UIAutomation" ];
"UI_ViewManagement" = [ "UI" ];
"UI_ViewManagement_Core" = [ "UI_ViewManagement" ];
"UI_WebUI" = [ "UI" ];
"UI_WebUI_Core" = [ "UI_WebUI" ];
"UI_WindowManagement" = [ "UI" ];
"UI_WindowManagement_Preview" = [ "UI_WindowManagement" ];
"Wdk_Foundation" = [ "Wdk" ];
"Wdk_Graphics" = [ "Wdk" ];
"Wdk_Graphics_Direct3D" = [ "Wdk_Graphics" ];
"Wdk_Storage" = [ "Wdk" ];
"Wdk_Storage_FileSystem" = [ "Wdk_Storage" ];
"Wdk_Storage_FileSystem_Minifilters" = [ "Wdk_Storage_FileSystem" ];
"Wdk_System" = [ "Wdk" ];
"Wdk_System_IO" = [ "Wdk_System" ];
"Wdk_System_OfflineRegistry" = [ "Wdk_System" ];
"Wdk_System_Registry" = [ "Wdk_System" ];
"Wdk_System_SystemInformation" = [ "Wdk_System" ];
"Wdk_System_SystemServices" = [ "Wdk_System" ];
"Wdk_System_Threading" = [ "Wdk_System" ];
"Web_AtomPub" = [ "Web" ];
"Web_Http" = [ "Web" ];
"Web_Http_Diagnostics" = [ "Web_Http" ];
"Web_Http_Filters" = [ "Web_Http" ];
"Web_Http_Headers" = [ "Web_Http" ];
"Web_Syndication" = [ "Web" ];
"Web_UI" = [ "Web" ];
"Web_UI_Interop" = [ "Web_UI" ];
"Win32_AI" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_AI_MachineLearning" = [ "Win32_AI" ];
"Win32_AI_MachineLearning_DirectML" = [ "Win32_AI_MachineLearning" ];
"Win32_AI_MachineLearning_WinML" = [ "Win32_AI_MachineLearning" ];
"Win32_Data" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Data_HtmlHelp" = [ "Win32_Data" ];
"Win32_Data_RightsManagement" = [ "Win32_Data" ];
"Win32_Data_Xml" = [ "Win32_Data" ];
"Win32_Data_Xml_MsXml" = [ "Win32_Data_Xml" ];
"Win32_Data_Xml_XmlLite" = [ "Win32_Data_Xml" ];
"Win32_Devices" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Devices_AllJoyn" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_BiometricFramework" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_Bluetooth" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_Communication" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_DeviceAccess" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_DeviceAndDriverInstallation" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_DeviceQuery" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_Display" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_Enumeration" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_Enumeration_Pnp" = [ "Win32_Devices_Enumeration" ];
"Win32_Devices_Fax" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_FunctionDiscovery" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_Geolocation" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_HumanInterfaceDevice" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_ImageAcquisition" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_PortableDevices" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_Properties" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_Pwm" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_Sensors" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_SerialCommunication" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_Tapi" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_Usb" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_WebServicesOnDevices" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Foundation" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Gaming" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Globalization" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Graphics" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Graphics_CompositionSwapchain" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_DXCore" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Direct2D" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Direct2D_Common" = [ "Win32_Graphics_Direct2D" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Direct3D" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Direct3D10" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Direct3D11" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Direct3D11on12" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Direct3D12" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Direct3D9" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Direct3D9on12" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Direct3D_Dxc" = [ "Win32_Graphics_Direct3D" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Direct3D_Fxc" = [ "Win32_Graphics_Direct3D" ];
"Win32_Graphics_DirectComposition" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_DirectDraw" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_DirectManipulation" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_DirectWrite" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Dwm" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Dxgi" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Dxgi_Common" = [ "Win32_Graphics_Dxgi" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Gdi" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_GdiPlus" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Hlsl" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Imaging" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Imaging_D2D" = [ "Win32_Graphics_Imaging" ];
"Win32_Graphics_OpenGL" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Printing" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Printing_PrintTicket" = [ "Win32_Graphics_Printing" ];
"Win32_Management" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Management_MobileDeviceManagementRegistration" = [ "Win32_Management" ];
"Win32_Media" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Media_Audio" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
"Win32_Media_Audio_Apo" = [ "Win32_Media_Audio" ];
"Win32_Media_Audio_DirectMusic" = [ "Win32_Media_Audio" ];
"Win32_Media_Audio_DirectSound" = [ "Win32_Media_Audio" ];
"Win32_Media_Audio_Endpoints" = [ "Win32_Media_Audio" ];
"Win32_Media_Audio_XAudio2" = [ "Win32_Media_Audio" ];
"Win32_Media_DeviceManager" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
"Win32_Media_DirectShow" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
"Win32_Media_DirectShow_Tv" = [ "Win32_Media_DirectShow" ];
"Win32_Media_DirectShow_Xml" = [ "Win32_Media_DirectShow" ];
"Win32_Media_DxMediaObjects" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
"Win32_Media_KernelStreaming" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
"Win32_Media_LibrarySharingServices" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
"Win32_Media_MediaFoundation" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
"Win32_Media_MediaPlayer" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
"Win32_Media_Multimedia" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
"Win32_Media_PictureAcquisition" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
"Win32_Media_Speech" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
"Win32_Media_Streaming" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
"Win32_Media_WindowsMediaFormat" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_Dhcp" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_Dns" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_InternetConnectionWizard" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_IpHelper" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_MobileBroadband" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_Multicast" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_Ndis" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_NetBios" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_NetManagement" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_NetShell" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_NetworkDiagnosticsFramework" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_NetworkPolicyServer" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_P2P" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_QoS" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_Rras" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_Snmp" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_WNet" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_WebDav" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_WiFi" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_WindowsConnectNow" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_WindowsConnectionManager" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_WindowsFilteringPlatform" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_WindowsFirewall" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_WindowsNetworkVirtualization" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_Networking" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Networking_ActiveDirectory" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_BackgroundIntelligentTransferService" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_Clustering" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_HttpServer" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_Ldap" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_NetworkListManager" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_RemoteDifferentialCompression" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_WebSocket" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_WinHttp" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_WinInet" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_WinSock" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_WindowsWebServices" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Security" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Security_AppLocker" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_Authentication" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_Authentication_Identity" = [ "Win32_Security_Authentication" ];
"Win32_Security_Authentication_Identity_Provider" = [ "Win32_Security_Authentication_Identity" ];
"Win32_Security_Authorization" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_Authorization_UI" = [ "Win32_Security_Authorization" ];
"Win32_Security_ConfigurationSnapin" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_Credentials" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_Cryptography" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_Cryptography_Catalog" = [ "Win32_Security_Cryptography" ];
"Win32_Security_Cryptography_Certificates" = [ "Win32_Security_Cryptography" ];
"Win32_Security_Cryptography_Sip" = [ "Win32_Security_Cryptography" ];
"Win32_Security_Cryptography_UI" = [ "Win32_Security_Cryptography" ];
"Win32_Security_DiagnosticDataQuery" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_DirectoryServices" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_EnterpriseData" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_ExtensibleAuthenticationProtocol" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_Isolation" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_LicenseProtection" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_NetworkAccessProtection" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_Tpm" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_WinTrust" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_WinWlx" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Storage" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Storage_Cabinets" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_CloudFilters" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Compression" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_DataDeduplication" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_DistributedFileSystem" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_EnhancedStorage" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_FileHistory" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_FileServerResourceManager" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_FileSystem" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Imapi" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_IndexServer" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_InstallableFileSystems" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_IscsiDisc" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Jet" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Nvme" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_OfflineFiles" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_OperationRecorder" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Packaging" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Packaging_Appx" = [ "Win32_Storage_Packaging" ];
"Win32_Storage_Packaging_Opc" = [ "Win32_Storage_Packaging" ];
"Win32_Storage_ProjectedFileSystem" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_StructuredStorage" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Vhd" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_VirtualDiskService" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Vss" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Xps" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Xps_Printing" = [ "Win32_Storage_Xps" ];
"Win32_System" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_System_AddressBook" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Antimalware" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_ApplicationInstallationAndServicing" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_ApplicationVerifier" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_AssessmentTool" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_ClrHosting" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Com" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Com_CallObj" = [ "Win32_System_Com" ];
"Win32_System_Com_ChannelCredentials" = [ "Win32_System_Com" ];
"Win32_System_Com_Events" = [ "Win32_System_Com" ];
"Win32_System_Com_Marshal" = [ "Win32_System_Com" ];
"Win32_System_Com_StructuredStorage" = [ "Win32_System_Com" ];
"Win32_System_Com_UI" = [ "Win32_System_Com" ];
"Win32_System_Com_Urlmon" = [ "Win32_System_Com" ];
"Win32_System_ComponentServices" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Console" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Contacts" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_CorrelationVector" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_DataExchange" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_DeploymentServices" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_DesktopSharing" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_DeveloperLicensing" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Diagnostics" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Diagnostics_Ceip" = [ "Win32_System_Diagnostics" ];
"Win32_System_Diagnostics_ClrProfiling" = [ "Win32_System_Diagnostics" ];
"Win32_System_Diagnostics_Debug" = [ "Win32_System_Diagnostics" ];
"Win32_System_Diagnostics_Debug_ActiveScript" = [ "Win32_System_Diagnostics_Debug" ];
"Win32_System_Diagnostics_Debug_Extensions" = [ "Win32_System_Diagnostics_Debug" ];
"Win32_System_Diagnostics_Etw" = [ "Win32_System_Diagnostics" ];
"Win32_System_Diagnostics_ProcessSnapshotting" = [ "Win32_System_Diagnostics" ];
"Win32_System_Diagnostics_ToolHelp" = [ "Win32_System_Diagnostics" ];
"Win32_System_DistributedTransactionCoordinator" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Environment" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_ErrorReporting" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_EventCollector" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_EventLog" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_EventNotificationService" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_GroupPolicy" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_HostCompute" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_HostComputeNetwork" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_HostComputeSystem" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Hypervisor" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_IO" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Iis" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Ioctl" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_JobObjects" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Js" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Kernel" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_LibraryLoader" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Mailslots" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Mapi" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Memory" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Memory_NonVolatile" = [ "Win32_System_Memory" ];
"Win32_System_MessageQueuing" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_MixedReality" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Mmc" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Ole" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_ParentalControls" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_PasswordManagement" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Performance" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Performance_HardwareCounterProfiling" = [ "Win32_System_Performance" ];
"Win32_System_Pipes" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Power" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_ProcessStatus" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_RealTimeCommunications" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Recovery" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Registry" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_RemoteAssistance" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_RemoteDesktop" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_RemoteManagement" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_RestartManager" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Restore" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Rpc" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Search" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Search_Common" = [ "Win32_System_Search" ];
"Win32_System_SecurityCenter" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_ServerBackup" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Services" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_SettingsManagementInfrastructure" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_SetupAndMigration" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Shutdown" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_SideShow" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_StationsAndDesktops" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_SubsystemForLinux" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_SystemInformation" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_SystemServices" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_TaskScheduler" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Threading" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Time" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_TpmBaseServices" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_TransactionServer" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_UpdateAgent" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_UpdateAssessment" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_UserAccessLogging" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Variant" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_VirtualDosMachines" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_AllJoyn" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_Composition" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_CoreInputView" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_Direct3D11" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_Display" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_Graphics" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_Graphics_Capture" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT_Graphics" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_Graphics_Direct2D" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT_Graphics" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_Graphics_Imaging" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT_Graphics" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_Holographic" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_Isolation" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_ML" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_Media" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_Metadata" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_Pdf" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_Printing" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_Shell" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
"Win32_System_WinRT_Storage" = [ "Win32_System_WinRT" ];
"Win32_System_WindowsProgramming" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_WindowsSync" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Wmi" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_UI" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_UI_Accessibility" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_Animation" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_ColorSystem" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_Controls" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_Controls_Dialogs" = [ "Win32_UI_Controls" ];
"Win32_UI_Controls_RichEdit" = [ "Win32_UI_Controls" ];
"Win32_UI_HiDpi" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_Input" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_Input_Ime" = [ "Win32_UI_Input" ];
"Win32_UI_Input_Ink" = [ "Win32_UI_Input" ];
"Win32_UI_Input_KeyboardAndMouse" = [ "Win32_UI_Input" ];
"Win32_UI_Input_Pointer" = [ "Win32_UI_Input" ];
"Win32_UI_Input_Radial" = [ "Win32_UI_Input" ];
"Win32_UI_Input_Touch" = [ "Win32_UI_Input" ];
"Win32_UI_Input_XboxController" = [ "Win32_UI_Input" ];
"Win32_UI_InteractionContext" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_LegacyWindowsEnvironmentFeatures" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_Magnification" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_Notifications" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_Ribbon" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
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"Win32_Media_Audio_Endpoints" = [ "Win32_Media_Audio" ];
"Win32_Media_Audio_XAudio2" = [ "Win32_Media_Audio" ];
"Win32_Media_DeviceManager" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
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"Win32_Media_KernelStreaming" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
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"Win32_Media_Streaming" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
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"Win32_NetworkManagement" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_Dhcp" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_Dns" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_InternetConnectionWizard" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_IpHelper" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_MobileBroadband" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_Multicast" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_Ndis" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_NetBios" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_NetManagement" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_NetShell" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_NetworkDiagnosticsFramework" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_NetworkPolicyServer" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_P2P" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_QoS" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_Rras" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_Snmp" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_WNet" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_WebDav" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_WiFi" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_WindowsConnectNow" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_WindowsConnectionManager" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_WindowsFilteringPlatform" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_WindowsFirewall" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_WindowsNetworkVirtualization" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_Networking" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Networking_ActiveDirectory" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_BackgroundIntelligentTransferService" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_Clustering" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_HttpServer" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_Ldap" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_NetworkListManager" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_RemoteDifferentialCompression" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_WebSocket" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_WinHttp" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_WinInet" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_WinSock" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_WindowsWebServices" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Security" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Security_AppLocker" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_Authentication" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_Authentication_Identity" = [ "Win32_Security_Authentication" ];
"Win32_Security_Authentication_Identity_Provider" = [ "Win32_Security_Authentication_Identity" ];
"Win32_Security_Authorization" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_Authorization_UI" = [ "Win32_Security_Authorization" ];
"Win32_Security_ConfigurationSnapin" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_Credentials" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_Cryptography" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_Cryptography_Catalog" = [ "Win32_Security_Cryptography" ];
"Win32_Security_Cryptography_Certificates" = [ "Win32_Security_Cryptography" ];
"Win32_Security_Cryptography_Sip" = [ "Win32_Security_Cryptography" ];
"Win32_Security_Cryptography_UI" = [ "Win32_Security_Cryptography" ];
"Win32_Security_DiagnosticDataQuery" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_DirectoryServices" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_EnterpriseData" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_ExtensibleAuthenticationProtocol" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_Isolation" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_LicenseProtection" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_NetworkAccessProtection" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_Tpm" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_WinTrust" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_WinWlx" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Storage" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Storage_Cabinets" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_CloudFilters" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Compression" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_DataDeduplication" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_DistributedFileSystem" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_EnhancedStorage" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_FileHistory" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_FileServerResourceManager" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_FileSystem" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Imapi" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_IndexServer" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_InstallableFileSystems" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_IscsiDisc" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Jet" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_OfflineFiles" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_OperationRecorder" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Packaging" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Packaging_Appx" = [ "Win32_Storage_Packaging" ];
"Win32_Storage_Packaging_Opc" = [ "Win32_Storage_Packaging" ];
"Win32_Storage_ProjectedFileSystem" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_StructuredStorage" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Vhd" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_VirtualDiskService" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Vss" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Xps" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Xps_Printing" = [ "Win32_Storage_Xps" ];
"Win32_System" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_System_AddressBook" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Antimalware" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_ApplicationInstallationAndServicing" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_ApplicationVerifier" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_AssessmentTool" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_ClrHosting" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Com" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Com_CallObj" = [ "Win32_System_Com" ];
"Win32_System_Com_ChannelCredentials" = [ "Win32_System_Com" ];
"Win32_System_Com_Events" = [ "Win32_System_Com" ];
"Win32_System_Com_Marshal" = [ "Win32_System_Com" ];
"Win32_System_Com_StructuredStorage" = [ "Win32_System_Com" ];
"Win32_System_Com_UI" = [ "Win32_System_Com" ];
"Win32_System_Com_Urlmon" = [ "Win32_System_Com" ];
"Win32_System_ComponentServices" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Console" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Contacts" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_CorrelationVector" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_DataExchange" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_DeploymentServices" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_DesktopSharing" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_DeveloperLicensing" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Diagnostics" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Diagnostics_Ceip" = [ "Win32_System_Diagnostics" ];
"Win32_System_Diagnostics_ClrProfiling" = [ "Win32_System_Diagnostics" ];
"Win32_System_Diagnostics_Debug" = [ "Win32_System_Diagnostics" ];
"Win32_System_Diagnostics_Debug_ActiveScript" = [ "Win32_System_Diagnostics_Debug" ];
"Win32_System_Diagnostics_Debug_Extensions" = [ "Win32_System_Diagnostics_Debug" ];
"Win32_System_Diagnostics_Etw" = [ "Win32_System_Diagnostics" ];
"Win32_System_Diagnostics_ProcessSnapshotting" = [ "Win32_System_Diagnostics" ];
"Win32_System_Diagnostics_ToolHelp" = [ "Win32_System_Diagnostics" ];
"Win32_System_DistributedTransactionCoordinator" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Environment" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_ErrorReporting" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_EventCollector" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_EventLog" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_EventNotificationService" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_GroupPolicy" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_HostCompute" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_HostComputeNetwork" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_HostComputeSystem" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Hypervisor" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_IO" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Iis" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Ioctl" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_JobObjects" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Js" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Kernel" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_LibraryLoader" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Mailslots" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Mapi" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Memory" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Memory_NonVolatile" = [ "Win32_System_Memory" ];
"Win32_System_MessageQueuing" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_MixedReality" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Mmc" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Ole" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_ParentalControls" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_PasswordManagement" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Performance" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Performance_HardwareCounterProfiling" = [ "Win32_System_Performance" ];
"Win32_System_Pipes" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Power" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_ProcessStatus" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_RealTimeCommunications" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Recovery" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Registry" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_RemoteAssistance" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_RemoteDesktop" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_RemoteManagement" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_RestartManager" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Restore" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Rpc" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Search" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Search_Common" = [ "Win32_System_Search" ];
"Win32_System_SecurityCenter" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_ServerBackup" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Services" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_SettingsManagementInfrastructure" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_SetupAndMigration" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Shutdown" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_StationsAndDesktops" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_SubsystemForLinux" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_SystemInformation" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_SystemServices" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_TaskScheduler" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Threading" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Time" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_TpmBaseServices" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_UpdateAgent" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_UpdateAssessment" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_UserAccessLogging" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_VirtualDosMachines" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_WindowsProgramming" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_WindowsSync" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Wmi" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_UI" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_UI_Accessibility" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_Animation" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_ColorSystem" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_Controls" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_Controls_Dialogs" = [ "Win32_UI_Controls" ];
"Win32_UI_Controls_RichEdit" = [ "Win32_UI_Controls" ];
"Win32_UI_HiDpi" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_Input" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_Input_Ime" = [ "Win32_UI_Input" ];
"Win32_UI_Input_Ink" = [ "Win32_UI_Input" ];
"Win32_UI_Input_KeyboardAndMouse" = [ "Win32_UI_Input" ];
"Win32_UI_Input_Pointer" = [ "Win32_UI_Input" ];
"Win32_UI_Input_Radial" = [ "Win32_UI_Input" ];
"Win32_UI_Input_Touch" = [ "Win32_UI_Input" ];
"Win32_UI_Input_XboxController" = [ "Win32_UI_Input" ];
"Win32_UI_InteractionContext" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_LegacyWindowsEnvironmentFeatures" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_Magnification" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_Notifications" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_Ribbon" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_Shell" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_Shell_Common" = [ "Win32_UI_Shell" ];
"Win32_UI_Shell_PropertiesSystem" = [ "Win32_UI_Shell" ];
"Win32_UI_TabletPC" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_TextServices" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_WindowsAndMessaging" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_UI_Wpf" = [ "Win32_UI" ];
"Win32_Web" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Web_InternetExplorer" = [ "Win32_Web" ];
resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "Win32" "Win32_Devices" "Win32_Devices_HumanInterfaceDevice" "Win32_Foundation" "Win32_Globalization" "Win32_Graphics" "Win32_Graphics_Dwm" "Win32_Graphics_Gdi" "Win32_Graphics_OpenGL" "Win32_Media" "Win32_NetworkManagement" "Win32_NetworkManagement_IpHelper" "Win32_Networking" "Win32_Networking_WinSock" "Win32_Security" "Win32_Storage" "Win32_Storage_FileSystem" "Win32_System" "Win32_System_Com" "Win32_System_Com_StructuredStorage" "Win32_System_Console" "Win32_System_Diagnostics" "Win32_System_Diagnostics_Debug" "Win32_System_IO" "Win32_System_LibraryLoader" "Win32_System_Ole" "Win32_System_SystemInformation" "Win32_System_SystemServices" "Win32_System_Threading" "Win32_System_WindowsProgramming" "Win32_UI" "Win32_UI_Accessibility" "Win32_UI_Controls" "Win32_UI_HiDpi" "Win32_UI_Input" "Win32_UI_Input_Ime" "Win32_UI_Input_KeyboardAndMouse" "Win32_UI_Input_Pointer" "Win32_UI_Input_Touch" "Win32_UI_Shell" "Win32_UI_TextServices" "Win32_UI_WindowsAndMessaging" "default" ];
"windows-sys 0.52.0" = rec {
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features = {
"Wdk_Foundation" = [ "Wdk" ];
"Wdk_Graphics" = [ "Wdk" ];
"Wdk_Graphics_Direct3D" = [ "Wdk_Graphics" ];
"Wdk_Storage" = [ "Wdk" ];
"Wdk_Storage_FileSystem" = [ "Wdk_Storage" ];
"Wdk_Storage_FileSystem_Minifilters" = [ "Wdk_Storage_FileSystem" ];
"Wdk_System" = [ "Wdk" ];
"Wdk_System_IO" = [ "Wdk_System" ];
"Wdk_System_OfflineRegistry" = [ "Wdk_System" ];
"Wdk_System_Registry" = [ "Wdk_System" ];
"Wdk_System_SystemInformation" = [ "Wdk_System" ];
"Wdk_System_SystemServices" = [ "Wdk_System" ];
"Wdk_System_Threading" = [ "Wdk_System" ];
"Win32_Data" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Data_HtmlHelp" = [ "Win32_Data" ];
"Win32_Data_RightsManagement" = [ "Win32_Data" ];
"Win32_Devices" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Devices_AllJoyn" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_BiometricFramework" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_Bluetooth" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_Communication" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_DeviceAndDriverInstallation" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_DeviceQuery" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_Display" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_Enumeration" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_Enumeration_Pnp" = [ "Win32_Devices_Enumeration" ];
"Win32_Devices_Fax" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_HumanInterfaceDevice" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_PortableDevices" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_Properties" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_Pwm" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_Sensors" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_SerialCommunication" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_Tapi" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_Usb" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Devices_WebServicesOnDevices" = [ "Win32_Devices" ];
"Win32_Foundation" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Gaming" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Globalization" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Graphics" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Dwm" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Gdi" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_GdiPlus" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Hlsl" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_OpenGL" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Printing" = [ "Win32_Graphics" ];
"Win32_Graphics_Printing_PrintTicket" = [ "Win32_Graphics_Printing" ];
"Win32_Management" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Management_MobileDeviceManagementRegistration" = [ "Win32_Management" ];
"Win32_Media" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Media_Audio" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
"Win32_Media_DxMediaObjects" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
"Win32_Media_KernelStreaming" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
"Win32_Media_Multimedia" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
"Win32_Media_Streaming" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
"Win32_Media_WindowsMediaFormat" = [ "Win32_Media" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_Dhcp" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_Dns" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_InternetConnectionWizard" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_IpHelper" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_Multicast" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_Ndis" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_NetBios" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_NetManagement" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_NetShell" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_NetworkDiagnosticsFramework" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_P2P" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_QoS" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_Rras" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_Snmp" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_WNet" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_WebDav" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_WiFi" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_WindowsConnectionManager" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_WindowsFilteringPlatform" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_WindowsFirewall" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_NetworkManagement_WindowsNetworkVirtualization" = [ "Win32_NetworkManagement" ];
"Win32_Networking" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Networking_ActiveDirectory" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_Clustering" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_HttpServer" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_Ldap" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_WebSocket" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_WinHttp" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_WinInet" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_WinSock" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Networking_WindowsWebServices" = [ "Win32_Networking" ];
"Win32_Security" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Security_AppLocker" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_Authentication" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_Authentication_Identity" = [ "Win32_Security_Authentication" ];
"Win32_Security_Authorization" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_Credentials" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_Cryptography" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_Cryptography_Catalog" = [ "Win32_Security_Cryptography" ];
"Win32_Security_Cryptography_Certificates" = [ "Win32_Security_Cryptography" ];
"Win32_Security_Cryptography_Sip" = [ "Win32_Security_Cryptography" ];
"Win32_Security_Cryptography_UI" = [ "Win32_Security_Cryptography" ];
"Win32_Security_DiagnosticDataQuery" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_DirectoryServices" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_EnterpriseData" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_ExtensibleAuthenticationProtocol" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_Isolation" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_LicenseProtection" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_NetworkAccessProtection" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_WinTrust" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Security_WinWlx" = [ "Win32_Security" ];
"Win32_Storage" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_Storage_Cabinets" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_CloudFilters" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Compression" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_DistributedFileSystem" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_FileHistory" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_FileSystem" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Imapi" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_IndexServer" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_InstallableFileSystems" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_IscsiDisc" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Jet" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Nvme" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_OfflineFiles" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_OperationRecorder" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Packaging" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Packaging_Appx" = [ "Win32_Storage_Packaging" ];
"Win32_Storage_ProjectedFileSystem" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_StructuredStorage" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Vhd" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_Storage_Xps" = [ "Win32_Storage" ];
"Win32_System" = [ "Win32" ];
"Win32_System_AddressBook" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Antimalware" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_ApplicationInstallationAndServicing" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_ApplicationVerifier" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_ClrHosting" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Com" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Com_Marshal" = [ "Win32_System_Com" ];
"Win32_System_Com_StructuredStorage" = [ "Win32_System_Com" ];
"Win32_System_Com_Urlmon" = [ "Win32_System_Com" ];
"Win32_System_ComponentServices" = [ "Win32_System" ];
"Win32_System_Console" = [ "Win32_System" ];
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"Eduardo Sánchez Muñoz <>"
"notgull <>"
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"Eduardo Sánchez Muñoz <>"
"notgull <>"
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"Eduardo Sánchez Muñoz <>"
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optional = true;
name = "async-lock";
packageId = "async-lock 2.8.0";
optional = true;
name = "async-process";
packageId = "async-process";
target = { target, features }: ("macos" == target."os" or null);
name = "async-recursion";
packageId = "async-recursion";
name = "async-task";
packageId = "async-task";
optional = true;
name = "async-trait";
packageId = "async-trait";
name = "blocking";
packageId = "blocking";
optional = true;
name = "byteorder";
packageId = "byteorder";
name = "derivative";
packageId = "derivative";
name = "enumflags2";
packageId = "enumflags2";
features = [ "serde" ];
name = "event-listener";
packageId = "event-listener 2.5.3";
name = "futures-core";
packageId = "futures-core";
name = "futures-sink";
packageId = "futures-sink";
name = "futures-util";
packageId = "futures-util";
usesDefaultFeatures = false;
features = [ "sink" "std" ];
name = "hex";
packageId = "hex";
name = "nix";
packageId = "nix 0.26.4";
usesDefaultFeatures = false;
target = { target, features }: (target."unix" or false);
features = [ "socket" "uio" "user" ];
name = "once_cell";
packageId = "once_cell";
name = "ordered-stream";
packageId = "ordered-stream";
name = "rand";
packageId = "rand";
name = "serde";
packageId = "serde";
features = [ "derive" ];
name = "serde_repr";
packageId = "serde_repr";
name = "sha1";
packageId = "sha1";
features = [ "std" ];
name = "static_assertions";
packageId = "static_assertions";
name = "tracing";
packageId = "tracing";
name = "uds_windows";
packageId = "uds_windows";
target = { target, features }: (target."windows" or false);
name = "winapi";
packageId = "winapi";
target = { target, features }: (target."windows" or false);
features = [ "handleapi" "iphlpapi" "memoryapi" "processthreadsapi" "sddl" "securitybaseapi" "synchapi" "tcpmib" "winbase" "winerror" "winsock2" ];
name = "xdg-home";
packageId = "xdg-home";
name = "zbus_macros";
packageId = "zbus_macros";
name = "zbus_names";
packageId = "zbus_names";
name = "zvariant";
packageId = "zvariant";
usesDefaultFeatures = false;
features = [ "enumflags2" ];
devDependencies = [
name = "futures-util";
packageId = "futures-util";
features = {
"async-executor" = [ "dep:async-executor" ];
"async-fs" = [ "dep:async-fs" ];
"async-io" = [ "dep:async-io" "async-executor" "async-task" "async-lock" "async-fs" "blocking" "futures-util/io" ];
"async-lock" = [ "dep:async-lock" ];
"async-task" = [ "dep:async-task" ];
"blocking" = [ "dep:blocking" ];
"chrono" = [ "zvariant/chrono" ];
"default" = [ "async-io" ];
"gvariant" = [ "zvariant/gvariant" ];
"quick-xml" = [ "dep:quick-xml" ];
"serde-xml-rs" = [ "dep:serde-xml-rs" ];
"time" = [ "zvariant/time" ];
"tokio" = [ "dep:tokio" ];
"tokio-vsock" = [ "dep:tokio-vsock" "tokio" ];
"url" = [ "zvariant/url" ];
"uuid" = [ "zvariant/uuid" ];
"vsock" = [ "dep:vsock" "dep:async-io" ];
"xml" = [ "serde-xml-rs" ];
resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "async-executor" "async-fs" "async-io" "async-lock" "async-task" "blocking" "url" ];
"zbus_macros" = rec {
crateName = "zbus_macros";
version = "3.15.0";
edition = "2018";
sha256 = "0zcw8cv02zbfb2da6bl1cwyx5bihk3za3d9bbaw49lqaxm2vm8dl";
procMacro = true;
authors = [
"Marc-André Lureau <>"
"Zeeshan Ali Khan <>"
dependencies = [
name = "proc-macro-crate";
packageId = "proc-macro-crate 1.3.1";
name = "proc-macro2";
packageId = "proc-macro2";
name = "quote";
packageId = "quote";
name = "regex";
packageId = "regex";
name = "syn";
packageId = "syn 1.0.109";
features = [ "extra-traits" "fold" "full" ];
name = "zvariant_utils";
packageId = "zvariant_utils";
"zbus_names" = rec {
crateName = "zbus_names";
version = "2.6.0";
edition = "2018";
sha256 = "1adl0acl39flk4jnrv7axg29kpwm7cy15w2wf0yy59mxdmvvp07v";
authors = [
"Zeeshan Ali Khan <>"
dependencies = [
name = "serde";
packageId = "serde";
features = [ "derive" ];
name = "static_assertions";
packageId = "static_assertions";
name = "zvariant";
packageId = "zvariant";
usesDefaultFeatures = false;
features = [ "enumflags2" ];
"zerocopy" = rec {
crateName = "zerocopy";
version = "0.7.32";
edition = "2018";
sha256 = "1ghnfxw69kx5d1aqfd5fsfrra9dgpz17yqx84nd4ryjk3sbd7m3l";
authors = [
"Joshua Liebow-Feeser <>"
dependencies = [
name = "zerocopy-derive";
packageId = "zerocopy-derive";
optional = true;
name = "zerocopy-derive";
packageId = "zerocopy-derive";
target = { target, features }: false;
devDependencies = [
name = "zerocopy-derive";
packageId = "zerocopy-derive";
features = {
"__internal_use_only_features_that_work_on_stable" = [ "alloc" "derive" "simd" ];
"byteorder" = [ "dep:byteorder" ];
"default" = [ "byteorder" ];
"derive" = [ "zerocopy-derive" ];
"simd-nightly" = [ "simd" ];
"zerocopy-derive" = [ "dep:zerocopy-derive" ];
resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "simd" ];
"zerocopy-derive" = rec {
crateName = "zerocopy-derive";
version = "0.7.32";
edition = "2018";
sha256 = "19nj11md42aijyqnfx8pa647fjzhz537xyc624rajwwfrn6b3qcw";
procMacro = true;
authors = [
"Joshua Liebow-Feeser <>"
dependencies = [
name = "proc-macro2";
packageId = "proc-macro2";
name = "quote";
packageId = "quote";
name = "syn";
packageId = "syn 2.0.48";
"zvariant" = rec {
crateName = "zvariant";
version = "3.15.0";
edition = "2018";
sha256 = "131kaczf10psc8clzlndcc52dym5vi4g22kqf0qwaq6rw2z93cj4";
authors = [
"Zeeshan Ali Khan <>"
dependencies = [
name = "byteorder";
packageId = "byteorder";
name = "enumflags2";
packageId = "enumflags2";
optional = true;
features = [ "serde" ];
name = "libc";
packageId = "libc";
name = "serde";
packageId = "serde";
features = [ "derive" ];
name = "static_assertions";
packageId = "static_assertions";
name = "url";
packageId = "url";
optional = true;
features = [ "serde" ];
name = "zvariant_derive";
packageId = "zvariant_derive";
features = {
"arrayvec" = [ "dep:arrayvec" ];
"chrono" = [ "dep:chrono" ];
"default" = [ "gvariant" ];
"enumflags2" = [ "dep:enumflags2" ];
"ostree-tests" = [ "gvariant" ];
"serde_bytes" = [ "dep:serde_bytes" ];
"time" = [ "dep:time" ];
"url" = [ "dep:url" ];
"uuid" = [ "dep:uuid" ];
resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "enumflags2" "url" ];
"zvariant_derive" = rec {
crateName = "zvariant_derive";
version = "3.15.0";
edition = "2018";
sha256 = "1kcfgpqshggr5v7dwldjggix79zcyj7fizw7dkh6w39iziyplkck";
procMacro = true;
authors = [
"Zeeshan Ali Khan <>"
dependencies = [
name = "proc-macro-crate";
packageId = "proc-macro-crate 1.3.1";
name = "proc-macro2";
packageId = "proc-macro2";
name = "quote";
packageId = "quote";
name = "syn";
packageId = "syn 1.0.109";
features = [ "extra-traits" "full" ];
name = "zvariant_utils";
packageId = "zvariant_utils";
"zvariant_utils" = rec {
crateName = "zvariant_utils";
version = "1.0.1";
edition = "2018";
sha256 = "00625h3240rixvfhq6yhws1d4bwf3vrf74v8s69b97aq27cg0d3j";
authors = [
"Zeeshan Ali Khan <>"
"turbocooler <>"
dependencies = [
name = "proc-macro2";
packageId = "proc-macro2";
name = "quote";
packageId = "quote";
name = "syn";
packageId = "syn 1.0.109";
features = [ "extra-traits" "full" ];
# crate2nix/default.nix (excerpt start)
/* Target (platform) data for conditional dependencies.
This corresponds roughly to what buildRustCrate is setting.
makeDefaultTarget = platform: {
unix = platform.isUnix;
windows = platform.isWindows;
fuchsia = true;
test = false;
/* We are choosing an arbitrary rust version to grab `lib` from,
which is unfortunate, but `lib` has been version-agnostic the
whole time so this is good enough for now.
os = pkgs.rust.lib.toTargetOs platform;
arch = pkgs.rust.lib.toTargetArch platform;
family = pkgs.rust.lib.toTargetFamily platform;
vendor = pkgs.rust.lib.toTargetVendor platform;
env = "gnu";
endian =
if == "littleEndian"
then "little" else "big";
pointer_width = toString platform.parsed.cpu.bits;
debug_assertions = false;
/* Filters common temp files and build files. */
# TODO(pkolloch): Substitute with gitignore filter
sourceFilter = name: type:
baseName = builtins.baseNameOf (builtins.toString name);
! (
# Filter out git
baseName == ".gitignore"
|| (type == "directory" && baseName == ".git")
# Filter out build results
|| (
type == "directory" && (
baseName == "target"
|| baseName == "_site"
|| baseName == ".sass-cache"
|| baseName == ".jekyll-metadata"
|| baseName == "build-artifacts"
# Filter out nix-build result symlinks
|| (
type == "symlink" && lib.hasPrefix "result" baseName
# Filter out IDE config
|| (
type == "directory" && (
baseName == ".idea" || baseName == ".vscode"
) || lib.hasSuffix ".iml" baseName
# Filter out nix build files
|| baseName == "Cargo.nix"
# Filter out editor backup / swap files.
|| lib.hasSuffix "~" baseName
|| builtins.match "^\\.sw[a-z]$$" baseName != null
|| builtins.match "^\\..*\\.sw[a-z]$$" baseName != null
|| lib.hasSuffix ".tmp" baseName
|| lib.hasSuffix ".bak" baseName
|| baseName == "tests.nix"
/* Returns a crate which depends on successful test execution
of crate given as the second argument.
testCrateFlags: list of flags to pass to the test exectuable
testInputs: list of packages that should be available during test execution
crateWithTest = { crate, testCrate, testCrateFlags, testInputs, testPreRun, testPostRun }:
assert builtins.typeOf testCrateFlags == "list";
assert builtins.typeOf testInputs == "list";
assert builtins.typeOf testPreRun == "string";
assert builtins.typeOf testPostRun == "string";
# override the `crate` so that it will build and execute tests instead of
# building the actual lib and bin targets We just have to pass `--test`
# to rustc and it will do the right thing. We execute the tests and copy
# their log and the test executables to $out for later inspection.
test =
drv = testCrate.override
_: {
buildTests = true;
# If the user hasn't set any pre/post commands, we don't want to
# insert empty lines. This means that any existing users of crate2nix
# don't get a spurious rebuild unless they set these explicitly.
testCommand = pkgs.lib.concatStringsSep "\n"
(pkgs.lib.filter (s: s != "") [
"$f $testCrateFlags 2>&1 | tee -a $out"
pkgs.runCommand "run-tests-${}"
inherit testCrateFlags;
buildInputs = testInputs;
} ''
set -e
# recreate a file hierarchy as when running tests with cargo
# the source for test data
${pkgs.buildPackages.xorg.lndir}/bin/lndir ${crate.src}
# build outputs
mkdir -p $testRoot
# executables of the crate
# we copy to prevent std::env::current_exe() to resolve to a store location
for i in ${crate}/bin/*; do
cp "$i" "$testRoot"
chmod +w -R .
# test harness executables are suffixed with a hash, like cargo does
# this allows to prevent name collision with the main
# executables of the crate
hash=$(basename $out)
for file in ${drv}/tests/*; do
f=$testRoot/$(basename $file)-$hash
cp $file $f
pkgs.runCommand "${}-linked"
inherit (crate) outputs crateName;
passthru = (crate.passthru or { }) // {
inherit test;
(lib.optionalString (stdenv.buildPlatform.canExecute stdenv.hostPlatform) ''
echo tested by ${test}
'' + ''
${lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (output: "ln -s ${crate.${output}} ${"$"}${output}") crate.outputs}
/* A restricted overridable version of builtRustCratesWithFeatures. */
buildRustCrateWithFeatures =
{ packageId
, features ? rootFeatures
, crateOverrides ? defaultCrateOverrides
, buildRustCrateForPkgsFunc ? null
, runTests ? false
, testCrateFlags ? [ ]
, testInputs ? [ ]
# Any command to run immediatelly before a test is executed.
, testPreRun ? ""
# Any command run immediatelly after a test is executed.
, testPostRun ? ""
{ features
, crateOverrides
, runTests
, testCrateFlags
, testInputs
, testPreRun
, testPostRun
buildRustCrateForPkgsFuncOverriden =
if buildRustCrateForPkgsFunc != null
then buildRustCrateForPkgsFunc
if crateOverrides == pkgs.defaultCrateOverrides
then buildRustCrateForPkgs
pkgs: (buildRustCrateForPkgs pkgs).override {
defaultCrateOverrides = crateOverrides;
builtRustCrates = builtRustCratesWithFeatures {
inherit packageId features;
buildRustCrateForPkgsFunc = buildRustCrateForPkgsFuncOverriden;
runTests = false;
builtTestRustCrates = builtRustCratesWithFeatures {
inherit packageId features;
buildRustCrateForPkgsFunc = buildRustCrateForPkgsFuncOverriden;
runTests = true;
drv = builtRustCrates.crates.${packageId};
testDrv = builtTestRustCrates.crates.${packageId};
derivation =
if runTests then
crate = drv;
testCrate = testDrv;
inherit testCrateFlags testInputs testPreRun testPostRun;
else drv;
{ inherit features crateOverrides runTests testCrateFlags testInputs testPreRun testPostRun; };
/* Returns an attr set with packageId mapped to the result of buildRustCrateForPkgsFunc
for the corresponding crate.
builtRustCratesWithFeatures =
{ packageId
, features
, crateConfigs ? crates
, buildRustCrateForPkgsFunc
, runTests
, makeTarget ? makeDefaultTarget
} @ args:
assert (builtins.isAttrs crateConfigs);
assert (builtins.isString packageId);
assert (builtins.isList features);
assert (builtins.isAttrs (makeTarget stdenv.hostPlatform));
assert (builtins.isBool runTests);
rootPackageId = packageId;
mergedFeatures = mergePackageFeatures
args // {
inherit rootPackageId;
target = makeTarget stdenv.hostPlatform // { test = runTests; };
# Memoize built packages so that reappearing packages are only built once.
builtByPackageIdByPkgs = mkBuiltByPackageIdByPkgs pkgs;
mkBuiltByPackageIdByPkgs = pkgs:
self = {
crates = lib.mapAttrs (packageId: value: buildByPackageIdForPkgsImpl self pkgs packageId) crateConfigs;
target = makeTarget pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform;
build = mkBuiltByPackageIdByPkgs pkgs.buildPackages;
buildByPackageIdForPkgsImpl = self: pkgs: packageId:
features = mergedFeatures."${packageId}" or [ ];
crateConfig' = crateConfigs."${packageId}";
crateConfig =
builtins.removeAttrs crateConfig' [ "resolvedDefaultFeatures" "devDependencies" ];
devDependencies =
(runTests && packageId == rootPackageId)
(crateConfig'.devDependencies or [ ]);
dependencies =
dependencyDerivations {
inherit features;
inherit (self) target;
buildByPackageId = depPackageId:
# proc_macro crates must be compiled for the build architecture
if crateConfigs.${depPackageId}.procMacro or false
else self.crates.${depPackageId};
dependencies =
(crateConfig.dependencies or [ ])
++ devDependencies;
buildDependencies =
dependencyDerivations {
inherit features;
inherit ( target;
buildByPackageId = depPackageId:${depPackageId};
dependencies = crateConfig.buildDependencies or [ ];
dependenciesWithRenames =
buildDeps = filterEnabledDependencies {
inherit features;
inherit (self) target;
dependencies = crateConfig.dependencies or [ ] ++ devDependencies;
hostDeps = filterEnabledDependencies {
inherit features;
inherit ( target;
dependencies = crateConfig.buildDependencies or [ ];
lib.filter (d: d ? "rename") (hostDeps ++ buildDeps);
# Crate renames have the form:
# {
# crate_name = [
# { version = "1.2.3"; rename = "crate_name01"; }
# ];
# # ...
# }
crateRenames =
grouped =
versionAndRename = dep:
package = crateConfigs."${dep.packageId}";
{ inherit (dep) rename; inherit (package) version; };
lib.mapAttrs (name: versionAndRename) grouped;
buildRustCrateForPkgsFunc pkgs
crateConfig // {
dontStrip = stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin;
src = crateConfig.src or (
pkgs.fetchurl rec {
name = "${crateConfig.crateName}-${crateConfig.version}.tar.gz";
# Not rate-limited, CDN URL.
url = "${crateConfig.crateName}/${crateConfig.crateName}-${crateConfig.version}.crate";
sha256 =
assert (lib.assertMsg (crateConfig ? sha256) "Missing sha256 for ${name}");
extraRustcOpts = lib.lists.optional (targetFeatures != [ ]) "-C target-feature=${lib.concatMapStringsSep "," (x: "+${x}") targetFeatures}";
inherit features dependencies buildDependencies crateRenames release;
/* Returns the actual derivations for the given dependencies. */
dependencyDerivations =
{ buildByPackageId
, features
, dependencies
, target
assert (builtins.isList features);
assert (builtins.isList dependencies);
assert (builtins.isAttrs target);
enabledDependencies = filterEnabledDependencies {
inherit dependencies features target;
depDerivation = dependency: buildByPackageId dependency.packageId;
map depDerivation enabledDependencies;
/* Returns a sanitized version of val with all values substituted that cannot
be serialized as JSON.
sanitizeForJson = val:
if builtins.isAttrs val
then lib.mapAttrs (n: sanitizeForJson) val
else if builtins.isList val
then sanitizeForJson val
else if builtins.isFunction val
then "function"
else val;
/* Returns various tools to debug a crate. */
debugCrate = { packageId, target ? makeDefaultTarget stdenv.hostPlatform }:
assert (builtins.isString packageId);
debug = rec {
# The built tree as passed to buildRustCrate.
buildTree = buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
buildRustCrateForPkgsFunc = _:;
inherit packageId;
sanitizedBuildTree = sanitizeForJson buildTree;
dependencyTree = sanitizeForJson
buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
buildRustCrateForPkgsFunc = _: crate: {
"01_crateName" = crate.crateName or false;
"02_features" = crate.features or [ ];
"03_dependencies" = crate.dependencies or [ ];
inherit packageId;
mergedPackageFeatures = mergePackageFeatures {
features = rootFeatures;
inherit packageId target;
diffedDefaultPackageFeatures = diffDefaultPackageFeatures {
inherit packageId target;
{ internal = debug; };
/* Returns differences between cargo default features and crate2nix default
This is useful for verifying the feature resolution in crate2nix.
diffDefaultPackageFeatures =
{ crateConfigs ? crates
, packageId
, target
assert (builtins.isAttrs crateConfigs);
prefixValues = prefix: lib.mapAttrs (n: v: { "${prefix}" = v; });
mergedFeatures =
(mergePackageFeatures { inherit crateConfigs packageId target; features = [ "default" ]; });
configs = prefixValues "cargo" crateConfigs;
combined = lib.foldAttrs (a: b: a // b) { } [ mergedFeatures configs ];
onlyInCargo =
(lib.filterAttrs (n: v: !(v ? "crate2nix") && (v ? "cargo")) combined);
onlyInCrate2Nix =
(lib.filterAttrs (n: v: (v ? "crate2nix") && !(v ? "cargo")) combined);
differentFeatures = lib.filterAttrs
n: v:
(v ? "crate2nix")
&& (v ? "cargo")
&& (v.crate2nix.features or [ ]) != (v."cargo".resolved_default_features or [ ])
builtins.toJSON {
inherit onlyInCargo onlyInCrate2Nix differentFeatures;
/* Returns an attrset mapping packageId to the list of enabled features.
If multiple paths to a dependency enable different features, the
corresponding feature sets are merged. Features in rust are additive.
mergePackageFeatures =
{ crateConfigs ? crates
, packageId
, rootPackageId ? packageId
, features ? rootFeatures
, dependencyPath ? [ crates.${packageId}.crateName ]
, featuresByPackageId ? { }
, target
# Adds devDependencies to the crate with rootPackageId.
, runTests ? false
, ...
} @ args:
assert (builtins.isAttrs crateConfigs);
assert (builtins.isString packageId);
assert (builtins.isString rootPackageId);
assert (builtins.isList features);
assert (builtins.isList dependencyPath);
assert (builtins.isAttrs featuresByPackageId);
assert (builtins.isAttrs target);
assert (builtins.isBool runTests);
crateConfig = crateConfigs."${packageId}" or (builtins.throw "Package not found: ${packageId}");
expandedFeatures = expandFeatures (crateConfig.features or { }) features;
enabledFeatures = enableFeatures (crateConfig.dependencies or [ ]) expandedFeatures;
depWithResolvedFeatures = dependency:
inherit (dependency) packageId;
features = dependencyFeatures enabledFeatures dependency;
{ inherit packageId features; };
resolveDependencies = cache: path: dependencies:
assert (builtins.isAttrs cache);
assert (builtins.isList dependencies);
enabledDependencies = filterEnabledDependencies {
inherit dependencies target;
features = enabledFeatures;
directDependencies = map depWithResolvedFeatures enabledDependencies;
foldOverCache = op: lib.foldl op cache directDependencies;
cache: { packageId, features }:
cacheFeatures = cache.${packageId} or [ ];
combinedFeatures = sortedUnique (cacheFeatures ++ features);
if cache ? ${packageId} && cache.${packageId} == combinedFeatures
then cache
mergePackageFeatures {
features = combinedFeatures;
featuresByPackageId = cache;
inherit crateConfigs packageId target runTests rootPackageId;
cacheWithSelf =
cacheFeatures = featuresByPackageId.${packageId} or [ ];
combinedFeatures = sortedUnique (cacheFeatures ++ enabledFeatures);
featuresByPackageId // {
"${packageId}" = combinedFeatures;
cacheWithDependencies =
resolveDependencies cacheWithSelf "dep"
crateConfig.dependencies or [ ]
++ lib.optionals
(runTests && packageId == rootPackageId)
(crateConfig.devDependencies or [ ])
cacheWithAll =
cacheWithDependencies "build"
(crateConfig.buildDependencies or [ ]);
/* Returns the enabled dependencies given the enabled features. */
filterEnabledDependencies = { dependencies, features, target }:
assert (builtins.isList dependencies);
assert (builtins.isList features);
assert (builtins.isAttrs target);
targetFunc = or (features: true);
targetFunc { inherit features target; }
&& (
!(dep.optional or false)
|| builtins.any (doesFeatureEnableDependency dep) features
/* Returns whether the given feature should enable the given dependency. */
doesFeatureEnableDependency = dependency: feature:
name = dependency.rename or;
prefix = "${name}/";
len = builtins.stringLength prefix;
startsWithPrefix = builtins.substring 0 len feature == prefix;
feature == name || feature == "dep:" + name || startsWithPrefix;
/* Returns the expanded features for the given inputFeatures by applying the
rules in featureMap.
featureMap is an attribute set which maps feature names to lists of further
feature names to enable in case this feature is selected.
expandFeatures = featureMap: inputFeatures:
assert (builtins.isAttrs featureMap);
assert (builtins.isList inputFeatures);
expandFeaturesNoCycle = oldSeen: inputFeatures:
if inputFeatures != [ ]
# The feature we're currently expanding.
feature = builtins.head inputFeatures;
# All the features we've seen/expanded so far, including the one
# we're currently processing.
seen = oldSeen // { ${feature} = 1; };
# Expand the feature but be careful to not re-introduce a feature
# that we've already seen: this can easily cause a cycle, see issue
# #209.
enables = builtins.filter (f: !(seen ? "${f}")) (featureMap."${feature}" or [ ]);
[ feature ] ++ (expandFeaturesNoCycle seen (builtins.tail inputFeatures ++ enables))
# No more features left, nothing to expand to.
else [ ];
outFeatures = expandFeaturesNoCycle { } inputFeatures;
sortedUnique outFeatures;
/* This function adds optional dependencies as features if they are enabled
indirectly by dependency features. This function mimics Cargo's behavior
described in a note at:
enableFeatures = dependencies: features:
assert (builtins.isList features);
assert (builtins.isList dependencies);
additionalFeatures = lib.concatMap
assert (builtins.isAttrs dependency);
enabled = builtins.any (doesFeatureEnableDependency dependency) features;
if (dependency.optional or false) && enabled
then [ (dependency.rename or ]
else [ ]
sortedUnique (features ++ additionalFeatures);
Returns the actual features for the given dependency.
features: The features of the crate that refers this dependency.
dependencyFeatures = features: dependency:
assert (builtins.isList features);
assert (builtins.isAttrs dependency);
defaultOrNil =
if dependency.usesDefaultFeatures or true
then [ "default" ]
else [ ];
explicitFeatures = dependency.features or [ ];
additionalDependencyFeatures =
name = dependency.rename or;
stripPrefixMatch = prefix: s:
if lib.hasPrefix prefix s
then lib.removePrefix prefix s
else null;
extractFeature = feature: lib.findFirst
(f: f != null)
(map (prefix: stripPrefixMatch prefix feature) [
(name + "/")
(name + "?/")
dependencyFeatures = lib.filter (f: f != null) (map extractFeature features);
defaultOrNil ++ explicitFeatures ++ additionalDependencyFeatures;
/* Sorts and removes duplicates from a list of strings. */
sortedUnique = features:
assert (builtins.isList features);
assert (builtins.all builtins.isString features);
outFeaturesSet = lib.foldl (set: feature: set // { "${feature}" = 1; }) { } features;
outFeaturesUnique = builtins.attrNames outFeaturesSet;
builtins.sort (a: b: a < b) outFeaturesUnique;
deprecationWarning = message: value:
if strictDeprecation
then builtins.throw "strictDeprecation enabled, aborting: ${message}"
else builtins.trace message value;
# crate2nix/default.nix (excerpt end)