
736 lines
35 KiB

# this work derives from noneucat's sxmo service/packages, found via NUR
# - <repo:nix-community/nur-combined:repos/noneucat/modules/pinephone/sxmo.nix>
# other nix works:
# - <>
# - implements sxmo atop tinydm (also packaged by wentam)
# - wentam cleans up sxmo-utils to be sealed. also patches to use systemd poweroff, etc
# - packages a handful of anjan and proycon utilities
# - packages <>
# - packages <>
# - <>
# - implements sxmo as a direct systemd service -- apparently no DM
# - packages sxmo-utils
# - injects PATH into each script
# other OS works:
# - <> (arch)
# - perhaps sxmo-utils is best packaged via the `resholve` shell solver?
# sxmo upstream links:
# - docs (rendered): <>
# - issue tracker: <>
# - mail list (patches): <>
# sxmo technical overview:
# - inputs
# - bonsaid: handles vol/power buttons
# - it receives those buttons from dwm (if x11) harcoded in config.h or sway (if wayland)
# - lisgd: handles gestures
# - startup
# - daemon based (lisgsd, idle_locker, statusbar_periodics)
# - auto-started at login
# - managable by ``
# - list available daemons: ` list`
# - query if a daemon is active: ` running <my-daemon>`
# - start daemon: ` start <my-daemon>`
# - managable by `superctl`
# - `superctl status`
# - user hooks:
# - live in ~/.config/sxmo/hooks/
# - logs:
# - live in ~/.local/state/sxmo.log
# - ~/.local/state/superd.log
# - ~/.local/state/superd/logs/<daemon>.log
# - `journalctl --user --boot` (lightdm redirects the sxmo session stdout => systemd)
# - default components:
# - DE: sway (if wayland), dwm (if X)
# - menus: bemenu (if wayland), dmenu (if X)
# - gestures: lisgd
# - on-screen keyboard: wvkbd (if wayland), svkbd (if X)
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
cfg = config.sane.gui.sxmo;
package = cfg.package;
knownKeyboards = {
# map keyboard package name -> name of binary to invoke
wvkbd = "wvkbd-mobintl";
svkbd = "svkbd-mobile-intl";
knownTerminals = {
vte = "vte-2.91";
systemd-cat = "${pkgs.systemd}/bin/systemd-cat";
runWithLogger = identifier: cmd: pkgs.writeShellScript identifier ''
echo "launching ${identifier}..." | ${systemd-cat} --identifier=${identifier}
${cmd} 2>&1 | ${systemd-cat} --identifier=${identifier}
hookPkgs = {
block_suspend = pkgs.static-nix-shell.mkBash {
pname = "";
pkgs = [ "procps" ];
src = ./hooks;
inputhandler = pkgs.static-nix-shell.mkBash {
pname = "";
pkgs = [ "coreutils" "playerctl" "pulseaudio" ];
src = ./hooks;
postwake = pkgs.static-nix-shell.mkBash {
pname = "";
pkgs = [ "coreutils" ];
src = ./hooks;
rotate = pkgs.static-nix-shell.mkBash {
pname = "";
pkgs = [ "sway" ];
src = ./hooks;
start = pkgs.static-nix-shell.mkBash {
pname = "";
pkgs = [ "systemd" "xdg-user-dirs" ];
src = ./hooks;
suspend = pkgs.static-nix-shell.mkPython3Bin {
pname = "";
pkgs = [ "rtl8723cs-wowlan" "util-linux" ];
src = ./hooks;
extraMakeWrapperArgs = [ "--add-flags" "--verbose" ];
options = with lib; {
sane.gui.sxmo.enable = mkOption {
default = false;
type = types.bool;
sane.gui.sxmo.greeter = mkOption {
type = types.nullOr (types.enum [
# default = "lightdm-mobile";
# default = "greetd-sway-phog";
default = "unl0kr";
description = ''
which greeter to use.
"greetd-phog" => phosh-based greeter. keypad (0-9) with option to open an on-screen keyboard.
"greetd-sway-gtkgreet" => layered sway greeter. keyboard-only user/pass input; impractical on mobile.
"greetd-sway-phog" => phog, but uses sway as the compositor instead of phoc.
requires a patched phog, since sway doesn't provide the Wayland global "zphoc_layer_shell_effects_v1".
"greetd-sxmo" => launch sxmo directly from greetd, no auth.
this means no keychain unlocked or encrypted home mounted.
"lightdm-mobile" => keypad style greeter. can only enter digits 0-9 as password.
"unl0kr" => pmOS boot unlocker. uses a virtual keyboard, can enter most passwords.
sane.gui.sxmo.package = mkOption {
type = types.package;
default = pkgs.sxmo-utils.override { preferSystemd = true; };
description = ''
sxmo base scripts and hooks collection.
consider overriding the outputs under /share/sxmo/default_hooks
to insert your own user scripts.
sane.gui.sxmo.hooks = mkOption {
type = types.attrsOf types.path;
default = {
# default upstream hooks
# additional hooks are in subdirectories like three_button_touchscreen/
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# by including hooks here, updating the sxmo package also updates the hooks
# without requiring any reboot
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
# "" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
"" = "${package}/share/sxmo/default_hooks/";
} // {
# default hooks for this nix module, not upstreamable
"" = "${hookPkgs.block_suspend}/bin/";
"" = "${hookPkgs.inputhandler}/bin/";
"" = "${hookPkgs.postwake}/bin/";
"" = "${hookPkgs.rotate}/bin/";
"" = "${hookPkgs.start}/bin/";
"" = "${hookPkgs.suspend}/bin/";
description = ''
extra hooks to add with higher priority than the builtins
sane.gui.sxmo.terminal = mkOption {
# type = types.nullOr (types.enum [ "foot" "st" "vte" ]);
type = types.nullOr types.str;
default = "foot";
description = ''
name of terminal to use for
foot, st, and vte have special integrations in sxmo, but any will work.
sane.gui.sxmo.keyboard = mkOption {
# type = types.nullOr (types.enum ["wvkbd"])
type = types.nullOr types.str;
default = "wvkbd";
description = ''
name of on-screen-keyboard to use for
this sets the KEYBOARD environment variable.
see also: KEYBOARD_ARGS.
sane.gui.sxmo.settings = mkOption {
description = ''
environment variables used to configure sxmo.
type = types.submodule {
freeformType = types.attrsOf types.str;
options =
mkSettingsOpt = default: description: mkOption {
inherit default description;
type = types.nullOr types.str;
in {
SXMO_BAR_SHOW_BAT_PER = mkSettingsOpt "1" "show battery percentage in statusbar";
SXMO_DISABLE_CONFIGVERSION_CHECK = mkSettingsOpt "1" "allow omitting the configversion line from user-provided sxmo dotfiles";
SXMO_UNLOCK_IDLE_TIME = mkSettingsOpt "300" "how many seconds of inactivity before locking the screen"; # lock -> screenoff happens 8s later, not configurable
# SXMO_WM = mkSettingsOpt "sway" "sway or dwm. ordinarily initialized by sxmo_{x,w}";
SXMO_NO_AUDIO = mkSettingsOpt "" "don't start pipewire/pulseaudio in, don't show audio in statusbar, disable audio menu";
SXMO_STATES = mkSettingsOpt "unlock screenoff" "list of states the device should support (unlock, lock, screenoff)";
SXMO_SWAY_SCALE = mkSettingsOpt "1" "sway output scale";
SXMO_WOB_DISABLE = mkSettingsOpt "" "disable the on-screen volume display";
default = {};
sane.gui.sxmo.noidle = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = "inhibit lock-on-idle and screenoff-on-idle";
sane.gui.sxmo.nogesture = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = "don't start lisgd gesture daemon by default";
imports = [
config = lib.mkMerge [
sane.programs.sxmoApps = {
packageUnwrapped = null;
suggestedPrograms = [
"bemenu" # specifically to import its theming
"sfeed" # want this here so that the user's ~/.sfeed/sfeedrc gets created
# "superd" # make superctl (used by sxmo) be on PATH
# "sway-autoscaler"
persist.byStore.cryptClearOnBoot = [
# builds to be 10's of MB per day
# ".local/state/superd/logs"
".local/share/sxmo/modem" # SMS
".local/share/sxmo/notifications" # so i can see new SMS messages. not sure actually if this needs persisting or if it'll re-hydrate from modem.
# TODO: lift to option declaration
# N.B.: TERMCMD was renamed SXMO_TERMINAL on 2023/08/29
sane.gui.sxmo.settings.SXMO_TERMINAL = lib.mkIf (cfg.terminal != null)
(lib.mkDefault (knownTerminals."${cfg.terminal}" or cfg.terminal));
sane.gui.sxmo.settings.KEYBOARD = lib.mkIf (cfg.keyboard != null)
(lib.mkDefault (knownKeyboards."${cfg.keyboard}" or cfg.keyboard));
(lib.mkIf cfg.enable (lib.mkMerge [
sane.programs.waybar.config = {
top = import ./waybar-top.nix { inherit pkgs; };
# reset extra waybar style
extra_style = "";
sane.gui.sway = {
enable = true;
# we manage the greeter ourselves (TODO: merge this into sway config as well)
# EXCEPT for the unl0kr case, since that works well on both mobile and desktop!
useGreeter = cfg.greeter == "unl0kr";
config = {
# N.B. missing from upstream sxmo config here is:
# - `bindsym $mod+g exec`
# - `bindsym $mod+t exec power`
# - `bindsym $mod+i exec windowswitcher`
# - `bindsym $mod+p exec`
# - `bindsym $mod+Shift+p exec sys`
# - `input * xkb_options compose:ralt`
# these could be added, but i don't see much benefit.
font = "pango:monospace 10";
mod = "Mod1"; # prefer Alt
# about xwayland:
# - required by many electron apps, though some electron apps support NIXOS_OZONE_WL=1 for native wayland.
# - when xwayland is enabled, KOreader incorrectly chooses the X11 backend
# -> slower; blurrier
# - xwayland uses a small amount of memory (like 30MiB, IIRC?)
xwayland = false;
workspace_layout = "tabbed";
screenshot_cmd = "";
extra_lines =
sxmo_init = pkgs.writeShellScript "" ''
# perform the same behavior as sxmo_{x,w} -- but without actually launching wayland/X11
# this amounts to:
# - setting env vars (e.g. getting the hooks onto PATH)
# - placing default configs in ~ for sxmo-launched services (
# - binding vol/power buttons (
# - launching
# the commands here are similar to upstream, but not identical and the ordering may be different
# profile may contain SXMO_DEVICE_NAME which is used by _sxmo_load_environment so load it early
source "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sxmo/profile"
# sourcing upstream triggers _sxmo_load_environment
# which ensures SXMO_* environment variables are set
source ${package}/etc/profile.d/
# _sxmo_prepare_dirs ensures ~/.cache/sxmo & other XDG dirs exist with correct perms & owner
# migrate tells sxmo to provide the following default files:
# - ~/.config/sxmo/profile
# - ~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d/50-sxmo.conf
# - ~/.config/sxmo/sway
# - ~/.config/foot/foot.ini
# - ~/.config/mako/config
# - ~/.config/sxmo/bonsai_tree.json
# - ~/.config/wob/wob.ini
# - ~/.config/sxmo/conky.conf sync
# various things may have happened above that require me to re-load the profile here:
# - _sxmo_load_environment sources a file, which may override my profile settings.
# very obvious if you set a non-default SXMO_SWAY_SCALE.
# - may have provided a default profile, if i failed to
source "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sxmo/profile"
# place my non-specialized hooks at higher precedence than the default device-hooks
# alternative would be to move my hooks to ~/.config/sxmo/hooks/<device-name>.
export PATH="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sxmo/hooks:$PATH"
# kill anything leftover from the previous sxmo run. this way we can (try to) be reentrant
echo "sxmo_init: killing stale daemons (if active)" stop all
pkill bemenu
pkill wvkbd
pkill superd
# configure vol/power-button input mapping (upstream SXMO has this in sway config)
echo "sxmo_init: configuring sway bindings/displays with:"
echo "sxmo_init: invoking with:"
echo "PATH: $PATH"
in ''
# TODO: some of this is probably unnecessary
mode "menu" {
# just a placeholder for "menu" mode
bindsym --input-device=1:1:1c21800.lradc XF86AudioMute exec nothing
bindsym button2 kill
bindswitch lid:on exec dpms on
bindswitch lid:off exec dpms off
exec 'printf %s "$SWAYSOCK" > "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"/sxmo.swaysock'
# XXX(2023/12/04): this shouldn't be necessary, but without this Komikku fails to launch because XDG_SESSION_TYPE is unset
exec dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd XDG_SESSION_TYPE
exec_always ${sxmo_init}
sane.programs.sxmoApps.enableFor.user.colin = true;
sane.programs.sway-autoscaler.config.defaultScale = builtins.fromJSON cfg.settings.SXMO_SWAY_SCALE;
# sxmo internally uses doas instead of sudo
security.doas.enable = true;
security.doas.wheelNeedsPassword = false;
# lightdm-mobile-greeter: "The name org.a11y.Bus was not provided by any .service files" = true;
# TODO: could use `displayManager.sessionPackages`?
environment.systemPackages = [
pkgs.bonsai # sway (not sxmo) needs to exec `bonsaictl` by name (
] ++ lib.optionals (cfg.terminal != null) [ pkgs."${cfg.terminal}" ]
++ lib.optionals (cfg.keyboard != null) [ pkgs."${cfg.keyboard}" ];
environment.sessionVariables = {
# TODO: only need the share/sxmo directly linked
} // (lib.filterAttrs (k: v:
k == "SXMO_DISABLE_CONFIGVERSION_CHECK" # read before `profile` is sourced
|| k == "SXMO_TERMINAL" # for apps launched via `swaymsg exec -- ...`
sane.gui.sxmo.bonsaid.transitions = let
doExec = inputName: transitions: {
type = "exec";
command = [
inherit transitions;
onDelay = ms: transitions: {
type = "delay";
delay_duration = ms * 1000000;
inherit transitions;
onEvent = eventName: transitions: {
type = "event";
event_name = eventName;
inherit transitions;
friendlyToBonsai = { trigger ? null, terminal ? false, timeout ? {}, power_pressed ? {}, power_released ? {}, voldown_pressed ? {}, voldown_released ? {}, volup_pressed ? {}, volup_released ? {} }@args:
if trigger != null then [
(doExec trigger (friendlyToBonsai (builtins.removeAttrs args ["trigger"])))
] else let
events = [ ]
++ (lib.optional (timeout != {}) (onDelay ( or 400) (friendlyToBonsai (builtins.removeAttrs timeout ["ms"]))))
++ (lib.optional (power_pressed != {}) (onEvent "power_pressed" (friendlyToBonsai power_pressed)))
++ (lib.optional (power_released != {}) (onEvent "power_released" (friendlyToBonsai power_released)))
++ (lib.optional (voldown_pressed != {}) (onEvent "voldown_pressed" (friendlyToBonsai voldown_pressed)))
++ (lib.optional (voldown_released != {}) (onEvent "voldown_released" (friendlyToBonsai voldown_released)))
++ (lib.optional (volup_pressed != {}) (onEvent "volup_pressed" (friendlyToBonsai volup_pressed)))
++ (lib.optional (volup_released != {}) (onEvent "volup_released" (friendlyToBonsai volup_released)))
in assert terminal -> events == []; events;
# trigger ${button}_hold_N every `holdTime` ms until ${button} is released
recurseHold = button: { count ? 1, maxHolds ? 5, prefix ? "", holdTime ? 600, ... }@opts: lib.optionalAttrs (count <= maxHolds) {
"${button}_released".terminal = true; # end the hold -> back to root state
timeout = {
ms = holdTime;
trigger = "${prefix}${button}_hold_${builtins.toString count}";
} // (recurseHold button (opts // { count = count+1; }));
# trigger volup_tap_N or voldown_tap_N on every tap.
# if a volume button is held, then switch into `recurseHold`'s handling instead
volumeActions = { count ? 1, maxTaps ? 5, prefix ? "", timeout ? 600, ... }@opts: lib.optionalAttrs (count != maxTaps) {
volup_pressed = (recurseHold "volup" opts) // {
volup_released = {
trigger = "${prefix}volup_tap_${builtins.toString count}"; = timeout;
} // (volumeActions (opts // { count = count+1; }));
voldown_pressed = (recurseHold "voldown" opts) // {
voldown_released = {
trigger = "${prefix}voldown_tap_${builtins.toString count}"; = timeout;
} // (volumeActions (opts // { count = count+1; }));
in friendlyToBonsai {
# map sequences of "events" to an argument to pass to
# map: power (short), power (short) x2, power (long) = 900; # press w/o release. this is a long timeout because it's tied to the "kill window" action.
power_pressed.timeout.trigger = "powerhold";
power_pressed.power_released.timeout.trigger = "powerbutton_one"; = 300;
power_pressed.power_released.power_pressed.trigger = "powerbutton_two";
# map: volume taps and holds
volup_pressed = (recurseHold "volup" {}) // {
# this either becomes volup_hold_* (via recurseHold, above) or:
# - a short volup_tap_1 followed by:
# - a *finalized* volup_1 (i.e. end of action)
# - more taps/holds, in which case we prefix it with `modal_<action>`
# to denote that we very explicitly entered this state.
# it's clunky: i do it this way so that voldown can map to keyboard/terminal in unlock mode
# but trigger media controls in screenoff
# in a way which *still* allows media controls if explicitly entered into via a tap on volup first
volup_released = (volumeActions { prefix = "modal_"; }) // {
trigger = "volup_tap_1"; = 300;
timeout.trigger = "volup_1";
voldown_pressed = (volumeActions {}).voldown_pressed // {
trigger = "voldown_start";
# sxmo puts in /share/sxmo:
# - profile.d/
# - appcfg/
# - default_hooks/
# - and more
# environment.pathsToLink = [ "/share/sxmo" ];
# if superd fails to start a service within 100ms, it'll try to start again
# the fallout of this is that during intense lag (e.g. OOM or swapping) it can
# start the service many times.
# see <repo:craftyguy/superd:internal/cmd/cmd.go>
# startTimerDuration = 100 * time.Millisecond
# TODO: better fix may be to patch `` and force it to behave as a singleton
#"dedupe-sxmo-lisgd" = {
# description = "kill duplicate lisgd processes started by superd";
# serviceConfig = {
# Type = "oneshot";
# };
# script = ''
# if [ "$(${pkgs.procps}/bin/pgrep -c lisgd)" -gt 1 ]; then
# echo 'killing duplicated lisgd daemons'
# ${pkgs.psmisc}/bin/killall lisgd # let superd restart it
# fi
# '';
# wantedBy = [ "" ];
# };
# systemd.timers."dedupe-sxmo-lisgd" = {
# wantedBy = [ "dedupe-sxmo-lisgd.service" ];
# timerConfig = {
# OnUnitActiveSec = "2min";
# };
# };
sane.user.fs = lib.mkMerge [
# link the superd services into a place where systemd can find them.
# the unit files should be compatible, except maybe for PATH handling
# ".config/systemd/user/autocutsel-primary.service" = "${package}/share/superd/services/autocutsel-primary.service";
# ".config/systemd/user/autocutsel.service" = "${package}/share/superd/services/autocutsel.service";
# ".config/systemd/user/bonsaid.service" = "${package}/share/superd/services/bonsaid.service";
# # ".config/systemd/user/dunst.service" = "${package}/share/superd/services/dunst.service";
# # ".config/systemd/user/mako.service" = "${package}/share/superd/services/mako.service";
# ".config/systemd/user/mmsd-tng.service" = "${package}/share/superd/services/mmsd-tng.service";
# ".config/systemd/user/sxmo_autosuspend.service" = "${package}/share/superd/services/sxmo_autosuspend.service";
# ".config/systemd/user/sxmo_battery_monitor.service" = "${package}/share/superd/services/sxmo_battery_monitor.service";
# ".config/systemd/user/sxmo_conky.service" = "${package}/share/superd/services/sxmo_conky.service";
# ".config/systemd/user/sxmo_desktop_widget.service" = "${package}/share/superd/services/sxmo_desktop_widget.service";
# ".config/systemd/user/sxmo_hook_lisgd.service" = "${package}/share/superd/services/sxmo_hook_lisgd.service";
# ".config/systemd/user/sxmo_menumode_toggler.service" = "${package}/share/superd/services/sxmo_menumode_toggler.service";
# ".config/systemd/user/sxmo_modemmonitor.service" = "${package}/share/superd/services/sxmo_modemmonitor.service";
# ".config/systemd/user/sxmo_networkmonitor.service" = "${package}/share/superd/services/sxmo_networkmonitor.service";
# ".config/systemd/user/sxmo_notificationmonitor.service" = "${package}/share/superd/services/sxmo_notificationmonitor.service";
# ".config/systemd/user/sxmo_soundmonitor.service" = "${package}/share/superd/services/sxmo_soundmonitor.service";
# ".config/systemd/user/sxmo_wob.service" = "${package}/share/superd/services/sxmo_wob.service";
# ".config/systemd/user/sxmo-x11-status.service" = "${package}/share/superd/services/sxmo-x11-status.service";
# ".config/systemd/user/unclutter.service" = "${package}/share/superd/services/unclutter.service";
# ".config/systemd/user/unclutter-xfixes.service" = "${package}/share/superd/services/unclutter-xfixes.service";
# ".config/systemd/user/vvmd.service" = "${package}/share/superd/services/vvmd.service";
# service code further below tells systemd to put ~/.config/sxmo/hooks on PATH, but it puts hooks/bin on PATH instead, so symlink that
".config/sxmo/hooks/bin" = ".";
".cache/sxmo/sxmo.noidle" = lib.mkIf cfg.noidle {
symlink.text = "";
".cache/sxmo/sxmo.nogesture" = lib.mkIf cfg.nogesture {
symlink.text = "";
".config/sxmo/profile".symlink.text = let
mkKeyValue = key: value: ''export ${key}="${value}"'';
lib.generators.toKeyValue { inherit mkKeyValue; } cfg.settings;
(lib.mapAttrs' (name: value: {
# sxmo's `_sxmo_load_environments` adds to PATH:
# - ~/.config/sxmo/hooks/$SXMO_DEVICE_NAME
# - ~/.config/sxmo/hooks
name = ".config/sxmo/hooks/${name}"; = value;
}) cfg.hooks)
]; = let
sxmoPath = [ package ] ++ package.runtimeDeps;
sxmoEnvSetup = ''
# mimic my a bit. refer to the actual above for details.
# the specific ordering, and the duplicated profile sourcing, matters.
export HOME="''${HOME:-/home/colin}"
export XDG_CONFIG_HOME="''${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}"
source "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sxmo/profile"
source ${package}/etc/profile.d/
source "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sxmo/profile"
export PATH="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sxmo/hooks:$PATH:${lib.makeBinPath sxmoPath}"
sxmoService = name: {
description = "sxmo ${name}";
script = ''
exec sxmo_${name}.sh
serviceConfig.Type = "simple";
serviceConfig.Restart = "always";
serviceConfig.RestartSec = "20s";
in {
# these are defined here, and started mostly in
# the ones commented our here are the ones i explicitly no longer use.
# uncommenting them here *won't* cause them to be auto-started.
sxmo_autosuspend = sxmoService "autosuspend";
# sxmo_battery_monitor = sxmoService "battery_monitor";
sxmo_desktop_widget = sxmoService "hook_desktop_widget";
sxmo_hook_lisgd = sxmoService "hook_lisgdstart";
sxmo_menumode_toggler = sxmoService "menumode_toggler";
sxmo_modemmonitor = sxmoService "modemmonitor";
# sxmo_networkmonitor = sxmoService "networkmonitor";
sxmo_notificationmonitor = sxmoService "notificationmonitor";
# sxmo_soundmonitor = sxmoService "soundmonitor";
# sxmo_wob = sxmoService "wob";
sxmo-x11-status = sxmoService "status_xsetroot";
bonsaid.script = lib.mkBefore sxmoEnvSetup;
(lib.mkIf (cfg.greeter == "lightdm-mobile") {
sane.persist.sys.byStore.plaintext = [
# this takes up 4-5 MB of fontconfig and mesa shader caches.
# it could optionally be cleared on boot.
{ path = "/var/lib/lightdm"; user = "lightdm"; group = "lightdm"; mode = "0770"; }
services.xserver = {
enable = true;
displayManager.lightdm.enable = true; = true;
displayManager.lightdm.extraSeatDefaults = ''
user-session = swmo
displayManager.sessionPackages = with pkgs; [
package # this gets share/wayland-sessions/swmo.desktop linked
# taken from gui/phosh:
# NB: setting defaultSession has the critical side-effect that it lets org.freedesktop.AccountsService
# know that our user exists. this ensures lightdm succeeds when calling /org/freedesktop/AccountsServices ListCachedUsers
# lightdm greeters get the login users from lightdm which gets it from org.freedesktop.Accounts.ListCachedUsers.
# this requires the user we want to login as to be cached.
displayManager.job.preStart = ''
${pkgs.systemd}/bin/busctl call org.freedesktop.Accounts /org/freedesktop/Accounts org.freedesktop.Accounts CacheUser s colin
(lib.mkIf (cfg.greeter == "greetd-sway-gtkgreet") {
sane.gui.greetd = {
enable = true;
sway.enable = true;
sway.gtkgreet.enable = true; = "sxmo-on-gtkgreet";
sway.gtkgreet.session.command = "${pkgs.sway}/bin/sway --debug";
(lib.mkIf (cfg.greeter == "greetd-sway-phog") {
sane.gui.greetd = {
enable = true;
sway.enable = true;
sway.greeterCmd = "${pkgs.phog}/libexec/phog";
# phog locates (or sway.desktop) via <env>/share/wayland-sessions
environment.pathsToLink = [ "/share/wayland-sessions" ];
(lib.mkIf (cfg.greeter == "greetd-phog") {
sane.gui.greetd = {
enable = true; = "phog";
session.command = "${pkgs.phog}/bin/phog";
# phog locates (or sway.desktop) via <env>/share/wayland-sessions
environment.pathsToLink = [ "/share/wayland-sessions" ];
(lib.mkIf (cfg.greeter == "greetd-sxmo") {
sane.gui.greetd = {
enable = true; = "sxmo";
# session.command = "${package}/bin/";
session.command = "${pkgs.sway}/bin/sway --debug";
session.user = "colin";
# old, greeterless options:
# services.xserver.windowManager.session = [{
# name = "sxmo";
# desktopNames = [ "sxmo" ];
# start = ''
# ${package}/bin/ &
# waitPID=$!
# '';
# }];
# services.xserver.enable = true;