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# arch package:
# - <>
# - builds with `yarn generate; yarn build`
# alpine package:
# - <>
# - more involved build process, apparently to reuse deps shared with other parts of the OS:
# - manually build signal's webrtc using ninja
# - manually build signal's ringrtc using yarn
# - manually build libsignal with yarn, cargo and cbindgen
# - yarn build:acknowledgments
# - yarn patch-package
# - npm rebuild esbuild # apparently esbuild is to be used later in the build process
# - yarn build:dev
# - yarn install
# - then it `mv`s and `patch`s a bunch of stuff
# - tasje pack
### TODO: build more components from source:
# - the dependencies which alpine builds live over here:
# - <$_libsignalver/libsignal-$_libsignalver.tar.gz>
# - <$_ringrtcver/ringrtc-$_ringrtcver.tar.gz>
# - <$_webrtcver.tar.zst>
# - <$_stokenizerver/stokenizer-$_stokenizerver.tar.gz>
# - nixpkgs packages libsignal-protocol-c, but i think not the actual `libsignal`
# - <>
# - flare-signal references <>
# - same with gurk-rs
# - neither of these do anything special with it.
# - however, they do refer to it as `name = "libsignal-protocol"`, so maybe libsignal-protocol-c is quite related?
# - and also `name = "poksho"`, signal-crypto, zkcredential, zkgroup, etc
#### better-sqlite
# try:
# - npm rebuild @signalapp/better-sqlite3 --offline
# - npm rebuild @signalapp/better-sqlite3 --offline --nodedir="${nodeSources}" --build-from-source
# - patchelf --add-needed ${icu}/lib/ node_modules/@signalapp/better-sqlite3/build/Release/better_sqlite3.node
# or:
# - npm rebuild \
# @signalapp/better-sqlite3 \
# sharp spellchecker websocket \
# utf-8-validate bufferutil fs-xattr \
# --offline --nodedir="${nodeSources}" --build-from-source
# or:
# - npm_config_nodedir="${nodeSources}" npm_config_node_gyp="${buildPackages.nodejs}/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js" npm rebuild --verbose --sqlite=${} @signalapp/better-sqlite3
# or, with nodeSources = srcOnly nodejs';
# - pushd node_modules/@signalapp/better-sqlite3
# - patch -p1 < ${bettersqlitePatch}
# - npm run build-release --offline
# - npm run build-release --offline --nodedir="${nodeSources}"
# - find build -type f -exec \
# remove-references-to \
# -t "${nodeSources}" {} \;
# - popd
#### ringrtc:
# - readme says that it's going to download webrtc components -- that's probably why Alpine builds that first
# - "To build the Node.js module suitable for including in an Electron app, run:"
# make electron PLATFORM=<platform> NODEJS_ARCH=<arch>
# - compiling x64 -> arm64 is supported, but arm64 -> arm64 is *not*
# - the referenced file is a 13 MB ELF: /nix/store/7hb6840x2f10zpm3d5ccj3kr3vaf93n5-signal-desktop-6.36.0/lib/Signal/resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/@signalapp/ringrtc/build/linux/libringrtc-x64.node
# - not in
# - TODO: simplest test would be to just copy this out of nixpkgs' signal-desktop
#### webrtc:
# - nothing much in nixpkgs cites "signalapp", so i probably have to do this manually
# - nothing named `webrtc` linked from the signal-desktop appimage
# - it's like 900MB??
# - not in
{ lib
, alsa-lib
, at-spi2-atk
, at-spi2-core
, atk
, autoPatchelfHook
, bash
# , callPackage
, cups
# , electron_25
# , electron_26
# , electron
# , electron_25-bin
, electron_27-bin
# , electron-bin
, fetchurl
, fetchFromGitHub
, fetchYarnDeps
, flac
, fixup_yarn_lock
, gdk-pixbuf
, gnused
, gtk3
, icu
, libpulseaudio
, libwebp
, libxslt
, makeWrapper
, mesa
, nodejs # version 18
# , nodejs_latest
, nspr
, nss
, pango
, python3
# , signal-desktop
# , sqlite
# , sqlcipher
, stdenv
# , substituteAll
, wrapGAppsHook
, yarn
ringrtcPrebuild = fetchurl {
url = "";
hash = "sha256-TkMa1lCTVIvXh6ixoEXR+tOUTnTLw/Ax3FMyD7qSr34=";
sqlcipherTarball = fetchurl {
url = "";
hash = "sha256-71PqRe2SuSjs/TPFUtjUBSY+huY97Djh7GPhsBk7Yws=";
# signal-fts5-extension = callPackage ./fts5-extension { };
# bettersqlitePatch = substituteAll {
# # this patch does more than just use the system sqlcipher.
# # it also tells bettersqlite to link against its needed runtime dependencies,
# # since there's a few statically linked things which aren't called out.
# # it also tells bettersqlite not to download sqlcipher when we `npm rebuild`
# src = ./bettersqlite-use-system-sqlcipher.patch;
# inherit sqlcipher;
# inherit (nodejs') libv8;
# signal_fts5_extension = signal-fts5-extension;
# };
nodejs_18_15_0 = nodejs.overrideAttrs (upstream:
# 18.15.0 matches the version in package.json
version = "18.15.0";
hash = "sha256-jkTWUBj/lzKEGVwjGGRpoOpAgul+xCAOX1cG1VhNqjc=";
in {
inherit version;
src = fetchurl {
url = "${version}/node-v${version}.tar.xz";
inherit hash;
nodejs' = nodejs_18_15_0;
# nodejs' = nodejs_latest;
yarn' = yarn.override { nodejs = nodejs'; };
# package.json locks electron to 25.y.z
# element-desktop uses electron_26
# nixpkgs has `electron` defaulted to electron_27
# alpine builds signal-desktop using its default electron version, i.e. 27.0.2
# verified working:
# - electron-bin (26)
# - electron_27-bin (builds, haven't extensively tested the runtime)
# the non-bin varieties *seem* to ship the wrong `electron.headers` property.
# - maybe they can work if i manually DL and ship the corresponding headers
electron' = electron_27-bin;
buildNpmArch = if stdenv.buildPlatform.isAarch64 then "arm64" else "x64";
hostNpmArch = if stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64 then "arm64" else "x64";
crossNpmArchExt = if buildNpmArch == hostNpmArch then "" else "-${hostNpmArch}";
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "signal-desktop-from-src";
version = "6.38.0";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "signalapp";
repo = "Signal-Desktop";
rev = "v${version}";
hash = "sha256-wKBhiiZhSivw4NYJ7uQDX8tMKxvMUYnu8cfr0IfjMMk=";
# patches = [
# ./debug.patch
# ];
nativeBuildInputs = [
nodejs' # possibly i could instead use nodejs-slim (npm-less nodejs)
buildInputs = [
mesa # for libgbm
# so that bettersqlite may link against sqlcipher (see patch)
# but i don't know if it actually needs to. just copied this from alpine.
# sqlcipher
env.yarnOfflineCache = fetchYarnDeps {
# this might be IFD: if `nix run '.#check.nur'` fails then inline the lock: `yarnLock = ./yarn.lock`
yarnLock = "${src}/yarn.lock";
hash = "sha256-wSX09S+UOBPE3Ozh6+BieADMGG9MO8XnjaHWrxCqfao=";
postPatch = ''
# fixes build failure:
# > Fusing electron at /build/source/release/linux-unpacked/signal-desktop inspect-arguments=false
# > EACCES: permission denied, open '/build/source/release/linux-unpacked/signal-desktop' failedTask=build stackTrace=Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/build/source/release/linux-unpacked/signal-desktop'
# electron "fusing" (electron.flipFuses) seems to be configuring which functionality electron will support at runtime.
# notably: ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE, cookie encryption, NODE_OPTIONS env var, --inspect-* CLI args, app.asar validation
# skipping the fuse process seems relatively inconsequential
substituteInPlace ts/scripts/after-pack.ts \
--replace 'await fuseElectron' '//await fuseElectron'
configurePhase = ''
runHook preConfigure
yarn config --offline set yarn-offline-mirror $yarnOfflineCache
fixup_yarn_lock yarn.lock
# prevent any attempt at downloading nodejs C headers
# see: <>
tar xzf ${electron'.headers}
export npm_config_nodedir=$(pwd)/node_headers
export npm_config_arch=${buildNpmArch}
export npm_config_target_arch=${hostNpmArch}
# optional flags: --no-progress --non-interactive
# yarn install creates the node_modules/ directory
# --ignore-scripts tells yarn to not run the "install" or "postinstall" commands mentioned in dependencies' package.json
# since many of those require network access
yarn install --offline --frozen-lockfile --ignore-scripts
patchShebangs node_modules/
# patch these out to remove a runtime reference back to the build bash
# (better, perhaps, would be for these build scripts to not be included in the asar...)
sed -i 's:#!.*/bin/bash:#!/bin/sh:g' node_modules/@swc/helpers/scripts/
sed -i 's:#!.*/bin/bash:#!/bin/sh:g' node_modules/@swc/helpers/scripts/
substituteInPlace node_modules/dashdash/etc/ --replace '#!/bin/bash' '#!/bin/sh'
# provide necessecities which were skipped as part of --ignore-scripts
cp ${ringrtcPrebuild} node_modules/@signalapp/ringrtc/scripts/prebuild.tar.gz
pushd node_modules/@signalapp/ringrtc/
tar -xzf ./scripts/prebuild.tar.gz
cp ${sqlcipherTarball} node_modules/@signalapp/better-sqlite3/deps/sqlcipher.tar.gz
pushd node_modules/@signalapp/better-sqlite3
yarn --offline build-release
pushd node_modules/@signalapp/libsignal-client
yarn node-gyp-build
# there are more dependencies which had install/postinstall scripts, but it seems we can safely ignore them
# run signal's own `postinstall`:
yarn build:acknowledgments
yarn patch-package
# yarn electron:install-app-deps # not necessary
runHook postConfigure
# excerpts from package.json:
# - "build": "run-s --print-label generate build:esbuild:prod build:release"
# - "generate": "npm-run-all build-protobuf build:esbuild sass get-expire-time copy-components"
# - "build-protobuf": "yarn build-module-protobuf"
# - "build-module-protobuf": "pbjs --target static-module --force-long --no-typeurl --no-verify --no-create --wrap commonjs --out ts/protobuf/compiled.js protos/*.proto && pbts --out ts/protobuf/compiled.d.ts ts/protobuf/compiled.js"
# - "build:esbuild": "node scripts/esbuild.js"
# - "sass": "sass stylesheets/manifest.scss:stylesheets/manifest.css stylesheets/manifest_bridge.scss:stylesheets/manifest_bridge.css"`
# - "get-expire-time": "node ts/scripts/get-expire-time.js"
# - "copy-components": "node ts/scripts/copy.js"
# - "build:esbuild:prod": "node scripts/esbuild.js --prod"
# - "build:release": "cross-env SIGNAL_ENV=production yarn build:electron -- --config.directories.output=release"
# - "build:electron": "electron-builder --config.extraMetadata.environment=$SIGNAL_ENV"
# - "build:dev": "run-s --print-label generate build:esbuild:prod"
# i can't call toplevel `yarn build` because it doesn't properly forward the `--offline` flags where they need to go.
# instead i call each step individually.
buildPhase = ''
runHook preBuild
# allow building with different node version than what upstream package.json requests
# (i still use the same major version)
# echo 'ignore-engines true' > .yarnrc
# yarn generate:
yarn build-module-protobuf --offline --frozen-lockfile
yarn build:esbuild --offline --frozen-lockfile
yarn sass
yarn get-expire-time
yarn copy-components
yarn build:esbuild:prod --offline --frozen-lockfile
yarn build:release \
--linux --${hostNpmArch} \
-c.electronDist=${electron'}/libexec/electron \
-c.electronVersion=${electron'.version} \
runHook postBuild
installPhase = ''
runHook preInstall
# directory structure follows the original `signal-desktop` nix package
mkdir -p $out/lib
cp -R release/linux${crossNpmArchExt}-unpacked $out/lib/Signal
# cp -R release/linux-unpacked/resources $out/lib/Signal/resources
# cp -R release/linux-unpacked/locales $out/lib/Signal/locales
mkdir $out/bin
makeWrapper ${electron'}/bin/electron $out/bin/signal-desktop \
--add-flags $out/lib/Signal/resources/app.asar \
--add-flags "\''${NIXOS_OZONE_WL:+\''${WAYLAND_DISPLAY:+--ozone-platform-hint=auto --enable-features=WaylandWindowDecorations}}" \
runHook postInstall
# passthru = {
# inherit bettersqlitePatch signal-fts5-extension;
# };
meta = {
description = "Private, simple, and secure messenger";
longDescription = ''
Signal Desktop is an Electron application that links with your
"Signal Android" or "Signal iOS" app.
homepage = "";
changelog = "${version}";
license = lib.licenses.agpl3Only;