colin d13bcc49ab refactor hosts directory, and move ssh keys out of modules/data
longer-term, i want hosts/by-name to define host-specific data
that's accessible via the other hosts (things like pubkeys).

also the secrets management needs some rethinking. there's really not
much point in me specifiying where *exactly* a secret comes from at its
use site. i should really be specifying secret store manifests; i.e.
"servo.yaml contains secrets X Y and Z", and leaving the rest up to
2023-01-19 23:23:43 +00:00

94 lines
2.0 KiB

{ ... }:
sane.persist.root-on-tmpfs = true;
# we need a /tmp for building large nix things
fileSystems."/tmp" = {
device = "none";
fsType = "tmpfs";
options = [
fileSystems."/nix" = {
device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/cc81cca0-3cc7-4d82-a00c-6243af3e7776";
fsType = "btrfs";
options = [
fileSystems."/boot" = {
device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/6EE3-4171";
fsType = "vfat";
# slow, external storage (for archiving, etc)
fileSystems."/mnt/persist/ext" = {
device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/aa272cff-0fcc-498e-a4cb-0d95fb60631b";
fsType = "btrfs";
options = [
sane.persist.stores."ext" = {
origin = "/mnt/persist/ext/persist";
storeDescription = "external HDD storage";
sane.fs."/mnt/persist/ext".mount = {};
sane.persist.sys.plaintext = [
# TODO: this is overly broad; only need media and share directories to be persisted
{ user = "colin"; group = "users"; directory = "/var/lib/uninsane"; }
# make sure large media is stored to the HDD
sane.persist.sys.ext = [
user = "colin";
group = "users";
mode = "0777";
directory = "/var/lib/uninsane/media/Videos";
user = "colin";
group = "users";
mode = "0777";
directory = "/var/lib/uninsane/media/freeleech";
# in-memory compressed RAM (seems to be dynamically sized)
# zramSwap = {
# enable = true;
# };
# btrfs doesn't easily support swapfiles
# swapDevices = [
# { device = "/nix/persist/swapfile"; size = 4096; }
# ];
# this can be a partition. create with:
# fdisk <dev>
# n
# <default partno>
# <start>
# <end>
# t
# <partno>
# 19 # set part type to Linux swap
# w # write changes
# mkswap -L swap <part>
# swapDevices = [
# {
# label = "swap";
# # TODO: randomEncryption.enable = true;
# }
# ];